Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_small_primes(self):
     testing the generator with smaller primes
     assert list(prime_gen(2)) == [2]
     assert list(prime_gen(3)) == [2, 3]
     assert list(prime_gen(5)) == [2, 3, 5]
     assert list(prime_gen(7)) == [2, 3, 5, 7]
     assert list(prime_gen(11)) == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
Exemplo n.º 2
def S_M(max_n):
    primes = [p for p in prime_gen(max_n)]
    squares = [n * n for n in range(max_n + 1)]

    def M(n):
        # print("_")
        # print(n)
        if primes[-1] >= n == primes[bisect_left(primes, n)]:
            return 1
        if squares[bisect_left(squares, n)] == n:
            return 1
        for a in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
            right = (a % n)
            # left = (a*a)%n
            sq = squares[a]
            left = squares[a] % n
            if right == left:
                return a

    assert 4 == M(6)

    # for n in range(1, 1000):
    #     print(M(n))

    m_sum = 0
    for n in tqdm(range(1, max_n + 1)):
        # print("_")
        # print(n, M(n)**2, M(n))
        m_sum += M(n)
    m_sum -= 1
    print("MSUM", m_sum)
    return m_sum
Exemplo n.º 3
def fractions_in_range(max_d=12000, gtd=3, ltd=2):
    """number of reduced proper fractions in a range

        max_d: maximum denominator
        gtd: greater than denominator
        ltd: less than denominator

        int: no. reduced proper fractions, frac, such that frac > (1/gtd) and
             and frac < (1/ltd)

    primes = set(p for p in prime_gen(max_d))
    nfractions = 0
    for denominator in xrange(4, max_d+1):
        min_n = denominator//gtd+1
        max_n = denominator//ltd+1
        if denominator in primes:
            nfractions += (max_n-min_n)
            for numerator in xrange(min_n, max_n):
                if gcd_it(numerator, denominator) == 1:
                    nfractions += 1
    return nfractions
Exemplo n.º 4
def thingy(limit):
    D = {}
    count = 1
    primes = set(i for i in (prime_gen(limit)))

    # print("\nprimes made")
    def divisors_thing(divs, n):
        return all(i in primes for i in map(partial(funnn, n=n), divs))

    for q in tqdm(range(0, limit+1)):
        if q not in D:
            D.setdefault(q+q, set()).add(q)
            if q%4 == 2:
                first_half = sorted(D[q])

                if divisors_thing(first_half[0:1+len(first_half)//2], q):
                    # print(q)
                    count += q
            # print("SOMETHING", something)

            for p in D[q]:
                D.setdefault(p+q, set()).add(p)
            D.setdefault(q+q, set()).add(q)
            del D[q]

    return count
Exemplo n.º 5
def F(n):
    primes = {p for p in prime_gen(n)}
    d = defaultdict(set)
    for p1, p2 in combinations(primes, 2):
        if is_connected(p1, p2):

    two_relatives = set()
    def _traverse(pn, rchain, cmax):
        if rchain[-1]==pn: return True
        possrels = list(sorted((el for el in d[rchain[-1]] if el not in rchain and el<=pn),reverse=True))
        if len(possrels)==0:
            return False

        for pr in possrels:
            if pr > cmax:
                cmax = pr
            tc = copy(rchain)+(pr,)
            # print(tc)
            if _traverse(pn, tc, cmax):
                return True
        return False
        # print(possrels)
    for p in primes:
        if p not in two_relatives:
            _traverse(p, (2, ), 2)

    print(sum(two_relatives), sum(primes))
Exemplo n.º 6
def p187(upper_bound=10**8):
    primes = list(n for n in prime_gen(1 + upper_bound // 2))
    lim_root = int(sqrt(upper_bound) + 1)
    ans = 0
    for i in xrange(len(primes)):
        if primes[i] > lim_root: break
        ans += bisect_left(primes, truediv(upper_bound, primes[i])) - i
    return ans
Exemplo n.º 7
def p069():
    # we are looking for the number divisible by the most consecutive
    # prime numbers
    pprod = 1
    for p in prime_gen():
        if pprod * p > 1000000:
            return pprod
        pprod *= p
Exemplo n.º 8
def p134_cy(lim=1000000):
    from bib.prime_pairs import prime_pair_cy
    primes = [p for p in prime_gen(lim + 5) if p > 3]
    mod10e = 10
    multipliers = []
    for i in tqdm(range(len(primes) - 1), ascii=True):
        if primes[i] > mod10e: mod10e *= 10
        multipliers.append(prime_pair_cy(primes[i], primes[i + 1], mod10e))
    return sum(a * b for a, b in zip(primes[1:], multipliers))
Exemplo n.º 9
def s(n):
    primes = []
    prime_sieve_limit = int(n // 2) + 1  # plus two cause idk
    ret_sum = 0
    for p in prime_gen(prime_sieve_limit):
        mul_list = primes[0:bisect_right(primes, n // p)]
        ret_sum += sum(m(ppp, p, n) for ppp in mul_list)
    return ret_sum
Exemplo n.º 10
def prime_power_triples(below):
    primes = [p for p in prime_gen(int(sqrt(below) + 1))]
    n_primes = len(primes)
    hermy = [0] * below
    for first in range(n_primes):
        for second in range(n_primes):
            for third in range(n_primes):
                pt = power_triple(
                    [primes[third], primes[second], primes[first]])
                if pt > below:
                hermy[pt] = 1
    return sum(hermy)
Exemplo n.º 11
def consecutive_prime_sum(upper_bound):
    primes_list = [p for p in prime_gen(upper_bound)]
    primes_set = set(primes_list)
    longest_seq = 1
    max_sum = 1
    for p in range(len(primes_list), 0, -1):
        cur_sum = primes_list[p-1]
        cur_seq_length = 1
        for j in range(p-1, 0, -1):
            cur_sum += primes_list[j-1]
            cur_seq_length += 1
            if cur_sum > upper_bound:
            if cur_seq_length >= longest_seq and cur_sum < upper_bound and cur_sum in primes_set:
                max_sum = cur_sum
                longest_seq = cur_seq_length
    return longest_seq, max_sum
Exemplo n.º 12
def prime_pair_sets(set_size):
    pairs = defaultdict(set)
    past_primes = []

    def look_up_is_prime_pair_set(comb):
        return set.intersection(*[pairs[c] for c in comb])

    for p in prime_gen():
        for pp in past_primes:
            if check_pair(p, pp):

        for comb in combinations(pairs[p], set_size - 1):
            sssss = look_up_is_prime_pair_set(comb)
            if len(sssss) == set_size:
                return sum(sssss)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_use_prime_list(self):
     testing if the dictionary recreation is good
     assert list(prime_gen(200, kprimes=p_lt100)) == p_gt100_lt200
Exemplo n.º 14
form a chain of five numbers:

12496 → 14288 → 15472 → 14536 → 14264 (→ 12496 → ...)

Since this chain returns to its starting point, it is called an amicable chain.

Find the smallest member of the longest amicable chain with no element
exceeding one million.

from tqdm import tqdm
from bib.maths import divisors_gen
from bib.amazon_prime import prime_gen

upperlim = 1000000
primes = {p for p in prime_gen(upperlim)}
chainlengths = {}
perfects = set()
mean_numbers = set()

def proper_divisors_gen(n):
    return (number for number in divisors_gen(n) if number < n)

def is_perfect(n):
    return n == sum(proper_divisors_gen(n))

def chaingang(start_n):
    the_chain = []
Exemplo n.º 15
def p010():
    return sum(p for p in prime_gen(2000000))
Exemplo n.º 16
def p187a(upper_bound=10**8):
    primes = list(n for n in prime_gen(1 + upper_bound // 2))
    for c in combinations_with_replacement(primes, 2):
Exemplo n.º 17
def psr(remainder_max):
    for n, p in enumerate(prime_gen()):
        rem = 2 * (n + 2) * p
        if rem > remainder_max:
            return n + 2
Exemplo n.º 18
def p035():
    return sum(1 for p in prime_gen(10**6) if is_circ_prime(p))
Exemplo n.º 19
def p007(nth_prime=10001):
    count = 0
    for p in prime_gen():
        count += 1
        if count == 10001:
            return p
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_small_ub_large_known_primes(self):
     test_fest handling an upper_bound < max prime
     assert list(prime_gen(50, kprimes=p_lt100)) == p_lt50
Exemplo n.º 21
Counting numbers with at least four distinct prime factors less than 100
Problem 268
It can be verified that there are 23 positive integers less than 1000 that are
divisible by at least four distinct primes less than 100.

Find how many positive integers less than 1016 are divisible by at least four
distinct primes less than 100.

from itertools import combinations
from bib import xrange
from bib.amazon_prime import prime_gen
from bib.listless import reduce_product

primes = [p for p in prime_gen(100)]
lt100 = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41,
         43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]

n = 0
for i in xrange(100, 1000):
    t = 0
    for p in lt100:
        if i%p == 0:
            t += 1
    if t > 3:
        print(i, t)
        n += 1

Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_prime_seive_gen(self):
     test_fest if can generate primes below 100
     assert p_lt100 == [p for p in prime_gen(100)]
Exemplo n.º 23
Problem 77
It is possible to write ten as the sum of primes in exactly five different

7 + 3
5 + 5
5 + 3 + 2
3 + 3 + 2 + 2
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2

What is the first value which can be written as the sum of primes in over
five thousand different ways?
from bib.amazon_prime import is_prime, prime_gen

p = [p for p in prime_gen(5000)]

maxp = 1548136
pp = [p for p in prime_gen(maxp)]
# print(pp)

def prime_sums(n):
    # this is the same as my coin sums code
    # primes = [p for p in range(2, n) if is_prime(p)]
    ok_primes = [i for i in p if i < (n + 1)]
    sums = [0] * (n + 1)
    sums[0] = 1
    for prime in ok_primes:
        for i in range(prime, n + 1):