Exemplo n.º 1
def collect(varname, xind=None, yind=None, zind=None, tind=None, path=".",yguards=False, xguards=True, info=True,prefix="BOUT.dmp",strict=False):
    """Collect a variable from a set of BOUT++ outputs.

    data = collect(name)

    name   Name of the variable (string)

    Optional arguments:

    xind = [min,max]   Range of X indices to collect
    yind = [min,max]   Range of Y indices to collect
    zind = [min,max]   Range of Z indices to collect
    tind = [min,max]   Range of T indices to collect

    path    = "."          Path to data files
    prefix  = "BOUT.dmp"   File prefix
    yguards = False        Collect Y boundary guard cells?
    xguards = True         Collect X boundary guard cells?
                           (Set to True to be consistent with the
                           definition of nx)
    info    = True         Print information about collect?
    strict  = False        Fail if the exact variable name is not found?

    # Search for BOUT++ dump files in NetCDF format
    file_list_nc = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".nc"))
    file_list_h5 = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".hdf5"))
    if file_list_nc != [] and file_list_h5 != []:
        raise IOError("Error: Both NetCDF and HDF5 files are present: do not know which to read.")
    elif file_list_h5 != []:
        suffix = ".hdf5"
        file_list = file_list_h5
        suffix = ".nc"
        file_list = file_list_nc
    if file_list != []:
        print("Single (parallel) data file")
        f = DataFile(file_list[0]) # Open the file

        data = f.read(varname)
        return data
    file_list_nc = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".*nc"))
    file_list_h5 = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".*hdf5"))
    if file_list_nc != [] and file_list_h5 != []:
        raise IOError("Error: Both NetCDF and HDF5 files are present: do not know which to read.")
    elif file_list_h5 != []:
        suffix = ".hdf5"
        file_list = file_list_h5
        suffix = ".nc"
        file_list = file_list_nc
    if file_list == []:
        raise IOError("ERROR: No data files found")

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read data from the first file
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

        dimens = f.dimensions(varname)
        #ndims = len(dimens)
        ndims = f.ndims(varname)
        if strict:
            # Find the variable
            varname = findVar(varname, f.list())
            dimens = f.dimensions(varname)
            #ndims = len(dimens)
            ndims = f.ndims(varname)
    if ndims < 2:
        # Just read from file
        data = f.read(varname)
        return data

    if ndims > 4:
        raise ValueError("ERROR: Too many dimensions")

    mxsub = f.read("MXSUB")
    if mxsub is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing MXSUB variable")
    mysub = f.read("MYSUB")
    mz    = f.read("MZ")
    myg   = f.read("MYG")
    t_array = f.read("t_array")
    if t_array is None:
        nt = 1
        t_array = np.zeros(1)
        nt = len(t_array)

    if info:
        print("mxsub = %d mysub = %d mz = %d\n" % (mxsub, mysub, mz))

    # Get the version of BOUT++ (should be > 0.6 for NetCDF anyway)
        v = f.read("BOUT_VERSION")

        # 2D decomposition
        nxpe = f.read("NXPE")
        mxg  = f.read("MXG")
        nype = f.read("NYPE")
        npe = nxpe * nype

        if info:
            print("nxpe = %d, nype = %d, npe = %d\n" % (nxpe, nype, npe))
            if npe < nfiles:
                print("WARNING: More files than expected (" + str(npe) + ")")
            elif npe > nfiles:
                print("WARNING: Some files missing. Expected " + str(npe))

        if xguards:
            nx = nxpe * mxsub + 2*mxg
            nx = nxpe * mxsub
    except KeyError:
        print("BOUT++ version : Pre-0.2")
        # Assume number of files is correct
        # No decomposition in X
        nx = mxsub
        mxg = 0
        nxpe = 1
        nype = nfiles

    if yguards:
        ny = mysub * nype + 2*myg
        ny = mysub * nype


    # Check ranges

    def check_range(r, low, up, name="range"):
        r2 = r
        if r != None:
                n = len(r2)
                # No len attribute, so probably a single number
                r2 = [r2,r2]
            if (len(r2) < 1) or (len(r2) > 2):
                print("WARNING: "+name+" must be [min, max]")
                r2 = None
                if len(r2) == 1:
                    r2 = [r2,r2]
                if r2[0] < low:
                    r2[0] = low
                if r2[0] > up:
                    r2[0] = up
                if r2[1] < 0:
                    r2[1] = 0
                if r2[1] > up:
                    r2[1] = up
                if r2[0] > r2[1]:
                    tmp = r2[0]
                    r2[0] = r2[1]
                    r2[1] = tmp
            r2 = [low, up]
        return r2

    xind = check_range(xind, 0, nx-1, "xind")
    yind = check_range(yind, 0, ny-1, "yind")
    zind = check_range(zind, 0, mz-2, "zind")
    tind = check_range(tind, 0, nt-1, "tind")

    xsize = xind[1] - xind[0] + 1
    ysize = yind[1] - yind[0] + 1
    zsize = zind[1] - zind[0] + 1
    tsize = tind[1] - tind[0] + 1

    # Map between dimension names and output size
    sizes = {'x':xsize, 'y':ysize, 'z':zsize, 't':tsize}

    # Create a list with size of each dimension
    ddims = [sizes[d] for d in dimens]

    # Create the data array
    data = np.zeros(ddims)

    for i in range(npe):
        # Get X and Y processor indices
        pe_yind = int(i/nxpe)
        pe_xind = i % nxpe

        inrange = True

        if yguards:
            # Get local ranges
            ymin = yind[0] - pe_yind*mysub
            ymax = yind[1] - pe_yind*mysub

            # Check lower y boundary
            if pe_yind == 0:
                # Keeping inner boundary
                if ymax < 0: inrange = False
                if ymin < 0: ymin = 0
                if ymax < myg: inrange = False
                if ymin < myg: ymin = myg

            # Upper y boundary
            if pe_yind == (nype - 1):
                # Keeping outer boundary
                if ymin >= (mysub + 2*myg): inrange = False
                if ymax > (mysub + 2*myg - 1): ymax = (mysub + 2*myg - 1)
                if ymin >= (mysub + myg): inrange = False
                if ymax >= (mysub + myg): ymax = (mysub+myg-1)

            # Calculate global indices
            ygmin = ymin + pe_yind * mysub
            ygmax = ymax + pe_yind * mysub

            # Get local ranges
            ymin = yind[0] - pe_yind*mysub + myg
            ymax = yind[1] - pe_yind*mysub + myg

            if (ymin >= (mysub + myg)) or (ymax < myg):
                inrange = False # Y out of range

            if ymin < myg:
                ymin = myg
            if ymax >= mysub+myg:
                ymax = myg + mysub - 1

            # Calculate global indices
            ygmin = ymin + pe_yind * mysub - myg
            ygmax = ymax + pe_yind * mysub - myg

        if xguards:
            # Get local ranges
            xmin = xind[0] - pe_xind*mxsub
            xmax = xind[1] - pe_xind*mxsub

            # Check lower x boundary
            if pe_xind == 0:
                # Keeping inner boundary
                if xmax < 0: inrange = False
                if xmin < 0: xmin = 0
                if xmax < mxg: inrange = False
                if xmin < mxg: xmin = mxg

            # Upper x boundary
            if pe_xind == (nxpe - 1):
                # Keeping outer boundary
                if xmin >= (mxsub + 2*mxg): inrange = False
                if xmax > (mxsub + 2*mxg - 1): xmax = (mxsub + 2*mxg - 1)
                if xmin >= (mxsub + mxg): inrange = False
                if xmax >= (mxsub + mxg): xmax = (mxsub+mxg-1)

            # Calculate global indices
            xgmin = xmin + pe_xind * mxsub
            xgmax = xmax + pe_xind * mxsub

            # Get local ranges
            xmin = xind[0] - pe_xind*mxsub + mxg
            xmax = xind[1] - pe_xind*mxsub + mxg

            if (xmin >= (mxsub + mxg)) or (xmax < mxg):
                inrange = False # X out of range

            if xmin < mxg:
                xmin = mxg
            if xmax >= mxsub+mxg:
                xmax = mxg + mxsub - 1

            # Calculate global indices
            xgmin = xmin + pe_xind * mxsub - mxg
            xgmax = xmax + pe_xind * mxsub - mxg

        # Number of local values
        nx_loc = xmax - xmin + 1
        ny_loc = ymax - ymin + 1

        if not inrange:
            continue # Don't need this file
        filename = os.path.join(path, prefix+"." + str(i) + suffix)
        if info:
            sys.stdout.write("\rReading from " + filename + ": [" + \
                                 str(xmin) + "-" + str(xmax) + "][" + \
                                 str(ymin) + "-" + str(ymax) + "] -> [" + \
                                 str(xgmin) + "-" + str(xgmax) + "][" + \
                                 str(ygmin) + "-" + str(ygmax) + "]")

        f = DataFile(filename)

        if ndims == 4:
            d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind[0],tind[1]+1,
                                        xmin, xmax+1,
                                        ymin, ymax+1,
            data[:, (xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc), :] = d
        elif ndims == 3:
            # Could be xyz or txy

            if dimens[2] == 'z': # xyz
                d = f.read(varname, ranges=[xmin, xmax+1,
                                            ymin, ymax+1,
                data[(xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc), :] = d
            else: # txy
                d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind[0],tind[1]+1,
                                            xmin, xmax+1,
                                            ymin, ymax+1])
                data[:, (xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc)] = d
        elif ndims == 2:
            # xy
            d = f.read(varname, ranges=[xmin, xmax+1,
                                        ymin, ymax+1])
            data[(xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc)] = d
        elif ndims == 1:
            if dimens[0] == 't':
                # t
                d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind[0],tind[1]+1])
                data[:] = d


    # Force the precision of arrays of dimension>1
    if ndims>1:
            data = data.astype(t_array.dtype, copy=False)
        except TypeError:
            data = data.astype(t_array.dtype)

    # Finished looping over all files
    if info:
    return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def collect(varname,
    """Collect a variable from a set of BOUT++ outputs.

    data = collect(name)

    name   Name of the variable (string)

    Optional arguments:

    xind = [min,max]   Range of X indices to collect
    yind = [min,max]   Range of Y indices to collect
    zind = [min,max]   Range of Z indices to collect
    tind = [min,max]   Range of T indices to collect

    path    = "."          Path to data files
    prefix  = "BOUT.dmp"   File prefix
    yguards = False        Collect Y boundary guard cells?
    xguards = True         Collect X boundary guard cells?
                           (Set to True to be consistent with the
                           definition of nx)
    info    = True         Print information about collect?
    strict  = False        Fail if the exact variable name is not found?

    # Search for BOUT++ dump files in NetCDF format
    file_list_nc = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix + ".nc"))
    file_list_h5 = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix + ".hdf5"))
    if file_list_nc != [] and file_list_h5 != []:
        raise IOError(
            "Error: Both NetCDF and HDF5 files are present: do not know which to read."
    elif file_list_h5 != []:
        suffix = ".hdf5"
        file_list = file_list_h5
        suffix = ".nc"
        file_list = file_list_nc
    if file_list != []:
        print("Single (parallel) data file")
        f = DataFile(file_list[0])  # Open the file

        data = f.read(varname)
        return data

    file_list_nc = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix + ".*nc"))
    file_list_h5 = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix + ".*hdf5"))
    if file_list_nc != [] and file_list_h5 != []:
        raise IOError(
            "Error: Both NetCDF and HDF5 files are present: do not know which to read."
    elif file_list_h5 != []:
        suffix = ".hdf5"
        file_list = file_list_h5
        suffix = ".nc"
        file_list = file_list_nc

    if file_list == []:
        raise IOError("ERROR: No data files found")

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read data from the first file
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

        dimens = f.dimensions(varname)
        #ndims = len(dimens)
        ndims = f.ndims(varname)
        if strict:
            # Find the variable
            varname = findVar(varname, f.list())

            dimens = f.dimensions(varname)
            #ndims = len(dimens)
            ndims = f.ndims(varname)

    # ndims is 0 for reals, and 1 for f.ex. t_array
    if ndims < 2:
        # Just read from file
        if varname != 't_array':
            data = f.read(varname)
        elif (varname == 't_array') and (tind is None):
            data = f.read(varname)
        elif (varname == 't_array') and (tind is not None):
            data = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind[0], tind[1] + 1])
        return data

    if ndims > 4:
        raise ValueError("ERROR: Too many dimensions")

    mxsub = f.read("MXSUB")
    if mxsub is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing MXSUB variable")
    mysub = f.read("MYSUB")
    mz = f.read("MZ")
    myg = f.read("MYG")
    t_array = f.read("t_array")
    if t_array is None:
        nt = 1
        t_array = np.zeros(1)
        nt = len(t_array)

    if info:
        print("mxsub = %d mysub = %d mz = %d\n" % (mxsub, mysub, mz))

    # Get the version of BOUT++ (should be > 0.6 for NetCDF anyway)
        version = f["BOUT_VERSION"]
    except KeyError:
        print("BOUT++ version : Pre-0.2")
        version = 0
    if version < 3.5:
        # Remove extra point
        nz = mz - 1
        nz = mz

    # Fallback to sensible (?) defaults
        nxpe = f["NXPE"]
    except KeyError:
        nxpe = 1
        print("NXPE not found, setting to {}".format(nxpe))
        mxg = f["MXG"]
    except KeyError:
        mxg = 0
        print("MXG not found, setting to {}".format(mxg))
        nype = f["NYPE"]
    except KeyError:
        nype = nfiles
        print("NYPE not found, setting to {}".format(nype))

    npe = nxpe * nype
    if info:
        print("nxpe = %d, nype = %d, npe = %d\n" % (nxpe, nype, npe))
        if npe < nfiles:
            print("WARNING: More files than expected (" + str(npe) + ")")
        elif npe > nfiles:
            print("WARNING: Some files missing. Expected " + str(npe))

    if xguards:
        nx = nxpe * mxsub + 2 * mxg
        nx = nxpe * mxsub

    if yguards:
        ny = mysub * nype + 2 * myg
        ny = mysub * nype


    # Check ranges

    def check_range(r, low, up, name="range"):
        r2 = r
        if r is not None:
                n = len(r2)
                # No len attribute, so probably a single number
                r2 = [r2, r2]
            if (len(r2) < 1) or (len(r2) > 2):
                print("WARNING: " + name + " must be [min, max]")
                r2 = None
                if len(r2) == 1:
                    r2 = [r2, r2]
                if r2[0] < 0 and low >= 0:
                    r2[0] += (up - low + 1)
                if r2[1] < 0 and low >= 0:
                    r2[1] += (up - low + 1)
                if r2[0] < low:
                    r2[0] = low
                if r2[0] > up:
                    r2[0] = up
                if r2[1] < low:
                    r2[1] = low
                if r2[1] > up:
                    r2[1] = up
                if r2[0] > r2[1]:
                    tmp = r2[0]
                    r2[0] = r2[1]
                    r2[1] = tmp
            r2 = [low, up]
        return r2

    xind = check_range(xind, 0, nx - 1, "xind")
    yind = check_range(yind, 0, ny - 1, "yind")
    zind = check_range(zind, 0, nz - 1, "zind")
    tind = check_range(tind, 0, nt - 1, "tind")

    xsize = xind[1] - xind[0] + 1
    ysize = yind[1] - yind[0] + 1
    zsize = zind[1] - zind[0] + 1
    tsize = tind[1] - tind[0] + 1

    # Map between dimension names and output size
    sizes = {'x': xsize, 'y': ysize, 'z': zsize, 't': tsize}

    # Create a list with size of each dimension
    ddims = [sizes[d] for d in dimens]

    # Create the data array
    data = np.zeros(ddims)

    for i in range(npe):
        # Get X and Y processor indices
        pe_yind = int(i / nxpe)
        pe_xind = i % nxpe

        inrange = True

        if yguards:
            # Get local ranges
            ymin = yind[0] - pe_yind * mysub
            ymax = yind[1] - pe_yind * mysub

            # Check lower y boundary
            if pe_yind == 0:
                # Keeping inner boundary
                if ymax < 0: inrange = False
                if ymin < 0: ymin = 0
                if ymax < myg: inrange = False
                if ymin < myg: ymin = myg

            # Upper y boundary
            if pe_yind == (nype - 1):
                # Keeping outer boundary
                if ymin >= (mysub + 2 * myg): inrange = False
                if ymax > (mysub + 2 * myg - 1): ymax = (mysub + 2 * myg - 1)
                if ymin >= (mysub + myg): inrange = False
                if ymax >= (mysub + myg): ymax = (mysub + myg - 1)

            # Calculate global indices
            ygmin = ymin + pe_yind * mysub
            ygmax = ymax + pe_yind * mysub

            # Get local ranges
            ymin = yind[0] - pe_yind * mysub + myg
            ymax = yind[1] - pe_yind * mysub + myg

            if (ymin >= (mysub + myg)) or (ymax < myg):
                inrange = False  # Y out of range

            if ymin < myg:
                ymin = myg
            if ymax >= mysub + myg:
                ymax = myg + mysub - 1

            # Calculate global indices
            ygmin = ymin + pe_yind * mysub - myg
            ygmax = ymax + pe_yind * mysub - myg

        if xguards:
            # Get local ranges
            xmin = xind[0] - pe_xind * mxsub
            xmax = xind[1] - pe_xind * mxsub

            # Check lower x boundary
            if pe_xind == 0:
                # Keeping inner boundary
                if xmax < 0: inrange = False
                if xmin < 0: xmin = 0
                if xmax < mxg: inrange = False
                if xmin < mxg: xmin = mxg

            # Upper x boundary
            if pe_xind == (nxpe - 1):
                # Keeping outer boundary
                if xmin >= (mxsub + 2 * mxg): inrange = False
                if xmax > (mxsub + 2 * mxg - 1): xmax = (mxsub + 2 * mxg - 1)
                if xmin >= (mxsub + mxg): inrange = False
                if xmax >= (mxsub + mxg): xmax = (mxsub + mxg - 1)

            # Calculate global indices
            xgmin = xmin + pe_xind * mxsub
            xgmax = xmax + pe_xind * mxsub

            # Get local ranges
            xmin = xind[0] - pe_xind * mxsub + mxg
            xmax = xind[1] - pe_xind * mxsub + mxg

            if (xmin >= (mxsub + mxg)) or (xmax < mxg):
                inrange = False  # X out of range

            if xmin < mxg:
                xmin = mxg
            if xmax >= mxsub + mxg:
                xmax = mxg + mxsub - 1

            # Calculate global indices
            xgmin = xmin + pe_xind * mxsub - mxg
            xgmax = xmax + pe_xind * mxsub - mxg

        # Number of local values
        nx_loc = xmax - xmin + 1
        ny_loc = ymax - ymin + 1

        if not inrange:
            continue  # Don't need this file

        filename = os.path.join(path, prefix + "." + str(i) + suffix)
        if info:
            sys.stdout.write("\rReading from " + filename + ": [" + \
                                 str(xmin) + "-" + str(xmax) + "][" + \
                                 str(ymin) + "-" + str(ymax) + "] -> [" + \
                                 str(xgmin) + "-" + str(xgmax) + "][" + \
                                 str(ygmin) + "-" + str(ygmax) + "]")

        f = DataFile(filename)

        if ndims == 4:
            d = f.read(varname,
                           tind[0], tind[1] + 1, xmin, xmax + 1, ymin,
                           ymax + 1, zind[0], zind[1] + 1
            data[:, (xgmin - xind[0]):(xgmin - xind[0] + nx_loc),
                 (ygmin - yind[0]):(ygmin - yind[0] + ny_loc), :] = d
        elif ndims == 3:
            # Could be xyz or txy

            if dimens[2] == 'z':  # xyz
                d = f.read(varname,
                               xmin, xmax + 1, ymin, ymax + 1, zind[0],
                               zind[1] + 1
                data[(xgmin - xind[0]):(xgmin - xind[0] + nx_loc),
                     (ygmin - yind[0]):(ygmin - yind[0] + ny_loc), :] = d
            else:  # txy
                d = f.read(varname,
                               tind[0], tind[1] + 1, xmin, xmax + 1, ymin,
                               ymax + 1
                data[:, (xgmin - xind[0]):(xgmin - xind[0] + nx_loc),
                     (ygmin - yind[0]):(ygmin - yind[0] + ny_loc)] = d
        elif ndims == 2:
            # xy
            d = f.read(varname, ranges=[xmin, xmax + 1, ymin, ymax + 1])
            data[(xgmin - xind[0]):(xgmin - xind[0] + nx_loc),
                 (ygmin - yind[0]):(ygmin - yind[0] + ny_loc)] = d


    # Force the precision of arrays of dimension>1
    if ndims > 1:
            data = data.astype(t_array.dtype, copy=False)
        except TypeError:
            data = data.astype(t_array.dtype)

    # Finished looping over all files
    if info:
    return data
Exemplo n.º 3
def redistribute(npes,
    """Resize restart files across NPES processors.

    Does not check if new processor arrangement is compatible with the
    branch cuts. In this respect :py:func:`restart.split` is
    safer. However, BOUT++ checks the topology during initialisation
    anyway so this is not too serious.

    npes : int
        Number of processors for the new restart files
    path : str, optional
        Path to original restart files (default: "data")
    nxpe : int, optional
        Number of processors to use in the x-direction (determines
        split: npes = nxpe * nype). Default is None which uses the
        same algorithm as BoutMesh (but without topology information)
        to determine a suitable value for nxpe.
    output : str, optional
        Location to save new restart files (default: current directory)
    informat : str, optional
        Specify file format of old restart files (must be a suffix
        understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default uses the format of
        the first 'BOUT.restart.*' file listed by glob.glob.
    outformat : str, optional
        Specify file format of new restart files (must be a suffix
        understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default is to use the same
        as informat.

    True on success

    - Replace printing errors with raising `ValueError`


    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    if informat is None:
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*." + informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_processor_layout = get_processor_layout(f, has_t_dimension=False)
    print("Grid sizes: ", old_processor_layout.nx, old_processor_layout.ny,

    if nfiles != old_processor_layout.npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_processor_layout.npes))
        nfiles = old_processor_layout.npes

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    informat = file_list[0].split(".")[-1]
    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

        new_processor_layout = create_processor_layout(old_processor_layout,
    except ValueError as e:
        print("Could not find valid processor split. " + e.what())

    nx = old_processor_layout.nx
    ny = old_processor_layout.ny
    mz = old_processor_layout.mz
    mxg = old_processor_layout.mxg
    myg = old_processor_layout.myg
    old_npes = old_processor_layout.npes
    old_nxpe = old_processor_layout.nxpe
    old_nype = old_processor_layout.nype
    old_mxsub = old_processor_layout.mxsub
    old_mysub = old_processor_layout.mysub

    nxpe = new_processor_layout.nxpe
    nype = new_processor_layout.nype
    mxsub = new_processor_layout.mxsub
    mysub = new_processor_layout.mysub
    mzsub = new_processor_layout.mz

    outfile_list = []
    for i in range(npes):
        outpath = os.path.join(output,
                               "BOUT.restart." + str(i) + "." + outformat)
        outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True))

    DataFileCache = create_cache(path, "BOUT.restart")

    for v in var_list:
        dimensions = f.dimensions(v)
        ndims = len(dimensions)

        # collect data
        data = collect(v,

        # write data
        for i in range(npes):
            ix = i % nxpe
            iy = int(i / nxpe)
            outfile = outfile_list[i]
            if v == "NPES":
                outfile.write(v, npes)
            elif v == "NXPE":
                outfile.write(v, nxpe)
            elif v == "NYPE":
                outfile.write(v, nype)
            elif v == "MXSUB":
                outfile.write(v, mxsub)
            elif v == "MYSUB":
                outfile.write(v, mysub)
            elif v == "MZSUB":
                outfile.write(v, mzsub)
            elif dimensions == ():
                # scalar
                outfile.write(v, data)
            elif dimensions == ('x', 'y'):
                # Field2D
                    v, data[ix * mxsub:(ix + 1) * mxsub + 2 * mxg,
                            iy * mysub:(iy + 1) * mysub + 2 * myg])
            elif dimensions == ('x', 'z'):
                # FieldPerp
                yindex_global = data.attributes['yindex_global']
                if yindex_global + myg >= iy * mysub and yindex_global + myg < (
                        iy + 1) * mysub + 2 * myg:
                        v, data[ix * mxsub:(ix + 1) * mxsub + 2 * mxg, :])
                    nullarray = BoutArray(np.zeros(
                        [mxsub + 2 * mxg, mysub + 2 * myg]),
                                              "bout_type": "FieldPerp",
                                              "yindex_global": -myg - 1
                    outfile.write(v, nullarray)
            elif dimensions == ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                # Field3D
                    v, data[ix * mxsub:(ix + 1) * mxsub + 2 * mxg,
                            iy * mysub:(iy + 1) * mysub + 2 * myg, :])
                print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected dimensions,",
                      dimensions, v)

    for outfile in outfile_list:

    return True