Exemplo n.º 1
class TestOpinion(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """Call before every test case."""
        d = {u'name': u'NEEL KASHKARI',
                u'description': u'Party Preference: Republican\nBusinessman'}
        c = Contestant(d)
        self.object = Opinion(c, 1, authoritative=True)

    def test_opinion_to_json(self):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_form_contest(self):
        """sets the contest data """
        if self.contest_id:
                self.contest = db.get_contest(self.contest_id)
                log.error("Contest ID: {0} not found".format(self.contest_id))
                self.contest_id = ''
        elif self.contests:
            ##get first contest from first group
            if self.contest_groups and self.contest_groups[0]['contests']:
                self.contest = self.contest_groups[0]['contests'][0]
                self.contest = self.contests[0]

            if self.contest:
                self.contest_id = self.contest.id

        if self.contest:
            def get_decisions():
                return db.get_contest_decisions(self.contest)

            #eventually we got to only return only a page of opinions at a time,
            #but we don't have a real database yet so we have to do our summaries manually in code

            #we don't want to cache for the demo we want results right away.
            # self.contest.decisions = helpers.get_cache(cache, 'all_decisions_{0}'.format(self.contest.id),
            #                                             get_decisions, 300)

            self.contest.decisions = get_decisions()

            self.all_opinions = self.contest.get_all_opinions()
            self.official_opinions = self.contest.get_official_opinions()
            self.all_opinion_summary = Opinion.get_opinion_summary(
                self.all_opinions, self.contest.contestants,self.contest.decision_type, self.contest.allow_write_ins)
            self.official_opinion_summary = Opinion.get_opinion_summary(
                self.official_opinions, self.contest.contestants,
                self.contest.decision_type, self.contest.allow_write_ins)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setUp(self):
     """Call before every test case."""
     d = {u'name': u'NEEL KASHKARI',
             u'description': u'Party Preference: Republican\nBusinessman'}
     c = Contestant(d)
     self.object = Opinion(c, 1, authoritative=True)