Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Solve a given boggle board")
    parser.add_argument("--board", dest="board", help="a list of 16 characters making up \
            the board - if not provided, this is generated randomly")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if (args.board):
        board = Boggle(args.board)
        board = random_board()

    trie = build_english_language_trie()
    solutions = board.solve(trie)
    num_words = len(solutions)
    points = count_points(solutions)
    sorted_words = sorted(solutions.keys())

    # render report to HTML
    env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('boggle', 'templates'))
    template = env.get_template('report.html')

    # setup solutions for render:
    formatted_solutions = {}
    for word in solutions:
        formatted_pos = ['%d-%d' % pos for pos in solutions[word]]
        formatted_solutions[word] = formatted_pos

    output = template.render(grid=board.grid, solutions=formatted_solutions, num_words=num_words, points=points, sorted_words=sorted_words, size=Boggle.size)
    print output
Exemplo n.º 2
    except RuntimeError as e:
        print('Error:', e, file=sys.stderr)
        print('Exiting.', file=sys.stderr)

    print('Login successful.\n')

    # Continuously solve puzzles until too many consecutive errors are
    # encountered.
    consecutive_errors = 0
    n_puzzles = 0
    while consecutive_errors < MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS:
            boggle_elements = wp.start_boggle()
            b = Boggle(boggle_elements)
            words = b.solve()
            score, max_score = wp.solve(words)

            print('Puzzle number: {:5s}, score: {:>4s}, max score: {:>4s}'.
                  format(wp.pzlnbr, score, max_score))

            time.sleep(1)  # To avoid DOSing the server.
            consecutive_errors = 0
            n_puzzles += 1
        except Exception as e:
            print('Error:', e, file=sys.stderr)
            consecutive_errors += 1

    print('Too many consecutive errors were encountered. Exiting.',