Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, f_price):
     A representation of a PriceLevel object
     self.f_price = f_price
     self.i_qty = 0
     self.order_tree = FastRBTree()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.ptree = FastRBTree()
     self.vol = 0
     self.prmp = {}
     self.order_map = {}
     self.mip = None
     self.mxp = None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, cache_size_limit, trace, csv_suffix=".csv"):
        self.cache_size_limit = cache_size_limit
        self.cache = {}
        self.hits = 0.0
        self.requests = 0.0
        self.ts_order = ['row', 'hit']
        self.ts_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.ts_order}
        self.ts_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.ts_file = open("csv/min" + csv_suffix, "w")
        self.ts_writer = csv.writer(self.ts_file)

        self.clairvoyance = FastRBTree()

        self.precog = FastRBTree()
        last_time = time.time()
        for i, page_opcode in enumerate(trace):
            if time.time() > last_time + 0.1:
                last_time = time.time()
                print '1', i, '\r',
            page, _ = page_opcode
            except KeyError:
                self.precog[page] = collections.deque()

            known_max = i
        known_max += 2
        for times in self.precog.values():
            known_max += 1
        print 'Done loading.'
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, max_depth, data):
        # RBTree: maintains sorted order of rates
        # every value inserted to RBTree must be a tuple, so we hard code the second value to be 0
        self.rate_tree = FastRBTree()

        # dict: Uses rate and amount for key value pairs
        self.rate_dict = {}

        # float: amounts summed across all rate levels in tree
        self.volume = 0

        # int: total number of rate levels in tree
        self.depth = len(data)

        # int: maximum number of rate levels in tree
        self.max_depth = max_depth

        # populate rate_tree and rate_dict from public API call data
        # set volume
        for level in data:
            rate = float(level[0])
            amount = float(level[1])
            self.rate_tree.insert(rate, 0)
            self.rate_dict[rate] = amount
            self.volume += amount
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, env, i_id):
        Initiate an Agent object. Save all parameters as attributes

        :param env: Environment Object. The Environment where the agent acts
        :param i_id: integer. Agent id
        self.env = env
        self.i_id = i_id
        self.state = None
        self.done = False
        self.b_print_always = False
        self.position = {}
        self.ofi_acc = {}
        self.d_order_tree = {}
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.d_trades = {}
        self.d_initial_pos = {}
        self.log_info = {'duration': 0., 'total_reward': 0.}
        self.learning = False  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        for s_instr in self.env.l_instrument:
            self.position[s_instr] = {'qAsk': 0.,
                                      'Ask': 0.,
                                      'qBid': 0.,
                                      'Bid': 0.}
            self.ofi_acc[s_instr] = {'qAsk': 0.,
                                     'Ask': 0.,
                                     'qBid': 0.,
                                     'Bid': 0.}
            self.d_order_tree[s_instr] = {'BID': FastRBTree(),
                                          'ASK': FastRBTree()}
            self.d_order_map[s_instr] = {}
            self.d_trades[s_instr] = {'BID': [], 'ASK': []}
Exemplo n.º 6
    def reset(self, testing=False):
        Reset the state and the agent's memory about its positions

        :param testing: boolean. If should freeze policy
        self.state = None
        self.done = False
        self.position = {}
        self.d_order_tree = {}
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.d_trades = {}
        self.log_info = {'duration': 0., 'total_reward': 0.}
        for s_instr in self.env.l_instrument:
            self.position[s_instr] = {'qAsk': 0.,
                                      'Ask': 0.,
                                      'qBid': 0.,
                                      'Bid': 0.}
            self.ofi_acc[s_instr] = {'qAsk': 0.,
                                     'Ask': 0.,
                                     'qBid': 0.,
                                     'Bid': 0.}
            self.d_order_tree[s_instr] = {'BID': FastRBTree(),
                                          'ASK': FastRBTree()}
            self.d_order_map[s_instr] = {}
            self.d_trades[s_instr] = {'BID': [], 'ASK': []}
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_add_symbol():
    ST = SymbolTable("")
    T = FastRBTree()

    Content = {'Type': "int" , 'Attribute': None , 'TokenLocation': (10,2) }
    ST.InsertSymbol("age", Content)
    T.insert("age", Content)

    Content = {'Type': "float" , 'Attribute': 'static' , 'TokenLocation': (11,2) }
    ST.InsertSymbol("temperature", Content)
    T.insert("temperature", Content)

    Content = {'Type': "char" , 'Attribute': 'const' , 'TokenLocation': (12,2) }
    ST.InsertSymbol("letter", Content)
    T.insert("letter", Content)

    keys = ST.TopScope.keys()
    for key in keys:
        assert(T.get(key) == ST.TopScope.get(key))
        assert(T.get(key) is not ST.TopScope.get(key))

    #write test to prove that the returned item is a pointer

Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self):
     self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
     self.volume = 0
     self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
     self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
     self.min_price = None
     self.max_price = None
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.tree = FastRBTree()
     self.name = name
     self.price_map = {}  # Map price -> OrderList
     self.order_map = {}  # Map order_id -> Order
     self.min_price = None
     self.max_price = None
Exemplo n.º 10
class Node:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.children = {}
        self.visited = False
        self.ancestors = FastRBTree()

    def updateChildren(self, child, nameOfSequence):
        if child in self.children:
            self.children[child] = set()

    def getChild(self, nameOfChild):
        return filter(lambda x: x == nameOfChild, self.children.keys())

    def updateAncestors(self, ancestors, nameOfSequence):
        for ancestor in ancestors:
            if self.name == ancestor.name:
            elementFromTree = self.ancestors.get(ancestor.name, None)
            if elementFromTree != None:
                self.ancestors.__setitem__(ancestor.name, elementFromTree)
            else:  # NIE JE V SEK
                tmpValue = set()
                self.ancestors.insert(ancestor.name, tmpValue)
Exemplo n.º 11
def find_top_k_with_FastRBTree(filename = TDATA, k = 10):
    Profile result:
       5 million strings:
       memory consuming: 259 MB
       time consuming: 39.9689998627
       [(753, 'bf'),
        (753, 'qj'),
        (753, 'zb'),
        (753, 'vz'),
        (763, 'ma'),
        (755, 'lx'),
        (779, 'qp'),
        (768, 'bg'),
        (758, 'eq'),
        (767, 'tf')]
    result = []
    t = FastRBTree()
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            key = line.strip()
            t[key] = t.setdefault(key, 0) + 1

    # heapq
    for key, val in t.iter_items():
        if len(result) < k:
            heapq.heappush(result, (val, key))
            heapq.heappushpop(result, (val, key))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self,
        if api_key is not None:
            self._authenticated = True
            self.api_key = api_key
            self.api_secret = api_secret
            self.passphrase = passphrase
            self._authenticated = False

        if not isinstance(product_ids, list):
            product_ids = [product_ids]
        self.product_ids = product_ids
        self.use_heartbeat = use_heartbeat
        self.trade_log_file_path = trade_log_file_path
        self._trade_file = None
        self.traders = {
            product_id: gdax.trader.Trader(product_id=product_id)
            for product_id in product_ids
        self._asks = {product_id: FastRBTree() for product_id in product_ids}
        self._bids = {product_id: FastRBTree() for product_id in product_ids}
        self._sequences = {product_id: None for product_id in product_ids}
        self._ws_session = None
        self._ws_connect = None
        self._ws = None
Exemplo n.º 13
    def process_snapshot(self, message: Dict):
        Process a snapshot message
        :param message: json

        # If a snapshot is sent reset trees
        self._asks = RBTree()
        self._bids = RBTree()

        # Parse all asks and add them to tree
        for ask in message['asks']:
            price, size = ask
            price = Decimal(price)
            size = Decimal(size)

            self._asks.insert(price, size)

        # Parse all bids and add them to tree
        for bid in message['bids']:
            price, size = bid
            price = Decimal(price)
            size = Decimal(size)

            self._bids.insert(price, size)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, SourceFile):
     self.Table = [
     ]  #declare table as a stack (list) containing an empty tree
     self.TopScope = FastRBTree(
     )  # a place where the current top scope is held
     self.ReadMode = False  #Read or lookup mode
     self.DebugMode = False
     self.SourceFile = SourceFile
Exemplo n.º 15
 def reset(self):
     Reset the state and the agent's memory about its positions
     self.state = None
     self.position = {'qAsk': 0., 'Ask': 0., 'qBid': 0., 'Bid': 0.}
     self.d_order_tree = {'BID': FastRBTree(), 'ASK': FastRBTree()}
     self.d_order_map = {}
Exemplo n.º 16
 def reset(self):
     Reset the state and the agent's memory about its positions
     self.state = None
     self.position = {'qAsk': 0, 'Ask': 0., 'qBid': 0, 'Bid': 0.}
     self.d_order_tree = {'BID': FastRBTree(), 'ASK': FastRBTree()}
     self.d_order_map = {}
     # Reset any variables here, if required
     self.next_time = 0.
Exemplo n.º 17
class Tree(object):
	def __init__(self):
		self.priceTree = FastRBTree()
		self.volume = 0
		self.priceMap = {} # Map from price -> orderList object
		self.orderMap = {} # Order ID to Order object
	def __len__(self):
		return len(self.orderMap)
	def getPrice(self, price):
		return self.priceMap[price]
	def getOrder(self, idNum):
		return self.orderMap[idNum]
	def createPrice(self, price):
		newList = OrderList()
		self.priceTree.insert(price, newList)
		self.priceMap[price] = newList
	def removePrice(self, price):
		del self.priceMap[price]
	def priceExists(self, price):
		return price in self.priceMap
	def orderExists(self, idNum):
		return idNum in self.orderMap
	def insertTick(self, tick):
		if tick.price not in self.priceMap:
		order = Order(tick, self.priceMap[tick.price])
		self.orderMap[order.idNum] = order
		self.volume += order.qty
	def updateOrder(self, tick):
		order = self.orderMap[tick.idNum]
		originalVolume = order.qty
		if tick.price != order.price:
			# Price changed
			orderList = self.priceMap[order.price]
			if len(orderList) == 0:
			# Quantity changed
		self.volume += order.qty - originalVolume
	def removeOrderById(self, idNum):
		order = self.orderMap[idNum]
		self.volume -= order.qty
		if len(order.orderList) == 0:
		del self.orderMap[idNum]
	def max(self):
		return min(self.priceTree)
	def min(self):
		return max(self.priceTree)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self,
        self.full_cache = FastRBTree()
        self.was_hit = None
        self.was_ghost_hit = None
        self.num_hits = 0
        self.num_requests = 0
        self.cache_entries_limit = cache_entries_limit
        self.ghost_entries_limit = ghost_entries_limit
        self.trace_size_limit = trace_size_limit
        self.trace = collections.deque()
        self.stack = RBTree()
        self.ranker = RBTree()
        self.generation = 0
        # During startup, this will act like an LRU.
        self.startup = True
        self.EM_period = 50 * int(np.ceil(np.log(trace_size_limit)))
        self.countdown_to_EM = trace_size_limit // 2
        self.tau = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
        self.theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
        self.acc_tau = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.acc_theta = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.num_in_cache = 0
        self.num_in_full_cache = 0
        self.num_reads = 0
        self.csv_suffix = csv_suffix

        self.ts_order = [
            'row', 'hit', 'ghost_hit', 'tau_R_SDD', 'tau_R_IRM', 'tau_W_SDD',
            'tau_W_IRM', 'theta_R_SDD', 'theta_R_IRM', 'theta_W_SDD',
            'theta_W_IRM', 'depth', 'rank', 'Z_R_SDD', 'Z_R_IRM', 'Z_W_SDD',
            'Z_W_IRM', 'Z_sum'
        self.ts_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.ts_order}
        self.ts_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.ts_file = open("csv/mmc_rw" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.ts_writer = csv.writer(self.ts_file)

        self.evict_order = ['row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'opcode']
        self.evict_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.evict_order}
        self.evict_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.evict_file = open("csv/mmc_rw_evict" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.evict_writer = csv.writer(self.evict_file)

        self.purge_order = ['row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'opcode']
        self.purge_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.purge_order}
        self.purge_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.purge_file = open("csv/mmc_rw_purge" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.purge_writer = csv.writer(self.purge_file)
Exemplo n.º 19
def solve(n, k):
    tree = FastRBTree()
    tree.insert(n, 1)
    ls = rs = n

    for i in range(k):
        key, val = tree.max_item()

        if val > 1:
            tree.insert(key, val - 1)

        if key % 2 == 1:
            key //= 2
            ls = rs = key
            update_tree(tree, key)
            update_tree(tree, key)
            key //= 2
            ls = key
            rs = key - 1
            update_tree(tree, ls)
            update_tree(tree, rs)

    return str(ls) + " " + str(rs)
Exemplo n.º 20
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {}
        self.order_map = {}
        self.received_orders = {}

    def receive(self, order_id, size):
        self.received_orders[order_id] = size

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = []
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

    def insert_order(self, order_id, size, price, initial=False):
        if not initial:
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
        if price not in self.price_map:
        order = {
            'order_id': order_id,
            'size': size,
            'price': price,
            'price_map': self.price_map[price]
        self.order_map[order_id] = order

    def match(self, maker_order_id, match_size):
        order = self.order_map[maker_order_id]
        original_size = order['size']
        new_size = original_size - match_size
        order['size'] = new_size

    def change(self, order_id, new_size):
        order = self.order_map[order_id]
        order['size'] = new_size

    def remove_order(self, order_id):
        if order_id in self.order_map:
            order = self.order_map[order_id]
            self.price_map[order['price']] = [
                o for o in self.price_map[order['price']]
                if o['order_id'] != order_id
            if not self.price_map[order['price']]:
            del self.order_map[order_id]
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
Exemplo n.º 21
 def __init__(self, env, i_id):
     Initiate an Agent object. Save all parameters as attributes
     :param env: Environment Object. The Environment where the agent acts
     :param i_id: integer. Agent id
     self.env = env
     self.i_id = i_id
     self.state = None
     self.position = {'qAsk': 0., 'Ask': 0., 'qBid': 0., 'Bid': 0.}
     self.d_order_tree = {'BID': FastRBTree(), 'ASK': FastRBTree()}
     self.d_order_map = {}
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self, s_side):
     Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes
     :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
     if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
         raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
     self.s_side = s_side
     self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
     self._i_idx = 0
     self.d_order_map = {}
     self.last_price = 0.
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_push_scope():
    ST = SymbolTable("")
    T = FastRBTree()
    T2 = FastRBTree()

    assert( len(ST.Table) == 1 )

    assert( len(ST.Table) == 2 )

Exemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self):
     self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
     self.volume = 0
     self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
     self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
     self.min_price = None
     self.max_price = None
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self):
     self.priceTree = FastRBTree()
     self.volume = 0
     self.priceMap = {}  # Map from price -> orderList object
     self.orderMap = {}  # Order ID to Order object
     self.minPrice = None
     self.maxPrice = None
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, delta=0.01, K=25, CX=1.1):
     self.delta = delta
     self.K = K
     self.CX = CX
     self.centroids = RBTree()
     self.nreset = 0
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self):
     self.tree = FastRBTree()
     self.volume = 0
     self.price_map = {}
     self.order_map = {}
     self.min_price = None
     self.max_price = None
Exemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(self, f_price):
     A representation of a PriceLevel object
     self.f_price = f_price
     self.i_qty = 0
     self.order_tree = FastRBTree()
Exemplo n.º 29
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {}
        self.order_map = {}
        self.received_orders = {}

    def receive(self, order_id, size):
        self.received_orders[order_id] = size

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = []
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

    def insert_order(self, order_id, size, price, initial=False):
        if not initial:
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
        if price not in self.price_map:
        order = {'order_id': order_id, 'size': size, 'price': price, 'price_map': self.price_map[price]}
        self.order_map[order_id] = order

    def match(self, maker_order_id, match_size):
        order = self.order_map[maker_order_id]
        original_size = order['size']
        new_size = original_size - match_size
        order['size'] = new_size

    def change(self, order_id, new_size):
        order = self.order_map[order_id]
        order['size'] = new_size

    def remove_order(self, order_id):
        if order_id in self.order_map:
            order = self.order_map[order_id]
            self.price_map[order['price']] = [o for o in self.price_map[order['price']] if o['order_id'] != order_id]
            if not self.price_map[order['price']]:
            del self.order_map[order_id]
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
Exemplo n.º 30
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
        self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
        self.received_orders = {}

    def receive(self, order_id, size):
        self.received_orders[order_id] = size

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = OrderList()
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

    def insert_order(self, order_id, size, price, initial=False):
        if not initial:
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
        if price not in self.price_map:
        order = Order(order_id, size, price, self.price_map[price])
        self.order_map[order.order_id] = order

    def match(self, maker_order_id, size):
        order = self.order_map[maker_order_id]
        original_size = order.size
        new_size = original_size - size

    def change(self, order_id, new_size):
        order = self.order_map[order_id]

    def remove_order(self, order_id):
        if order_id in self.order_map:
            order = self.order_map[order_id]
            if len(order.order_list) == 0:
            del self.order_map[order_id]
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
Exemplo n.º 31
 def __init__(self):
     Limit order book tree implementation using Red-Black tree for self-balancing 
     Each limit price level is a OrderLinkedlist, and each order contains information 
     including id, price, timestamp, volume
     self.limit_level: dict
         key: price level; value: OrderLinkedlist object
     self.order_ids: dict  
         key: order id; value: Order object
         helps to locate order by id
     # tree that store price as keys and number of orders on that level as values
     self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
     self.max_price = None
     self.min_price = None
     self.limit_levels = {}
     self.order_ids = {}
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, s_side, fr_data, i_member=None):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes

        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        :param fr_data: ZipExtFile object. data to read
        :param i_member*: integer. Member number to be used as a filter
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.i_member = i_member
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.fr_data = fr_data
        self.parser = parser_data.LineParser(s_side)
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.
Exemplo n.º 33
  def run(self):
    for p in range(self.N):
      if self.processed[p]:
      self.processed[p] = True
      seeds = FastRBTree()
      self._update(p, seeds)
      while seeds:
        # pop_min returns ( (reachability, q), q ).
        _, q = seeds.pop_min()
        self.processed[q] = True
        self._update(q, seeds)

    start = timer()
    print("extract cluster took", timer() - start)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def __init__(self, node_timeout):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._nodes = {}
        self._sessions = {}
        self._sessions_by_owner = {}
        self._keepalive_queue = FastRBTree()
        self._priority_queue = FastRBTree()
        self._node_timeout = node_timeout
        self._culling_timer = runtime.greenpool.spawn(self._cull_dead_nodes)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self, product_ids='ETH-USD', api_key=None, api_secret=None,
                 passphrase=None, use_heartbeat=False,


        if not isinstance(product_ids, list):
            product_ids = [product_ids]

        self.traders = {product_id: gdax.trader.Trader(product_id=product_id)
                        for product_id in product_ids}
        self._asks = {product_id: FastRBTree() for product_id in product_ids}
        self._bids = {product_id: FastRBTree() for product_id in product_ids}
        self._sequences = {product_id: None for product_id in product_ids}
Exemplo n.º 36
    def __init__(self, cache_entries_limit, ghost_entries_limit,
                 trace_size_limit, csv_suffix="_mmc.csv"):
        self.full_cache = FastRBTree()
        self.was_hit = None
        self.was_ghost_hit = None
        self.num_hits = 0
        self.num_requests = 0
        self.cache_entries_limit = cache_entries_limit
        self.ghost_entries_limit = ghost_entries_limit
        self.trace_size_limit = trace_size_limit
        self.trace = collections.deque()
        self.stack = RBTree()
        self.ranker = RBTree()
        self.generation = 0
        # During startup, this will act like an LRU.
        self.startup = True
        self.EM_period = 50 * int(np.ceil(np.log(trace_size_limit)))
        self.countdown_to_EM = trace_size_limit // 2
        self.tau = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
        self.theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
        self.acc_tau = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.acc_theta = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.num_in_cache = 0
        self.num_in_full_cache = 0
        self.num_reads = 0
        self.csv_suffix = csv_suffix

        self.ts_order = [
                'row', 'hit', 'ghost_hit',
                'tau_R_SDD', 'tau_R_IRM', 'tau_W_SDD', 'tau_W_IRM',
                'theta_R_SDD', 'theta_R_IRM', 'theta_W_SDD', 'theta_W_IRM',
                'depth', 'rank',
                'Z_R_SDD', 'Z_R_IRM', 'Z_W_SDD', 'Z_W_IRM', 'Z_sum'
        self.ts_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.ts_order}
        self.ts_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.ts_file = open("csv/mmc_rw" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.ts_writer = csv.writer(self.ts_file)

        self.evict_order = [
                'row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'opcode']
        self.evict_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.evict_order}
        self.evict_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.evict_file = open("csv/mmc_rw_evict" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.evict_writer = csv.writer(self.evict_file)

        self.purge_order = ['row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'opcode']
        self.purge_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.purge_order}
        self.purge_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.purge_file = open("csv/mmc_rw_purge" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.purge_writer = csv.writer(self.purge_file)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self, protocol, debug=False):
        Constructs an order book which will be a client to
        the given blob protocol.

        :param protocol: blob protocol to which this will be a client
        :param debug: flag to print debug message
        BlobClient.__init__(self, protocol)

        self.debug = debug
        # A book can forward messages to multiple BookClients.
        self.clients = []

        # Track sequence number for blob protocol.
        self.sequence = None

        # Internal data structures for storing orders.
        self.orders_by_id = {}
        self.bids = FastRBTree()
        self.asks = FastRBTree()
Exemplo n.º 38
 def __init__(self, s_side):
     Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes
     :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
     if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
         raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
     self.s_side = s_side
     self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
     self._i_idx = 0
     self.d_order_map = {}
     self.last_price = 0.
def GetLeastNumbers2(l,k):
    count = 0
    tree = FastRBTree()

    for i in l:
        if count <k:
            count += 1
            maxVal = max(tree)
            if i < maxVal:
    datas = [item for item in tree]
    return datas
Exemplo n.º 40
    def __init__(self, s_side, fr_data, i_member=None):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes

        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        :param fr_data: ZipExtFile object. data to read
        :param i_member*: integer. Member number to be used as a filter
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.i_member = i_member
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.fr_data = fr_data
        self.parser = parser_data.LineParser(s_side)
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.
Exemplo n.º 41
def createSequenceDB():
    file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
    db = {}
    for line in file:
        alert = parseLineOfJSON(line)
        if alert == None:
        if alert[
                'IP'] not in db:  # AK NIE JE ESTE V DB SEKVIENCIA (IP ADDRESSA)
            db[alert['IP']] = FastRBTree()
        isThereNode = db[alert['IP']].get(
        if isThereNode != None:
            if alert['alert'] not in isThereNode:
            db[alert['IP']].insert(alert['Time'], [alert['alert']])

    return db
Exemplo n.º 42
class OrderTree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {} 
        self.min_price = None
        self.max_price = None

    def insert_price(self, price, amount):
        self.price_tree.insert(price, amount)
        self.price_map[price] = amount
        if self.max_price == None or price > self.max_price:
            self.max_price = price
        if self.min_price == None or price < self.min_price:
            self.min_price = price

    def update_price(self, price, amount):
        self.price_tree.insert(price, amount) #updates if key exists
        self.price_map[price] = amount
    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

        if self.max_price == price:
                self.max_price = max(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.max_price = None
        if self.min_price == price:
                self.min_price = min(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.min_price = None

    def price_exists(self, price):
        return price in self.price_map

    def max(self):
        return self.max_price

    def min(self):
        return self.min_price
class Hyperedge:
    def __init__(self, hyperkey, col, hlabel):
        self.hyperkey = hyperkey
        self.col = col
        self._alerts = Tree()
        self.insert_alert(hlabel, 1)
        self.nalerts = 1

    def get_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.get(key)

    def insert_alert(self, alert_key, count):
        self._alerts.insert(alert_key, count)

    def foreach_alert(self, func):

    def pop_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.pop(key)
Exemplo n.º 44
class MMCRWPolicy(object):
    def __init__(self, cache_entries_limit, ghost_entries_limit,
                 trace_size_limit, csv_suffix="_mmc.csv"):
        self.full_cache = FastRBTree()
        self.was_hit = None
        self.was_ghost_hit = None
        self.num_hits = 0
        self.num_requests = 0
        self.cache_entries_limit = cache_entries_limit
        self.ghost_entries_limit = ghost_entries_limit
        self.trace_size_limit = trace_size_limit
        self.trace = collections.deque()
        self.stack = RBTree()
        self.ranker = RBTree()
        self.generation = 0
        # During startup, this will act like an LRU.
        self.startup = True
        self.EM_period = 50 * int(np.ceil(np.log(trace_size_limit)))
        self.countdown_to_EM = trace_size_limit // 2
        self.tau = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
        self.theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
        self.acc_tau = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.acc_theta = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.num_in_cache = 0
        self.num_in_full_cache = 0
        self.num_reads = 0
        self.csv_suffix = csv_suffix

        self.ts_order = [
                'row', 'hit', 'ghost_hit',
                'tau_R_SDD', 'tau_R_IRM', 'tau_W_SDD', 'tau_W_IRM',
                'theta_R_SDD', 'theta_R_IRM', 'theta_W_SDD', 'theta_W_IRM',
                'depth', 'rank',
                'Z_R_SDD', 'Z_R_IRM', 'Z_W_SDD', 'Z_W_IRM', 'Z_sum'
        self.ts_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.ts_order}
        self.ts_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.ts_file = open("csv/mmc_rw" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.ts_writer = csv.writer(self.ts_file)

        self.evict_order = [
                'row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'opcode']
        self.evict_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.evict_order}
        self.evict_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.evict_file = open("csv/mmc_rw_evict" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.evict_writer = csv.writer(self.evict_file)

        self.purge_order = ['row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'opcode']
        self.purge_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.purge_order}
        self.purge_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.purge_file = open("csv/mmc_rw_purge" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.purge_writer = csv.writer(self.purge_file)

    def request(self, page, opcode):
        self.num_requests += 1
        self.was_hit = False
        self.was_ghost_hit = False
        node = self.get_node(page)
        if node:
            self.was_ghost_hit = True
            if not node.is_evicted:
                self.num_hits += 1
                self.was_hit = True
            Z = self.calculate_Z(node.depth, node.rank, node.opcode)
            node.hit_count += Z[R_IRM] + Z[W_IRM]
            node = Node(self)
            node.hit_count = self.tau[R_IRM] + self.tau[W_IRM]
            node.page_key = page
            self.full_cache[page] = node

        if not self.was_hit:
            self.num_in_cache += 1

        if not self.was_ghost_hit:
            self.num_in_full_cache += 1
            if node.opcode == 'r':
                self.num_reads -= 1

        if opcode == 'r':
            self.num_reads += 1

        node.is_evicted = node.is_purged = False
        record = Record(self, node)
        node.opcode = opcode

        if len(self.trace) > self.trace_size_limit:
            popped_record = self.trace.popleft()
            self.update_tau_and_theta_accs(record, increment=True)
            self.update_tau_and_theta_accs(popped_record, increment=False)
            popped_record.node.hit_count -= popped_record.Z[R_IRM]
            popped_record.node.hit_count -= popped_record.Z[W_IRM]


        self.countdown_to_EM -= 1
        if self.countdown_to_EM == 0:
            self.countdown_to_EM = self.EM_period
            self.startup = False

        if (
          self.num_in_cache > self.cache_entries_limit or
          self.num_in_full_cache >
          self.cache_entries_limit + self.ghost_entries_limit
        #dump_cache(self, "exp")

    def add_trace_record(self, record):
        self.ts_datapoint['row'] = self.num_requests
        if self.was_hit:
            self.ts_datapoint['hit'] = 1
            self.ts_datapoint['hit'] = 0

        if self.was_ghost_hit:
            self.ts_datapoint['ghost_hit'] = 1
            self.ts_datapoint['ghost_hit'] = 0

        self.ts_datapoint['tau_R_SDD'] = self.tau[R_SDD]
        self.ts_datapoint['tau_R_IRM'] = self.tau[R_IRM]
        self.ts_datapoint['tau_W_SDD'] = self.tau[W_SDD]
        self.ts_datapoint['tau_W_IRM'] = self.tau[W_IRM]

        self.ts_datapoint['theta_R_SDD'] = self.theta[R_SDD]
        self.ts_datapoint['theta_R_IRM'] = self.theta[R_IRM]
        self.ts_datapoint['theta_W_SDD'] = self.theta[W_SDD]
        self.ts_datapoint['theta_W_IRM'] = self.theta[W_IRM]

        self.ts_datapoint['Z_R_SDD'] = record.Z[R_SDD]
        self.ts_datapoint['Z_R_IRM'] = record.Z[R_IRM]
        self.ts_datapoint['Z_W_SDD'] = record.Z[W_SDD]
        self.ts_datapoint['Z_W_IRM'] = record.Z[W_IRM]

        self.ts_datapoint['Z_sum'] = sum(record.Z)

        self.ts_datapoint['depth'] = record.depth
        self.ts_datapoint['rank'] = record.node.rank

                [self.ts_datapoint[key] for key in self.ts_order])

    def pageout(self):
        min_node = None
        min_node_value = None
        min_ghost = None
        min_ghost_value = None

        for depth, node in enumerate(self.stack.values()):
            node.depth_memo = depth

        for rank, node in enumerate(self.ranker.values()):
            node.recompute_expected_value(depth=node.depth_memo, rank=rank)
            value = node.expected_value
            if not node.is_evicted:
                if min_node is None or value < min_node_value:
                    min_node = node
                    min_node_value = value
            if min_ghost is None or value < min_ghost_value:
                min_ghost = node
                min_ghost_value = value

        if self.num_in_cache > self.cache_entries_limit:

        if (
          self.num_in_full_cache >
          self.cache_entries_limit + self.ghost_entries_limit

    def EM_algorithm(self, delta):
        def abs_sum():
            return sum(self.tau) + sum(self.theta)
        before = delta + 4.0
        i = 0
        # We need to detect if we're in a "nonsense" local optimum. The
        # algorithm will optimize to the global maximum if we aren't in one of
        # these cases.
        if (self.startup or
            min(self.tau) < 0.00001 or
            min(self.theta) < 0.00001
            use_hard_Z = True
            use_hard_Z = False

        while abs(before - abs_sum()) > delta:
            before = abs_sum()
            hard_Z = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] if use_hard_Z and i == 0 else None
            i += 1
            # Since we are rearranging the ranks, it's possible that we can
            # get into a situation where the ranks shift in a cycle such
            # that the tau delta is always exeeded. I've only seen this limit
            # hit when the trace size is very small (e.g. 10).
            if i > 50:

    def E_step(self, hard_Z=None):
        """Treat self.tau and self.theta as constants."""
        for node in self.full_cache.values():
            node._hit_count = 0.0

        for record in self.trace:
            if hard_Z is None:
                if record.node.is_purged:
                    rank = record.node.rank_purge_memo
                    rank = record.node.rank
                record._Z = self.calculate_Z(record.depth, rank, record.opcode)
                record._Z = hard_Z
            record.node._hit_count += record._Z[R_IRM] + record._Z[W_IRM]

        new_ranker = RBTree()
        for node in self.full_cache.values():
            node.ranker_key = node.new_ranker_key()
            new_ranker[node.ranker_key] = node
        self.ranker = new_ranker

    def M_step(self):
        """Treat Record.Z as constant."""
        self.acc_tau = [0.0 for d in range(D)]
        self.acc_theta = [0.0 for d in range(D)]
        for record in self.trace:
            self.update_tau_and_theta_accs(record, increment=True)

    def calculate_Z(self, depth, rank, opcode):
        Z = [0.0 for d in range(D)]
        H = [depth, rank, depth, rank]

        def num_on_hit(i):
            return (self.tau[i] *
                    self.theta[i] *
                    (1 - self.theta[i])**H[i])

        def den_on_hit(i, j):
            acc = 0.0
            for x in [i, j]:
                acc += num_on_hit(x)
            return acc

        if opcode is None:
            num = [0.0 for d in range(D)]
            for i in range(D):
                num[i] = num_on_hit(i)
            den = sum(num)
            return [n / den for n in num]
        elif opcode is 'r':
            num = [num_on_hit(R_SDD), num_on_hit(R_IRM)]
            den = den_on_hit(R_SDD, R_IRM)
                return [num[0] / den, num[1] / den, 0.0, 0.0]
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                return [0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
        elif opcode is 'w':
            num = [num_on_hit(W_SDD), num_on_hit(W_IRM)]
            den = den_on_hit(W_SDD, W_IRM)
                return [0.0, 0.0, num[0] / den, num[1] / den]
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                return [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5]

    def refresh_params(self):
        R = len(self.trace)
        self.tau = [self.acc_tau[d] / R for d in range(D)]
        self.theta = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        for d in range(D):
                self.theta[d] = (R * self.tau[d] /
                                 (R * self.tau[d] + self.acc_theta[d]))
            except ZeroDivisionError as err:

    def _update_tau_and_theta_accs(self, Z, depth, rank, increment=True):
        H = [depth, rank, depth, rank]
        if increment:
            self.acc_tau = [self.acc_tau[d] + Z[d] for d in range(D)]
            self.acc_theta = [self.acc_theta[d] + Z[d] * H[d] for d in range(D)]
            self.acc_tau = [self.acc_tau[d] - Z[d] for d in range(D)]
            self.acc_theta = [max(0.0, self.acc_theta[d] - Z[d] * H[d])
                              for d in range(D)]

    def update_tau_and_theta_accs(self, record, increment=True):
        if record.node.is_purged:
            rank = record.node.rank_purge_memo
            rank = record.node.rank

        self._update_tau_and_theta_accs(record.Z, record.depth, rank, increment)

    def evict(self, node):
        self.evict_datapoint['row'] += 1
        self.evict_datapoint['depth'] = node.depth
        self.evict_datapoint['rank'] = node.rank
        self.evict_datapoint['value'] = node.expected_value
        self.evict_datapoint['opcode'] = node.opcode
                [self.evict_datapoint[key] for key in self.evict_order])
        self.num_in_cache -= 1
        node.is_evicted = True

    def purge(self, node):
        self.purge_datapoint['row'] += 1
        self.purge_datapoint['depth'] = node.depth
        self.purge_datapoint['rank'] = node.rank
        self.purge_datapoint['value'] = node.expected_value
        self.purge_datapoint['opcode'] = node.opcode
                [self.purge_datapoint[key] for key in self.purge_order])
        self.num_in_full_cache -= 1
        if node.opcode == 'r':
            self.num_reads -= 1

    def cache_list(self):
        return filter(lambda node: not node.is_evicted, self.full_cache_list)

    def full_cache_list(self):
        return list(self.full_cache.values())

    def hit_rate(self):
        return float(self.num_hits) / self.num_requests

    def get_node(self, page):
            node = self.full_cache[page]
            return node
        except KeyError:
            return None
Exemplo n.º 45
class MMCPolicy(object):
    def __init__(self, cache_entries_limit, ghost_entries_limit,
                 trace_size_limit, csv_suffix="_mmc.csv", draw_dump=False):
        self.full_cache = FastRBTree()
        self.was_hit = None
        self.was_ghost_hit = None
        self.num_hits = 0
        self.num_requests = 0
        self.cache_entries_limit = cache_entries_limit
        self.ghost_entries_limit = ghost_entries_limit
        self.trace_size_limit = trace_size_limit
        self.trace = collections.deque()
        self.stack = RBTree()
        self.ranker = RBTree()
        self.generation = 0
        # During startup, this will act like an LRU.
        self.startup = True
        self.EM_period = 50 * int(np.ceil(np.log(trace_size_limit)))
        self.countdown_to_EM = trace_size_limit // 2
        self.tau = [0.5, 0.5]
        self.theta = [0.5, 0.5]
        self.acc_tau = [0.0]
        self.acc_theta = [0.0, 0.0]
        self.num_in_cache = 0
        self.num_in_full_cache = 0
        self.csv_suffix = csv_suffix
        self.draw_dump = draw_dump

        self.ts_order = [
                'row', 'hit', 'ghost_hit', 'tau',
                'theta0', 'theta1', 'Z', 'depth', 'rank']
        self.ts_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.ts_order}
        self.ts_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.ts_file = open("csv/mmc" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.ts_writer = csv.writer(self.ts_file)

        self.evict_order = [
                'row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'Z', 'tau']
        self.evict_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.evict_order}
        self.evict_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.evict_file = open("csv/mmc_evict" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.evict_writer = csv.writer(self.evict_file)

        self.purge_order = ['row', 'depth', 'rank', 'value', 'Z']
        self.purge_datapoint = {key: None for key in self.purge_order}
        self.purge_datapoint['row'] = 0
        self.purge_file = open("csv/mmc_purge" + self.csv_suffix, "w")
        self.purge_writer = csv.writer(self.purge_file)

    def request(self, page):
        self.num_requests += 1
        self.was_hit = False
        self.was_ghost_hit = False
        node = self.get_node(page)
        if node:
            self.was_ghost_hit = True
            if not node.is_evicted:
                self.num_hits += 1
                self.was_hit = True
            node.hit_count += 1.0 - self.calculate_Z(node.depth, node.rank)
            node = Node(self)
            node.hit_count = self.tau[1]
            node.page_key = page
            self.full_cache[page] = node

        if not self.was_hit:
            self.num_in_cache += 1
        if not self.was_ghost_hit:
            self.num_in_full_cache += 1

        node.is_evicted = node.is_purged = False
        record = Record(self, node)

        if len(self.trace) > self.trace_size_limit:
            popped_record = self.trace.popleft()
            self.update_tau_and_theta_accs(record, increment=True)
            self.update_tau_and_theta_accs(popped_record, increment=False)
            popped_record.node.hit_count -= 1.0 - popped_record.Z


        self.countdown_to_EM -= 1
        if self.countdown_to_EM == 0:
            self.countdown_to_EM = self.EM_period
            self.startup = False

        if (
          self.num_in_cache > self.cache_entries_limit or
          self.num_in_full_cache >
          self.cache_entries_limit + self.ghost_entries_limit
        if self.draw_dump:
            dump_cache(self, self.csv_suffix)

    def add_trace_record(self, record):
        self.ts_datapoint['row'] = self.num_requests
        if self.was_hit:
            self.ts_datapoint['hit'] = 1
            self.ts_datapoint['hit'] = 0

        if self.was_ghost_hit:
            self.ts_datapoint['ghost_hit'] = 1
            self.ts_datapoint['ghost_hit'] = 0

        self.ts_datapoint['tau'] = self.tau[0]
        self.ts_datapoint['theta0'] = self.theta[0]
        self.ts_datapoint['theta1'] = self.theta[1]
        depth = record.depth
        self.ts_datapoint['depth'] = depth
        self.ts_datapoint['rank'] = record.node.rank
        self.ts_datapoint['Z'] = record.Z
                [self.ts_datapoint[key] for key in self.ts_order])

    def pageout(self):
        min_node = None
        min_node_value = None
        min_ghost = None
        min_ghost_value = None

        for depth, node in enumerate(self.stack.values()):
            node.depth_memo = depth

        for rank, node in enumerate(self.ranker.values()):
            node.recompute_expected_value(depth=node.depth_memo, rank=rank)
            value = node.expected_value
            if not node.is_evicted:
                if min_node is None or value < min_node_value:
                    min_node = node
                    min_node_value = value
            if min_ghost is None or value < min_ghost_value:
                min_ghost = node
                min_ghost_value = value

        if self.num_in_cache > self.cache_entries_limit:

        if (
          self.num_in_full_cache >
          self.cache_entries_limit + self.ghost_entries_limit

    def EM_algorithm(self, delta):
        def abs_sum():
            return abs(self.tau[0]) + abs(self.theta[0]) + abs(self.theta[1])
        before = delta + 4.0
        i = 0
        # We need to detect if we're in a "nonsense" local optimum. The
        # algorithm will optimize to the global maximum if we aren't in one of
        # these cases.
        if (self.startup or
            self.tau[0] == 0.0 or
            self.tau[0] == 1.0 or
            self.theta[0] == 0.0 or
            self.theta[0] == 0.0
            use_hard_Z = True
            use_hard_Z = False

        while abs(before - abs_sum()) > delta:
            before = abs_sum()
            hard_Z = 0.5 if use_hard_Z and i == 0 else None
            i += 1
            # Since we are rearranging the ranks, it's possible that we can
            # get into a situation where the ranks shift in a cycle such
            # that the tau delta is always exeeded. I've only seen this limit
            # hit when the trace size is very small (e.g. 10).
            if i > 50:

    def E_step(self, hard_Z=None):
        """Treat self.tau and self.theta as constants."""
        for node in self.full_cache.values():
            node._hit_count = 0.0

        for record in self.trace:
            if hard_Z is None:
                if record.node.is_purged:
                    rank = record.node.rank_purge_memo
                    rank = record.node.rank
                record._Z = self.calculate_Z(record.depth, rank)
                record._Z = hard_Z
            record.node._hit_count += (1.0 - record._Z)

        new_ranker = RBTree()
        for node in self.full_cache.values():
            node.ranker_key = node.new_ranker_key()
            new_ranker[node.ranker_key] = node
        self.ranker = new_ranker

    def M_step(self):
        """Treat Record.Z as constant."""
        self.acc_tau = [0.0]
        self.acc_theta = [0.0, 0.0]
        for record in self.trace:
            self.update_tau_and_theta_accs(record, increment=True)

    def calculate_Z(self, depth, rank):
        numerator = (
                self.tau[0] *
                self.theta[0] *
                (1 - self.theta[0])**depth)
        denominator = (
                numerator +
                self.tau[1] *
                self.theta[1] *
                (1 - self.theta[1])**rank)
            return float(numerator) / denominator
        except ZeroDivisionError as err:
            # This can happen when a node falls off the trace and rank and
            # depth become greater than the limits.
            return self.tau[0]

    def refresh_params(self):
        R = len(self.trace)
        self.tau[0] = self.acc_tau[0] / R
        self.tau[1] = 1.0 - self.tau[0]

            self.theta[0] = ((R * self.tau[0]) /
                             (R * self.tau[0] + self.acc_theta[0]))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            self.theta[0] = 1.0 / len(self.full_cache)

            self.theta[1] = ((R * self.tau[1]) /
                             (R * self.tau[1] + self.acc_theta[1]))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            self.theta[1] = 1.0 / len(self.full_cache)

    def _update_tau_and_theta_accs(self, Z, depth, rank, increment=True):
        if increment:
            self.acc_tau[0] += Z
            self.acc_theta[0] += Z * depth
            self.acc_theta[1] += (1.0 - Z) * rank
            self.acc_tau[0] -= Z
            self.acc_theta[0] -= Z * depth
            self.acc_theta[1] -= (1.0 - Z) * rank
            self.acc_theta = [max(0.0, acc) for acc in self.acc_theta]

    def update_tau_and_theta_accs(self, record, increment=True):
        depth = record.depth

        if record.node.is_purged:
            rank = record.node.rank_purge_memo
            rank = record.node.rank

        self._update_tau_and_theta_accs(record.Z, depth, rank, increment)

    def evict(self, node):
        self.evict_datapoint['row'] += 1
        self.evict_datapoint['depth'] = node.depth
        self.evict_datapoint['rank'] = node.rank
        self.evict_datapoint['value'] = node.expected_value
        self.evict_datapoint['Z'] = self.calculate_Z(
                node.depth, node.rank)
        self.evict_datapoint['tau'] = self.tau[0]
                [self.evict_datapoint[key] for key in self.evict_order])
        self.num_in_cache -= 1
        node.is_evicted = True

    def purge(self, node):
        self.purge_datapoint['row'] += 1
        self.purge_datapoint['depth'] = node.depth
        self.purge_datapoint['rank'] = node.rank
        self.purge_datapoint['value'] = node.expected_value
        self.purge_datapoint['Z'] = self.calculate_Z(
                node.depth, node.rank)
                [self.purge_datapoint[key] for key in self.purge_order])
        self.num_in_full_cache -= 1

    def cache_list(self):
        return filter(lambda node: not node.is_evicted, self.full_cache_list)

    def full_cache_list(self):
        return list(self.full_cache.values())

    def hit_rate(self):
        return float(self.num_hits) / self.num_requests

    def get_node(self, page):
            node = self.full_cache[page]
            return node
        except KeyError:
            return None
Exemplo n.º 46
setup_FastRBTree_ps = """
from __main__ import keys, crb_prev, crb_succ

    fp = open('testkeys.txt')
    keys = eval(fp.read())
    bskeys = zip(keys, keys)
except IOError:
    print("create 'testkeys.txt' with profile_bintree.py\n")

ptree = PTree.from_keys(keys)
ftree = FTree.from_keys(keys)

def rb_prev():
    for key in keys:
            item = ptree.prev_item(key)
        except KeyError:

def rb_succ():
    for key in keys:
            item = ptree.succ_item(key)
        except KeyError:
                alert[c[x]] = "*"
            tmpkey = tuple(alert)
            for x in range(2):
                alert[c[x]] = label[x]
            hlabel = tuple(label)
            if tmpkey in hyper_dict:
                tmpedge = hyper_dict[tmpkey]
                hypersize_list.discard((tmpedge.nalerts, tmpedge.hyperkey))
                tmpedge.nalerts -= tmpedge.pop_alert(hlabel)
                if tmpedge.nalerts > 0:
                    hypersize_list.insert((tmpedge.nalerts, tmpedge.hyperkey), tmpedge)

for z in range(10):
    hyper_dict = {}
    hypersize_list = Tree()
    hcombinations = [
        (0, 1),
        (0, 2),
        (0, 3),
        (0, 4),
        (0, 5),
        (1, 2),
        (1, 3),
        (1, 4),
        (1, 5),
        (2, 3),
        (2, 4),
        (2, 5),
        (3, 4),
        (3, 5),
 def __init__(self, hyperkey, col, hlabel):
     self.hyperkey = hyperkey
     self.col = col
     self._alerts = Tree()
     self.insert_alert(hlabel, 1)
     self.nalerts = 1
Exemplo n.º 49
class TDigest(object):

    def __init__(self, delta=0.01, K=25):
        self.C = RBTree()
        self.n = 0
        self.delta = delta
        self.K = K

    def __add__(self, other_digest):
        C1 = list(self.C.values())
        C2 = list(other_digest.C.values())
        data = C1 + C2
        new_digest = TDigest(self.delta, self.K)
        for c in data:
            new_digest.update(c.mean, c.count)

        return new_digest

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.C)

    def __repr__(self):
        return """<T-Digest: n=%d, centroids=%d>""" % (self.n, len(self))

    def _add_centroid(self, centroid):
        if centroid.mean not in self.C:
            self.C.insert(centroid.mean, centroid)
            self.C[centroid.mean].update(centroid.mean, centroid.count)

    def _compute_centroid_quantile(self, centroid):
        denom = self.n
        cumulative_sum = sum(
            c_i.count for c_i in self.C.value_slice(-float('Inf'), centroid.mean))
        return (centroid.count / 2. + cumulative_sum) / denom

    def _update_centroid(self, centroid, x, w):
        centroid.update(x, w)

    def _find_closest_centroids(self, x):
            ceil_key = self.C.ceiling_key(x)
        except KeyError:
            floor_key = self.C.floor_key(x)
            return [self.C[floor_key]]

            floor_key = self.C.floor_key(x)
        except KeyError:
            ceil_key = self.C.ceiling_key(x)
            return [self.C[ceil_key]]

        if abs(floor_key - x) < abs(ceil_key - x):
            return [self.C[floor_key]]
        elif abs(floor_key - x) == abs(ceil_key - x) and (ceil_key != floor_key):
            return [self.C[ceil_key], self.C[floor_key]]
            return [self.C[ceil_key]]

    def _theshold(self, q):
        return 4 * self.n * self.delta * q * (1 - q)

    def update(self, x, w=1):
        Update the t-digest with value x and weight w.

        self.n += w

        if len(self) == 0:
            self._add_centroid(Centroid(x, w))

        S = self._find_closest_centroids(x)

        while len(S) != 0 and w > 0:
            j = choice(list(range(len(S))))
            c_j = S[j]

            q = self._compute_centroid_quantile(c_j)

            # This filters the out centroids that do not satisfy the second part
            # of the definition of S. See original paper by Dunning. 
            if c_j.count + w > self._theshold(q):

            delta_w = min(self._theshold(q) - c_j.count, w)
            self._update_centroid(c_j, x, delta_w)
            w -= delta_w

        if w > 0:
            self._add_centroid(Centroid(x, w))

        if len(self) > self.K / self.delta:


    def batch_update(self, values, w=1):
        Update the t-digest with an iterable of values. This assumes all points have the 
        same weight.
        for x in values:
            self.update(x, w)

    def compress(self):
        T = TDigest(self.delta, self.K)
        C = list(self.C.values())
        for c_i in C:
            T.update(c_i.mean, c_i.count)
        self.C = T.C

    def percentile(self, q):
        Computes the percentile of a specific value in [0,1], ie. computes F^{-1}(q) where F^{-1} denotes
        the inverse CDF of the distribution. 

        if not (0 <= q <= 1):
            raise ValueError("q must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.")

        t = 0
        q *= self.n

        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            k = c_i.count
            if q < t + k:
                if i == 0:
                    return c_i.mean
                elif i == len(self) - 1:
                    return c_i.mean
                    delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                return c_i.mean + ((q - t) / k - 0.5) * delta

            t += k
        return self.C.max_item()[1].mean

    def quantile(self, q):
        Computes the quantile of a specific value, ie. computes F(q) where F denotes
        the CDF of the distribution. 

        t = 0
        N = float(self.n)

        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            if i == len(self) - 1:
                delta = (c_i.mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - c_i.mean) / 2.
            z = max(-1, (q - c_i.mean) / delta)

            if z < 1:
                return t / N + c_i.count / N * (z + 1) / 2

            t += c_i.count
        return 1

    def trimmed_mean(self, q1, q2):
        Computes the mean of the distribution between the two percentiles q1 and q2.
        This is a modified algorithm than the one presented in the original t-Digest paper. 

        if not (q1 < q2):
            raise ValueError("q must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.")

        s = k = t = 0
        q1 *= self.n
        q2 *= self.n
        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            k_i = c_i.count
            if q1 < t + k_i:
                if i == 0:
                    delta = self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - c_i.mean
                elif i == len(self) - 1:
                    delta = c_i.mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean
                    delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                nu = ((q1 - t) / k_i - 0.5) * delta
                s += nu * k_i * c_i.mean
                k += nu * k_i

            if q2 < t + k_i:
                return s/k
            t += k_i

        return s/k
Exemplo n.º 50
 def __init__(self, delta=0.01, K=25):
     self.C = RBTree()
     self.n = 0
     self.delta = delta
     self.K = K
Exemplo n.º 51
 def __init__(self, attr=RangeAttribute):
   self._tree = FastRBTree()
   self._attr = attr
Exemplo n.º 52
def crb_pop_max():
    tree = FastRBTree.fromkeys(keys)
    while tree.count:
Exemplo n.º 53
 def __init__(self):
     self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
     self.price_map = {}
     self.order_map = {}
     self.received_orders = {}
Exemplo n.º 54
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.volume = 0
        self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
        self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
        self.min_price = None
        self.max_price = None

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.order_map)

    def get_price(self, price):
        return self.price_map[price]

    def get_order(self, id_num):
        return self.order_map[id_num]

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = OrderList()
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list
        if self.max_price == None or price > self.max_price:
            self.max_price = price
        if self.min_price == None or price < self.min_price:
            self.min_price = price

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

        if self.max_price == price:
                self.max_price = max(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.max_price = None
        if self.min_price == price:
                self.min_price = min(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.min_price = None

    def price_exists(self, price):
        return price in self.price_map

    def order_exists(self, id_num):
        return id_num in self.order_map

    def insert_tick(self, tick):
        if tick.price not in self.price_map:
        order = Order(tick, self.price_map[tick.price])
        self.order_map[order.id_num] = order
        self.volume += order.qty

    def update_order(self, tick):
        order = self.order_map[tick.id_num]
        original_volume = order.qty
        if tick.price != order.price:
            # Price changed
            order_list = self.price_map[order.price]
            if len(order_list) == 0:
            self.volume -= original_volume
            # Quantity changed
            order.update_qty(tick.qty, tick.price)
            self.volume += order.qty - original_volume

    def remove_order_by_id(self, id_num):
        order = self.order_map[id_num]
        self.volume -= order.qty
        if len(order.order_list) == 0:
        del self.order_map[id_num]

    def max(self):
        return self.max_price

    def min(self):
        return self.min_price
Exemplo n.º 55
class PriceLevel(object):
    A representation of a Price level in the book
    def __init__(self, f_price):
        A representation of a PriceLevel object
        self.f_price = f_price
        self.i_qty = 0
        self.order_tree = FastRBTree()

    def add(self, order_aux):
        Insert the information in the tree using the info in order_aux. Return
        is should delete the Price level or not
        :param order_aux: Order Object. The Order message to be updated
        # check if the order_aux price is the same of the self
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        if order_aux['order_price'] != self.f_price:
            raise DifferentPriceException
        elif s_status in ['New', 'Replaced', 'Partially Filled']:
            self.order_tree.insert(order_aux.main_id, order_aux)
            self.i_qty += int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
        # check if there is no object in the updated tree (should be deleted)
        return self.order_tree.count == 0

    def delete(self, i_last_id, i_old_qty):
        Delete the information in the tree using the info in order_aux. Return
        is should delete the Price level or not
        :param i_last_id: Integer. The previous secondary order id
        :param i_old_qty: Integer. The previous order qty
        # check if the order_aux price is the same of the self
            self.i_qty -= i_old_qty
        except KeyError:
            raise DifferentPriceException
        # check if there is no object in the updated tree (should be deleted)
        return self.order_tree.count == 0

    def __str__(self):
        Return the name of the PriceLevel
        return '{:,.0f}'.format(self.i_qty)

    def __repr__(self):
        Return the name of the PriceLevel
        return '{:,.0f}'.format(self.i_qty)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Return if a PriceLevel has equal price from the other
        :param other: PriceLevel object. PriceLevel to be compared
        # just to make sure that there is no floating point discrepance
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return abs(self.f_price - f_aux) < 1e-4

    def __gt__(self, other):
        Return if a PriceLevel has a gerater price from the other.
        Bintrees uses that to compare nodes
        :param other: PriceLevel object. PriceLevel to be compared
        # just to make sure that there is no floating point discrepance
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return (f_aux - self.f_price) > 1e-4

    def __lt__(self, other):
        Return if a Order has smaller order_id from the other. Bintrees uses
        that to compare nodes
        :param other: Order object. Order to be compared
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return (f_aux - self.f_price) < -1e-4

    def __ne__(self, other):
        Return if a Order has different order_id from the other
        :param other: Order object. Order to be compared
        return not self.__eq__(other)
Exemplo n.º 56
#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8

from __future__ import division
import heapq
import bintrees
import random

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from benchmarker import Benchmarker
    from itertools import repeat, izip
    from bintrees import FastRBTree

    # initialize heapq
    h = range(10000)
    # initialize AVLTree
    m = izip(xrange(10000), repeat(True))
    t = FastRBTree(m)

    for bm in Benchmarker(width=20, loop=100000, cycle=3, extra=1):
        for _ in bm.empty():
        for _ in bm('heapq'):
            heapq.heappush(h, random.randint(-100000, 100000))
        for _ in bm('FastRBTree'):
            t[random.randint(-100000, 100000)] = True
Exemplo n.º 57
class ExclusiveRangeDict(object):
  """A class like dict whose key is a range [begin, end) of integers.

  It has an attribute for each range of integers, for example:
  [10, 20) => Attribute(0),
  [20, 40) => Attribute(1),
  [40, 50) => Attribute(2),

  An instance of this class is accessed only via iter_range(begin, end).
  The instance is accessed as follows:

  1) If the given range [begin, end) is not covered by the instance,
  the range is newly created and iterated.

  2) If the given range [begin, end) exactly covers ranges in the instance,
  the ranges are iterated.
  (See test_set() in tests/range_dict_tests.py.)

  3) If the given range [begin, end) starts at and/or ends at a mid-point of
  an existing range, the existing range is split by the given range, and
  ranges in the given range are iterated.  For example, consider a case that
  [25, 45) is given to an instance of [20, 30), [30, 40), [40, 50).  In this
  case, [20, 30) is split into [20, 25) and [25, 30), and [40, 50) into
  [40, 45) and [45, 50).  Then, [25, 30), [30, 40), [40, 45) are iterated.
  (See test_split() in tests/range_dict_tests.py.)

  4) If the given range [begin, end) includes non-existing ranges in an
  instance, the gaps are filled with new ranges, and all ranges are iterated.
  For example, consider a case that [25, 50) is given to an instance of
  [30, 35) and [40, 45).  In this case, [25, 30), [35, 40) and [45, 50) are
  created in the instance, and then [25, 30), [30, 35), [35, 40), [40, 45)
  and [45, 50) are iterated.
  (See test_fill() in tests/range_dict_tests.py.)
  class RangeAttribute(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def __str__(self):
      return '<RangeAttribute>'

    def __repr__(self):
      return '<RangeAttribute>'

    def copy(self):  # pylint: disable=R0201
      return ExclusiveRangeDict.RangeAttribute()

  def __init__(self, attr=RangeAttribute):
    self._tree = FastRBTree()
    self._attr = attr

  def iter_range(self, begin=None, end=None):
    if not begin:
      begin = self._tree.min_key()
    if not end:
      end = self._tree.max_item()[1][0]

    # Assume that self._tree has at least one element.
    if self._tree.is_empty():
      self._tree[begin] = (end, self._attr())

    # Create a beginning range (border)
      bound_begin, bound_value = self._tree.floor_item(begin)
      bound_end = bound_value[0]
      if begin >= bound_end:
        # Create a blank range.
          new_end, _ = self._tree.succ_item(bound_begin)
        except KeyError:
          new_end = end
        self._tree[begin] = (min(end, new_end), self._attr())
      elif bound_begin < begin and begin < bound_end:
        # Split the existing range.
        new_end = bound_value[0]
        new_value = bound_value[1]
        self._tree[bound_begin] = (begin, new_value.copy())
        self._tree[begin] = (new_end, new_value.copy())
      else:  # bound_begin == begin
        # Do nothing (just saying it clearly since this part is confusing)
    except KeyError:  # begin is less than the smallest element.
      # Create a blank range.
      # Note that we can assume self._tree has at least one element.
      self._tree[begin] = (min(end, self._tree.min_key()), self._attr())

    # Create an ending range (border)
      bound_begin, bound_value = self._tree.floor_item(end)
      bound_end = bound_value[0]
      if end > bound_end:
        # Create a blank range.
        new_begin = bound_end
        self._tree[new_begin] = (end, self._attr())
      elif bound_begin < end and end < bound_end:
        # Split the existing range.
        new_end = bound_value[0]
        new_value = bound_value[1]
        self._tree[bound_begin] = (end, new_value.copy())
        self._tree[end] = (new_end, new_value.copy())
      else:  # bound_begin == begin
        # Do nothing (just saying it clearly since this part is confusing)
    except KeyError:  # end is less than the smallest element.
      # It must not happen.  A blank range [begin,end) has already been created
      # even if [begin,end) is less than the smallest range.
      # Do nothing (just saying it clearly since this part is confusing)

    missing_ranges = []

    prev_end = None
    for range_begin, range_value in self._tree.itemslice(begin, end):
      range_end = range_value[0]
      # Note that we can assume that we have a range beginning with |begin|
      # and a range ending with |end| (they may be the same range).
      if prev_end and prev_end != range_begin:
        missing_ranges.append((prev_end, range_begin))
      prev_end = range_end

    for missing_begin, missing_end in missing_ranges:
      self._tree[missing_begin] = (missing_end, self._attr())

    for range_begin, range_value in self._tree.itemslice(begin, end):
      yield range_begin, range_value[0], range_value[1]

  def __str__(self):
    return str(self._tree)
Exemplo n.º 58
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes
        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.

    def update(self, d_data):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased. Return if the
        message was handle successfully
        :param d_data: dict. data related to a single order
        # dont process aggresive trades
        if d_data['agressor_indicator'] == 'Agressive':
            return True
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        b_success = True
        # check the order status
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                if s_status == 'Canceled' or s_status == 'Filled':
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process the message
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(order_aux,
                if not b_sould_update:
                    b_success = False
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(order_aux,
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['order_id'] = order_aux.order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed replaced orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # remove from the old price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # insert the order in the due price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _partially_filled(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed partially filled orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # delete old price, if it is needed
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # add/modify order
        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _new_order(self, order_obj):
        Update price_tree when passed new orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        # if it was already in the order map
        if order_obj in self.d_order_map:
            i_old_sec_id = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['last_order_id']
            f_old_price = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['price']
            i_old_qty = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['qty']
            this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_price)
            # remove from order map
            if this_price.delete(i_old_sec_id, i_old_qty):

        # insert a empty price level if it is needed
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # add the order
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)

        return True

    def get_n_top_prices(self, n):
        Return a dataframe with the N top price levels
        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_n_botton_prices(self, n=5):
        Return a dataframe with the N botton price levels
        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 59
 def __init__(self):
     self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
     self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
     self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
     self.received_orders = {}