Exemplo n.º 1
def d(question=None):
    """ d is abbreviation for doubt
 Ay, ay, ay, people would die withoud docs after reviewing their own code after a month """

    if question:
        if doubt_all.get(question):
            q_index = doubt_list.index(question)
            return 'This question already exists, with  question index %d' % q_index

    question = question or raw_input()
    doubt_all[question] = None        # A question without answer
    doubt_list.append(q)              # make index for question
    q = question
    global q

    current_time = time.time()

    if doubt_log.keys():
        log_time_stamp = sorted(doubt_log.keys())[-1]
        sub_stamp = sorted(doubt_log[log_time_stamp].keys())[-1]
        if current_time - sub_stamp <= 1800:
            doubt_log[log_time_stamp][current_time] = question
            doubt_log[current_time] = {current_time: question}

        doubt_log[current_time] = {current_time: question}

Exemplo n.º 2
def s(flag=None):
    """ s is abbreviation for show
    Show the last question-answer group
    if flag == 1, will show question index in doubt_list"""

    if not doubt_log:
        return 'Doubt log is empty'

    last_log_key = sorted(doubt_log.keys())[-1]
    last_datetime = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(last_log_key))[:19]

    print last_datetime, '\n'

    for sub_log_key in sorted(doubt_log[last_log_key].keys()):
        question = doubt_log[last_log_key][sub_log_key]
        answer_list = doubt_all[question]

        q_index = ''
        if flag == 1:
            q_index = doubt_list.index(question)

        print question, q_index
        if answer_list:
            for answer in answer_list:
                print answer
        print '\n'
