Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.sma5 = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(period=5)  # 5日均线
     self.sma10 = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(period=10)  # 10日均线
     # bt.And 中所有条件都满足时返回 1;有一个条件不满足就返回 0
     self.And = bt.And(self.data > self.sma5, self.data > self.sma10,
                       self.sma5 > self.sma10)
     # bt.Or 中有一个条件满足时就返回 1;所有条件都不满足时返回 0
     self.Or = bt.Or(self.data > self.sma5, self.data > self.sma10,
                     self.sma5 > self.sma10)
     # bt.If(a, b, c) 如果满足条件 a,就返回 b,否则返回 c
     self.If = bt.If(self.data > self.sma5, 1000, 5000)
     # bt.All,同 bt.And
     self.All = bt.All(self.data > self.sma5, self.data > self.sma10,
                       self.sma5 > self.sma10)
     # bt.Any,同 bt.Or
     self.Any = bt.Any(self.data > self.sma5, self.data > self.sma10,
                       self.sma5 > self.sma10)
     # bt.Max,返回同一时刻所有指标中的最大值
     self.Max = bt.Max(self.data, self.sma10, self.sma5)
     # bt.Min,返回同一时刻所有指标中的最小值
     self.Min = bt.Min(self.data, self.sma10, self.sma5)
     # bt.Sum,对同一时刻所有指标进行求和
     self.Sum = bt.Sum(self.data, self.sma10, self.sma5)
     # bt.Cmp(a,b), 如果 a>b ,返回 1;否则返回 -1
     self.Cmp = bt.Cmp(self.data, self.sma5)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.ma = bt.ind.EMA(period=10)
        self.cross = bt.ind.CrossOver(self.datas[0].close, self.ma)
        # Single logic
        self.lg = bt.Log(self.datas[0].close)
        self.cl = bt.Ceiling(self.datas[0].close)
        self.fl = bt.Floor(self.datas[0].close)
        self.cross_abs = bt.Abs(self.cross)

        # Check Multi still works
        self.mx = bt.Max(self.datas[0].close, self.datas[0].open)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        o = self.data.open
        h = self.data.high
        l = self.data.low
        c = self.data.close

        self.l.ha_close = ha_close = (o + h + l + c) / 4.0
        self.l.ha_open = ha_open = (self.l.ha_open(-1) + ha_close(-1)) / 2.0
        self.l.ha_high = bt.Max(h, ha_open, ha_close)
        self.l.ha_low = bt.Min(l, ha_open, ha_close)

        super(HeikinAshi, self).__init__()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        h0l1 = abs(self.data.high(0) - self.data.low(-1))
        vm_plus = bt.ind.SumN(h0l1, period=self.p.period)

        l0h1 = abs(self.data.low(0) - self.data.high(-1))
        vm_minus = bt.ind.SumN(l0h1, period=self.p.period)

        h0c1 = abs(self.data.high(0) - self.data.close(-1))
        l0c1 = abs(self.data.low(0) - self.data.close(-1))
        h0l0 = abs(self.data.high(0) - self.data.low(0))

        tr = bt.ind.SumN(bt.Max(h0l0, h0c1, l0c1), period=self.p.period)

        self.l.vi_plus = vm_plus / tr
        self.l.vi_minus = vm_minus / tr
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     wick_range = self.data.high - self.data.low
     body_high = bt.Max(self.data.close, self.data.open)
     body_low = bt.Min(self.data.close, self.data.open)
     body_range = body_high - body_low
     wick_buy = (body_low - self.data.low) >= (
             self.p.wick_multiplier_min * body_range)
     wick_sell = (self.data.high - body_high) >= (
             self.p.wick_multiplier_min * body_range)
     # be careful, if wick range = 0 then close-low = 0 ; so avoiding divide
     # by zero list this is correct
     close_percent = (self.data.close - self.data.low) / bt.If(
         wick_range == 0.0, 0.1, wick_range)
     close_buy = (close_percent >= (1 - self.p.close_percent_max))
     close_sell = (close_percent <= self.p.close_percent_max)
     self.lines.wick = bt.If(bt.And(wick_buy, close_buy),
                             bt.If(bt.And(wick_sell, close_sell),
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        self.strat = self._owner  # alias for clarity

        self.smaShort = bt.ind.SMA(self.data, period=self.p.period_short)
        self.smaMid = bt.ind.SMA(self.data, period=self.p.period_middle)
        self.smaLong = bt.ind.SMA(self.data, period=self.p.period_long)
        self.emaShort = bt.ind.EMA(self.data, period=self.p.period_short)
        self.emaMid = bt.ind.EMA(self.data, period=self.p.period_middle)
        self.emaLong = bt.ind.EMA(self.data, period=self.p.period_long)

        self.boll = bt.ind.BollingerBands(self.data)
        self.bollDiff = self.boll.top - self.boll.bot
        self.bollSignal = bt.ind.EMA(self.bollDiff, period=self.p.period_short)
        self.l.BollRange = bt.If(bt.And(self.bollDiff/self.p.boll_range_ThresholdValue > self.bollSignal, self.data > self.boll.mid), 1, 0)
        self.l.BollRange = bt.If(
            bt.And(self.bollDiff / self.p.boll_range_ThresholdValue > self.bollSignal, self.data < self.boll.mid), -1, self.l.BollRange)

        self.bollHisto = self.bollDiff - self.bollSignal

        jxmj_cs = abs(self.data / self.smaShort - 1)*100
        jxmj_sm = abs(self.smaShort / self.smaMid - 1) * 100
        jxmj_ml = abs(self.smaMid / self.smaLong - 1) * 100
        self.JXMJ = JXMJDayFsumIndicator(bt.Max(jxmj_cs,jxmj_sm,jxmj_ml), period=self.p.period_jxmj).l.JXMJFsum
        self.l.JXMJ = bt.If( bt.And(self.JXMJ > self.p.jxmj_ThresholdValue, self.smaMid > self.smaLong), 1, 0)

        self.l.JXMJHoldState = self.data - self.data
        self.l.JXMJBuySellPoint = self.data - self.data
        self.lastClosePrice = 0

        dfgl_cs = self.data - self.emaShort
        dfgl_sm = self.emaShort - self.emaMid
        dfgl_ml = self.emaMid - self.emaLong

        self.dfgl = bt.ind.PercentRank(abs(dfgl_sm), period=self.p.period_dfgl)
        self.l.DFGL = bt.If( bt.And(self.dfgl > self.p.dfgl_ThresholdValue, dfgl_sm > 0), 1, 0)

        self.holdStateLow = 9999
        self.holdStateHigh = 0
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):

        hl2 = (self.data.high + self.data.low) / 2
        #ttr = bt.indicators.TrueRange(self.data)
        #ttr = bt.Max(self.data.high- self.data.low,
        #             bt.Max(abs(self.data.high(0) - self.data.close(-1)),
        #                    abs(self.data.low(0) - self.data.close(-1))))

        #atr2 = RelativeMovingAverage(ttr, period=self.p.ATRPeriod)
        #atr30 = bt.ind.SMA(ttr, period=30)
        #atr20 = bt.ind.SMA(ttr, period=20)
        #atr2 = atr30 - atr20 + bt.ind.SMA(ttr, period=self.p.ATRPeriod)
        #atr2 = bt.ind.EMA(ttr, period=self.p.ATRPeriod)
        atr2 = bt.indicators.AverageTrueRange(self.data,
        upSrc = hl2 - (self.p.Multiplier * atr2)
        #up := close[1] > up1 ? max(up,up1) : up
        self.lines.up = btind.If(
            self.data.close(-1) > upSrc(-1), bt.Max(upSrc, upSrc(-1)), upSrc)

        dnSrc = hl2 + (self.p.Multiplier * atr2)
        #dn := close[1] < dn1 ? min(dn, dn1) : dn
        self.lines.dn = btind.If(
            self.data.close(-1) < dnSrc(-1), bt.Min(dnSrc, dnSrc(-1)), dnSrc)
        trd = self.data.close - self.data.close + 1
        trd2 = btind.If(trd(-1) < 0,
                        btind.If(self.data.close > dn,1,trd2(-1)),
                        btind.If(self.data.close < up, -1, trd2(-1)))
        #trd2 = btind.If((trd(-1) < 0) and (self.data.close(0) > dn(0)),
        #1, btind.If(trd(-1) > 0 and self.data.close(0) < up(0), -1, 0))

        self.lines.trend = trd2
        #btind.If((trd(-1) < 0) and (self.data.close > dn),
        #               1,  btind.If(trd(-1) > 0 and self.data.close < up, -1, 0))
        super(AtrTrend, self).__init__()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self):
        self.lines.mlli = bt.Max(-1.0, self.lag_index())

        super(MlLagIndicator, self).__init__()
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     # __init__() 中是对 line 进行运算,最终也以 line 的形式返回,所以运算结果直接赋值给了 self.l.dummyline;
     self.l.dummyline = bt.Max(0.0, self.p.value)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     self.lines.dummyline = bt.Max(0.0, self.params.value)