Exemplo n.º 1

import bumps
from bumps.gui.resources import resources as gui_resources

NAME = 'Bumps'
# Until we figure out why packages=... doesn't work reliably,
# use py2app_main with explicit imports of everything we
# might need.
#SCRIPT = 'py2app_main.py'
SCRIPT = 'bin/bumps_gui'
VERSION = bumps.__version__
ICON = 'extra/bumps.icns'
ID = 'Bumps'
COPYRIGHT = 'This program is public domain'
DATA_FILES = gui_resources.data_files()

plist = dict(CFBundleIconFile=ICON,
             CFBundleShortVersionString=' '.join([NAME, VERSION]),
             CFBundleIdentifier='org.reflectometry.%s' % ID,

app_data = dict(script=SCRIPT, plist=plist)
py2app_opt = dict(argv_emulation=True,
Exemplo n.º 2
    manifest = manifest_for_python26
elif sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
    manifest = manifest_for_python25

# Create a list of all files to include along side the executable being built
# in the dist directory tree.  Each element of the data_files list is a tuple
# consisting of a path (relative to dist\) and a list of files in that path.
data_files = []

# Add resource files that need to reside in the same directory as the image.
data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join('.', 'LICENSE.txt')]))
data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join('.', 'README.txt')]))
data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join('.', 'bin', 'bumps_launch.bat')]))

# Add application specific data files from the bumps\bumps-data folder.
data_files += gui_resources.data_files()

# Add data files from the matplotlib\mpl-data folder and its subfolders.
# For matploblib prior to version 0.99 see the examples at the end of the file.
data_files += matplotlib.get_py2exe_datafiles()

# Add data files from the periodictable\xsf folder.
data_files += periodictable.data_files()

# Add example directories and their files.  An empty directory is ignored.
# Note that Inno Setup will determine where these files will be placed such as
# C:\My Documents\... instead of the installation folder.
for path in glob.glob(os.path.join('examples', '*')):
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.*')):
            data_files.append((path, [file]))
Exemplo n.º 3
from bumps.gui.resources import resources as gui_resources

# The exported API names are not used within the bumps package, so they
# need to be listed explicitly.
hiddenimports = ['names']

# Convert [(dir, [f1,f2, ...]), ...] returned by gui_resource.data_files()
# into [(f1, dir), (f2, dir), ...] expected for datas.
datas = [ (fname,dirname)
          for dirname, filelist in gui_resources.data_files()
          for fname in filelist ]
Exemplo n.º 4

import bumps
from bumps.gui.resources import resources as gui_resources

NAME = 'Bumps'
# Until we figure out why packages=... doesn't work reliably,
# use py2app_main with explicit imports of everything we
# might need.
#SCRIPT = 'py2app_main.py'
SCRIPT = 'bin/bumps_gui'
VERSION = bumps.__version__
ICON = 'extra/bumps.icns'
ID = 'Bumps'
COPYRIGHT = 'This program is public domain'
DATA_FILES = gui_resources.data_files()

plist = dict(
    CFBundleIconFile            = ICON,
    CFBundleName                = NAME,
    CFBundleShortVersionString  = ' '.join([NAME, VERSION]),
    CFBundleGetInfoString       = NAME,
    CFBundleExecutable          = NAME,
    CFBundleIdentifier          = 'org.reflectometry.%s' % ID,
    NSHumanReadableCopyright    = COPYRIGHT

app_data = dict(script=SCRIPT, plist=plist)
py2app_opt = dict(argv_emulation=True,
Exemplo n.º 5
from bumps.gui.resources import resources as gui_resources

# The exported API names are not used within the bumps package, so they
# need to be listed explicitly.
hiddenimports = ['names']

# Convert [(dir, [f1,f2, ...]), ...] returned by gui_resource.data_files()
# into [(f1, dir), (f2, dir), ...] expected for datas.
datas = [(fname, dirname) for dirname, filelist in gui_resources.data_files()
         for fname in filelist]
Exemplo n.º 6
# Select the appropriate manifest to use.
manifest = manifest_for_python26 if sys.version_info >= (2, 6) else manifest_for_python25

# Create a list of all files to include along side the executable being built
# in the dist directory tree.  Each element of the data_files list is a tuple
# consisting of a path (relative to dist\) and a list of files in that path.
data_files = []

# Add resource files that need to reside in the same directory as the image.
data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join('.', 'LICENSE.txt')]))
data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join('.', 'README.rst')]))
data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join('.', 'bin', 'launch.bat')]))

# Add application specific data files from the bumps\bumps-data folder.
data_files += gui_resources.data_files()

# Add data files from the matplotlib\mpl-data folder and its subfolders.
# For matploblib prior to version 0.99 see the examples at the end of the file.
data_files += matplotlib.get_py2exe_datafiles()

# Add example directories and their files.  An empty directory is ignored.
# Note that Inno Setup will determine where these files will be placed such as
# C:\My Documents\... instead of the installation folder.
for path in glob.glob(os.path.join('doc', 'tutorial', '*')):
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.*')):
            data_files.append((path, [file]))
        data_files.append(('doc', [path]))