Exemplo n.º 1
    def compose(self, mechanism_list, coeff_list):
        In the composition, we keep track of two lists of characteristic functions (Phi(t) and Phi'(t))with
        respect to the privacy loss R.V. log(p/q) and log(q/p).
        For most basic mechanisms (e.g., Gaussian mechanism, Lapalce mechanism), their phi(t) and Phi'(t) are the same.
        For some advanced mechanisms (e.g., SubsampleGaussian mechanism), their characteristic functions are not symmetric.

        newmech = Mechanism()

        # update the functions: log_phi_p and log_phi_q
        def new_log_phi_p(x):
            return sum([c * mech.log_phi_p(x) for (mech, c) in zip(mechanism_list, coeff_list)])

        def new_log_phi_q(x):
            return sum([c * mech.log_phi_q(x) for (mech, c) in zip(mechanism_list, coeff_list)])

        newmech.exactPhi = False

        # For mechanism with an exact phi-function, it admits both upper and lower bound phi-functions.
        # The phi-functions of mechanisms that are being composed shall be all (upper_bound / exact_phi)  or (lower_bound / exact_phi.

        newmech.log_phi_p = lambda x: new_log_phi_p(x)
        newmech.log_phi_q = lambda x: new_log_phi_q(x)

        newmech.propagate_updates((new_log_phi_p, new_log_phi_q), 'log_phi')
        # Other book keeping
        newmech.name = self.update_name(mechanism_list, coeff_list)
        # keep track of all parameters of the composed mechanisms
        newmech.params = self.update_params(mechanism_list)

        return newmech
Exemplo n.º 2
    def compose(self, mechanism_list, coeff_list, RDP_compose_only=True, BBGHS_conversion=True, fDP_based_conversion=False):
        # Make sure that the mechanism has a unique list
        # for example, if there are two Gaussian mechanism with two different sigmas, call it
        # Gaussian1, and Gaussian2

        # if RDP_compose_only is true, we use only RDP composition.

        newmech = Mechanism()

        # update the functions
        def newrdp(x):
            return sum([c * mech.RenyiDP(x) for (mech, c) in zip(mechanism_list, coeff_list)])
        newmech.propagate_updates(newrdp, 'RDP',  BBGHS_conversion= BBGHS_conversion, fDP_based_conversion=fDP_based_conversion)

        # TODO: the fDP_based_conversion sometimes fails due to undefined RDP with alpha < 1

        newmech.eps_pureDP = sum([c * mech.eps_pureDP for (mech, c)
                                  in zip(mechanism_list, coeff_list)])
        newmech.delta0 = max([mech.delta0 for (mech, c)
                              in zip(mechanism_list, coeff_list)])

        if not RDP_compose_only:  # Also do KOV-composition while optimizing over \delta parameter
            # TODO: Also implement the KOV-composition here and propagate the updates
            # TODO: How do we generically compose eps(delta) functions?
            # TODO: How do we generically compose approximate RDP functions
            # TODO: How do we generically compose fDP? (efficiently)

        # Other book keeping
        newmech.name = self.update_name(mechanism_list, coeff_list)
        # keep track of all parameters of the composed mechanisms
        newmech.params = self.update_params(mechanism_list)

        return newmech
Exemplo n.º 3
    def compose(self, mechanism_list, comp_list):
        In the composition, we keep track of two lists of characteristic functions (Phi(t) and Phi'(t))with
        respect to the privacy loss R.V. log(p/q) and log(q/p).
        For most basic mechanisms (e.g., Gaussian mechanism, Laplace mechanism), their phi(t) and Phi'(t) are the same.
        For some advanced mechanisms (e.g., SubsampleGaussian mechanism), their characteristic functions are not symmetric.

        newmech = Mechanism()
        def new_log_phi_p(x):
            return sum([c * mech.log_phi_p(x) for (mech, c) in zip(mechanism_list, comp_list)])

        def new_log_phi_q(x):
            return sum([c * mech.log_phi_q(x) for (mech, c) in zip(mechanism_list, comp_list)])

        # Define a composed mechanism
        newmech.log_phi_p = lambda x: new_log_phi_p(x)
        newmech.log_phi_q = lambda x: new_log_phi_q(x)

        newmech.propagate_updates((newmech.log_phi_p, newmech.log_phi_q), 'log_phi', n_quad=self.n_quad)
        # Other book keeping
        newmech.name = self.update_name(mechanism_list, comp_list)
        # keep track of all parameters of the composed mechanisms
        newmech.params = self.update_params(mechanism_list)

        return newmech
Exemplo n.º 4
    def amplify(self, mechanism, prob, improved_bound_flag=False):
        # If you know that your mechanism
        #  - (for PoissonSampling) satisfies the the conditions in Theorem 8 of http://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/zhu19c/zhu19c.pdf
        #  - or (for subsampling)  satisfies the conditions of Theorem 27 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.00087.pdf
        # then you may switch general_bound_flag to False to get a tighter bound.

        # Else, for all mechanisms with RDP bounds, the general upper bounds are used by default.

        newmech = Mechanism()

        # privacy amplification via approx-dp

        # Amplification of RDP
        # propagate to approxDP as well.

        if self.PoissonSampling:
            assert not mechanism.replace_one, "mechanism's replace_one notion of DP is " \
                                                   "incompatible with Privacy Amplification " \
                                                   "by Poisson sampling"
            # check that the input mechanism uses the standard add-or-remove notion of DP.
            # If not, there actually isn't a way to convert it from replace-one notation,
            # unless a "dummy" user exists in the space.
            newmech.replace_one = False

        else:  # if we want subsampled DP
            assert mechanism.replace_one, "mechanism's add-remove notion of DP is " \
                                                   "incompatible with Privacy Amplification " \
                                                   "by subsampling without replacements"
            # TODO: implement a transformer that convert add/remove to replace_one notion of DP.
            newmech.replace_one = True

        if prob == 0:
            new_approxDP = lambda delta:0
            new_approxDP = lambda delta: np.log(1 + prob*(np.exp(mechanism.approxDP(delta/prob))-1))
        newmech.approxDP = new_approxDP

        acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
        if self.PoissonSampling:
            if improved_bound_flag:
        else:  # subsampling
            if improved_bound_flag:
                acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(mechanism.RenyiDP, prob, improved_bound_flag=True)
                acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(mechanism.RenyiDP, prob)

        new_rdp = acct.evalRDP

        #TODO: Implement the amplification of f-DP
        # propagate to approxDP, or simply get the f-DP from approximate-DP.

        # book keeping
        key = self.name + '_' + str(prob)
        num = 0
        newname = self.name

        # the following handles the case when key is already in the params
        while key in mechanism.params:
            num = num+1
            newname = self.name+str(num)
            key = newname + '_' + str(prob)

        newmech.name = newname +':'+mechanism.name
        newmech.params = mechanism.params
        new_params = {newname:prob}

        return newmech

# TODO: implement other transformers:
# - amplification by shuffling
# - parallel composition
# - group composition
# - private selection of private candidates
# - amplification by overwhelmingly large-probability event.