Exemplo n.º 1
 def _validate_range_param(
     lower: TParamValue,
     upper: TParamValue,
     log_scale: bool,
     parameter_type: Optional[ParameterType] = None,
 ) -> None:
     if parameter_type and parameter_type not in (
         raise UserInputError("RangeParameter type must be int or float.")
     # pyre-fixme[58]: `>=` is not supported for operand types `Union[None, bool,
     #  float, int, str]` and `Union[None, bool, float, int, str]`.
     if lower >= upper:
         raise UserInputError(
             f"Upper bound of {self.name} must be strictly larger than lower."
             f"Got: ({lower}, {upper})."
     # pyre-fixme[58]: `<=` is not supported for operand types `Union[None, bool,
     #  float, int, str]` and `int`.
     if log_scale and lower <= 0:
         raise UserInputError("Cannot take log when min <= 0.")
     if not (self.is_valid_type(lower)) or not (self.is_valid_type(upper)):
         raise UserInputError(
             f"[{lower}, {upper}] is an invalid range for this parameter."
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self,
              steps: List[GenerationStep],
              name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
     assert isinstance(steps, list) and all(
         isinstance(s, GenerationStep)
         for s in steps), "Steps must be a GenerationStep list."
     self._name = name
     self._steps = steps
     self._uses_registered_models = True
     self._generator_runs = []
     for idx, step in enumerate(self._steps):
         if step.num_trials == -1:
             if idx < len(self._steps) - 1:
                 raise UserInputError(  # pragma: no cover
                     "Only last step in generation strategy can have `num_trials` "
                     "set to -1 to indicate that the model in the step should "
                     "be used to generate new trials indefinitely.")
         elif step.num_trials < 1:  # pragma: no cover
             raise UserInputError(
                 "`num_trials` must be positive or -1 (indicating unlimited) "
                 "for all generation steps.")
         if step.max_parallelism is not None and step.max_parallelism < 1:
             raise UserInputError(
                 "Maximum parallelism should be None (if no limit) or a positive"
                 f" number. Got: {step.max_parallelism} for step {step.model_name}."
         step.index = idx
         if not isinstance(step.model, ModelRegistryBase):
             self._uses_registered_models = False
     if not self._uses_registered_models:
         logger.info("Using model via callable function, "
                     "so optimization is not resumable if interrupted.")
     self._curr = steps[0]
     self._seen_trial_indices_by_status = None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        parameter_type: ParameterType,
        values: List[TParamValue],
        is_ordered: Optional[bool] = None,
        is_task: bool = False,
        is_fidelity: bool = False,
        target_value: Optional[TParamValue] = None,
        sort_values: Optional[bool] = None,
        dependents: Optional[Dict[TParamValue, List[str]]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if is_fidelity and (target_value is None):
            raise UserInputError(
                "`target_value` should not be None for the fidelity parameter: "

        self._name = name
        self._parameter_type = parameter_type
        self._is_task = is_task
        self._is_fidelity = is_fidelity
        self._target_value = self.cast(target_value)
        # A choice parameter with only one value is a FixedParameter.
        if not len(values) > 1:
            raise UserInputError(f"{self._name}({values}): {FIXED_CHOICE_PARAM_ERROR}")
        self._values = self._cast_values(values)
        self._is_ordered = (
            if is_ordered is not None
            else self._get_default_bool_and_warn(param_string="is_ordered")
        # sort_values defaults to True if the parameter is not a string
        self._sort_values = (
            if sort_values is not None
            else self._get_default_bool_and_warn(param_string="sort_values")
        if self.sort_values:
            # pyre-ignore[6]: values/self._values expects List[Union[None, bool, float,
            # int, str]] but sorted() takes/returns
            # List[Variable[_typeshed.SupportsLessThanT (bound to
            # _typeshed.SupportsLessThan)]]
            self._values = self._cast_values(sorted(values))
        if dependents:
            for value in dependents:
                if value not in self.values:
                    raise UserInputError(
                        f"Value {value} in `dependents` "
                        f"argument is not among the parameter values: {self.values}."
        # NOTE: We don't need to check that dependent parameters actually exist as
        # that is done in `HierarchicalSearchSpace` constructor.
        self._dependents = dependents
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _validate_hierarchical_structure(self) -> None:
        """Validate the structure of this hierarchical search space, ensuring that all
        subtrees are independent (not sharing any parameters) and that all parameters
        are reachable and part of the tree.
        def _check_subtree(root: Parameter) -> Set[str]:
            logger.debug(f"Verifying subtree with root {root}...")
            visited = {root.name}
            # Base case: validate leaf node.
            if not root.is_hierarchical:
                return visited  # TODO: Should there be other validation?

            # Recursive case: validate each subtree.
            visited_in_subtrees = (  # Generator of sets of visited parameter names.
                for deps in root.dependents.values() for param_name in deps)
            # Check that subtrees are disjoint and return names of visited params.
                    lambda set1, set2: _disjoint_union(set1=set1, set2=set2),
            logger.debug(f"Visited parameters {visited} in subtree.")
            return visited

        # Verify that all nodes have been reached.
        visited = _check_subtree(root=self._root)
        if len(self._all_parameter_names - visited) != 0:
            raise UserInputError(
                f"Parameters {self._all_parameter_names - visited} are not reachable "
                "from the root. Please check that the hierachical search space provided"
                " is represented as a valid tree with a single root.")
        logger.debug(f"Visited all parameters in the tree: {visited}.")
Exemplo n.º 5
def _disjoint_union(set1: Set[str], set2: Set[str]) -> Set[str]:
    if not set1.isdisjoint(set2):
        raise UserInputError(
            "Two subtrees in the search space contain the same parameters: "
    logger.debug(f"Subtrees {set1} and {set2} are disjoint.")
    return set1.union(set2)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __post_init__(self) -> None:
     if self.model_enum is not None:
         raise UserInputError(
             "Use regular `ModelSpec` when it's possible to describe the "
             "model as `ModelRegistryBase` subclass enum member."
     if self.factory_function is None:
         raise UserInputError(
             "Please specify a valid function returning a `ModelBridge` instance "
             "as the required `factory_function` argument to "
         "Using a factory function to describe the model, so optimization state "
         "cannot be stored and optimization is not resumable if interrupted."
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        parameter_type: ParameterType,
        value: TParamValue,
        is_fidelity: bool = False,
        target_value: Optional[TParamValue] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize FixedParameter

            name: Name of the parameter.
            parameter_type: Enum indicating the type of parameter
                value (e.g. string, int).
            value: The fixed value of the parameter.
            is_fidelity: Whether this parameter is a fidelity parameter.
            target_value: Target value of this parameter if it is a fidelity.
        if is_fidelity and (target_value is None):
            raise UserInputError(
                "`target_value` should not be None for the fidelity parameter: "

        self._name = name
        self._parameter_type = parameter_type
        self._value = self.cast(value)
        self._is_fidelity = is_fidelity
        self._target_value = self.cast(target_value)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(
        search_space: SearchSpace,
        observation_features: List[ObservationFeatures],
        observation_data: List[ObservationData],
        modelbridge: Optional["modelbridge_module.base.ModelBridge"] = None,
        config: Optional[TConfig] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if len(observation_data) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Winsorize transform requires non-empty observation data.")
        if config is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Transform config for `Winsorize` transform must be specified and "
                "non-empty when using winsorization.")
        all_metric_values = get_data(observation_data=observation_data)

        # Check for legacy config
        use_legacy = False
        old_present = set(OLD_KEYS).intersection(config.keys())
        if old_present:
                "Winsorization received an out-of-date `transform_config`, containing "
                f"the following deprecated keys: {old_present}. Please update the "
                "config according to the docs of "
            use_legacy = True

        # Get winsorization and optimization configs
        winsorization_config = config.get("winsorization_config", {})
        opt_config = config.get("optimization_config", {})
        if "optimization_config" in config:
            if not isinstance(opt_config, OptimizationConfig):
                raise UserInputError(
                    "Expected `optimization_config` of type `OptimizationConfig` but "
                    f"got type `{type(opt_config)}.")
            opt_config = checked_cast(OptimizationConfig, opt_config)

        self.cutoffs = {}
        for metric_name, metric_values in all_metric_values.items():
            if use_legacy:
                    metric_name] = _get_cutoffs_from_legacy_transform_config(
                self.cutoffs[metric_name] = _get_cutoffs_from_transform_config(
                    winsorization_config=winsorization_config,  # pyre-ignore[6]
                    optimization_config=opt_config,  # pyre-ignore[6]
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _get_weights_by_arm(
         self, trial: BaseTrial) -> Iterable[Tuple[Arm, Optional[float]]]:
     if isinstance(trial, Trial):
         if trial.arm is not None:
             return [(not_none(trial.arm), None)]
         return []
     elif isinstance(trial, BatchTrial):
         return trial.normalized_arm_weights().items()
         raise UserInputError(f"Invalid trial type: {type(trial)}")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        parameter_type: ParameterType,
        value: TParamValue,
        is_fidelity: bool = False,
        target_value: Optional[TParamValue] = None,
        dependents: Optional[Dict[TParamValue, List[str]]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize FixedParameter

            name: Name of the parameter.
            parameter_type: Enum indicating the type of parameter
                value (e.g. string, int).
            value: The fixed value of the parameter.
            is_fidelity: Whether this parameter is a fidelity parameter.
            target_value: Target value of this parameter if it is a fidelity.
            dependents: Optional mapping for parameters in hierarchical search
                spaces; format is { value -> list of dependent parameter names }.
        if is_fidelity and (target_value is None):
            raise UserInputError(
                "`target_value` should not be None for the fidelity parameter: "

        self._name = name
        self._parameter_type = parameter_type
        self._value = self.cast(value)
        self._is_fidelity = is_fidelity
        self._target_value = self.cast(target_value)
        # NOTE: We don't need to check that dependent parameters actually exist as
        # that is done in `HierarchicalSearchSpace` constructor.
        if dependents:
            if len(dependents) > 1 or next(iter(dependents.keys())) != self.value:
                raise UserInputError(
                    "The only expected key in `dependents` for fixed parameter "
                    f"{self.name}: {self.value}; got: {dependents}."
        self._dependents = dependents
Exemplo n.º 11
    def set_values(self, values: List[TParamValue]) -> "ChoiceParameter":
        """Set the list of allowed values for parameter.

        Cast all input values to the parameter type.

            values: New list of allowed values.
        # A choice parameter with only one value is a FixedParameter.
        if not len(values) > 1:
            raise UserInputError(FIXED_CHOICE_PARAM_ERROR)
        self._values = self._cast_values(values)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        parameter_type: ParameterType,
        lower: float,
        upper: float,
        log_scale: bool = False,
        logit_scale: bool = False,
        digits: Optional[int] = None,
        is_fidelity: bool = False,
        target_value: Optional[TParamValue] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize RangeParameter

            name: Name of the parameter.
            parameter_type: Enum indicating the type of parameter
                value (e.g. string, int).
            lower: Lower bound of the parameter range (inclusive).
            upper: Upper bound of the parameter range (inclusive).
            log_scale: Whether to sample in the log space when drawing
                random values of the parameter.
            logit_scale: Whether to sample in logit space when drawing
                random values of the parameter.
            digits: Number of digits to round values to for float type.
            is_fidelity: Whether this parameter is a fidelity parameter.
            target_value: Target value of this parameter if it is a fidelity.
        if is_fidelity and (target_value is None):
            raise UserInputError(
                "`target_value` should not be None for the fidelity parameter: "

        self._name = name
        self._parameter_type = parameter_type
        self._digits = digits
        self._lower = self.cast(lower)
        self._upper = self.cast(upper)
        self._log_scale = log_scale
        self._logit_scale = logit_scale
        self._is_fidelity = is_fidelity
        self._target_value = self.cast(target_value)

Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        parameter_type: ParameterType,
        values: List[TParamValue],
        is_ordered: bool = False,
        is_task: bool = False,
        is_fidelity: bool = False,
        target_value: Optional[TParamValue] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize ChoiceParameter.

            name: Name of the parameter.
            parameter_type: Enum indicating the type of parameter
                value (e.g. string, int).
            values: List of allowed values for the parameter.
            is_ordered: If False, the parameter is a categorical variable.
            is_task: Treat the parameter as a task parameter for modeling.
            is_fidelity: Whether this parameter is a fidelity parameter.
            target_value: Target value of this parameter if it's fidelity.
        if is_fidelity and (target_value is None):
            raise UserInputError(
                "`target_value` should not be None for the fidelity parameter: "

        self._name = name
        self._parameter_type = parameter_type
        self._is_ordered = is_ordered
        self._is_task = is_task
        self._is_fidelity = is_fidelity
        self._target_value = self.cast(target_value)
        # A choice parameter with only one value is a FixedParameter.
        if not len(values) > 1:
            raise UserInputError(FIXED_CHOICE_PARAM_ERROR)
        self._values = self._cast_values(values)
Exemplo n.º 14
def check_objective_thresholds_match_objectives(
    objectives_by_name: Dict[str, Objective],
    objective_thresholds: List[ObjectiveThreshold],
) -> None:
    """Error if thresholds on objective_metrics bound from the wrong direction or
    if there is a mismatch between objective thresholds and objectives.
    obj_thresh_metrics = set()
    for threshold in objective_thresholds:
        metric_name = threshold.metric.name
        if metric_name not in objectives_by_name:
            raise UserInputError(
                f"Objective threshold {threshold} is on metric '{metric_name}', "
                f"but that metric is not among the objectives.")
        if metric_name in obj_thresh_metrics:
            raise UserInputError(
                "More than one objective threshold specified for metric "

        if metric_name in objectives_by_name:
            minimize = objectives_by_name[metric_name].minimize
            bounded_above = threshold.op == ComparisonOp.LEQ
            is_aligned = minimize == bounded_above
            if not is_aligned:
                raise UserInputError(
                    f"Objective threshold on {metric_name} bounds from "
                    f"{'above' if bounded_above else 'below'} "
                    f"but {metric_name} is being "
                    f"{'minimized' if minimize else 'maximized'}.")

    obj_metrics = set(objectives_by_name.keys())
    if objective_thresholds and obj_thresh_metrics.symmetric_difference(
        raise UserInputError(
            f"Objective thresholds: {obj_thresh_metrics} do not match objectives: "
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _get_new_trial(self) -> BaseTrial:
     if self.arms_per_trial == 1:
         return self.experiment.new_trial(
     elif self.arms_per_trial > 1:
         return self.experiment.new_batch_trial(
                 experiment=self.experiment, n=self.arms_per_trial))
         raise UserInputError(
             f"Invalid number of arms per trial: {self.arms_per_trial}")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def set_digits(self, digits: int) -> "RangeParameter":
        self._digits = digits

        # Re-scale min and max to new digits definition
        cast_lower = self.cast(self._lower)
        cast_upper = self.cast(self._upper)
        # pyre-fixme[58]: `>=` is not supported for operand types `Union[None, bool,
        #  float, int, str]` and `Union[None, bool, float, int, str]`.
        if cast_lower >= cast_upper:
            raise UserInputError(
                f"Lower bound {cast_lower} is >= upper bound {cast_upper}.")

        self._lower = cast_lower
        self._upper = cast_upper
        return self
Exemplo n.º 17
def _validate_and_maybe_get_default_metric_names(
    metric_names: Optional[Tuple[str, str]],
    optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig],
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    # Default metric_names is all metrics, producing an error if more than 2
    if metric_names is None:
        if not_none(optimization_config).is_moo_problem:
            multi_objective = checked_cast(
            metric_names = tuple(obj.metric.name
                                 for obj in multi_objective.objectives)
            raise UserInputError(
                "Inference of `metric_names` failed. Expected `MultiObjective` but "
                f"got {not_none(optimization_config).objective}. Please specify "
                "`metric_names` of length 2 or provide an experiment whose "
                "`optimization_config` has 2 objective metrics.")
    if metric_names is not None and len(metric_names) == 2:
        return metric_names
    raise UserInputError(
        f"Expected 2 metrics but got {len(metric_names or [])}: {metric_names}. "
        "Please specify `metric_names` of length 2 or provide an experiment whose "
        "`optimization_config` has 2 objective metrics.")
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _call_evaluation_function(
            parameterization: TParameterization,
            weight: Optional[float] = None) -> TEvaluationOutcome:
        signature = inspect.signature(self.evaluation_function)
        num_evaluation_function_params = len(signature.parameters.items())
        if num_evaluation_function_params == 1:
            # pyre-fixme[20]: Anonymous call expects argument `$1`.
            evaluation = self.evaluation_function(parameterization)
        elif num_evaluation_function_params == 2:
            evaluation = self.evaluation_function(parameterization, weight)
            raise UserInputError(
                "Evaluation function must take either one parameter "
                "(parameterization) or two parameters (parameterization and weight)."

        return evaluation
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __post_init__(self) -> None:
     if not isinstance(self.model, ModelRegistryBase):
         if not callable(self.model):
             raise UserInputError(
                 "`model` in generation step must be either a `ModelRegistryBase` "
                 "enum subclass entry or a callable factory function returning a "
                 "model bridge instance.")
         model_spec = FactoryFunctionModelSpec(
         model_spec = ModelSpec(
Exemplo n.º 20
def _validate_experiment_and_get_optimization_config(
    experiment: Experiment,
    metric_names: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None,
    reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None,
    minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]] = None,
) -> Optional[OptimizationConfig]:
    # If `optimization_config` is unspecified, check what inputs are missing and
    # error/warn accordingly
    if experiment.optimization_config is None:
        if metric_names is None:
            raise UserInputError(
                "Inference of defaults failed. Please either specify `metric_names` "
                "(and optionally `minimize` and `reference_point`) or provide an "
                "experiment with an `optimization_config`.")
        if reference_point is None or minimize is None:
                "Inference of defaults failed. Please specify `minimize` and "
                "`reference_point` if available, or provide an experiment with an "
                "`optimization_config` that contains an `objective` and "
                "`objective_threshold` corresponding to each of `metric_names`: "
        return None
    return not_none(experiment.optimization_config)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _assert_fitted(self) -> None:
     """Helper that verifies a model was fitted, raising an error if not"""
     if self._fitted_model is None:
         raise UserInputError("No fitted model found. Call fit() to generate one")
Exemplo n.º 22
def _get_cutoffs_from_transform_config(
    metric_name: str,
    metric_values: List[float],
    winsorization_config: Union[WinsorizationConfig,
                                Dict[str, WinsorizationConfig]],
    optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig],
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    # (1) Use the same config for all metrics if one WinsorizationConfig was specified
    if isinstance(winsorization_config, WinsorizationConfig):
        return _quantiles_to_cutoffs(

    # (2) If `winsorization_config` is a dict, use it if `metric_name` is a key,
    # and the corresponding value is a WinsorizationConfig.
    if isinstance(winsorization_config,
                  dict) and metric_name in winsorization_config:
        metric_config = winsorization_config[metric_name]
        if not isinstance(metric_config, WinsorizationConfig):
            raise UserInputError(
                "Expected winsorization config of type "
                f"`WinsorizationConfig` but got {metric_config} of type "
                f"{type(metric_config)} for metric {metric_name}.")
        return _quantiles_to_cutoffs(

    # (3) For constraints and objectives that don't have a pre-specified config we
    # choose the cutoffs automatically using the optimization config (if supplied).
    # We ignore ScalarizedOutcomeConstraint and ScalarizedObjective for now. An
    # exception is raised if we encounter relative constraints.
    if optimization_config:
        if metric_name in optimization_config.objective.metric_names:
            if isinstance(optimization_config.objective, ScalarizedObjective):
                    "Automatic winsorization isn't supported for ScalarizedObjective. "
                    "Specify the winsorization settings manually if you want to "
                    f"winsorize metric {metric_name}.")
                return DEFAULT_CUTOFFS  # Don't winsorize a ScalarizedObjective
            elif optimization_config.is_moo_problem:
                # We deal with a multi-objective function the same way as we deal
                # with an output constraint. It may be worth investigating setting
                # the winsorization cutoffs based on the Pareto frontier in the future.
                optimization_config = checked_cast(
                    MultiObjectiveOptimizationConfig, optimization_config)
                objective_threshold = _get_objective_threshold_from_moo_config(
                if objective_threshold:
                    return _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_outcome_constraint(
                    "Automatic winsorization isn't supported for an objective in "
                    "`MultiObjective` without objective thresholds. Specify the "
                    "winsorization settings manually if you want to winsorize "
                    f"metric {metric_name}.")
                return DEFAULT_CUTOFFS  # Don't winsorize if there is no threshold
            else:  # Single objective
                return _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_single_objective(
        # Get all outcome constraints for metric_name that aren't relative or scalarized
        outcome_constraints = _get_outcome_constraints_from_config(
            optimization_config=optimization_config, metric_name=metric_name)
        if outcome_constraints:
            return _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_outcome_constraint(

    # If none of the above, we don't winsorize.