Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: extract.py Projeto: gmace/plp
def extract_ap_file(imgfile, apfiles, wlfiles=None, ap_width=60, \
    Extract the apertures using ap_tracing solution and wavelength data 
    - inputs:
     1. imgfile (input FITS) 
     2. apfiles (a list of input ap_tracing files) 
     3. wlfiles (a list of wavelength fitting coefficient files)
     4. ap_width (to be extracted with this pixel width) 
     5. target_path (output directory)  
    if len(apfiles) != len(wlfiles): wlfiles = None 
    img, header = ip.readfits(imgfile)
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(imgfile)
    if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])
    ostrips, owaves, ohdrs = \
       extract_ap(img, apfiles, wlfiles=wlfiles, \
                  header=header, ap_width=ap_width, target_path=target_path )
    for strip, wave, hdr in zip(ostrips, owaves, ohdrs):
        ap_num = hdr.get('AP-NUM')
        ip.savefits(target_path+name+'.%03d.fits' % (ap_num,), strip, header=hdr)
Exemplo n.º 2
def extract_ap_file(imgfile, apfiles, wlfiles=None, ap_width=60, \
    Extract the apertures using ap_tracing solution and wavelength data 
    - inputs:
     1. imgfile (input FITS) 
     2. apfiles (a list of input ap_tracing files) 
     3. wlfiles (a list of wavelength fitting coefficient files)
     4. ap_width (to be extracted with this pixel width) 
     5. target_path (output directory)  
    if len(apfiles) != len(wlfiles): wlfiles = None

    img, header = ip.readfits(imgfile)
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(imgfile)
    if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])

    ostrips, owaves, ohdrs = \
       extract_ap(img, apfiles, wlfiles=wlfiles, \
                  header=header, ap_width=ap_width, target_path=target_path )

    for strip, wave, hdr in zip(ostrips, owaves, ohdrs):
        ap_num = hdr.get('AP-NUM')
        ip.savefits(target_path + name + '.%03d.fits' % (ap_num, ),
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: extract.py Projeto: gmace/plp
def transform_ap_file(stripfile, wave_step=False, outputfile=None): #2014-01-13 cksim
    Apply linear interpolation to the strip with a regular wavelength
    - INPUTS :
     1. stripfile (FITS)
     2. wave_step (to be extracted with this wavelength step for a pixel)
     3. outputfile (FITS filename) 
    - OUTPUTS: 
     1. tranformed 2D strip data with header   
    astrip, ahdr = ip.readfits(stripfile)
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(stripfile)
    if outputfile == None: outputfile = fpath+fname+'.tr'
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])
    ny, nx = astrip.shape
    yy, xx = np.indices(astrip.shape)
    if 'WV-DIM' in ahdr.keys(): 
        xdim, ydim = np.array(ahdr.get('WV-DIM').split(','), dtype=np.int)
        wl_coeff = np.zeros([xdim*ydim]) 
        for i in range(xdim):
            tmp = ahdr.get('WV-X%03d' % (i,))
            wl_coeff[(i*ydim):(i*ydim+ydim)] = np.array(tmp.split(','), dtype=np.double)
        awave = ip.polyval2d(xx, yy, wl_coeff, deg=[xdim-1, ydim-1])
        print 'No wavelength data in FITS header'
        return None, None 
    if wave_step == False: wave_step = ( (np.max(awave) - np.min(awave)) ) / (nx-1) #2013-01-14 cksim
    #--new version--       
    tstrip, xwave = transform_ap(astrip, awave, wave_step=wave_step)

    wv1, wv2 = np.min(xwave), np.max(xwave)
    '''old version
    wv1, wv2 = (np.min(awave), np.max(awave))
    xwave = np.arange(wv1, wv2, wave_step)
    nwave = len(xwave)
    #print nx, ny, nwave, np.min(awave), np.max(awave)
    tstrip = np.zeros([ny,nwave])
    for i in range(ny):
        row = astrip[i,:]
        wv = awave[i,:]
        xrow = np.interp(xwave, wv, row)
        tstrip[i,:] = xrow

    thdr = ahdr.copy() 
    thdr.update('TRN-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    # WCS header ========================================
    thdr.update('WAT0_001', 'system=world')
    thdr.update('WAT1_001', 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=microns units_display=microns')
    thdr.update('WAT2_001', 'wtype=linear')
    thdr.update('WCSDIM', 2)
    thdr.update('DISPAXIS', 1)
    thdr.update('DC-FLAG', 0)
    # wavelength axis header ============================= 
    thdr.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR  ')
    thdr.update('LTV1',   1)
    thdr.update('LTM1_1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CRPIX1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CDELT1', wave_step)
    thdr.update('CRVAL1', wv1)
    thdr.update('CD1_1',  wave_step)
    # slit-position axis header ==========================
    thdr.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR  ')
    thdr.update('LTV2',   1)
    thdr.update('LTM2_2', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CRPIX2', 1)
    thdr.update('CRVAL2', 1)
    thdr.update('CD2_2',  1)

    ip.savefits(outputfile, tstrip, header=thdr)
    np.savetxt('.'.join(outputfile.split('.')[:-1])+'.wave', xwave)
    plt.imshow(astrip, aspect=2)
    plt.imshow(tstrip, aspect=2) 
    ##2013-11-21 cksim inserted below draw_strips_file()
    #draw_strips_file('.'.join(outputfile.split('.')[:-1])+'.fits', '.'.join(outputfile.split('.')[:-1])+'.wave', linefile='ohlines.dat', \
    #    target_path=outputfile.split('SDC')[0], desc='SDC'+outputfile.split('SDC')[1].split('.fits')[0])
    return tstrip, thdr 
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: extract.py Projeto: gmace/plp
def extract_strips(filename, band, apnum=[], pdeg=PDEGREE, \
                   PA=0, offset=[1023.5,1023.5], pscale=0.018, \
                   slit_len=[-1,1], slit_step=0.025, wave_step=0.00001, \
                   fitting_path=FITTING_PATH, \
    Extract the strips directly based on ZEMAX analysis fitting data 
     (using mapping parameters like position angle, pixel scale, ... 
     - input :  for each band 
        1. FITTING DATA (fitting_path) 
        2. MAPPING DATA (PA,offset,pscale) 
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(filename)
    if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])
    img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename)
    # read order information from file 
    onum, odesc, owv1, owv2 = ip.read_orderinfo(band)
    if len(apnum) == 0:
        apnum = range(len(onum))
    # read image size 
    ny, nx = img.shape 
    # Extract strips based on ZEMAX fitting data 
    descs = []     
    strips = [] 
    wavelengths = [] 
    for k in apnum:
        desc, wv1, wv2 = (odesc[k], owv1[k], owv2[k])
        print "order # = %s, wrr = [%f, %f]" % (desc, wv1, wv2)
        # read the echellogram fitting data 
        mx = np.loadtxt(FITTING_PATH+'mx_%s_%02d_%02d.dat' % (desc, pdeg[0], pdeg[1]))
        my = np.loadtxt(FITTING_PATH+'my_%s_%02d_%02d.dat' % (desc, pdeg[0], pdeg[1]))
        # make X dimension array (for wavelength) 
        twave = np.arange(wv1, wv2, wave_step, dtype=np.float64)
        n_wave = len(twave)
        # make Y dimension array (for slit)
        tslit = np.arange(slit_len[0],slit_len[1]+slit_step, slit_step, dtype=np.float64)
        n_slit = len(tslit)
        # make 2D array for wavelength, slit-positions 
        swave = np.zeros([n_slit,n_wave], dtype=np.float64)
        sslit = np.zeros([n_slit,n_wave], dtype=np.float64)
        for i in range(n_wave):
            sslit[:,i] = tslit
        for i in range(n_slit):
            swave[i,:] = twave
        # find X, Y positions for each wavelength and slit-position
        sx = ip.polyval2d(swave, sslit, mx, deg=pdeg)
        sy = ip.polyval2d(swave, sslit, my, deg=pdeg)
        # transform into pixel units 
        px, py = ip.xy2pix(sx, sy, PA=PA, offset=offset, pscale=pscale)
        # check image range 0 < x < 2048
        xmin, xmax = (0,n_wave) 
        for i in range(n_slit):
            vv = np.where((px[i,:] >= 0) & (px[i,:] < nx))[0]
            if np.min(vv) > xmin: xmin = np.min(vv)
            if np.max(vv) < xmax: xmax = np.max(vv)
        # extract the aperture by using interpolation from image
        tstrip = ip.imextract(img, px[:,xmin:xmax], py[:,xmin:xmax])
        twave = twave[xmin:xmax]
        print ' + Wavelength valid range = [%f, %f]' % (twave[0], twave[-1])

    # Save the strips in FITS format
    for d, w, s in zip(descs, wavelengths, strips):
        shdr = header.copy()
        shdr.update('GEN-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        shdr.update('LNAME', lname)
        shdr.update('ECH-ORD', d)
        # WCS header ========================================
        shdr.update('WAT0_001', 'system=world')
        shdr.update('WAT1_001', 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=microns units_display=microns')
        shdr.update('WAT2_001', 'wtype=linear')
        shdr.update('WCSDIM', 2)
        shdr.update('DISPAXIS', 1)
        shdr.update('DC-FLAG', 0)
        # wavelength axis header ============================= 
        shdr.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR  ')
        shdr.update('LTV1',   1)
        shdr.update('LTM1_1', 1.0)
        shdr.update('CRPIX1', 1.0)
          #header.update('CDELT1', w[1]-w[0])
        shdr.update('CRVAL1', w[0])
        shdr.update('CD1_1',  w[1]-w[0])
        # slit-position axis header ==========================
        shdr.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR  ')
        shdr.update('LTV2',   1)
        shdr.update('LTM2_2', 1.0)
        shdr.update('CRPIX2', 1.0)
          #header.update('CDELT1', w[1]-w[0])
        shdr.update('CRVAL2', -1.0)
        shdr.update('CD2_2',  slit_step)
        # save FITS with header 
        ip.savefits(EXTRACT_PATH+'IGRINS_%s_%s.fits' % (lname,d), s, header=shdr)
        np.savetxt(EXTRACT_PATH+'IGRINS_%s_%s.wave' % (lname,d), w)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: manual.py Projeto: gmace/plp
def _ap_extract2(band, filename, ap_coeffs1 ,ap_coeffs2, \
                width=60, ap_num=[], target_path=MANUAL_PATH, 
    Extract the strips based on the FLAT image 
     - inputs 
      0. band 
      1. image file name FITS 
      2. coefficients (1) (a list of 1d-array) - start position of y-axis
      3. *coefficients (2) (a list of 1d-array) - end position of y-axis
      4. width of output strip 2D-array  
      5. ap_num (a list of aperture number, which will be extracted)
     - outputs
      0. FITS files 
      1. strips (a list of 2d-array) 
      2. headers (a list of header object)  
    img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename)
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(filename)
    if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])
    ny, nx = img.shape
    if len(ap_num) == 0:
        ap_num = range(len(ap_coeffs1))
    n_ap = len(ap_num)
    strips = [] 
    hdrs = []
    f1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(15,15))
    f2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(15,2))
    a1 = f1.add_subplot(111)
    a2 = f2.add_subplot(111)
    a1.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    for i in ap_num:
        # generate the output 2d-strips 
        tstrip = np.zeros([width, nx], dtype=np.float64)
        # (case 1) if ap_coeffs2 is exist, for arbitrary aperture width 
        if ap_coeffs2 != None:
            c1 = ap_coeff[i]
            c2 = ap_coeffs2[i]
            # define the x-positions and y-positions 
            xpos = np.arange(nx)
            ypos1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xpos, c1)
            ypos2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xpos, c2)
            # use interpolation 
            for x0, y1, y2 in zip(xpos, ypos1, ypos2):
                ypos = np.linspace(y1, y2, width)
                yinp = np.interp(ypos, np.arange(ny), img[:,x0])
                tstrip[:,x0] = yinp
        # (case 2) using just aperture width for extracting from the ap_coeffs1
        c1 = ap_coeffs1[i]
        c2 = ap_coeffs2[i]
        # define the x-positions and y-positions 
        xpos = np.arange(nx)
        ypos1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xpos, c1)
        ypos2 = ypos1 + width 
        # use the cropping method 
        yy, xx = np.indices(tstrip.shape)
        # add the y-direction aperture curve to the y-coordinates
        ayy = yy + ypos1
        iyy = np.array(np.floor(ayy), dtype=np.int)
        fyy = ayy - iyy 
        # find the valid points
        vv = np.where((iyy >= 0) & (iyy <= ny-2))
        tstrip[yy[vv],xx[vv]] = \
           img[iyy[vv],xx[vv]] * (1.0 - fyy[yy[vv],xx[vv]]) + \
           img[(iyy[vv]+1),xx[vv]] * fyy[yy[vv],xx[vv]]
        # draw the extracting position
        a1.plot(xpos, ypos1, 'g-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5) 
        a1.plot(xpos, ypos2, 'r-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5)
        if savepng == True : 
            a2.imshow(tstrip, cmap='gray')
            f2.savefig(target_path+name+'.%03d.png' % (i,))
        print 'ap[%d] : extracted ' % (i,)
        if hdr == None:
            thdr = None 
            thdr = hdr.copy() 
            thdr.update('AP-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
            thdr.update('AP-MODE', 'manual')
            thdr.update('AP-NUM', i)
            c1list = [] 
            for c in c1:
                c1list.append('%.8E' % (c,))
            thdr.update('AP-COEF1', ','.join(c1list))
            c2list = []  
            for c in c2:
                c2list.append('%.8E' % (c,))
            thdr.update('AP-COEF2', ','.join(c2list))
            thdr.update('AP-WIDTH', '%d' % (width,))
        ip.savefits(target_path+name+'.%03d.fits' % (i,), tstrip, header=thdr)
    return strips, hdrs
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: manual.py Projeto: gmace/plp
def _ap_extract2(band, filename, ap_coeffs1 ,ap_coeffs2, \
                width=60, ap_num=[], target_path=MANUAL_PATH,
    Extract the strips based on the FLAT image 
     - inputs 
      0. band 
      1. image file name FITS 
      2. coefficients (1) (a list of 1d-array) - start position of y-axis
      3. *coefficients (2) (a list of 1d-array) - end position of y-axis
      4. width of output strip 2D-array  
      5. ap_num (a list of aperture number, which will be extracted)
     - outputs
      0. FITS files 
      1. strips (a list of 2d-array) 
      2. headers (a list of header object)  
    img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename)
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(filename)
    if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])

    ny, nx = img.shape
    if len(ap_num) == 0:
        ap_num = range(len(ap_coeffs1))

    n_ap = len(ap_num)

    strips = []
    hdrs = []
    f1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(15, 15))
    f2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(15, 2))
    a1 = f1.add_subplot(111)
    a2 = f2.add_subplot(111)

    a1.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    for i in ap_num:
        # generate the output 2d-strips
        tstrip = np.zeros([width, nx], dtype=np.float64)
        # (case 1) if ap_coeffs2 is exist, for arbitrary aperture width 
        if ap_coeffs2 != None:
            c1 = ap_coeff[i]
            c2 = ap_coeffs2[i]
            # define the x-positions and y-positions 
            xpos = np.arange(nx)
            ypos1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xpos, c1)
            ypos2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xpos, c2)
            # use interpolation 
            for x0, y1, y2 in zip(xpos, ypos1, ypos2):
                ypos = np.linspace(y1, y2, width)
                yinp = np.interp(ypos, np.arange(ny), img[:,x0])
                tstrip[:,x0] = yinp
        # (case 2) using just aperture width for extracting from the ap_coeffs1
        c1 = ap_coeffs1[i]
        c2 = ap_coeffs2[i]
        # define the x-positions and y-positions
        xpos = np.arange(nx)
        ypos1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xpos, c1)
        ypos2 = ypos1 + width
        # use the cropping method
        yy, xx = np.indices(tstrip.shape)
        # add the y-direction aperture curve to the y-coordinates
        ayy = yy + ypos1
        iyy = np.array(np.floor(ayy), dtype=np.int)
        fyy = ayy - iyy
        # find the valid points
        vv = np.where((iyy >= 0) & (iyy <= ny - 2))
        tstrip[yy[vv],xx[vv]] = \
           img[iyy[vv],xx[vv]] * (1.0 - fyy[yy[vv],xx[vv]]) + \
           img[(iyy[vv]+1),xx[vv]] * fyy[yy[vv],xx[vv]]

        # draw the extracting position
        a1.plot(xpos, ypos1, 'g-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5)
        a1.plot(xpos, ypos2, 'r-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5)

        if savepng == True:
            a2.imshow(tstrip, cmap='gray')
            f2.savefig(target_path + name + '.%03d.png' % (i, ))

        print 'ap[%d] : extracted ' % (i, )

        if hdr == None:
            thdr = None
            thdr = hdr.copy()
            thdr.update('AP-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
            thdr.update('AP-MODE', 'manual')
            thdr.update('AP-NUM', i)
            c1list = []
            for c in c1:
                c1list.append('%.8E' % (c, ))
            thdr.update('AP-COEF1', ','.join(c1list))
            c2list = []
            for c in c2:
                c2list.append('%.8E' % (c, ))
            thdr.update('AP-COEF2', ','.join(c2list))
            thdr.update('AP-WIDTH', '%d' % (width, ))

        ip.savefits(target_path + name + '.%03d.fits' % (i, ),

    a1.set_xlim(0, nx)
    a1.set_ylim(0, ny)
    f1.savefig(target_path + name + '.all.png')

    return strips, hdrs
Exemplo n.º 7
def calibration(aperture, stripfile, lxx, lwave, datpath='', datapath='', outputname=''):

    imgv1, ahdr = ip.readfits(stripfile)
    col, line = imgv1.shape
    img = imgv1[5:(line-5), :]
    ny, nx = img.shape 

    # Identify emission lines
    # Make range of the emission line (When we have identified the imission line
    # peak, then range of the line will be [peak-npix, peak+npix]

    npix = 13  # This number will be updated or edit by appropriate formular

    # This will be identify the peak of the emission line
    # from the range has applied for the line

    i_peakline, lwidth = peak_reidentify(img, npix, lxx)

    npix = np.zeros(len(lxx))
    for i in range(len(lxx)):
       npix[i] = round(np.average(lwidth[i]))*2 + 1
    print 'npix', npix
    ilxx = np.zeros(len(lxx))
    for i in range(len(lxx)):
        ilxx[i] = i_peakline[i][2]

    #print 'identify lxx', ilxx 

    # Using Gaussian fitting to find the center of the line.
    peakline = reidentify(img, npix, ilxx)

    # Check peak line stable of Gaussian profile
    for i in range(len(peakline)):
        for j in range(len(peakline[i])):
            if (peakline[i][j] - np.median(peakline[i])) > 3:
               peakline[i][j] =  np.median(peakline[i])
            if (peakline[i][j] - np.median(peakline[i])) < -3:
               peakline[i][j] =  np.median(peakline[i])
    # Using polynomial to fit the emission lines

    fit_x, vmiddle = linefitting(img, peakline, lxx)
    #print 'fit x', fit_x
    #print 'value middle', vmiddle
    # Test distortion of emission lines
    residual(peakline, vmiddle)

    # Shifting rows with delta x from identify lines and fitting.

    xx = np.zeros(len(lwave))
    for i in range(0, len(lwave)):
        xx[i] = peakline[i][2]  # Sum of 10 lines in the middle stripfile
        #print 'center of identify lines', xx

    line_xx = list(xx)

    # Correct distortion correction by delta_x values

    k = [[] for _ in range(ny)]
    #print 'k', k, len(k)
    for i in range(len(k)):
        for c in range(len(fit_x)):
            #print 'k index', i, c

    #print 'k -test', k

    delta_x = np.zeros(ny)
    for i in range(ny):
        delta_x[i] = k[i][0] #np.average(k[i])

    #print 'delta x', delta_x

    f = open('distor_table_t.dat','w')
    A = np.arange(len(k))
    for i in A:
        temp = "%.4d %.6f \n" %(i, delta_x[i])

    xx = line_xx  # Using line_xx as list file

    # Wavelength calibration

    npixel = range(nx)  # Array with len of 2047 pixels

    wavel = np.array(lwave) # Make array of wavelength

    # Polynomial function
    coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, xx, 2)

    #print 'cofficient fitting before transform', coeff

    # Finding lambda min and max from coefficient fitting
    # X = f(lamda) = a_0 + a_1 * X + a_2 * X^2
    # Second order 
    p_min = [coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0]]
    value_min = np.roots(p_min)

    #print 'lamda min values', np.roots(p_min)

    p_max = [coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - 2047]
    value_max = np.roots(p_max)

    lamda_min = find_nearest(value_min, min(wavel))
    lamda_max = find_nearest(value_max, max(wavel))

    # Position array
    position = np.where(value_max == lamda_max)[0]

    #print 'lamda max values', np.roots(p_max)

    # Check in case of complex values
    if (np.iscomplexobj(lamda_min)):
        lamda_min = np.real(lamda_min)
    elif (np.iscomplexobj(lamda_max)):
        lamda_max = np.real(lamda_max)

    #print 'position', position
    #print 'lambda min and max', lamda_min, lamda_max

    ptlamda = np.zeros(nx)
    for i in range(nx):
        pt = [coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - i]
        if (np.iscomplexobj(np.roots(pt))):
            temp = np.real(np.roots(pt))
            ptlamda[i] = temp[position]
            ptlamda[i] = np.roots(pt)[position]
    #print 'ptlamda', ptlamda    
    # Or using 4th order poly function
    # Polynomial function
    coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, xx, 4)

    print 'cofficient fitting before transform', coeff

    p_min = [coeff[4], coeff[3], coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0]]
    value_min = np.roots(p_min)

    p_max = [coeff[4], coeff[3], coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - 2047]
    value_max = np.roots(p_max)
    lamda_min = find_nearest(value_min, min(wavel))
    lamda_max = find_nearest(value_max, max(wavel))

    print 'position', np.where(value_min == lamda_min)[0], np.where(value_max == lamda_max)[0]    
    print 'lambda min and max', lamda_min, lamda_max
    #Solve 4th oder poly function to find the output solution
    #for lambda min and max values
    ptlamda = np.zeros(nx)
    for i in range(nx):
         pt = [coeff[4], coeff[3], coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - i]
         ptlamda[i] = np.roots(pt)[np.where(value_min == lamda_min)[0][0]]

    Plot the fitting before transform
    #fig = plt.figure(3, figsize=(10,8))
    #a = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #a.plot(ptlamda, range(nx), 'r', wavel, xx, 'ko')
    #plt.xlabel('Wavelength [microns]')
    #plt.ylabel('X-position [pixels]')
    #plt.legend(['Polyfit', 'X-before transform'])

    # Finding linear equation from poly fitting function
    # g(lamda) = b_0 + b1 * lamda
    # Solve equation with two varible
    # b_0 + b_1 x lamda_min = 0
    # b_0 + b_1 x lamda_max = 2047

    # Define linear function
    def func(b):
        f = [b[0] + b[1] * lamda_min, b[0] + b[1]*lamda_max - 2047]
        return f

    b = optimize.fsolve(func, [0, 0])

    #print 'linear coeff', b

    # Linear equation has value of b[0] and b[1]
    # X' = b[0] + b[1] * lambda

    # Delta lambda wavelength

    delta_lamda = (lamda_max - lamda_min) / 2047
    #print 'delta_lamda', delta_lamda

    # Linear wavelength from the lambda min and max values

    linear_wave = np.zeros(nx)
    for i in range(nx):
        linear_wave[i] = lamda_min + i*delta_lamda

    #lwave = np.linspace(lamda_min, lamda_max, nx)
    #print 'linear wavelength', linear_wave

    # Create text file with i=0-2047, lamda, x, x'

    x_fit = np.zeros(len(linear_wave))  # x position values calculated from the 4th order function.
    lx_fit = np.zeros(len(linear_wave)) # x position values calculated from linear function.
    # Second order
    for i in range(len(linear_wave)):
        x_fit[i] = coeff[0] + coeff[1] * linear_wave[i] + coeff[2] * pow(linear_wave[i],2)
        lx_fit[i] = b[0] + b[1] * linear_wave[i]
    # 4nd order
    for i in range(len(linear_wave)):
        x_fit[i] = coeff[0] + coeff[1] * linear_wave[i] + coeff[2] * pow(linear_wave[i],2) + \
                   coeff[3] * pow(linear_wave[i],3) + coeff[4] * pow(linear_wave[i],4) 
        lx_fit[i] = b[0] + b[1] * linear_wave[i]
    # Transform x to x', delta is the values have to be shifted to convert 4th order
    # poly function to linear function

    delta = x_fit - lx_fit
    #print 'delta x', delta

    # Combine distortion correction and wavelength calbration
    # Delta_s are the values have to be applied to the transform
    # function.

    delta_s = np.zeros([ny,nx])
    for j in range(ny):
        if delta_x[j] < 0:
            delta_s[j] = delta + delta_x[j] 
        if delta_x[j] > 0:
            delta_s[j] = delta - delta_x[j] 
    f = open(datpath + 'wavemap_H_02_ohline.' + str(aperture) + '.dat','w')
    A = np.arange(len(linear_wave))
    for i in A:
        temp = "%.4d %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f \n" %(i, linear_wave[i], x_fit[i], lx_fit[i], delta[i])

    # x-position after transform
    #print 'xx', xx
    lxx_t = np.zeros(len(lxx))
    for i in range(len(lxx)):
        lxx_t[i] = xx[i] - delta[lxx[i]]
        #print 'delta', delta[lxx[i]]
    #print 'lxx transform', lxx_t
    tstrip = transform_p(img, delta_s) # Tranfsorm function
    #z1, z2 = ip.zscale(tstrip)   
    #plt.imshow(tstrip, cmap='hot',vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto')

    thdr = ahdr.copy()
    thdr.update('TRN-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    # WCS header ========================================
    thdr.update('WAT0_001', 'system=world')
    thdr.update('WAT1_001', 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=microns units_display=microns')
    # wavelength axis header ============================= 
    thdr.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR  ')
    thdr.update('LTV1',   1)
    thdr.update('LTM1_1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CRPIX1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CDELT1', delta_lamda)
    thdr.update('CRVAL1', min(linear_wave))
    thdr.update('LCOEFF1', b[0])
    thdr.update('LCOEFF2', b[1])

    ip.savefits(datapath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.fits', tstrip, header=thdr)
    np.savetxt(datpath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.wave', linear_wave)
    ip.savefits(datpath + 'wavemap_H_02_ohlines.' +  str(aperture) + '.fits', delta_s, thdr)

    return tstrip, delta_s, coeff, b, linear_wave, lxx_t
Exemplo n.º 8
def transform_ap_file(stripfile,
                      outputfile=None):  #2014-01-13 cksim
    Apply linear interpolation to the strip with a regular wavelength
    - INPUTS :
     1. stripfile (FITS)
     2. wave_step (to be extracted with this wavelength step for a pixel)
     3. outputfile (FITS filename) 
    - OUTPUTS: 
     1. tranformed 2D strip data with header   

    astrip, ahdr = ip.readfits(stripfile)
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(stripfile)
    if outputfile == None: outputfile = fpath + fname + '.tr'
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])
    ny, nx = astrip.shape
    yy, xx = np.indices(astrip.shape)

    if 'WV-DIM' in ahdr.keys():
        xdim, ydim = np.array(ahdr.get('WV-DIM').split(','), dtype=np.int)
        wl_coeff = np.zeros([xdim * ydim])
        for i in range(xdim):
            tmp = ahdr.get('WV-X%03d' % (i, ))
            wl_coeff[(i * ydim):(i * ydim + ydim)] = np.array(tmp.split(','),
        awave = ip.polyval2d(xx, yy, wl_coeff, deg=[xdim - 1, ydim - 1])

        print 'No wavelength data in FITS header'
        return None, None

    if wave_step == False:
        wave_step = (
            (np.max(awave) - np.min(awave))) / (nx - 1)  #2013-01-14 cksim
    #--new version--
    tstrip, xwave = transform_ap(astrip, awave, wave_step=wave_step)

    wv1, wv2 = np.min(xwave), np.max(xwave)
    '''old version
    wv1, wv2 = (np.min(awave), np.max(awave))
    xwave = np.arange(wv1, wv2, wave_step)
    nwave = len(xwave)
    #print nx, ny, nwave, np.min(awave), np.max(awave)
    tstrip = np.zeros([ny,nwave])
    for i in range(ny):
        row = astrip[i,:]
        wv = awave[i,:]
        xrow = np.interp(xwave, wv, row)
        tstrip[i,:] = xrow

    thdr = ahdr.copy()
    thdr.update('TRN-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    # WCS header ========================================
    thdr.update('WAT0_001', 'system=world')
        'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=microns units_display=microns')
    thdr.update('WAT2_001', 'wtype=linear')
    thdr.update('WCSDIM', 2)
    thdr.update('DISPAXIS', 1)
    thdr.update('DC-FLAG', 0)

    # wavelength axis header =============================
    thdr.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR  ')
    thdr.update('LTV1', 1)
    thdr.update('LTM1_1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CRPIX1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CDELT1', wave_step)
    thdr.update('CRVAL1', wv1)
    thdr.update('CD1_1', wave_step)

    # slit-position axis header ==========================
    thdr.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR  ')
    thdr.update('LTV2', 1)
    thdr.update('LTM2_2', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CRPIX2', 1)
    thdr.update('CRVAL2', 1)
    thdr.update('CD2_2', 1)

    ip.savefits(outputfile, tstrip, header=thdr)
    np.savetxt('.'.join(outputfile.split('.')[:-1]) + '.wave', xwave)
    plt.imshow(astrip, aspect=2)
    plt.imshow(tstrip, aspect=2) 
    ##2013-11-21 cksim inserted below draw_strips_file()
    #draw_strips_file('.'.join(outputfile.split('.')[:-1])+'.fits', '.'.join(outputfile.split('.')[:-1])+'.wave', linefile='ohlines.dat', \
    #    target_path=outputfile.split('SDC')[0], desc='SDC'+outputfile.split('SDC')[1].split('.fits')[0])

    return tstrip, thdr
Exemplo n.º 9
def extract_strips(filename, band, apnum=[], pdeg=PDEGREE, \
                   PA=0, offset=[1023.5,1023.5], pscale=0.018, \
                   slit_len=[-1,1], slit_step=0.025, wave_step=0.00001, \
                   fitting_path=FITTING_PATH, \
    Extract the strips directly based on ZEMAX analysis fitting data 
     (using mapping parameters like position angle, pixel scale, ... 
     - input :  for each band 
        1. FITTING DATA (fitting_path) 
        2. MAPPING DATA (PA,offset,pscale) 
    fpath, fname = ip.split_path(filename)
    if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath
    # extract the file name only without extension
    name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1])

    img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename)
    # read order information from file
    onum, odesc, owv1, owv2 = ip.read_orderinfo(band)

    if len(apnum) == 0:
        apnum = range(len(onum))

    # read image size
    ny, nx = img.shape

    # Extract strips based on ZEMAX fitting data
    descs = []
    strips = []
    wavelengths = []

    for k in apnum:
        desc, wv1, wv2 = (odesc[k], owv1[k], owv2[k])
        print "order # = %s, wrr = [%f, %f]" % (desc, wv1, wv2)
        # read the echellogram fitting data
        mx = np.loadtxt(FITTING_PATH + 'mx_%s_%02d_%02d.dat' %
                        (desc, pdeg[0], pdeg[1]))
        my = np.loadtxt(FITTING_PATH + 'my_%s_%02d_%02d.dat' %
                        (desc, pdeg[0], pdeg[1]))

        # make X dimension array (for wavelength)
        twave = np.arange(wv1, wv2, wave_step, dtype=np.float64)
        n_wave = len(twave)
        # make Y dimension array (for slit)
        tslit = np.arange(slit_len[0],
                          slit_len[1] + slit_step,
        n_slit = len(tslit)
        # make 2D array for wavelength, slit-positions
        swave = np.zeros([n_slit, n_wave], dtype=np.float64)
        sslit = np.zeros([n_slit, n_wave], dtype=np.float64)
        for i in range(n_wave):
            sslit[:, i] = tslit
        for i in range(n_slit):
            swave[i, :] = twave
        # find X, Y positions for each wavelength and slit-position
        sx = ip.polyval2d(swave, sslit, mx, deg=pdeg)
        sy = ip.polyval2d(swave, sslit, my, deg=pdeg)
        # transform into pixel units
        px, py = ip.xy2pix(sx, sy, PA=PA, offset=offset, pscale=pscale)
        # check image range 0 < x < 2048
        xmin, xmax = (0, n_wave)
        for i in range(n_slit):
            vv = np.where((px[i, :] >= 0) & (px[i, :] < nx))[0]
            if np.min(vv) > xmin: xmin = np.min(vv)
            if np.max(vv) < xmax: xmax = np.max(vv)

        # extract the aperture by using interpolation from image
        tstrip = ip.imextract(img, px[:, xmin:xmax], py[:, xmin:xmax])
        twave = twave[xmin:xmax]
        print ' + Wavelength valid range = [%f, %f]' % (twave[0], twave[-1])


    # Save the strips in FITS format
    for d, w, s in zip(descs, wavelengths, strips):
        shdr = header.copy()

        shdr.update('GEN-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        shdr.update('LNAME', lname)
        shdr.update('ECH-ORD', d)
        # WCS header ========================================
        shdr.update('WAT0_001', 'system=world')
            'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=microns units_display=microns'
        shdr.update('WAT2_001', 'wtype=linear')
        shdr.update('WCSDIM', 2)
        shdr.update('DISPAXIS', 1)
        shdr.update('DC-FLAG', 0)

        # wavelength axis header =============================
        shdr.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR  ')
        shdr.update('LTV1', 1)
        shdr.update('LTM1_1', 1.0)
        shdr.update('CRPIX1', 1.0)
        #header.update('CDELT1', w[1]-w[0])
        shdr.update('CRVAL1', w[0])
        shdr.update('CD1_1', w[1] - w[0])

        # slit-position axis header ==========================
        shdr.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR  ')
        shdr.update('LTV2', 1)
        shdr.update('LTM2_2', 1.0)
        shdr.update('CRPIX2', 1.0)
        #header.update('CDELT1', w[1]-w[0])
        shdr.update('CRVAL2', -1.0)
        shdr.update('CD2_2', slit_step)

        # save FITS with header
        ip.savefits(EXTRACT_PATH + 'IGRINS_%s_%s.fits' % (lname, d),
        np.savetxt(EXTRACT_PATH + 'IGRINS_%s_%s.wave' % (lname, d), w)
Exemplo n.º 10
def calibration(aperture,

    imgv1, ahdr = ip.readfits(stripfile)
    col, line = imgv1.shape
    img = imgv1[5:(line - 5), :]
    ny, nx = img.shape

    # Identify emission lines
    # Make range of the emission line (When we have identified the imission line
    # peak, then range of the line will be [peak-npix, peak+npix]

    npix = 13  # This number will be updated or edit by appropriate formular

    # This will be identify the peak of the emission line
    # from the range has applied for the line

    i_peakline, lwidth = peak_reidentify(img, npix, lxx)

    npix = np.zeros(len(lxx))
    for i in range(len(lxx)):
        npix[i] = round(np.average(lwidth[i])) * 2 + 1

    print 'npix', npix

    ilxx = np.zeros(len(lxx))
    for i in range(len(lxx)):
        ilxx[i] = i_peakline[i][2]

    #print 'identify lxx', ilxx

    # Using Gaussian fitting to find the center of the line.
    peakline = reidentify(img, npix, ilxx)

    # Check peak line stable of Gaussian profile
    for i in range(len(peakline)):
        for j in range(len(peakline[i])):
            if (peakline[i][j] - np.median(peakline[i])) > 3:
                peakline[i][j] = np.median(peakline[i])
            if (peakline[i][j] - np.median(peakline[i])) < -3:
                peakline[i][j] = np.median(peakline[i])

    # Using polynomial to fit the emission lines

    fit_x, vmiddle = linefitting(img, peakline, lxx)
    #print 'fit x', fit_x
    #print 'value middle', vmiddle

    # Test distortion of emission lines
    residual(peakline, vmiddle)

    # Shifting rows with delta x from identify lines and fitting.

    xx = np.zeros(len(lwave))
    for i in range(0, len(lwave)):
        xx[i] = peakline[i][2]  # Sum of 10 lines in the middle stripfile
        #print 'center of identify lines', xx

    line_xx = list(xx)

    # Correct distortion correction by delta_x values

    k = [[] for _ in range(ny)]
    #print 'k', k, len(k)
    for i in range(len(k)):
        for c in range(len(fit_x)):
            k[i].append(fit_x[c][ny - 1] - fit_x[c][i])
            #print 'k index', i, c

    #print 'k -test', k

    delta_x = np.zeros(ny)
    for i in range(ny):
        delta_x[i] = k[i][0]  #np.average(k[i])

    #print 'delta x', delta_x
    f = open('distor_table_t.dat','w')
    A = np.arange(len(k))
    for i in A:
        temp = "%.4d %.6f \n" %(i, delta_x[i])

    xx = line_xx  # Using line_xx as list file

    # Wavelength calibration

    npixel = range(nx)  # Array with len of 2047 pixels

    wavel = np.array(lwave)  # Make array of wavelength

    # Polynomial function
    coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, xx, 2)

    #print 'cofficient fitting before transform', coeff

    # Finding lambda min and max from coefficient fitting
    # X = f(lamda) = a_0 + a_1 * X + a_2 * X^2

    # Second order
    p_min = [coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0]]
    value_min = np.roots(p_min)

    #print 'lamda min values', np.roots(p_min)

    p_max = [coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - 2047]
    value_max = np.roots(p_max)

    lamda_min = find_nearest(value_min, min(wavel))
    lamda_max = find_nearest(value_max, max(wavel))

    # Position array
    position = np.where(value_max == lamda_max)[0]

    #print 'lamda max values', np.roots(p_max)

    # Check in case of complex values

    if (np.iscomplexobj(lamda_min)):
        lamda_min = np.real(lamda_min)
    elif (np.iscomplexobj(lamda_max)):
        lamda_max = np.real(lamda_max)

    #print 'position', position
    #print 'lambda min and max', lamda_min, lamda_max

    ptlamda = np.zeros(nx)
    for i in range(nx):
        pt = [coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - i]
        if (np.iscomplexobj(np.roots(pt))):
            temp = np.real(np.roots(pt))
            ptlamda[i] = temp[position]
            ptlamda[i] = np.roots(pt)[position]
    #print 'ptlamda', ptlamda
    # Or using 4th order poly function
    # Polynomial function
    coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, xx, 4)

    print 'cofficient fitting before transform', coeff

    p_min = [coeff[4], coeff[3], coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0]]
    value_min = np.roots(p_min)

    p_max = [coeff[4], coeff[3], coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - 2047]
    value_max = np.roots(p_max)
    lamda_min = find_nearest(value_min, min(wavel))
    lamda_max = find_nearest(value_max, max(wavel))

    print 'position', np.where(value_min == lamda_min)[0], np.where(value_max == lamda_max)[0]    
    print 'lambda min and max', lamda_min, lamda_max
    #Solve 4th oder poly function to find the output solution
    #for lambda min and max values
    ptlamda = np.zeros(nx)
    for i in range(nx):
         pt = [coeff[4], coeff[3], coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[0] - i]
         ptlamda[i] = np.roots(pt)[np.where(value_min == lamda_min)[0][0]]
    Plot the fitting before transform

    #fig = plt.figure(3, figsize=(10,8))
    #a = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #a.plot(ptlamda, range(nx), 'r', wavel, xx, 'ko')
    #plt.xlabel('Wavelength [microns]')
    #plt.ylabel('X-position [pixels]')
    #plt.legend(['Polyfit', 'X-before transform'])

    # Finding linear equation from poly fitting function
    # g(lamda) = b_0 + b1 * lamda
    # Solve equation with two varible
    # b_0 + b_1 x lamda_min = 0
    # b_0 + b_1 x lamda_max = 2047

    # Define linear function
    def func(b):
        f = [b[0] + b[1] * lamda_min, b[0] + b[1] * lamda_max - 2047]
        return f

    b = optimize.fsolve(func, [0, 0])

    #print 'linear coeff', b

    # Linear equation has value of b[0] and b[1]
    # X' = b[0] + b[1] * lambda

    # Delta lambda wavelength

    delta_lamda = (lamda_max - lamda_min) / 2047
    #print 'delta_lamda', delta_lamda

    # Linear wavelength from the lambda min and max values

    linear_wave = np.zeros(nx)
    for i in range(nx):
        linear_wave[i] = lamda_min + i * delta_lamda

    #lwave = np.linspace(lamda_min, lamda_max, nx)
    #print 'linear wavelength', linear_wave

    # Create text file with i=0-2047, lamda, x, x'

    x_fit = np.zeros(
            ))  # x position values calculated from the 4th order function.
    lx_fit = np.zeros(
        len(linear_wave))  # x position values calculated from linear function.

    # Second order
    for i in range(len(linear_wave)):
        x_fit[i] = coeff[0] + coeff[1] * linear_wave[i] + coeff[2] * pow(
            linear_wave[i], 2)
        lx_fit[i] = b[0] + b[1] * linear_wave[i]
    # 4nd order
    for i in range(len(linear_wave)):
        x_fit[i] = coeff[0] + coeff[1] * linear_wave[i] + coeff[2] * pow(linear_wave[i],2) + \
                   coeff[3] * pow(linear_wave[i],3) + coeff[4] * pow(linear_wave[i],4) 
        lx_fit[i] = b[0] + b[1] * linear_wave[i]
    # Transform x to x', delta is the values have to be shifted to convert 4th order
    # poly function to linear function

    delta = x_fit - lx_fit
    #print 'delta x', delta

    # Combine distortion correction and wavelength calbration
    # Delta_s are the values have to be applied to the transform
    # function.

    delta_s = np.zeros([ny, nx])
    for j in range(ny):
        if delta_x[j] < 0:
            delta_s[j] = delta + delta_x[j]
        if delta_x[j] > 0:
            delta_s[j] = delta - delta_x[j]

    f = open(datpath + 'wavemap_H_02_ohline.' + str(aperture) + '.dat', 'w')
    A = np.arange(len(linear_wave))
    for i in A:
        temp = "%.4d %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f \n" % (i, linear_wave[i], x_fit[i],
                                                lx_fit[i], delta[i])

    # x-position after transform
    #print 'xx', xx
    lxx_t = np.zeros(len(lxx))
    for i in range(len(lxx)):
        lxx_t[i] = xx[i] - delta[lxx[i]]
        #print 'delta', delta[lxx[i]]
    #print 'lxx transform', lxx_t

    tstrip = transform_p(img, delta_s)  # Tranfsorm function
    #z1, z2 = ip.zscale(tstrip)
    #plt.imshow(tstrip, cmap='hot',vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto')

    thdr = ahdr.copy()
    thdr.update('TRN-TIME', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    # WCS header ========================================
    thdr.update('WAT0_001', 'system=world')
        'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=microns units_display=microns')
    # wavelength axis header =============================
    thdr.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR  ')
    thdr.update('LTV1', 1)
    thdr.update('LTM1_1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CRPIX1', 1.0)
    thdr.update('CDELT1', delta_lamda)
    thdr.update('CRVAL1', min(linear_wave))
    thdr.update('LCOEFF1', b[0])
    thdr.update('LCOEFF2', b[1])

    ip.savefits(datapath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.fits',
    np.savetxt(datpath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.wave', linear_wave)
    ip.savefits(datpath + 'wavemap_H_02_ohlines.' + str(aperture) + '.fits',
                delta_s, thdr)

    return tstrip, delta_s, coeff, b, linear_wave, lxx_t