Exemplo n.º 1
def bloom_bits(val):
    h = utils.sha3(val)
    return [
        bits_in_number(1 << ((safe_ord(h[i + 1]) +
                              (safe_ord(h[i]) << 8)) & 2047))
        for i in range(0, BUCKETS_PER_VAL * 2, 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def proc_ecrecover(ext, msg):
    # print('ecrecover proc', msg.gas)
    OP_GAS = opcodes.GECRECOVER
    gas_cost = OP_GAS
    if msg.gas < gas_cost:
        return 0, 0, []

    message_hash_bytes = [0] * 32
    msg.data.extract_copy(message_hash_bytes, 0, 0, 32)
    message_hash = b''.join(map(ascii_chr, message_hash_bytes))

    # TODO: This conversion isn't really necessary.
    # TODO: Invesitage if the check below is really needed.
    v = msg.data.extract32(32)
    r = msg.data.extract32(64)
    s = msg.data.extract32(96)

    if r >= secp256k1n or s >= secp256k1n or v < 27 or v > 28:
        return 1, msg.gas - opcodes.GECRECOVER, []
        pub = utils.ecrecover_to_pub(message_hash, v, r, s)
    except Exception as e:
        return 1, msg.gas - gas_cost, []
    o = [0] * 12 + [safe_ord(x) for x in utils.sha3(pub)[-20:]]
    return 1, msg.gas - gas_cost, o
Exemplo n.º 3
def consume_length_prefix(rlp, start):
    """Read a length prefix from an RLP string.

    :param rlp: the rlp string to read from
    :param start: the position at which to start reading
    :returns: a tuple ``(type, length, end)``, where ``type`` is either ``str``
              or ``list`` depending on the type of the following payload,
              ``length`` is the length of the payload in bytes, and ``end`` is
              the position of the first payload byte in the rlp string
    b0 = safe_ord(rlp[start])
    if b0 < 128:  # single byte
        return (str, 1, start)
    elif b0 < 128 + 56:  # short string
        return (str, b0 - 128, start + 1)
    elif b0 < 192:  # long string
        ll = b0 - 128 - 56 + 1
        l = big_endian_to_int(rlp[start + 1:start + 1 + ll])
        return (str, l, start + 1 + ll)
    elif b0 < 192 + 56:  # short list
        return (list, b0 - 192, start + 1)
    else:  # long list
        ll = b0 - 192 - 56 + 1
        l = big_endian_to_int(rlp[start + 1:start + 1 + ll])
        return (list, l, start + 1 + ll)
Exemplo n.º 4
def optimized_decode_single(x, pos):
    z = safe_ord(x[pos])
    if z < 128:
        return x[pos:pos + 1], 1
    elif z < 184:
        return x[pos + 1:pos + z - 127], z - 127
        ll = big_endian_to_int(x[pos + 1:pos + z - 182])
        return x[pos + z - 182:pos + z - 182 + ll], z - 182 + ll
Exemplo n.º 5
def proc_ripemd160(ext, msg):
    # print('ripemd160 proc', msg.gas)
    OP_GAS = opcodes.GRIPEMD160BASE + \
        (utils.ceil32(msg.data.size) // 32) * opcodes.GRIPEMD160WORD
    gas_cost = OP_GAS
    if msg.gas < gas_cost:
        return 0, 0, []
    d = msg.data.extract_all()
    o = [0] * 12 + [safe_ord(x) for x in hashlib.new('ripemd160', d).digest()]
    return 1, msg.gas - gas_cost, o
Exemplo n.º 6
def proc_sha256(ext, msg):
    # print('sha256 proc', msg.gas)
    OP_GAS = opcodes.GSHA256BASE + \
        (utils.ceil32(msg.data.size) // 32) * opcodes.GSHA256WORD
    gas_cost = OP_GAS
    if msg.gas < gas_cost:
        return 0, 0, []
    d = msg.data.extract_all()
    o = [safe_ord(x) for x in hashlib.sha256(d).digest()]
    return 1, msg.gas - gas_cost, o
Exemplo n.º 7
def call_casper(state, fun, args=[], gas=1000000, value=0):
    ct = get_casper_ct()
    abidata = vm.CallData([utils.safe_ord(x) for x in ct.encode(fun, args)])
    msg = vm.Message(casper_config['METROPOLIS_ENTRY_POINT'],
                     casper_config['CASPER_ADDR'], value, gas, abidata)
    o = apply_const_message(state, msg)
    if o:
        # print 'cc', fun, args, ct.decode(fun, o)[0]
        return ct.decode(fun, o)[0]
        return None
Exemplo n.º 8
def preprocess_code(code):
    o = 0
    i = 0
    pushcache = {}
    code = code + b'\x00' * 32
    while i < len(code) - 32:
        codebyte = safe_ord(code[i])
        if codebyte == 0x5b:
            o |= 1 << i
        if 0x60 <= codebyte <= 0x7f:
            pushcache[i] = utils.big_endian_to_int(
                code[i + 1: i + codebyte - 0x5e])
            i += codebyte - 0x5e
            i += 1
    return o, pushcache
Exemplo n.º 9
def proc_ecmul(ext, msg):
    if not ext.post_metropolis_hardfork():
        return 1, msg.gas, []
    import py_ecc.optimized_bn128 as bn128
    FQ = bn128.FQ
    print('ecmul proc', msg.gas)
    if msg.gas < opcodes.GECMUL:
        return 0, 0, []
    x = msg.data.extract32(0)
    y = msg.data.extract32(32)
    m = msg.data.extract32(64)
    p = validate_point(x, y)
    if p is False:
        return 0, 0, []
    o = bn128.normalize(bn128.multiply(p, m))
    return (1, msg.gas - opcodes.GECMUL, [
        safe_ord(c) for c in (encode_int32(o[0].n) + encode_int32(o[1].n))
Exemplo n.º 10
def decompress(data):
    o = b''
    i = 0
    while i < len(data):
        if data[i:i + 1] == b'\xfe':
            if i == len(data) - 1:
                raise Exception("Invalid encoding, \\xfe at end")
            elif data[i + 1:i + 2] == b'\x00':
                o += b'\xfe'
            elif data[i + 1:i + 2] == b'\x01':
                o += NULLSHA3
                o += b'\x00' * safe_ord(data[i + 1])
            i += 1
            o += data[i:i + 1]
        i += 1
    return o
Exemplo n.º 11
def proc_ecadd(ext, msg):
    if not ext.post_metropolis_hardfork():
        return 1, msg.gas, []
    import py_ecc.optimized_bn128 as bn128
    FQ = bn128.FQ
    print('ecadd proc:', msg.gas)
    if msg.gas < opcodes.GECADD:
        return 0, 0, []
    x1 = msg.data.extract32(0)
    y1 = msg.data.extract32(32)
    x2 = msg.data.extract32(64)
    y2 = msg.data.extract32(96)
    p1 = validate_point(x1, y1)
    p2 = validate_point(x2, y2)
    if p1 is False or p2 is False:
        return 0, 0, []
    o = bn128.normalize(bn128.add(p1, p2))
    return 1, msg.gas - \
        opcodes.GECADD, [safe_ord(x) for x in (
            encode_int32(o[0].n) + encode_int32(o[1].n))]
Exemplo n.º 12
def proc_modexp(ext, msg):
    if not ext.post_metropolis_hardfork():
        return 1, msg.gas, []
    print('modexp proc', msg.gas)
    baselen = msg.data.extract32(0)
    explen = msg.data.extract32(32)
    modlen = msg.data.extract32(64)
    first_exp_bytes = msg.data.extract32(96 + baselen) >> (8 *
                                                           max(32 - explen, 0))
    bitlength = -1
    while first_exp_bytes:
        bitlength += 1
        first_exp_bytes >>= 1
    adjusted_explen = max(bitlength, 0) + 8 * max(explen - 32, 0)
    gas_cost = (mult_complexity(max(modlen, baselen)) *
                max(adjusted_explen, 1)) // opcodes.GMODEXPQUADDIVISOR
    print(baselen, explen, modlen, 'expected gas cost', gas_cost)
    if msg.gas < gas_cost:
        return 0, 0, []
    if baselen == 0:
        return 1, msg.gas - gas_cost, [0] * modlen
    if modlen == 0:
        return 1, msg.gas - gas_cost, []
    base = bytearray(baselen)
    msg.data.extract_copy(base, 0, 96, baselen)
    exp = bytearray(explen)
    msg.data.extract_copy(exp, 0, 96 + baselen, explen)
    mod = bytearray(modlen)
    msg.data.extract_copy(mod, 0, 96 + baselen + explen, modlen)
    if utils.big_endian_to_int(mod) == 0:
        return 1, msg.gas - gas_cost, [0] * modlen
    o = pow(utils.big_endian_to_int(base), utils.big_endian_to_int(exp),
    return 1, msg.gas - \
        gas_cost, [
            safe_ord(x) for x in utils.zpad(
                utils.int_to_big_endian(o), modlen)]
Exemplo n.º 13
def vm_execute(ext, msg, code):
    # precompute trace flag
    # if we trace vm, we're in slow mode anyway
    trace_vm = log_vm_op.is_active('trace')

    compustate = Compustate(gas=msg.gas)
    stk = compustate.stack
    mem = compustate.memory

    if code in code_cache:
        processed_code = code_cache[code]
        processed_code = preprocess_code(code)
        code_cache[code] = processed_code
        # print(processed_code.keys(), code)

    codelen = len(code)

    s = time.time()
    steps = 0
    _prevop = None  # for trace only

    while compustate.pc in processed_code:
        ops, minstack, maxstack, totgas, nextpos = processed_code[

        if len(compustate.stack) < minstack:
            return vm_exception('INSUFFICIENT STACK')
        if len(compustate.stack) > maxstack:
            return vm_exception('STACK SIZE LIMIT EXCEEDED')
        if totgas > compustate.gas:
            return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS %d %d' % (totgas, compustate.gas))
        jumped = False

        compustate.gas -= totgas
        compustate.pc = nextpos

        # Invalid operation; can only come at the end of a chunk
        if ops[-1][0] == 'INVALID':
            return vm_exception('INVALID OP', opcode=ops[-1][1])

        for op, opcode, pushval in ops:

            if trace_vm:
                This diverges from normal logging, as we use the logging namespace
                only to decide which features get logged in 'bible.vm.op'
                i.e. tracing can not be activated by activating a sub
                like 'bible.vm.op.stack'
                trace_data = {}
                trace_data['stack'] = list(
                    map(to_string, list(compustate.stack)))
                if _prevop in ('MLOAD', 'MSTORE', 'MSTORE8', 'SHA3', 'CALL',
                               'CALLCODE', 'CREATE', 'CALLDATACOPY',
                               'CODECOPY', 'EXTCODECOPY'):
                    if len(compustate.memory) < 1024:
                        trace_data['memory'] = \
                            ''.join([encode_hex(ascii_chr(x)) for x
                                     in compustate.memory])
                        trace_data['sha3memory'] = \
                            encode_hex(utils.sha3(b''.join([ascii_chr(x) for
                                                            x in compustate.memory])))
                if _prevop in ('SSTORE', ) or steps == 0:
                    trace_data['storage'] = ext.log_storage(msg.to)
                trace_data['gas'] = to_string(compustate.gas + totgas)
                trace_data['inst'] = opcode
                trace_data['pc'] = to_string(compustate.pc - 1)
                if steps == 0:
                    trace_data['depth'] = msg.depth
                    trace_data['address'] = msg.to
                trace_data['steps'] = steps
                trace_data['depth'] = msg.depth
                if op[:4] == 'PUSH':
                    trace_data['pushvalue'] = pushval
                log_vm_op.trace('vm', op=op, **trace_data)
                steps += 1
                _prevop = op

            # Valid operations
            # Pushes first because they are very frequent
            if 0x60 <= opcode <= 0x7f:
                # compustate.pc += opcode - 0x5f # Move 1 byte forward for
                # 0x60, up to 32 bytes for 0x7f
            elif opcode < 0x10:
                if op == 'STOP':
                    return peaceful_exit('STOP', compustate.gas, [])
                elif op == 'ADD':
                    stk.append((stk.pop() + stk.pop()) & TT256M1)
                elif op == 'SUB':
                    stk.append((stk.pop() - stk.pop()) & TT256M1)
                elif op == 'MUL':
                    stk.append((stk.pop() * stk.pop()) & TT256M1)
                elif op == 'DIV':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else s0 // s1)
                elif op == 'MOD':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else s0 % s1)
                elif op == 'SDIV':
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else (abs(s0) // abs(s1) *
                                                  (-1 if s0 * s1 < 0 else 1))
                               & TT256M1)
                elif op == 'SMOD':
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else (abs(s0) % abs(s1) *
                                                  (-1 if s0 < 0 else 1))
                               & TT256M1)
                elif op == 'ADDMOD':
                    s0, s1, s2 = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append((s0 + s1) % s2 if s2 else 0)
                elif op == 'MULMOD':
                    s0, s1, s2 = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append((s0 * s1) % s2 if s2 else 0)
                elif op == 'EXP':
                    base, exponent = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    # fee for exponent is dependent on its bytes
                    # calc n bytes to represent exponent
                    nbytes = len(utils.encode_int(exponent))
                    expfee = nbytes * opcodes.GEXPONENTBYTE
                    if ext.post_clearing_hardfork():
                        expfee += opcodes.EXP_SUPPLEMENTAL_GAS * nbytes
                    if compustate.gas < expfee:
                        compustate.gas = 0
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXPONENT')
                    compustate.gas -= expfee
                    stk.append(pow(base, exponent, TT256))
                elif op == 'SIGNEXTEND':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if s0 <= 31:
                        testbit = s0 * 8 + 7
                        if s1 & (1 << testbit):
                            stk.append(s1 | (TT256 - (1 << testbit)))
                            stk.append(s1 & ((1 << testbit) - 1))
            elif opcode < 0x20:
                if op == 'LT':
                    stk.append(1 if stk.pop() < stk.pop() else 0)
                elif op == 'GT':
                    stk.append(1 if stk.pop() > stk.pop() else 0)
                elif op == 'SLT':
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(1 if s0 < s1 else 0)
                elif op == 'SGT':
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(1 if s0 > s1 else 0)
                elif op == 'EQ':
                    stk.append(1 if stk.pop() == stk.pop() else 0)
                elif op == 'ISZERO':
                    stk.append(0 if stk.pop() else 1)
                elif op == 'AND':
                    stk.append(stk.pop() & stk.pop())
                elif op == 'OR':
                    stk.append(stk.pop() | stk.pop())
                elif op == 'XOR':
                    stk.append(stk.pop() ^ stk.pop())
                elif op == 'NOT':
                    stk.append(TT256M1 - stk.pop())
                elif op == 'BYTE':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if s0 >= 32:
                        stk.append((s1 // 256**(31 - s0)) % 256)
            elif opcode < 0x40:
                if op == 'SHA3':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    compustate.gas -= opcodes.GSHA3WORD * \
                        (utils.ceil32(s1) // 32)
                    if compustate.gas < 0:
                        return vm_exception('OOG PAYING FOR SHA3')
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, s1):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    data = bytearray_to_bytestr(mem[s0:s0 + s1])
                elif op == 'ADDRESS':
                elif op == 'BALANCE':
                    if ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork():
                        if not eat_gas(compustate,
                            return vm_exception("OUT OF GAS")
                    addr = utils.coerce_addr_to_hex(stk.pop() % 2**160)
                elif op == 'ORIGIN':
                elif op == 'CALLER':
                elif op == 'CALLVALUE':
                elif op == 'CALLDATALOAD':
                elif op == 'CALLDATASIZE':
                elif op == 'CALLDATACOPY':
                    mstart, dstart, size = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    if not data_copy(compustate, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG COPY DATA')
                    msg.data.extract_copy(mem, mstart, dstart, size)
                elif op == 'CODESIZE':
                elif op == 'CODECOPY':
                    mstart, dstart, size = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    if not data_copy(compustate, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG COPY DATA')
                    for i in range(size):
                        if dstart + i < len(code):
                            mem[mstart + i] = utils.safe_ord(code[dstart + i])
                            mem[mstart + i] = 0
                elif op == 'RETURNDATACOPY':
                    mstart, dstart, size = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    if not data_copy(compustate, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG COPY DATA')
                    if dstart + size > len(compustate.last_returned):
                        return vm_exception('RETURNDATACOPY out of range')
                    mem[mstart:mstart + size] = compustate.last_returned
                elif op == 'RETURNDATASIZE':
                elif op == 'GASPRICE':
                elif op == 'EXTCODESIZE':
                    if ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork():
                        if not eat_gas(compustate,
                            return vm_exception("OUT OF GAS")
                    addr = utils.coerce_addr_to_hex(stk.pop() % 2**160)
                    stk.append(len(ext.get_code(addr) or b''))
                elif op == 'EXTCODECOPY':
                    if ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork():
                        if not eat_gas(compustate,
                            return vm_exception("OUT OF GAS")
                    addr = utils.coerce_addr_to_hex(stk.pop() % 2**160)
                    start, s2, size = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    extcode = ext.get_code(addr) or b''
                    assert utils.is_string(extcode)
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, start, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    if not data_copy(compustate, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG COPY DATA')
                    for i in range(size):
                        if s2 + i < len(extcode):
                            mem[start + i] = utils.safe_ord(extcode[s2 + i])
                            mem[start + i] = 0
            elif opcode < 0x50:
                if op == 'BLOCKHASH':
                    if ext.post_metropolis_hardfork() and False:
                        bh_addr = ext.blockhash_store
                        stk.append(ext.get_storage_data(bh_addr, stk.pop()))
                elif op == 'COINBASE':
                elif op == 'TIMESTAMP':
                elif op == 'NUMBER':
                elif op == 'DIFFICULTY':
                elif op == 'GASLIMIT':
            elif opcode < 0x60:
                if op == 'POP':
                elif op == 'MLOAD':
                    s0 = stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, 32):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    stk.append(utils.bytes_to_int(mem[s0:s0 + 32]))
                elif op == 'MSTORE':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, 32):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    mem[s0:s0 + 32] = utils.encode_int32(s1)
                elif op == 'MSTORE8':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, 1):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    mem[s0] = s1 % 256
                elif op == 'SLOAD':
                    if ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork():
                        if not eat_gas(compustate,
                            return vm_exception("OUT OF GAS")
                    stk.append(ext.get_storage_data(msg.to, stk.pop()))
                elif op == 'SSTORE':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if msg.static:
                        return vm_exception(
                            'Cannot SSTORE inside a static context')
                    if ext.get_storage_data(msg.to, s0):
                        gascost = opcodes.GSTORAGEMOD if s1 else opcodes.GSTORAGEKILL
                        refund = 0 if s1 else opcodes.GSTORAGEREFUND
                        gascost = opcodes.GSTORAGEADD if s1 else opcodes.GSTORAGEMOD
                        refund = 0
                    if compustate.gas < gascost:
                        return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS')
                    compustate.gas -= gascost
                    # adds neg gascost as a refund if below zero
                    ext.set_storage_data(msg.to, s0, s1)
                elif op == 'JUMP':
                    compustate.pc = stk.pop()
                    opnew = code[
                        compustate.pc] if compustate.pc < codelen else 0
                    jumped = True
                    if opnew != JUMPDEST:
                        return vm_exception('BAD JUMPDEST')
                elif op == 'JUMPI':
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if s1:
                        compustate.pc = s0
                        opnew = code[
                            compustate.pc] if compustate.pc < codelen else 0
                        jumped = True
                        if opnew != JUMPDEST:
                            return vm_exception('BAD JUMPDEST')
                elif op == 'PC':
                    stk.append(compustate.pc - 1)
                elif op == 'MSIZE':
                elif op == 'GAS':
                    stk.append(compustate.gas)  # AFTER subtracting cost 1
            elif op[:3] == 'DUP':
                # 0x7f - opcode is a negative number, -1 for 0x80 ... -16 for
                # 0x8f
                stk.append(stk[0x7f - opcode])
            elif op[:4] == 'SWAP':
                # 0x8e - opcode is a negative number, -2 for 0x90 ... -17 for
                # 0x9f
                temp = stk[0x8e - opcode]
                stk[0x8e - opcode] = stk[-1]
                stk[-1] = temp

            elif op[:3] == 'LOG':
                0xa0 ... 0xa4, 32/64/96/128/160 + len(data) gas
                a. Opcodes LOG0...LOG4 are added, takes 2-6 stack arguments
                        MEMSTART MEMSZ (TOPIC1) (TOPIC2) (TOPIC3) (TOPIC4)
                b. Logs are kept track of during tx execution exactly the same way as suicides
                   (except as an ordered list, not a set).
                   Each log is in the form [address, [topic1, ... ], data] where:
                   * address is what the ADDRESS opcode would output
                   * data is mem[MEMSTART: MEMSTART + MEMSZ]
                   * topics are as provided by the opcode
                c. The ordered list of logs in the transaction are expressed as [log0, log1, ..., logN].
                depth = int(op[3:])
                mstart, msz = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                topics = [stk.pop() for x in range(depth)]
                compustate.gas -= msz * opcodes.GLOGBYTE
                if msg.static:
                    return vm_exception('Cannot LOG inside a static context')
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, msz):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                data = bytearray_to_bytestr(mem[mstart:mstart + msz])
                ext.log(msg.to, topics, data)
                              data=list(map(utils.safe_ord, data)))
                # print('LOG', msg.to, topics, list(map(ord, data)))

            elif op == 'CREATE':
                value, mstart, msz = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, msz):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                if msg.static:
                    return vm_exception(
                        'Cannot CREATE inside a static context')
                if ext.get_balance(msg.to) >= value and msg.depth < MAX_DEPTH:
                    cd = CallData(mem, mstart, msz)
                    ingas = compustate.gas
                    if ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork():
                        ingas = all_but_1n(ingas,
                    create_msg = Message(msg.to, b'', value, ingas, cd,
                                         msg.depth + 1)
                    o, gas, addr = ext.create(create_msg)
                    if o:
                    compustate.gas = compustate.gas - ingas + gas
            elif op in ('CALL', 'CALLCODE', 'DELEGATECALL', 'STATICCALL'):
                # Pull arguments from the stack
                if op in ('CALL', 'CALLCODE'):
                    gas, to, value, meminstart, meminsz, memoutstart, memoutsz = \
                        stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    gas, to, meminstart, meminsz, memoutstart, memoutsz = \
                        stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    value = 0
                # Static context prohibition
                if msg.static and value > 0:
                    return vm_exception(
                        'Cannot make a non-zero-value call inside a static context'
                # Expand memory
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, meminstart, meminsz) or \
                        not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, memoutstart, memoutsz):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                to = utils.int_to_addr(to)
                # Extra gas costs based on hard fork-dependent factors
                extra_gas = (not ext.account_exists(to)) * (op == 'CALL') * (value > 0 or not ext.post_clearing_hardfork()) * opcodes.GCALLNEWACCOUNT + \
                    (value > 0) * opcodes.GCALLVALUETRANSFER + \
                    ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork() * opcodes.CALL_SUPPLEMENTAL_GAS
                # Compute child gas limit
                if ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork():
                    if compustate.gas < extra_gas:
                        return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS', needed=extra_gas)
                    gas = min(
                        all_but_1n(compustate.gas - extra_gas,
                    if compustate.gas < gas + extra_gas:
                        return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS',
                                            needed=gas + extra_gas)
                submsg_gas = gas + opcodes.GSTIPEND * (value > 0)
                # Verify that there is sufficient balance and depth
                if ext.get_balance(msg.to) < value or msg.depth >= MAX_DEPTH:
                    compustate.gas -= (gas + extra_gas - submsg_gas)
                    # Subtract gas from parent
                    compustate.gas -= (gas + extra_gas)
                    assert compustate.gas >= 0
                    cd = CallData(mem, meminstart, meminsz)
                    # Generate the message
                    if op == 'CALL':
                        call_msg = Message(msg.to,
                                           msg.depth + 1,
                    elif ext.post_homestead_hardfork(
                    ) and op == 'DELEGATECALL':
                        call_msg = Message(msg.sender,
                                           msg.depth + 1,
                    elif op == 'DELEGATECALL':
                        return vm_exception('OPCODE INACTIVE')
                    elif op == 'CALLCODE':
                        call_msg = Message(msg.to,
                                           msg.depth + 1,
                    elif op == 'STATICCALL':
                        call_msg = Message(msg.to,
                                           msg.depth + 1,
                        raise Exception("Lolwut")
                    # Get result
                    result, gas, data = ext.msg(call_msg)
                    if result == 0:
                    # Set output memory
                    for i in range(min(len(data), memoutsz)):
                        mem[memoutstart + i] = data[i]
                    compustate.gas += gas
                    compustate.last_returned = bytearray(data)
            elif op == 'RETURN':
                s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, s1):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                return peaceful_exit('RETURN', compustate.gas, mem[s0:s0 + s1])
            elif op == 'REVERT':
                if not ext.post_metropolis_hardfork():
                    return vm_exception('Opcode not yet enabled')
                s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, s1):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                return revert(compustate.gas, mem[s0:s0 + s1])
            elif op == 'SUICIDE':
                if msg.static:
                    return vm_exception(
                        'Cannot SUICIDE inside a static context')
                to = utils.encode_int(stk.pop())
                to = ((b'\x00' * (32 - len(to))) + to)[12:]
                xfer = ext.get_balance(msg.to)
                if ext.post_anti_dos_hardfork():
                    extra_gas = opcodes.SUICIDE_SUPPLEMENTAL_GAS + \
                        (not ext.account_exists(
                            to)) * (xfer > 0 or not ext.post_clearing_hardfork()) * opcodes.GCALLNEWACCOUNT
                    if not eat_gas(compustate, extra_gas):
                        return vm_exception("OUT OF GAS")
                ext.set_balance(to, ext.get_balance(to) + xfer)
                ext.set_balance(msg.to, 0)
                return 1, compustate.gas, []

            # assert utils.is_numeric(compustate.gas)
            # this is slow!
            # for a in stk:
            #     assert is_numeric(a), (op, stk)
            #     assert a >= 0 and a < 2**256, (a, op, stk)
        # if not jumped:
        #    assert compustate.pc == nextpos
        #    compustate.pc = nextpos
    if compustate.pc >= codelen:
        return peaceful_exit('CODE OUT OF RANGE', compustate.gas, [])
    return vm_exception('INVALID JUMP')
Exemplo n.º 14
def bloom_insert(bloom, val):
    h = utils.sha3(val)
    #   print('bloom_insert', bloom_bits(val), repr(val))
    for i in range(0, BUCKETS_PER_VAL * 2, 2):
        bloom |= 1 << ((safe_ord(h[i + 1]) + (safe_ord(h[i]) << 8)) & 2047)
    return bloom
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_multiarg_code():
    c = tester.Chain()
    x = c.contract(multiarg_code, language='serpent')
    o = x.kall([1, 2, 3], 4, [5, 6, 7], b"doge", 8)
    assert o == [862541, safe_ord('d') + safe_ord('o') + safe_ord('g'), 4]
Exemplo n.º 16
def apply_transaction(state, tx):
    state.logs = []
    state.suicides = []
    state.refunds = 0
    validate_transaction(state, tx)

    intrinsic_gas = tx.intrinsic_gas_used
    if state.is_HOMESTEAD():
        assert tx.s * 2 < transactions.secpk1n
        if not tx.to or tx.to == CREATE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS:
            intrinsic_gas += opcodes.CREATE[3]
            if tx.startgas < intrinsic_gas:
                raise InsufficientStartGas(
                    rp(tx, 'startgas', tx.startgas, intrinsic_gas))

    log_tx.debug('TX NEW', txdict=tx.to_dict())

    # start transacting #################
    if tx.sender != null_address:

    # buy startgas
    assert state.get_balance(tx.sender) >= tx.startgas * tx.gasprice
    state.delta_balance(tx.sender, -tx.startgas * tx.gasprice)

    message_data = vm.CallData([safe_ord(x) for x in tx.data], 0, len(tx.data))
    message = vm.Message(tx.sender,
                         tx.startgas - intrinsic_gas,

    ext = VMExt(state, tx)

    if tx.to != b'':
        result, gas_remained, data = apply_msg(ext, message)
    else:  # CREATE
        result, gas_remained, data = create_contract(ext, message)

    assert gas_remained >= 0

    log_tx.debug("TX APPLIED",

    gas_used = tx.startgas - gas_remained

    # Transaction failed
    if not result:
        log_tx.debug('TX FAILED',
                     reason='out of gas',
        state.delta_balance(tx.sender, tx.gasprice * gas_remained)
        state.delta_balance(state.block_coinbase, tx.gasprice * gas_used)
        output = b''
        success = 0
    # Transaction success
        log_tx.debug('TX SUCCESS', data=data)
        state.refunds += len(set(state.suicides)) * opcodes.GSUICIDEREFUND
        if state.refunds > 0:
                         gas_refunded=min(state.refunds, gas_used // 2))
            gas_remained += min(state.refunds, gas_used // 2)
            gas_used -= min(state.refunds, gas_used // 2)
            state.refunds = 0
        # sell remaining gas
        state.delta_balance(tx.sender, tx.gasprice * gas_remained)
        state.delta_balance(state.block_coinbase, tx.gasprice * gas_used)
        if tx.to:
            output = bytearray_to_bytestr(data)
            output = data
        success = 1

    state.gas_used += gas_used

    # Clear suicides
    suicides = state.suicides
    state.suicides = []
    for s in suicides:
        state.set_balance(s, 0)

    # Pre-Metropolis: commit state after every tx
    if not state.is_METROPOLIS() and not SKIP_MEDSTATES:

    # Construct a receipt
    r = mk_receipt(state, success, state.logs)
    _logs = list(state.logs)
    state.logs = []
    state.set_param('bloom', state.bloom | r.bloom)
    state.set_param('txindex', state.txindex + 1)

    return success, output
Exemplo n.º 17
def vm_execute(ext, msg, code):
    # precompute trace flag
    # if we trace vm, we're in slow mode anyway
    trace_vm = log_vm_op.is_active('trace')

    compustate = Compustate(gas=msg.gas)
    stk = compustate.stack
    mem = compustate.memory

    processed_code = preprocess_code(code)

    s = time.time()
    op = None
    steps = 0
    _prevop = None  # for trace only

    while True:
        # print('op: ', op, time.time() - s)
        # s = time.time()
        # stack size limit error
        if compustate.pc not in processed_code:
            return vm_exception('INVALID START POINT')

        _data = processed_code[compustate.pc]
        gas, min_stack, max_stack, compustate.pc = _data[:4]
        ops = _data[4:]

        # out of gas error
        if gas > compustate.gas:
            return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS')

        # insufficient stack error
        if not (min_stack <= len(compustate.stack) <= max_stack):
            return vm_exception('INCOMPATIBLE STACK LENGTH',

        # Apply operation
        compustate.gas -= gas

        for op in ops:

            if trace_vm:
                This diverges from normal logging, as we use the logging namespace
                only to decide which features get logged in 'bible.vm.op'
                i.e. tracing can not be activated by activating a sub
                like 'bible.vm.op.stack'
                trace_data = {}
                trace_data['stack'] = list(
                    map(to_string, list(compustate.stack)))
                if _prevop in (op_MLOAD, op_MSTORE, op_MSTORE8, op_SHA3,
                               op_CALL, op_CALLCODE, op_CREATE,
                               op_CALLDATACOPY, op_CODECOPY, op_EXTCODECOPY):
                    if len(compustate.memory) < 1024:
                        trace_data['memory'] = \
                            b''.join([encode_hex(ascii_chr(x)) for x
                                      in compustate.memory])
                        trace_data['sha3memory'] = \
                            encode_hex(utils.sha3(''.join([ascii_chr(x) for
                                                           x in compustate.memory])))
                if _prevop in (op_SSTORE, op_SLOAD) or steps == 0:
                    trace_data['storage'] = ext.log_storage(msg.to)
                # trace_data['gas'] = to_string(compustate.gas + fee)
                trace_data['inst'] = op
                trace_data['pc'] = to_string(compustate.pc - 1)
                if steps == 0:
                    trace_data['depth'] = msg.depth
                    trace_data['address'] = msg.to
                trace_data['op'] = op
                trace_data['steps'] = steps
                # if op[:4] == 'PUSH':
                #     trace_data['pushvalue'] = pushval
                log_vm_op.trace('vm', **trace_data)
                steps += 1
                _prevop = op

            # Invalid operation
            if op == INVALID:
                return vm_exception('INVALID OP', opcode=op)

            # Valid operations
            if op < 0x10:
                if op == op_STOP:
                    return peaceful_exit('STOP', compustate.gas, [])
                elif op == op_ADD:
                    stk.append((stk.pop() + stk.pop()) & TT256M1)
                elif op == op_SUB:
                    stk.append((stk.pop() - stk.pop()) & TT256M1)
                elif op == op_MUL:
                    stk.append((stk.pop() * stk.pop()) & TT256M1)
                elif op == op_DIV:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else s0 // s1)
                elif op == op_MOD:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else s0 % s1)
                elif op == op_SDIV:
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else (abs(s0) // abs(s1) *
                                                  (-1 if s0 * s1 < 0 else 1))
                               & TT256M1)
                elif op == op_SMOD:
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(0 if s1 == 0 else (abs(s0) % abs(s1) *
                                                  (-1 if s0 < 0 else 1))
                               & TT256M1)
                elif op == op_ADDMOD:
                    s0, s1, s2 = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append((s0 + s1) % s2 if s2 else 0)
                elif op == op_MULMOD:
                    s0, s1, s2 = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    stk.append((s0 * s1) % s2 if s2 else 0)
                elif op == op_EXP:
                    base, exponent = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    # fee for exponent is dependent on its bytes
                    # calc n bytes to represent exponent
                    nbytes = len(utils.encode_int(exponent))
                    expfee = nbytes * opcodes.GEXPONENTBYTE
                    if compustate.gas < expfee:
                        compustate.gas = 0
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXPONENT')
                    compustate.gas -= expfee
                    stk.append(pow(base, exponent, TT256))
                elif op == op_SIGNEXTEND:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if s0 <= 31:
                        testbit = s0 * 8 + 7
                        if s1 & (1 << testbit):
                            stk.append(s1 | (TT256 - (1 << testbit)))
                            stk.append(s1 & ((1 << testbit) - 1))
            elif op < 0x20:
                if op == op_LT:
                    stk.append(1 if stk.pop() < stk.pop() else 0)
                elif op == op_GT:
                    stk.append(1 if stk.pop() > stk.pop() else 0)
                elif op == op_SLT:
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(1 if s0 < s1 else 0)
                elif op == op_SGT:
                    s0, s1 = utils.to_signed(stk.pop()), utils.to_signed(
                    stk.append(1 if s0 > s1 else 0)
                elif op == op_EQ:
                    stk.append(1 if stk.pop() == stk.pop() else 0)
                elif op == op_ISZERO:
                    stk.append(0 if stk.pop() else 1)
                elif op == op_AND:
                    stk.append(stk.pop() & stk.pop())
                elif op == op_OR:
                    stk.append(stk.pop() | stk.pop())
                elif op == op_XOR:
                    stk.append(stk.pop() ^ stk.pop())
                elif op == op_NOT:
                    stk.append(TT256M1 - stk.pop())
                elif op == op_BYTE:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if s0 >= 32:
                        stk.append((s1 // 256**(31 - s0)) % 256)
            elif op < 0x40:
                if op == op_SHA3:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    compustate.gas -= opcodes.GSHA3WORD * \
                        (utils.ceil32(s1) // 32)
                    if compustate.gas < 0:
                        return vm_exception('OOG PAYING FOR SHA3')
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, s1):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    data = b''.join(map(ascii_chr, mem[s0:s0 + s1]))
                elif op == op_ADDRESS:
                elif op == op_BALANCE:
                    addr = utils.coerce_addr_to_hex(stk.pop() % 2**160)
                elif op == op_ORIGIN:
                elif op == op_CALLER:
                elif op == op_CALLVALUE:
                elif op == op_CALLDATALOAD:
                elif op == op_CALLDATASIZE:
                elif op == op_CALLDATACOPY:
                    mstart, dstart, size = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    if not data_copy(compustate, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG COPY DATA')
                    msg.data.extract_copy(mem, mstart, dstart, size)
                elif op == op_CODESIZE:
                elif op == op_CODECOPY:
                    start, s1, size = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, start, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    if not data_copy(compustate, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG COPY DATA')
                    for i in range(size):
                        if s1 + i < len(code):
                            mem[start + i] = utils.safe_ord(code[s1 + i])
                            mem[start + i] = 0
                elif op == op_GASPRICE:
                elif op == op_EXTCODESIZE:
                    addr = utils.coerce_addr_to_hex(stk.pop() % 2**160)
                    stk.append(len(ext.get_code(addr) or b''))
                elif op == op_EXTCODECOPY:
                    addr = utils.coerce_addr_to_hex(stk.pop() % 2**160)
                    start, s2, size = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    extcode = ext.get_code(addr) or b''
                    assert utils.is_string(extcode)
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, start, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    if not data_copy(compustate, size):
                        return vm_exception('OOG COPY DATA')
                    for i in range(size):
                        if s2 + i < len(extcode):
                            mem[start + i] = utils.safe_ord(extcode[s2 + i])
                            mem[start + i] = 0
            elif op < 0x50:
                if op == op_BLOCKHASH:
                elif op == op_COINBASE:
                elif op == op_TIMESTAMP:
                elif op == op_NUMBER:
                elif op == op_DIFFICULTY:
                elif op == op_GASLIMIT:
            elif op < 0x60:
                if op == op_POP:
                elif op == op_MLOAD:
                    s0 = stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, 32):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    data = 0
                    for c in mem[s0:s0 + 32]:
                        data = (data << 8) + c
                elif op == op_MSTORE:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, 32):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    v = s1
                    for i in range(31, -1, -1):
                        mem[s0 + i] = v % 256
                        v //= 256
                elif op == op_MSTORE8:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, 1):
                        return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                    mem[s0] = s1 % 256
                elif op == op_SLOAD:
                    stk.append(ext.get_storage_data(msg.to, stk.pop()))
                elif op == op_SSTORE:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if ext.get_storage_data(msg.to, s0):
                        gascost = opcodes.GSTORAGEMOD if s1 else opcodes.GSTORAGEKILL
                        refund = 0 if s1 else opcodes.GSTORAGEREFUND
                        gascost = opcodes.GSTORAGEADD if s1 else opcodes.GSTORAGEMOD
                        refund = 0
                    if compustate.gas < gascost:
                        return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS')
                    compustate.gas -= gascost
                    # adds neg gascost as a refund if below zero
                    ext.set_storage_data(msg.to, s0, s1)
                elif op == op_JUMP:
                    compustate.pc = stk.pop()
                    opnew = processed_code[compustate.pc][4] if \
                        compustate.pc in processed_code else op_STOP
                    if opnew != op_JUMPDEST:
                        return vm_exception('BAD JUMPDEST')
                elif op == op_JUMPI:
                    s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                    if s1:
                        compustate.pc = s0
                        opnew = processed_code[compustate.pc][4] if \
                            compustate.pc in processed_code else op_STOP
                        if opnew != op_JUMPDEST:
                            return vm_exception('BAD JUMPDEST')
                elif op == op_PC:
                    stk.append(compustate.pc - 1)
                elif op == op_MSIZE:
                elif op == op_GAS:
                    stk.append(compustate.gas)  # AFTER subtracting cost 1
            elif op_PUSH1 <= (op & 255) <= op_PUSH32:
                # Hide push value in high-order bytes of op
                stk.append(op >> 8)
            elif op_DUP1 <= op <= op_DUP16:
                depth = op - op_DUP1 + 1
            elif op_SWAP1 <= op <= op_SWAP16:
                depth = op - op_SWAP1 + 1
                temp = stk[-depth - 1]
                stk[-depth - 1] = stk[-1]
                stk[-1] = temp

            elif op_LOG0 <= op <= op_LOG4:
                0xa0 ... 0xa4, 32/64/96/128/160 + len(data) gas
                a. Opcodes LOG0...LOG4 are added, takes 2-6 stack arguments
                        MEMSTART MEMSZ (TOPIC1) (TOPIC2) (TOPIC3) (TOPIC4)
                b. Logs are kept track of during tx execution exactly the same way as suicides
                   (except as an ordered list, not a set).
                   Each log is in the form [address, [topic1, ... ], data] where:
                   * address is what the ADDRESS opcode would output
                   * data is mem[MEMSTART: MEMSTART + MEMSZ]
                   * topics are as provided by the opcode
                c. The ordered list of logs in the transaction are expressed as [log0, log1, ..., logN].
                depth = op - op_LOG0
                mstart, msz = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                topics = [stk.pop() for x in range(depth)]
                compustate.gas -= msz * opcodes.GLOGBYTE
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, msz):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                data = b''.join(map(ascii_chr, mem[mstart:mstart + msz]))
                ext.log(msg.to, topics, data)
                              data=list(map(utils.safe_ord, data)))
                # print('LOG', msg.to, topics, list(map(ord, data)))

            elif op == op_CREATE:
                value, mstart, msz = stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, mstart, msz):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                if ext.get_balance(msg.to) >= value and msg.depth < 1024:
                    cd = CallData(mem, mstart, msz)
                    create_msg = Message(msg.to, b'', value, compustate.gas,
                                         cd, msg.depth + 1)
                    o, gas, addr = ext.create(create_msg)
                    if o:
                        compustate.gas = gas
                        compustate.gas = 0
            elif op == op_CALL:
                gas, to, value, meminstart, meminsz, memoutstart, memoutsz = \
                    stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, meminstart, meminsz) or \
                        not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, memoutstart, memoutsz):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                to = utils.encode_int(to)
                to = ((b'\x00' * (32 - len(to))) + to)[12:]
                extra_gas = (not ext.account_exists(to)) * opcodes.GCALLNEWACCOUNT + \
                    (value > 0) * opcodes.GCALLVALUETRANSFER
                submsg_gas = gas + opcodes.GSTIPEND * (value > 0)
                if compustate.gas < gas + extra_gas:
                    return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS', needed=gas + extra_gas)
                if ext.get_balance(msg.to) >= value and msg.depth < 1024:
                    compustate.gas -= (gas + extra_gas)
                    cd = CallData(mem, meminstart, meminsz)
                    call_msg = Message(msg.to,
                                       msg.depth + 1,
                    result, gas, data = ext.msg(call_msg)
                    if result == 0:
                        compustate.gas += gas
                        for i in range(min(len(data), memoutsz)):
                            mem[memoutstart + i] = data[i]
                    compustate.gas -= (gas + extra_gas - submsg_gas)
            elif op == op_CALLCODE:
                gas, to, value, meminstart, meminsz, memoutstart, memoutsz = \
                    stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, meminstart, meminsz) or \
                        not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, memoutstart, memoutsz):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                extra_gas = (value > 0) * opcodes.GCALLVALUETRANSFER
                submsg_gas = gas + opcodes.GSTIPEND * (value > 0)
                if compustate.gas < gas + extra_gas:
                    return vm_exception('OUT OF GAS', needed=gas + extra_gas)
                if ext.get_balance(msg.to) >= value and msg.depth < 1024:
                    compustate.gas -= (gas + extra_gas)
                    to = utils.encode_int(to)
                    to = ((b'\x00' * (32 - len(to))) + to)[12:]
                    cd = CallData(mem, meminstart, meminsz)
                    call_msg = Message(msg.to,
                                       msg.depth + 1,
                    result, gas, data = ext.msg(call_msg)
                    if result == 0:
                        compustate.gas += gas
                        for i in range(min(len(data), memoutsz)):
                            mem[memoutstart + i] = data[i]
                    compustate.gas -= (gas + extra_gas - submsg_gas)
            elif op == op_RETURN:
                s0, s1 = stk.pop(), stk.pop()
                if not mem_extend(mem, compustate, op, s0, s1):
                    return vm_exception('OOG EXTENDING MEMORY')
                return peaceful_exit('RETURN', compustate.gas, mem[s0:s0 + s1])
            elif op == op_SUICIDE:
                to = utils.encode_int(stk.pop())
                to = ((b'\x00' * (32 - len(to))) + to)[12:]
                xfer = ext.get_balance(msg.to)
                ext.set_balance(to, ext.get_balance(to) + xfer)
                ext.set_balance(msg.to, 0)
                # print('suiciding %s %s %d' % (msg.to, to, xfer))
                return 1, compustate.gas, []