Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        matrix_pairs = {}
        rng = np.random.RandomState(SEED)
        for s in SIZES:
            for n_block in [1, 2, 5]:
                arrays = [rng.standard_normal((s, s)) for _ in range(n_block)]
                arrays = [arr @ arr.T for arr in arrays]
                matrix_pairs[(s, n_block)] = (
                        for arr in arrays), sla.block_diag(*arrays))


            def block_diag(blocks):
                return sla.block_diag(*blocks)

            def vjp_block_diag(ans, blocks):

                blocks = tuple(blocks)

                def vjp(g):
                    i, j = 0, 0
                    vjp_blocks = []
                    for block in blocks:
                        j += block.shape[0]
                        vjp_blocks.append(g[i:j, i:j])
                        i = j
                    return tuple(vjp_blocks)

                return vjp

            defvjp(block_diag, vjp_block_diag)

            def get_param(matrix):
                return tuple(block.array for block in matrix._blocks)

            def param_func(param, matrix):
                return block_diag(param)

            param_func, get_param = None, None

        super().__init__(matrix_pairs, get_param, param_func, rng)
Exemplo n.º 2
        def add_grad(spline_lst):
            funcgrad_lst = []
            for spline in spline_lst:

                def f(ws, yaw=0):
                    assert np.all(yaw == 0), "Gradients of yaw not implemented"
                    return spline(ws)

                def f_vjp(ans, ws, yaw=0):
                    def gr(g):
                        return g * spline.derivative()(ws)

                    return gr

                defvjp(f, f_vjp)

            return funcgrad_lst
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_scalar2multi_scalar():
    def fxy(x):
        return x**2 + 1, 2 * x + 1

    def f(x):
        fx, fy = fxy(x)
        return fx + fy

    x = 3.
    ref = 8
    npt.assert_equal(cs(f)(x), ref)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fd(f)(x), ref, 5)
    npt.assert_equal(autograd(f)(x), ref)

    pf = primitive(f)
    defvjp(pf, lambda ans, x: lambda g: g * (2 * x + 2))
    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(pf, False)(x), ref)

    pf = primitive(fxy)
    defvjp(pf, lambda ans, x: lambda g: (g[0] * 2 * x, g[1] * 2))
    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(f, False)(x), ref)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_sparse_product(z_mat):
    Return an autograd-compatible function that calculates
    ``z_mat @ a`` and ``z_mat.T @ a`` when ``z_mat`` is a sparse matrix.

    z_mat: A 2d matrix
        The matrix by which to multiply.  The matrix can be dense, but the only
        reason to use ``get_sparse_product`` is with a sparse matrix since
        dense matrix multiplication is supported natively by ``autograd``.

        A function such that ``z_mult(b) = z_mat @ b``.
        A function such that ``zt_mult(b) = z_mat.T @ b``.
    Unlike standard sparse matrix multiplication, ``z_mult`` and ``zt_mult``
    can be used with ``autograd``.

    if z_mat.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            'get_sparse_product can only be used with 2d arrays.')

    def check_b(b):
        b = np.atleast_1d(b)
        if (b.ndim > 2):
            raise ValueError('The argument must be at most two dimensional.')
        return b

    def z_mult(b):
        return z_mat @ check_b(b)

    def zt_mult(b):
        return z_mat.T @ check_b(b)

    def z_mult_jvp(g, ans, b):
        return z_mult(g) # z_mat @ g
    defjvp(z_mult, z_mult_jvp)

    def z_mult_vjp(ans, b):
        def vjp(g):
            return zt_mult(g) # z_mat.T @ g
        return vjp
    defvjp(z_mult, z_mult_vjp)

    def zt_mult_jvp(g, ans, b):
        return zt_mult(g) # z_mat.T @ g
    defjvp(zt_mult, zt_mult_jvp)

    def zt_mult_vjp(ans, b):
        def vjp(g):
            return z_mult(g) # (z_mat.T).T @ g
        return vjp
    defvjp(zt_mult, zt_mult_vjp)

    return z_mult, zt_mult
Exemplo n.º 5
            result[groups[n], :] += x[n, :]
            result[groups[n]] += x[n]
    return result

def _ungroup(v, groups):
    if v.ndim > 1:
        return v[groups, :]
        return v[groups]

def grouped_sum_vjp(ans, x, groups, num_groups=None):
    def vjp(v):
        return _ungroup(v, groups)
    return vjp
defvjp(grouped_sum, grouped_sum_vjp)

def grouped_sum_jvp(v, ans, x, groups, num_groups=None):
    return grouped_sum(v, groups, num_groups=num_groups)
defjvp(grouped_sum, grouped_sum_jvp)

def replace(x_sub, x, inds):
    """Differentiably replace elements of `x[inds]` with `x_sub` by making a copy.

    x_sub: numpy.ndarray[D]
        A numeric array with replacement values.
Exemplo n.º 6
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as onp
from . import numpy_wrapper as anp
from .numpy_boxes import ArrayBox
from autograd.tracer import primitive
from autograd.core import defvjp

# ----- Binary ufuncs -----

defvjp(anp.add, lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(x, g),
       lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(y, g))
defvjp(anp.multiply, lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(x, y * g),
       lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(y, x * g))
defvjp(anp.subtract, lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(x, g),
       lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(y, -g))
defvjp(anp.divide, lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(x, g / y),
       lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(y, -g * x / y**2))
    lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(x, g * y * x**anp.where(y, y - 1, 1.)),
    lambda g, ans, x, y: unbroadcast(y,
                                     g * anp.log(replace_zero(x, 1.)) * x**y))

def replace_zero(x, val):
    return anp.where(x, x, val)

def unbroadcast(target, g, broadcast_idx=0):
    while anp.ndim(g) > anp.ndim(target):
        g = anp.sum(g, axis=broadcast_idx)
Exemplo n.º 7

def asarray(x, dtype=None, order=None):
    if isinstance(x, (ArrayBox)):
        return x
#     if any([isinstance(_x, (ArrayBox, SequenceBox)) for _x in np.atleast_1d(x).flatten()]):
#         return x
    return np.asarray(x, dtype, order)

# replace asarray to support autograd
anp.asarray = asarray

# replace dsqrt to avoid divide by zero if x=0
eps = 2 * np.finfo(float).eps**2
defvjp(anp.sqrt, lambda ans, x: lambda g: g * 0.5 * np.where(x == 0, eps, x)**
       -0.5)  # @UndefinedVariable

def use_autograd_in(modules=["py_wake."]):
    def get_dict(m):
        if isinstance(m, dict):
            return [m]
        if isinstance(m, str):
            return [
                v.__dict__ for k, v in sys.modules.items() if k.startswith(m)
                and k != __name__ and getattr(v, 'np', None) == np

        if inspect.ismodule(m):
            return [m.__dict__]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def vjp_block_diag(ans, blocks):

        blocks = tuple(blocks)

        def vjp(g):
            i, j = 0, 0
            vjp_blocks = []
            for block in blocks:
                j += block.shape[0]
                vjp_blocks.append(g[i:j, i:j])
                i = j
            return tuple(vjp_blocks)

        return vjp

    defvjp(block_diag, vjp_block_diag)

class TestPositiveDefiniteBlockDiagonalMatrix(
    def matrix_pair(self, rng, size, n_block):
        arrays = [rng.standard_normal((size, size)) for _ in range(n_block)]
        arrays = [arr @ arr.T for arr in arrays]
        return (
                matrices.DensePositiveDefiniteMatrix(arr) for arr in arrays
Exemplo n.º 9
        for k2 in range(k1 + 1):
            mat[k1, k2] = vec[_sym_index(k1, k2)]
    return mat

# Because we cannot use autograd with array assignment, define the
# vector jacobian product and jacobian vector products of
# _unvectorize_ld_matrix.

def _unvectorize_ld_matrix_vjp(g):
    assert g.shape[0] == g.shape[1]
    return _vectorize_ld_matrix(g)

       lambda ans, vec: lambda g: _unvectorize_ld_matrix_vjp(g))

def _unvectorize_ld_matrix_jvp(g):
    return _unvectorize_ld_matrix(g)

defjvp(_unvectorize_ld_matrix, lambda g, ans, x: _unvectorize_ld_matrix_jvp(g))

def _exp_matrix_diagonal(mat):
    assert mat.shape[0] == mat.shape[1]
    # NB: make_diagonal() is only defined in the autograd version of numpy
    mat_exp_diag = np.make_diagonal(np.exp(np.diag(mat)),
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_vector2multi_vector():
    def fxy(x):
        return x**2 + 1, 2 * x + 1

    def f0(x):
        return fxy(x)[0]

    def fsum(x):
        fx, fy = fxy(x)
        return fx + fy

    x = np.array([1., 2, 3])
    ref0 = [2, 4, 6]
    refsum = [4, 6, 8]
    npt.assert_equal(cs(f0)(x), ref0)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fd(f0)(x), ref0, 5)
    npt.assert_equal(autograd(f0)(x), ref0)
    pf0 = primitive(f0)
    defvjp(pf0, lambda ans, x: lambda g: g * (2 * x))
    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(pf0, False)(x), ref0)

    npt.assert_equal(cs(fsum)(x), refsum)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(fd(fsum)(x), refsum, 5)
    npt.assert_equal(autograd(fsum)(x), refsum)
    pfsum = primitive(fsum)
    defvjp(pfsum, lambda ans, x: lambda g: g * (2 * x + 2))
    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(pfsum, False)(x), refsum)

    pfxy = primitive(fxy)

    def dfxy(x):
        return 2 * x, np.full(x.shape, 2)

    def gsum(x):
        fx, fy = pfxy(x)
        return fx + fy

    def g0(x):
        return pfxy(x)[0]

    pgsum = primitive(gsum)
    pg0 = primitive(g0)
    defvjp(pgsum, lambda ans, x: lambda g: g * np.sum(dfxy(x), 0))
    defvjp(pg0, lambda ans, x: lambda g: g * dfxy(x)[0])

    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(pgsum, False)(x), refsum)
    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(pg0, False)(x), ref0)

    defvjp(pfxy, lambda ans, x: lambda g: dfxy(x)[0])

    def h0(x):
        return pfxy(x)[0]

    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(h0, False)(x), ref0)

    defvjp(pfxy, lambda ans, x: lambda g: np.sum(g * np.asarray(dfxy(x)), 0))

    def hsum(x):
        fx, fy = pfxy(x)
        return fx + fy

    npt.assert_array_equal(autograd(hsum, False)(x), refsum)