Exemplo n.º 1
def calcFLS(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nPrs = clsEXP.nRow

    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    sNam = dicSAM[nSam].sName

    #print("calcFLS: nCom,nSam,nRow ",nCom,nSam,nPrs)

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("FLS")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("FLS")

    iPR = typDEP.index("PRES")
    iTR = typDEP.index("TEMP")

    iZF = typOBS.index("ZFAC")
    iDO = typOBS.index("DENO")
    iVF = typOBS.index("VFRC")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = dicSAM[nSam].gZI(iC)

    #  Loop over user defined 'stages'

    for iPrs in range(nPrs):

        pRes = clsEXP.dDep[iPrs][iPR]
        tRes = clsEXP.dDep[iPrs][iTR]

        #-- 2-Phase Flash ---------------------------------------------------

        vEst = 0.5
        V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)

        #-- Properties of the Liquid and Vapour Output of this stage --------

        Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iLiq, pRes, tRes, X, clsEOS)
        Mgas, Vvap, Dgas, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iVap, pRes, tRes, Y, clsEOS)

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iZF] = Zgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iDO] = Doil
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iVF] = V

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 2
def calcSAT(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nTem = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sName

    #print("calcSEP: nCom,nSam,nRow ",nCom,nSam,nPrs)

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("SAT")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("SAT")

    iTR = typDEP.index("TEMP")

    iPS = typOBS.index("PSAT")
    iZF = typOBS.index("ZFAC")
    iDO = typOBS.index("DENO")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = dicSAM[nSam].gZI(iC)

    #  Loop over user defined 'stages'

    for iTem in range(nTem):

        tRes = clsEXP.dDep[iTem][iTR]

        pSatO = clsEXP.dObs[iTem][iPS]

        if pSatO > 0.0: pEst = 0.95 * pSatO
        else: pEst = -1.0

        qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pEst, tRes, clsEOS, clsSAM, clsIO)

        iLiq = 0
        MPs, VPs, DPs, ZPs, UPs, dmS, dmS = CE.calcProps(
            iLiq, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

        clsEXP.dCal[iTem][iPS] = pSat
        clsEXP.dCal[iTem][iZF] = ZPs
        clsEXP.dCal[iTem][iDO] = DPs

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 3
def calcGOCGRD(hAbv, hBel, tRes, hRef, pRef, zRef, fRef, clsEOS, clsIO):

    if clsIO.Deb["GRD"] > 0:
        qDeb = True
        fDeb = clsIO.fDeb
        qDeb = False

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    iNeu = 0
    pObs = -1.0

    zDep = NP.zeros(nCom)  #-- Composition at this Depth

    clsWRK = RS.classSample("GRDwrk")

    #  Simple Interval Halving

    iMid = 1

    while hBel - hAbv > 1.0e-01:

        hMid = 0.5 * (hAbv + hBel)
        dDep = hMid - hRef

        pDep, zDep = calcStepGRD(dDep, pRef, tRes, zRef, fRef, clsEOS, clsIO)

        mDep, vDep, yDep, gDen, uDep, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iNeu, pDep, tRes, zDep, clsEOS)
        zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zDep, clsEOS)

        for iC in range(nCom):
            clsWRK.sZI(iC, zDep[iC])

        qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, clsEOS, clsWRK, clsIO)

        if qDeb:
            if qBub: iBub = 1
            else: iBub = -1
            sOut = "GOC search: iMid,hAbv,hMid,hBel,iBub,pSat {:2d} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:2d} {:10.3f}\n" \

        if qBub: hBel = hMid
        else: hAbv = hMid

        iMid += 1

Exemplo n.º 4
def calcBlack(clsEOS,dicSAM,clsBLK,clsUNI,clsIO) :

    sim3 = clsBLK.tSim[:3]

#== Set Output File Name [rootName.sim] ===============================

    if   sim3 == "CMG" :

        if not clsIO.qIMX :
            pathIMX = clsIO.patR + ".imex"
            fIMX    = open(pathIMX,'w')
        else :
            fIMX = clsIO.fIMX
        fSim = clsIO.fIMX
        sCom = "**"
    elif sim3 == "TEM" :

        if not clsIO.qMOR :
            pathMOR = clsIO.patR + ".mor"
            fMOR    = open(pathMOR,'w')
        else :
            fMOR = clsIO.fMOR
        fSim = clsIO.fMOR
        sCom = "--"
    elif sim3 == "VIP" :

        if not clsIO.qVIP :
            pathVIP = clsIO.patR + ".vip"
            fVIP    = open(pathVIP,'w')
        else :
            fVIP = clsIO.fVIP
        fSim = clsIO.fVIP
        sCom = "C "
    elif sim3 == "ECL" :

        if not clsIO.q100 :
            path100 = clsIO.patR + ".e100"
            f100    = open(path100,'w')
        else :
            f100 = clsIO.f100
        fSim = clsIO.f100
        sCom = "--"

#-- Write Header Information to Simulator File ----------------------        


#== Initialisation ====================================================    

    print("calcBlack: Entered")

    qLiq = True  ; qVap = False
    iLiq =  1    ; iVap = -1

    iSam = clsBLK.sNum
    nCom = clsEOS.nComp

    clsSAM = dicSAM[iSam]

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom) : Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    sNam = dicSAM[iSam].sNam
    clsBLK.setSamp(iSam,sNam)  #-- Store the name

    xTyp = clsBLK.xTyp
    tRes = clsBLK.Tres
    pSep = clsBLK.pSep
    tSep = clsBLK.tSep

#-- Has User Defined Non-Standard Wiring for the Stage Order? -------

    if clsBLK.qLsep : Lsep = clsBLK.Lsep
    else            : Lsep = []

    if clsBLK.qVsep : Vsep = clsBLK.Vsep
    else            : Vsep = []

    #print("calcBlack: pSep,tSep,Lsep,Vsep ",pSep,tSep,Lsep,Vsep)

#-- Brine Density at Standard (Stock Tank) Conditions ---------------    

    pStc = UT.pStand    #-- Standard Pressure    [psia]
    tStc = UT.tStand    #-- Standard Temperature [degR = 60.0 degF]
    mFrc = clsBLK.bSalt #-- Mass Fraction of Salt in the Brine

    dSTW,comW = CW.calcRoweChouDen(mFrc,tStc,pStc,clsUNI)  #-- Stock Tank Brine Density


#-- Brine Properties at Reference Pressure & Tres (for PVTW keyword) 


#  Saturation Pressure Stage: Find Psat


#-- This experiment at varying temperature so set when needed -------

    pMea = -1.0
    qBub = None
    pSat = None
    logK = NP.empty(nCom)
    qBub,pSat,Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pMea,tRes,qBub,pSat,logK,clsEOS,clsSAM,clsIO)

    clsBLK.Psat = pSat

    Xsat = NP.zeros(nCom)
    Ysat = NP.zeros(nCom)
    if qBub :
        Xsat = NP.copy(Z)
        Ysat = NP.multiply(Z,Ksat)
    else :
        Xsat = NP.divide(Z,Ksat)
        Ysat = NP.copy(Z)

    Xsat = UT.Norm(Xsat) ; Ysat = UT.Norm(Ysat)

#-- Properties of the Feed and Incipient Phases at Psat -------------    

    Mx,Vx,Dx,Zx,Ux,Cx,Wx = CE.calcProps(iLiq,pSat,tRes,Xsat,clsEOS)
    My,Vy,Dy,Zy,Uy,dS,dS = CE.calcProps(iVap,pSat,tRes,Ysat,clsEOS)

    UgDew = Uy

#== Flash the Psat Liquid & Vapour through the Separator Train ========    

    if qBub : Vsat = Vx
    else    : Vsat = Vy

    Doo,Dgo,Rs,Bo,Bd,ySTG = \

    Dog,Dgg,Rv,Bg,Bd,ySTG = \

    Md,Vd,Dd,Zd,Ud,dS,dS = CE.calcProps(iVap,pSat,tRes,ySTG,clsEOS)

    Bd = BO.gasFVF(pSat,tRes,Zd)

    RsSat = Rs      #-- Store the Saturated GOR & CGR 
    RvSat = Rv

#-- Stock Tank Densities from Saturated Stage depending on Type -----    

    if qBub :
        dSTO = Doo
        dSTG = Dgo
    else :
        dSTO = Dog
        dSTG = Dgg

    dTab = []  #-- Stores all Saturated data
    pTab = []  #-- Will store all values of Pres (including those > Psat)
    dRow = [pSat,Rs,Bo,Ux,Cx,Wx,Rv,Bg,Uy,Bd,Ud]

#== Setup Pressure Nodes in the Tables ================================    

    pMax = clsBLK.Pmax
    pMin = clsBLK.Pmin
    pInc = clsBLK.Pinc

    pRes = pMax
    qIns = True

#  Build pTab-Array

    while pRes >= pMin :

        if pRes > pSat :                #-- Above Psat
        else :
            if qIns :                   #-- Insert Psat
                qIns = False
            pTab.append(pRes)           #-- Below Psat
        pRes = pRes - pInc              #-- Decrement Pressure

#-- Total number of stages (pressure nodes) -------------------------

    nPrs = len(pTab)

#  Depletion Stages

    if qBub : vEst = 0.0
    else :    vEst = 1.0

    zTot = 1.0
    pRes = pMax
    qIns = True

    while pRes >= pMin :

#-- Above Psat ------------------------------------------------------        

        if pRes > pSat :
        else :

#-- Psat-Row? -------------------------------------------------------

            if qIns :
                qIns = False

#-- This experiment at varying temperature so set when needed -------

            V,K,X,Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes,tRes,Z,vEst,clsEOS,clsIO)
            vEst    = V

            Moil,Vliq,dLiq,Zoil,Uoil,Coil,Viso = CE.calcProps(iLiq,pRes,tRes,X,clsEOS)
            Mgas,Vvap,dVap,Zgas,Ugas,dumS,dumS = CE.calcProps(iVap,pRes,tRes,Y,clsEOS)

            zGas = zTot*     V
            zOil = zTot*(1.0-V)

            Xsep = NP.copy(X)  #-- Local copies of (X,Y) to flash thru Seps
            Ysep = NP.copy(Y)

#-- Flash Liquid thru the Separator Train ---------------------------

            Doo,Dgo,Rs,Bo,Bd,ySTG = \

#-- Flash Vapour thru the Separator Train ---------------------------            
            Dog,Dgg,Rv,Bg,Bd,ySTG = \

            #Ud,dumm = CE.calcLBCderv(tRes,dVap,ySTG,clsEOS)  #-- Dry Gas Visc at pRes

            Md,Vd,Dd,Zd,Ud,dS,dS = CE.calcProps(iVap,pRes,tRes,ySTG,clsEOS)

            Bd = BO.gasFVF(pRes,tRes,Zd)

#== Modify the Moles to Next Stage, Depending on Depletion Type =======

            Voil = zOil*Vliq
            Vgas = zGas*Vvap
            Vtot = Voil + Vgas
            Vrem = Vtot - Vsat

            zRem = pRes*Vrem/(Zgas*UT.gasCon*tRes)

            if   xTyp == "CCE" :
            elif xTyp == "CVD" :
                for iC in range(nCom) : Z[iC] = (zTot*Z[iC] - zRem*Y[iC])/(zTot - zRem)
                zTot = zTot - zRem
            elif xTyp == "DLE" :
                Z    = NP.copy(X)
                zTot = zTot - zGas

            dRow = [pRes,Rs,Bo,Uoil,Coil,Viso,Rv,Bg,Ugas,Bd,Ud]

#== Decrement Pressure and Continue ===================================

        pRes = pRes - pInc

#== Work Arrays for "Back-Up" Fits ====================================        

    nSat = len(dTab)

    X = NP.zeros(nSat)
    Y = NP.zeros(nSat)

#  Slope and Intercept of the (assumed linear) Bo versus Rs 

    for i in range(nSat) :
        X[i] = dTab[i][clsBLK.iRs]
        Y[i] = dTab[i][clsBLK.iBo]

    slope,inter = UT.linearFit(X,Y)

    clsBLK.BoS = slope
    clsBLK.BoI = inter

#  Slope and Intercept of the (assumed exp) Muo versus Rs 

    for i in range(nSat) :
        X[i] =     dTab[i][clsBLK.iRs]
        Y[i] = log(dTab[i][clsBLK.iUo])

    slope,logIn = UT.linearFit(X,Y)
    inter = exp(logIn)

    clsBLK.UoS = slope
    clsBLK.UoI = inter

#  Slope and Intercept of the (assumed linear) co.p versus Rs 

    for i in range(nSat) :
        X[i] = dTab[i][clsBLK.iRs]
        Y[i] = dTab[i][clsBLK.iCo]*dTab[i][clsBLK.iPr]

    slope,inter = UT.linearFit(X,Y)

    clsBLK.CoS = slope
    clsBLK.CoI = inter

#  Stock Tank Oil and Gas Properties

    mSTO,oGrv = BP.initOilProps(dSTO,clsBLK)
    mSTG,gGrv = BP.initGasProps(dSTG,clsBLK)

    clsBLK.mSTO = mSTO
    clsBLK.mSTG = mSTG

    cCon = (dSTO/mSTO)*(UT.gasCon*UT.tStand/UT.pStand)  #-- Singh et al Eqn.(14)

    clsBLK.Co = cCon

#== Output Header =====================================================    


#  Generate the Saturated Oil and Gas STO Mole Fractions

    cTab = []  #-- Table used to store 'calculated' data

    for iPrs in range(nSat) :

        Pr = dTab[iPrs][clsBLK.iPr]
        Rs = dTab[iPrs][clsBLK.iRs] ; Bo = dTab[iPrs][clsBLK.iBo]
        Rv = dTab[iPrs][clsBLK.iRv] ; Bg = dTab[iPrs][clsBLK.iBg]

        denO = BP.denOil(dSTO,dSTG,Rs,Bo)
        denG = BP.denGas(dSTO,dSTG,Rv,Bg)

        xLiq = cCon/(cCon +     Rs)
        yLiq = cCon/(cCon + 1.0/Rv)

        Mliq = BP.phaseMw(mSTG,mSTO,xLiq)
        Mvap = BP.phaseMw(mSTG,mSTO,yLiq)

        Vliq = Mliq/denO
        Vvap = Mvap/denG

        cRow = [xLiq,yLiq,denO,denG,Vliq,Vvap]

        #print("Pr,xO,yO,Vl,Vv {:10.3f}{:8.5f}{:8.5f}{:8.4f}{:8.4f}".format(Pr,xLiq,yLiq,Vliq,Vvap))

#  Check the Oil Viscosity versus Pressure trend is physical
#  It can go wrong for condensates

    qMonV = BP.oilViscMono(dTab,clsBLK)
    qMonC = BP.oilCompMono(dTab,clsBLK)

    #print("calcBlack: qMonv,qMonC ",qMonV,qMonC)

#== Initialise Extension Method =========================================        

    clsBLK.RT = UT.gasCon*tRes     #-- RT

    nEOS = clsBLK.nEOS

    clsBLK.EOS1["sOil"] = 0.5
    clsBLK.EOS1["sGas"] = 0.5

#  Fit the 2-Component (STO & STG) EoS Parameters to Saturated Data

    sOil,sGas = \

#  Fit the 2-Component (STO & STG) Viscosity Parameters to Saturated Data

    rOil,rGas = \

#  Calculate Convergence Pressure: Re-Set Saturated (sOil,sGas)

    pCon = BO.convPressure(dTab,clsBLK)

    if pCon < pMax : pCon = pMax

    KoSat,KgSat,mO,mG = BO.extendTable(pSat,pCon,dTab,clsBLK)

    RsMax,RvMax = BO.calcRsRv(cCon,pCon,pSat,KoSat,KgSat,mO,mG)

#== Extended Data =====================================================

    eTab = []
    uLst = dTab[0][clsBLK.iUo]
    iRow = 0

    for iExt in range(len(pTab)) :
        if pTab[iExt] > pSat :
            pRes  = pTab[iExt]
            RTp   = clsBLK.RT/pRes
            Rs,Rv = BO.calcRsRv(cCon,pRes,pSat,KoSat,KgSat,mO,mG)
            Bo,Uo = BO.calcSatProp(qLiq,RTp,cCon,dSTO,dSTG,Rs ,clsBLK)
            Co,Vo = BO.calcComp(qLiq,RTp,cCon,dSTO,dSTG,Rs,Bo,Uo,clsBLK)

            Bg,Ug = BO.calcSatProp(qVap,RTp,cCon,dSTO,dSTG,Rv ,clsBLK)
            Bd,Ud = BO.calcSatProp(qVap,RTp,cCon,dSTO,dSTG,0.0,clsBLK)

#-- For condensates, Uo can go astray -------------------------------

            if Uo > uLst : Ux = clsBLK.UoI*exp(Rs*clsBLK.UoS)
            Uo   = Ux
            uLst = Uo

            eRow = [pRes,Rs,Bo,Uo,Co,Vo,Rv,Bg,Ug,Bd,Ud]

#  Oil and Gas Output depends on Simulator Type

    qDep = clsBLK.qDep

    if   sim3 == "TEM" :
        if not qDep : clsIO.qMOR = UT.closeFile(fSim)
    elif sim3 == "CMG" :
        if not qDep : clsIO.qIMX = UT.closeFile(fSim)
    elif sim3 == "VIP" :
        BN.outVIP( fSim,dTab,eTab,sOil,sGas,rOil,rGas,qMonV,clsBLK,clsUNI,clsIO)
        if not qDep : clsIO.qVIP = UT.closeFile(fSim)
    else :
        if not qDep : clsIO.q100 = UT.closeFile(fSim)

#  Composition versus Depth Calculation?

    if qDep :
        clsIO.q100 = UT.closeFile(fSim)

#  End of Routine

    print("calcBlack: Finished")

Exemplo n.º 5
def calcGOC(hAbv, hBel, tRes, hRef, pRef, zRef, fRef, clsEOS, clsIO):

    if clsIO.Deb["GRD"] > 0:
        qDeb = True
        fDeb = clsIO.fDeb
        qDeb = False

    nCom = clsEOS.nComp
    iNeu = 0
    pObs = -1.0

    zDep = NP.zeros(nCom)  #-- Composition at this Depth
    zDew = NP.zeros(nCom)
    zBub = NP.zeros(nCom)

    clsWRK = AD.classSample("GRDwrk")
    clsWRK.setIntComp(nCom, nCom)

    qBub = None
    pSat = None
    logK = NP.empty(nCom)

    #  Simple Interval Halving

    iMid = 1
    zTyp = "GOC"
    zDep = zRef
    pDep = pRef

    while hBel - hAbv > 0.1:

        hMid = 0.5 * (hAbv + hBel)
        dDep = hMid - hRef

        pDep,zDep,qDep,sDep = \

        if qDeb:
            if qDep: iBub = 1
            else: iBub = -1
            sOut = "GOC search: iMid,hAbv,hMid,hBel,iBub,pSat {:2d} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:2d} {:10.3f}\n" \

        if qDep:
            hBel = hMid
            zBub = zDep
            hAbv = hMid
            zDew = zDep

        iMid += 1

#== Return values =====================================================

#print("GOC: hMid,pMid,sMid {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f}".format(hMid,pDep,sDep))

    iNeu = 0

    mSat, vSat, dSat, zSat, uSat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iNeu, sDep, tRes, zDep, clsEOS)

    zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zDep, clsEOS)

    return hMid, pDep, sDep, dSat, zC1, zC7, zDew, zBub
Exemplo n.º 6
def calcGRD(iExp, qDif, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    if clsIO.Deb["GRD"] > 0:
        qDeb = True
        fDeb = clsIO.fDeb
        qDeb = False

    qSat = True

    #-- Various dimensions ----------------------------------------------

    nCom = clsEOS.nComp
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nDep = clsEXP.nRow - 1  #-- Extra Row for GOC, if present
    nRef = clsEXP.nDref

    nGOC = nDep

    #-- Pointers into the potential observed data (for calculated data) -

    typIND = AP.classLIB().INDshrt.get("GRD")
    typOBS = AP.classLIB().OBSshrt.get("GRD")

    iHG = typIND.index("HEIG")

    iPR = typOBS.index("PRES")
    iPS = typOBS.index("PSAT")
    iDN = typOBS.index("DENS")
    iC1 = typOBS.index("ZC1")
    iCP = typOBS.index("ZC7+")

    #-- Sample Name -----------------------------------------------------

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]
    sNam = clsSAM.sNam

    clsWRK = AD.classSample("GRDwrk")
    clsWRK.setIntComp(nCom, nCom)

    #-- Load Reference Composition --------------------------------------

    zRef = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        zRef[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Reference Depth & Pressure --------------------------------------

    pRef = clsEXP.Pref
    hRef = clsEXP.Dref

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #== Saturation Pressure at Reference Depth ============================

    pSatO = clsEXP.PsatO

    if pSatO > 0.0: pObs = 0.95 * pSatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub = None
    pSat = None
    logK = NP.empty(nCom)

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, qBub, pSat, logK, clsEOS,
                                   clsSAM, clsIO)

    if qBub: iRef = 1  #-- Ref-State is BUB
    else: iRef = -1  #--              DEW

    iNeu = 0
    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    mSat, vSat, dSat, zSat, uSat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iNeu, pSat, tRes, zRef, clsEOS)

    zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zRef, clsEOS)

    clsEXP.dCal[iPR][nRef] = pRef
    clsEXP.dCal[iPS][nRef] = pSat
    clsEXP.dCal[iDN][nRef] = dSat
    clsEXP.dCal[iC1][nRef] = zC1
    clsEXP.dCal[iCP][nRef] = zC7

    for iC in range(nCom):
        clsEXP.zCal[nRef][iC] = zRef[iC]

    #-- Get Reference (log) Fugacity Coeffs -----------------------------

    fRef, dumP = setupCalcGRDCoefsP(iNeu, pRef, tRes, zRef,
                                    clsEOS)  #-- Dont need Ref dlnPhi/dP

    #  GOC Search, if appropriate

    iTop = 0
    iBot = 0

    if nRef > 0:

        hTop = clsEXP.dInd[iHG][0]
        dTop = hTop - hRef
        zTyp = "Top"

        #-- Calculate a Pressure & Composition at Top Depth -----------------

        pTop,zTop,qTop,sTop = \

        if not qTop: iTop = -1  #-- Is DEW point

    else: hTop = None

    if nRef < nDep:

        hBot = clsEXP.dInd[iHG][nDep - 1]
        dBot = hBot - hRef
        zTyp = "Bot"

        #-- Calculate a Pressure & Composition at Bottom Depth --------------

        pBot,zBot,qBot,sBot = \

        if qBot: iBot = 1  #-- Is BUB point

    else: hBot = None

    #  Search for Gas-Oil-Contact?

    if iTop * iBot < 0:

        if iRef == iTop: hTop = hRef
        else: hBot = hRef

        print("Gas-Oil-Contact Detected in Depth Interval")

        hGOC,pGOC,sGOC,dGOC,zC1,zC7,zDew,zBub = \
        print("No Gas-Oil-Contact Detected in Depth Interval")
        hGOC = 0.0
        pGOC = 0.0
        sGOC = 0.0
        dGOC = 0.0
        zC1 = 0.0
        zC7 = 0.0
        zDew = NP.zeros(nCom)
        zBub = NP.zeros(nCom)

    clsEXP.dInd[iHG][nGOC] = hGOC

    clsEXP.dCal[iPR][nGOC] = pGOC
    clsEXP.dCal[iPS][nGOC] = sGOC
    clsEXP.dCal[iDN][nGOC] = dGOC
    clsEXP.dCal[iC1][nGOC] = zC1
    clsEXP.dCal[iCP][nGOC] = zC7

    for iC in range(nCom):
        clsEXP.zCal[nGOC][iC] = zDew[iC]

    #-- Above and Below any Possible GOC --------------------------------

    hAbv = None
    hBel = None

    #  Above Reference Depth

    zTyp = "Abv"

    for iDep in range(nRef - 1, -1, -1):

        hDep = clsEXP.dInd[iHG][iDep]
        dDep = hDep - hRef

        #print("Above: iDep,hDep ",iDep,hDep)

        pDep,zDep,qDep,sDep = \

        mDep, vDep, yDep, gDen, uDep, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iNeu, pDep, tRes, zDep, clsEOS)
        zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zDep, clsEOS)

        clsEXP.dCal[iPR][iDep] = pDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iPS][iDep] = sDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iDN][iDep] = yDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iC1][iDep] = zC1
        clsEXP.dCal[iCP][iDep] = zC7

        for iC in range(nCom):
            clsEXP.zCal[iDep][iC] = zDep[iC]

        if qDeb:
            if qBub: isBub = 1
            else: isBub = -1
            sOut = "Above: iDep,hDep,pDep,pSat,Bub,zC1,zC7+,Dens {:2d} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:2d} {:6.4f} {:6.4f} {:7.3f}\n".format(
                iDep, hDep, pDep, pSat, isBub, zC1, zC7, yDep)
            WO.writeArrayDebug(fDeb, zDep, "zDep")

#  Below Reference Depth

    zTyp = "Bel"

    for iDep in range(nRef + 1, nDep):

        hDep = clsEXP.dInd[iHG][iDep]
        dDep = hDep - hRef

        #print("Below: iDep,hDep ",iDep,hDep)

        pDep,zDep,qDep,sDep = \

        mDep, vDep, yDep, gDen, uDep, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iNeu, pDep, tRes, zDep, clsEOS)
        zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zDep, clsEOS)

        clsEXP.dCal[iPR][iDep] = pDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iPS][iDep] = sDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iDN][iDep] = yDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iC1][iDep] = zC1
        clsEXP.dCal[iCP][iDep] = zC7

        for iC in range(nCom):
            clsEXP.zCal[iDep][iC] = zDep[iC]

        if qDeb:
            if qBub: isBub = 1
            else: isBub = -1
            sOut = "Below: iDep,hDep,pDep,pSat,Bub,zC1,zC7+,Dens {:2d} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:2d} {:6.4f} {:6.4f} {:7.3f}\n".format(
                iDep, hDep, pDep, pSat, isBub, zC1, zC7, yDep)
            WO.writeArrayDebug(fDeb, zDep, "zDep")

#  End of Routine

Exemplo n.º 7
def calcGRD(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    if clsIO.Deb["GRD"] > 0:
        qDeb = True
        fDeb = clsIO.fDeb
        qDeb = False

#-- Various dimensions ----------------------------------------------

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nDep = clsEXP.nRow
    nRef = clsEXP.nDref

    #-- Pointers into the potential observed data (for calculated data) -

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("GRD")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("GRD")

    iHG = typDEP.index("HEIG")

    iPR = typOBS.index("PRES")
    iPS = typOBS.index("PSAT")
    iDN = typOBS.index("DENS")
    iC1 = typOBS.index("ZC1")
    iCP = typOBS.index("ZC7+")

    #-- Sample Name -----------------------------------------------------

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]
    sNam = clsSAM.sName

    clsWRK = RS.classSample("GRDwrk")

    #-- Load Reference Composition --------------------------------------

    zRef = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        zRef[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Reference Depth & Pressure --------------------------------------

    pRef = clsEXP.Pref
    dRef = clsEXP.Dref

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #== Saturation Pressure at Reference Depth ============================

    pSatO = clsEXP.PsatO

    if pSatO > 0.0: pObs = 0.95 * pSatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, clsEOS, clsSAM, clsIO)

    iNeu = 0
    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    mSat, vSat, dSat, zSat, uSat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iNeu, pSat, tRes, zRef, clsEOS)

    zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zRef, clsEOS)

    clsEXP.dCal[nRef][iPR] = pRef
    clsEXP.dCal[nRef][iPS] = pSat
    clsEXP.dCal[nRef][iDN] = dSat
    clsEXP.dCal[nRef][iC1] = zC1
    clsEXP.dCal[nRef][iCP] = zC7

    #-- Get Fugacity Coeffs and their Pressure-Derivatives --------------

    fRef, refP = setupCalcGRDCoefsP(iNeu, pRef, tRes, zRef, clsEOS)

    #-- Above and Below any Possible GOC --------------------------------

    hAbv = None
    hBel = None

    #  Above Reference Depth

    hLst = dRef
    pSatR = pSat

    for iDep in range(nRef - 1, -1, -1):

        hDep = clsEXP.dDep[iDep][iHG]
        dDep = hDep - dRef

        pDep, zDep = calcStepGRD(dDep, pRef, tRes, zRef, fRef, clsEOS, clsIO)

        mDep, vDep, yDep, gDen, uDep, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iNeu, pDep, tRes, zDep, clsEOS)
        zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zDep, clsEOS)

        for iC in range(nCom):
            clsWRK.sZI(iC, zDep[iC])

        qSat, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pDep, tRes, clsEOS, clsWRK, clsIO)

        if qSat != qBub:  #-- Going Up => Must Have Gone from Bubble -> Dew
            hAbv = hDep
            hBel = hLst

        hLst = hDep
        qBub = qSat

        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iPR] = pDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iPS] = pSat
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iDN] = yDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iC1] = zC1
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iCP] = zC7

        if qDeb:
            if qBub: isBub = 1
            else: isBub = -1
            sOut = "Above: iDep,hDep,pDep,pSat,Bub,zC1,zC7+,Dens {:2d} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:2d} {:6.4f} {:6.4f} {:7.3f}\n".format(
                iDep, hDep, pDep, pSat, isBub, zC1, zC7, yDep)

#  Below Reference Depth

    hLst = dRef
    pSat = pSatR

    for iDep in range(nRef + 1, nDep):

        hDep = clsEXP.dDep[iDep][iHG]
        dDep = hDep - dRef

        pDep, zDep = calcStepGRD(dDep, pRef, tRes, zRef, fRef, clsEOS, clsIO)

        mDep, vDep, yDep, gDen, uDep, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iNeu, pDep, tRes, zDep, clsEOS)
        zC1, zC7 = calcMoleFracGRD(zDep, clsEOS)

        for iC in range(nCom):
            clsWRK.sZI(iC, zDep[iC])

        qSat, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pDep, tRes, clsEOS, clsWRK, clsIO)

        if qSat != qBub:  #-- Going Down => Must Have Gone from Dew -> Bubble
            hAbv = hLst
            hBel = hDep

        hLst = hDep
        qBub = qSat

        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iPR] = pDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iPS] = pSat
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iDN] = yDep
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iC1] = zC1
        clsEXP.dCal[iDep][iCP] = zC7

        if qDeb:
            if qBub: isBub = 1
            else: isBub = -1
            sOut = "Below: iDep,hDep,pDep,pSat,Bub,zC1,zC7+,Dens {:2d} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:2d} {:6.4f} {:6.4f} {:7.3f}\n".format(
                iDep, hDep, pDep, pSat, isBub, zC1, zC7, yDep)

#  Have we bracketed a GOC?

#print("hAbv,hBel ",hAbv,hBel)

    if hAbv != None and hBel != None:

        calcGOCGRD(hAbv, hBel, tRes, dRef, pRef, zRef, fRef, clsEOS, clsIO)

#  End of Routine

Exemplo n.º 8
def calcSWL(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nInj = clsEXP.nSinj
    nAdd = clsEXP.nRow

    sNam = dicSAM[nSam].sName

    #print("calcSEP: nCom,nSam,nRow ",nCom,nSam,nPrs)

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("SWL")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("SWL")

    iMO = typDEP.index("MOLE")

    iPS = typOBS.index("PSAT")
    iVS = typOBS.index("VSWL")

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]
    clsINJ = dicSAM[nInj]

    clsWRK = RS.classSample("SWLwrk")

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Load Injection Composition --------------------------------------

    Y = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Y[iC] = clsINJ.gZI(iC)

    #-- Composition Array to be used ------------------------------------

    W = NP.zeros(nCom)

    mTot = 1.0
    mInj = 0.0

    #  Loop over user defined 'stages'

    for iAdd in range(nAdd):

        mInj = clsEXP.dDep[iAdd][iMO]

        mTot = mInj + 1.0

        #print("calcSWL: iAdd,mAdd,mInj,mTot ",iAdd,mThs,mInj,mTot)

        wDiv = 1.0 / mTot
        for iC in range(nCom):
            W[iC] = (Z[iC] + mInj * Y[iC]) * wDiv
            clsWRK.sZI(iC, W[iC])

        pSatO = clsEXP.dObs[iAdd][iPS]

        if pSatO > 0.0: pEst = 0.95 * pSatO
        else: pEst = -1.0

        qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pEst, tRes, clsEOS, clsWRK, clsIO)

        iLiq = 0
        MPs, VPs, DPs, ZPs, UPs, dmS, dmS = CE.calcProps(
            iLiq, pSat, tRes, W, clsEOS)

        if iAdd == 0: Vref = VPs

        Vswl = mTot * VPs / Vref

        clsEXP.dCal[iAdd][iPS] = pSat
        clsEXP.dCal[iAdd][iVS] = Vswl

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 9
def calcCCE(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nPrs = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sName

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("CCE")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("CCE")

    iPR = typDEP.index("PRES")

    iRV = typOBS.index("RELV")
    iSL = typOBS.index("SLIQ")
    iZF = typOBS.index("ZFAC")
    iDO = typOBS.index("DENO")
    iUG = typOBS.index("VISG")
    iUO = typOBS.index("VISO")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #-- Saturation Pressure ---------------------------------------------

    if clsEXP.PsatO > 0.0: pObs = clsEXP.PsatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, clsEOS, clsSAM, clsIO)


    iNeu = 0
    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    Msat, Vsat, Dsat, Zsat, Usat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iNeu, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

    if qBub: vEst = 0.0
    else: vEst = 1.0

    #  Loop over user defined pressures

    for iPrs in range(nPrs):

        pRes = clsEXP.dDep[iPrs][iPR]

        #== 1-Phase or 2-Phase? ===============================================

        if pRes > pSat:

            M1P, V1P, D1P, Z1P, U1P, dmS, dmS = CE.calcProps(
                iNeu, pRes, tRes, Z, clsEOS)
            #print("calcCCE[Z]: iP,pR,Mw,Vm,Ro,ZF,vS {:2d} {:8.2f} {:7.3f} {:8.4f} {:8.3f} {:8.4f} {:8.4f}".format(iPrs,pRes,M1P,V1P,D1P,Z1P,V1P))

            relV = V1P / Vsat

            if qBub: sLiq = 1.0
            else: sLiq = 0.0

            Zgas = Z1P
            Doil = D1P
            Ugas = U1P
            Uoil = U1P

        else:  #-- Two-Phase => Flash the Fluid

            V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)
            vEst = V

            Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iLiq, pRes, tRes, X, clsEOS)
            Mgas, Vvap, Dgas, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iVap, pRes, tRes, Y, clsEOS)

            Voil = (1.0 - V) * Vliq
            Vgas = V * Vvap

            Vtot = Voil + Vgas

            relV = Vtot / Vsat

            if clsEXP.sLCCE == "TOT": sLiq = Voil / Vtot
            else: sLiq = Voil / Vsat

#== Store the data for this stage =====================================

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRV] = relV
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iSL] = sLiq
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iZF] = Zgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iDO] = Doil
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iUG] = Ugas
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iUO] = Uoil

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 10
def calcSEP(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    if clsIO.Deb["SEP"] > 0:
        qDeb = True
        fDeb = clsIO.fDeb
        qDeb = False

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nPrs = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sName

    #print("calcSEP: nCom,nSam,nRow ",nCom,nSam,nPrs)

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("SEP")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("SEP")

    iPR = typDEP.index("PRES")
    iTR = typDEP.index("TEMP")

    iBO = typOBS.index("BO")
    iRS = typOBS.index("GOR")
    iDO = typOBS.index("DENO")
    iGG = typOBS.index("GGRV")

    Lsep = clsEXP.Lsep
    Vsep = clsEXP.Vsep

    #print("calcSEP: Lsep ",Lsep)
    #print("calcSEP: Vsep ",Vsep)

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    molZ = NP.zeros(nPrs)
    comZ = NP.zeros((nCom, nPrs))

    xSTO = NP.zeros(nCom)
    ySTG = NP.zeros(nCom)
    molO = NP.zeros(nPrs)
    molG = NP.zeros(nPrs)

    mSTO = 0.0
    mSTG = 0.0

    #-- First Stage is (pSat,tRes) and all feed goes to Stage-2 ---------

    molZ[0] = 1.0
    molZ[1] = 1.0
    for iC in range(nCom):
        comZ[iC][0] = Z[iC]
        comZ[iC][1] = Z[iC]

#-- 1st-Stage is Assumed to (Psat,tRes) -----------------------------

    pObs = clsEXP.dDep[0][iPR]
    tRes = clsEXP.dDep[0][iTR]

    #print("calcSEP: pObs,tRes ",pObs,tRes)

    #-- Saturation Pressure ---------------------------------------------

    if clsEXP.PsatO > 0.0: pObs = clsEXP.PsatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, clsEOS, clsSAM, clsIO)

    #print("CalcSEP: Psat {:10.3f}".format(pSat))


    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    Msat, Vsat, Dsat, Zsat, Usat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iLiq, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

    vEst = 0.5

    #  Loop over user defined pressures

    zGas = 0.0
    zOil = 0.0
    zTot = 1.0

    for iPrs in range(1, nPrs):

        pRes = clsEXP.dDep[iPrs][iPR]
        tRes = clsEXP.dDep[iPrs][iTR]

        #print("iPrs,pRes,tRes {:2d} {:10.3f} {:8.3f}".format(iPrs,pRes,tRes))

        #-- 2-Phase Flash ---------------------------------------------------

        for iC in range(nCom):
            Z[iC] = comZ[iC][iPrs]

        #zSum = NP.sum(Z)
        #Z    = NP.divide(Z,zSum)

        Z = UT.Norm(Z)

        #print("iSep,Z ",iPrs,Z)

        V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)

        if V < 0.0: V = 0.0  #-- calcFlash sets X=Z & Y=Z if 1-Phase
        elif V > 1.0: V = 1.0

        vEst = V

        zGas = molZ[iPrs] * V
        zOil = molZ[iPrs] * (1.0 - V)

        molG[iPrs] = zGas
        molO[iPrs] = zOil

        #print("iSep,molZ,molG,molO {:2d} {:10.5f} {:10.5f} {:10.5f}".format(iPrs,molZ[iPrs],molG[iPrs],molO[iPrs]))

        #-- Properties of the Liquid and Vapour Output of this stage --------

        Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iLiq, pRes, tRes, X, clsEOS)
        Mgas, Vvap, Dgas, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
            iVap, pRes, tRes, Y, clsEOS)

        #-- Where is Liquid Output Going Next? ------------------------------

        kSepL = Lsep[iPrs]

        if kSepL == 0:
            if mSTO + zOil > 0.0:
                for iC in range(nCom):
                    xSTO[iC] = (xSTO[iC] * mSTO + zOil * X[iC]) / (mSTO + zOil)
                mSTO = mSTO + zOil
                xSTO = BP.copy(X)
            for iC in range(nCom):
                comZ[iC][kSepL] = (comZ[iC][kSepL] * molZ[kSepL] +
                                   X[iC] * zOil) / (molZ[kSepL] + zOil)
            molZ[kSepL] = molZ[kSepL] + zOil

#-- Where is Vapour Output Going Next? ------------------------------

        kSepV = Vsep[iPrs]

        if kSepV == 0:
            if mSTG + zGas > 0.0:
                for iC in range(nCom):
                    ySTG[iC] = (ySTG[iC] * mSTG + zGas * Y[iC]) / (mSTG + zGas)
                mSTG = mSTG + zGas
                ySTG = NP.copy(Y)
            for iC in range(nCom):
                comZ[iC][kSepV] = (comZ[iC][kSepV] * molZ[kSepV] +
                                   Y[iC] * zGas) / (molZ[kSepV] + zGas)
            molZ[kSepV] = molZ[kSepV] + zGas

        Voil = zOil * Vliq
        Vgas = zGas * CO.volMol

        #-- Temporary storage for Bo & Rs ahead of divide by Vsto below -----

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBO] = Voil
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS] = Vgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iDO] = Doil
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iGG] = Mgas / CO.molAir

#== Stock Tank Oil Volume =============================================

    nTot = 0.0
    rTot = 0.0
    gTot = 0.0
    Vsto = clsEXP.dCal[nPrs - 1][iBO]

    for iPrs in range(1, nPrs):

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBO] = clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBO] / Vsto  #-- Bo
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS] = clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS] / Vsto  #-- GOR

        nTot = nTot + molG[iPrs]
        rTot = rTot + molG[iPrs] * clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS]
        gTot = gTot + molG[iPrs] * clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iGG]

#== Saturation Pressure Stage =========================================

    if nTot > 0.0: gTot = gTot / nTot
    else: gTot = 0.0

    #print("mSTG,mSTO {:10.5f} {:10.5f}".format(mSTG,mSTO))

    clsEXP.dCal[0][iBO] = Vsat / Vsto
    clsEXP.dCal[0][iRS] = mSTG * CO.volMol / Vsto
    clsEXP.dCal[0][iDO] = Dsat
    clsEXP.dCal[0][iGG] = gTot

    #  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 11
def calcDLE(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nPrs = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sName

    #print("calcCVD: nCom,nSam,nRow ",nCom,nSam,nPrs)

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("DLE")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("DLE")

    iPR = typDEP.index("PRES")

    iBO = typOBS.index("BO")
    iRS = typOBS.index("GOR")
    iDO = typOBS.index("DENO")
    iBT = typOBS.index("BT")
    iBG = typOBS.index("BG")
    iZF = typOBS.index("ZFAC")
    iGG = typOBS.index("GGRV")
    iUO = typOBS.index("VISO")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #-- Saturation Pressure ---------------------------------------------

    if clsEXP.PsatO > 0.0: pObs = clsEXP.PsatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, clsEOS, clsSAM, clsIO)


    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    Msat, Vsat, Dsat, Zsat, Usat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iLiq, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

    if qBub: vEst = 0.0
    else: vEst = 1.0

    #  Loop over user defined pressures

    zMol = 1.0
    rTot = 0.0
    psTs = CO.pStand / CO.tStand

    for iPrs in range(nPrs):

        pRes = clsEXP.dDep[iPrs][iPR]

        #== 1-Phase or 2-Phase? ===============================================

        if pRes > pSat:

            M1P, V1P, D1P, Z1P, U1P, dmS, dmS = CE.calcProps(
                iLiq, pRes, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

            if qBub: sLiq = 1.0
            else: sLiq = 0.0

            Voil = V1P
            Vrem = 0.0
            Doil = D1P
            Vtot = V1P
            Bgas = 0.0
            Zgas = 0.0
            gGrv = 0.0
            Uoil = U1P


            V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)
            vEst = V

            Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iLiq, pRes, tRes, X, clsEOS)
            Mgas, Vvap, Dgas, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iVap, pRes, tRes, Y, clsEOS)

            Voil = zMol * (1.0 - V) * Vliq
            Vgas = zMol * V * Vvap

            zRem = pRes * Vgas / (Zgas * CO.gasCon * tRes)
            zMol = zMol - zRem

            Vrem = zRem * CO.volMol

            rTot = rTot + Vrem

            Z = NP.copy(X)

            Vtot = Voil + Vgas
            Bgas = psTs * Zgas * tRes / pRes
            gGrv = Mgas / CO.molAir

#-- Temporary Storage Ahead of Stock Tank Corrections ---------------

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBO] = Voil
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS] = Vrem
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iDO] = Doil
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBT] = Vtot
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBG] = Bgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iZF] = Zgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iGG] = gGrv
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iUO] = Uoil

#== Stock Tank Volume =================================================

    Mst, Vst, Dst, Zst, Ust, dmS, dmS = CE.calcProps(iLiq, CO.pStand,
                                                     CO.tStand, Z, clsEOS)

    Vsto = zMol * Vst

    #== "Normalise" via Stock Tank Volume =================================

    for iPrs in range(nPrs):

        rTot = rTot - clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS]

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBO] = clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBO] / Vsto
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS] = rTot / Vsto

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBT] = clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBO] + \
                                clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iBG]*(clsEXP.dCal[0][iRS] - clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iRS])

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 12
def calcCVD(iExp, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.NC
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nPrs = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sName

    #print("calcCVD: nCom,nSam,nRow ",nCom,nSam,nPrs)

    typDEP = RX.expDEPvars.get("CVD")
    typOBS = RX.expOBSvars.get("CVD")

    iPR = typDEP.index("PRES")

    iMR = typOBS.index("MREM")
    iSL = typOBS.index("SLIQ")
    iZF = typOBS.index("ZFAC")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #-- Saturation Pressure ---------------------------------------------

    if clsEXP.PsatO > 0.0: pObs = clsEXP.PsatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, clsEOS, clsSAM, clsIO)


    iNeu = 0
    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    Msat, Vsat, Dsat, Zsat, Usat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iNeu, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

    if qBub: vEst = 0.0
    else: vEst = 1.0

    #  Loop over user defined pressures

    zMol = 1.0
    zTot = 0.0

    for iPrs in range(nPrs):

        pRes = clsEXP.dDep[iPrs][iPR]

        #== 1-Phase or 2-Phase? ===============================================

        if pRes > pSat:

            M1P, V1P, D1P, Z1P, U1P, dmS, dmS = CE.calcProps(
                iNeu, pRes, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

            if qBub: sLiq = 1.0
            else: sLiq = 0.0

            zTot = 0.0
            Zgas = Z1P


            V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)
            vEst = V

            Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iLiq, pRes, tRes, X, clsEOS)
            Mgas, Vvap, Dgas, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iVap, pRes, tRes, Y, clsEOS)

            Voil = zMol * (1.0 - V) * Vliq
            Vgas = zMol * V * Vvap

            sLiq = Voil / Vsat

            Vtot = Voil + Vgas
            Vrem = Vtot - Vsat

            zRem = pRes * Vrem / (Zgas * CO.gasCon * tRes)

            for iC in range(nCom):
                Z[iC] = (zMol * Z[iC] - zRem * Y[iC]) / (zMol - zRem)

            zMol = zMol - zRem
            zTot = zTot + zRem

#-- Load Data -------------------------------------------------------

        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iMR] = zTot
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iSL] = sLiq
        clsEXP.dCal[iPrs][iZF] = Zgas

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 13
def calcCCE(iExp, qDif, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.nComp
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nPrs = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sNam

    #== Independent & Calculated Data =====================================

    typIND = AP.classLIB().INDshrt.get("CCE")
    typCAL = AP.classLIB().CALshrt.get("CCE")

    iPR = typIND.index("PRES")

    iRV = typCAL.index("RELV")
    iSL = typCAL.index("SLIQ")
    iZF = typCAL.index("ZFAC")
    iDO = typCAL.index("DENO")
    iUG = typCAL.index("VISG")
    iUO = typCAL.index("VISO")

    iMO = typCAL.index("MWO")
    iMG = typCAL.index("MWG")
    iDG = typCAL.index("DENG")
    iFT = typCAL.index("IFT")
    iHO = typCAL.index("HO")
    iHG = typCAL.index("HG")
    iCO = typCAL.index("CPO")
    iCG = typCAL.index("CPG")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #-- Saturation Pressure ---------------------------------------------

    if clsEXP.PsatO > 0.0: pObs = clsEXP.PsatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub, pSat, logK = clsEXP.getPsatInfo(qDif, nCom)

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, qBub, pSat, logK, clsEOS,
                                   clsSAM, clsIO)

    if not qDif: clsEXP.setPsatInfo(qBub, pSat, NP.log(Ksat))


    iNeu = 0
    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    Msat, Vsat, Dsat, Zsat, Usat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iNeu, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

    #if qBub : vEst = 0.0
    #else :    vEst = 1.0

    vEst = None

    #  Loop over user defined pressures

    for iPrs in range(nPrs):

        pRes = clsEXP.dInd[iPR][iPrs]

        #== 1-Phase or 2-Phase? ===============================================

        if pRes > pSat:

            Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iNeu, pRes, tRes, Z, clsEOS)
            #print("calcCCE[Z]: iP,pR,Mw,Vm,Ro,ZF,vS {:2d} {:8.2f} {:7.3f} {:8.4f} {:8.3f} {:8.4f} {:8.4f}".format(iPrs,pRes,M1P,V1P,D1P,Z1P,V1P))

            relV = Vliq / Vsat

            if qBub: sLiq = 1.0
            else: sLiq = 0.0

            Mgas = Moil
            Vvap = Vliq
            Dgas = Doil
            Zgas = Zoil
            Ugas = Uoil

            IFT = 0.0  #-- Surface Tension [dyne/cm]

            HO,CPO,uJTO = \
                CE.calcEnthSpecHeat(iNeu,pRes,tRes,Z,clsEOS)  #-- Enthalpy & Spec Heat

            HG = HO
            CPG = CPO
            uJTG = uJTO  #-- Gas = Oil = 1-Phase!

            #print("P,uJTO,uJTG,IFT {:8.2f} {:10.3e} {:10.3e} {:8.4f}".format(pRes,uJTO,uJTG,IFT))

        else:  #-- Two-Phase => Flash the Fluid

            V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)
            vEst = V

            Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iLiq, pRes, tRes, X, clsEOS)
            Mgas, Vvap, Dgas, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iVap, pRes, tRes, Y, clsEOS)

            Voil = (1.0 - V) * Vliq
            Vgas = V * Vvap

            Vtot = Voil + Vgas

            relV = Vtot / Vsat

            if clsEXP.sLCCE == "TOT": sLiq = Voil / Vtot
            else: sLiq = Voil / Vsat

            if sLiq < 0.0:
                crash = 1.0 / 0.0

            IFT = CE.calcIFT(Vliq, Vvap, X, Y, clsEOS)

            HO,CPO,uJTO = \
                CE.calcEnthSpecHeat(iLiq,pRes,tRes,X,clsEOS)  #-- Enthalpy & Spec Heat
            HG,CPG,uJTG = \
                CE.calcEnthSpecHeat(iVap,pRes,tRes,Y,clsEOS)  #-- Enthalpy & Spec Heat

            #print("P,uJTO,uJTg {:8.2f} {:10.3e} {:10.3e} {:8.4f}".format(pRes,uJTO,uJTG,IFT))

#== Store the data for this stage =====================================

        clsEXP.dCal[iRV][iPrs] = relV
        clsEXP.dCal[iSL][iPrs] = sLiq
        clsEXP.dCal[iZF][iPrs] = Zgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iDO][iPrs] = Doil
        clsEXP.dCal[iUG][iPrs] = Ugas
        clsEXP.dCal[iUO][iPrs] = Uoil

        clsEXP.dCal[iMO][iPrs] = Moil
        clsEXP.dCal[iMG][iPrs] = Mgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iDG][iPrs] = Dgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iFT][iPrs] = IFT
        clsEXP.dCal[iHO][iPrs] = HO
        clsEXP.dCal[iHG][iPrs] = HG
        clsEXP.dCal[iCO][iPrs] = CPO
        clsEXP.dCal[iCG][iPrs] = CPG

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 14
def calcSAT(iExp, qDif, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    nCom = clsEOS.nComp
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nTem = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sNam

    #print("calcSEP: nCom,nSam,nRow ",nCom,nSam,nPrs)

    typIND = AP.classLIB().INDshrt.get("SAT")
    typOBS = AP.classLIB().OBSshrt.get("SAT")

    iTR = typIND.index("TEMP")

    iPS = typOBS.index("PSAT")
    iZF = typOBS.index("ZFAC")
    iDO = typOBS.index("DENO")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = dicSAM[nSam].gZI(iC)

    #  Loop over user defined 'stages'

    for iTem in range(nTem):

        tRes = clsEXP.dInd[iTR][iTem]
        pSatO = clsEXP.dObs[iPS][iTem]

        if pSatO > 0.0: pEst = 0.95 * pSatO
        else: pEst = -1.0

        qBub = None
        pSat = None
        logK = NP.empty(nCom)

        qBub,pSat,Ksat = \

        iLiq = 0
        MPs, VPs, DPs, ZPs, UPs, dmS, dmS = CE.calcProps(
            iLiq, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

        clsEXP.dCal[iPS][iTem] = pSat
        clsEXP.dCal[iZF][iTem] = ZPs
        clsEXP.dCal[iDO][iTem] = DPs

        #print("calcSAT: tRes,qBub,pSat ",tRes,qBub,pSat)

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 15
def calcCVD(iExp, qDif, clsEOS, dicSAM, clsEXP, clsIO):

    if clsIO.Deb["CVD"] > 0:
        qDeb = True
        fDeb = clsIO.fDeb
        qDeb = False

    nCom = clsEOS.nComp
    nSam = clsEXP.nSamp
    nPrs = clsEXP.nRow

    clsSAM = dicSAM[nSam]

    sNam = clsSAM.sNam

    if qDeb:
        sOut = "calcCVD: nCom,nSam,nRow {:2d} {:2d} {:2d}\n".format(
            nCom, nSam, nPrs)

#-- Independent & Calculated Data -----------------------------------

    typIND = AP.classLIB().INDshrt.get("CVD")
    typCAL = AP.classLIB().CALshrt.get("CVD")

    iPR = typIND.index("PRES")

    iMR = typCAL.index("MREM")
    iSL = typCAL.index("SLIQ")
    iZF = typCAL.index("ZFAC")
    iMO = typCAL.index("MWO")
    iMG = typCAL.index("MWG")
    iDO = typCAL.index("DENO")
    iDG = typCAL.index("DENG")
    iUO = typCAL.index("VISO")
    iUG = typCAL.index("VISG")

    #-- Load Feed Composition -------------------------------------------

    Z = NP.zeros(nCom)
    for iC in range(nCom):
        Z[iC] = clsSAM.gZI(iC)

    #-- Reservoir Temperature -------------------------------------------

    tRes = clsEXP.Tres

    #-- Saturation Pressure ---------------------------------------------

    if clsEXP.PsatO > 0.0: pObs = clsEXP.PsatO
    else: pObs = -1.0

    qBub, pSat, logK = clsEXP.getPsatInfo(qDif, nCom)

    qBub, pSat, Ksat = CS.calcPsat(pObs, tRes, qBub, pSat, logK, clsEOS,
                                   clsSAM, clsIO)

    if qDeb:
        sOut = "calcCVD: tRes,qBub,pSat {:8.2f} {:} {:10.3f}\n".format(
            tRes, qBub, pSat)

    if not qDif: clsEXP.setPsatInfo(qBub, pSat, NP.log(Ksat))


    iNeu = 0
    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1

    Msat, Vsat, Dsat, Zsat, Usat, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iNeu, pSat, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

    #if qBub : vEst = 0.0
    #else :    vEst = 1.0

    vEst = None

    #  Loop over user defined pressures

    zMol = 1.0
    zTot = 0.0

    for iPrs in range(nPrs):

        pRes = clsEXP.dInd[iPR][iPrs]

        #== 1-Phase or 2-Phase? ===============================================

        if pRes > pSat:

            Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iNeu, pRes, tRes, Z, clsEOS)

            if qBub: sLiq = 1.0
            else: sLiq = 0.0

            zTot = 0.0
            Mgas = Moil
            Dgas = Doil
            Zgas = Zoil
            Ugas = Uoil


            V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)
            vEst = V

            Moil, Vliq, Doil, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iLiq, pRes, tRes, X, clsEOS)
            Mgas, Vvap, Dgas, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
                iVap, pRes, tRes, Y, clsEOS)

            Voil = zMol * (1.0 - V) * Vliq
            Vgas = zMol * V * Vvap

            sLiq = Voil / Vsat

            Vtot = Voil + Vgas
            Vrem = Vtot - Vsat

            zRem = pRes * Vrem / (Zgas * UT.gasCon * tRes)  #-- Moles Removed

            for iC in range(nCom):
                Z[iC] = (zMol * Z[iC] - zRem * Y[iC]) / (zMol - zRem)

            zMol = zMol - zRem
            zTot = zTot + zRem

            if qDeb:
                sOut = "calcCVD: zRem {:10.3e}\n".format(zRem)

#-- Load Data -------------------------------------------------------

        clsEXP.dCal[iMR][iPrs] = zTot
        clsEXP.dCal[iSL][iPrs] = sLiq
        clsEXP.dCal[iZF][iPrs] = Zgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iMO][iPrs] = Moil
        clsEXP.dCal[iMG][iPrs] = Mgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iDO][iPrs] = Doil
        clsEXP.dCal[iDG][iPrs] = Dgas
        clsEXP.dCal[iUO][iPrs] = Uoil
        clsEXP.dCal[iUG][iPrs] = Ugas

#  End of Module

Exemplo n.º 16
def sepFlash(iRat, pSep, tSep, Lsep, Vsep, Z, vRes, clsEOS, clsIO):

    nSep = len(pSep)
    nCom = clsEOS.NC

    vEst = 0.5
    iLiq = 1
    iVap = -1
    zGas = 0.0
    zOil = 0.0
    zTot = 1.0

    #-- Accumulate the moles of liquid and vapour -----------------------

    molZ = NP.zeros(nSep)
    comZ = NP.zeros((nCom, nSep))

    xSTO = NP.zeros(nCom)
    ySTG = NP.zeros(nCom)

    mSTO = 0.0
    mSTG = 0.0

    molZ[0] = zTot
    for iC in range(nCom):
        comZ[iC][0] = Z[iC]

    #== Loop over the stages of the Train =================================

    for iSep in range(nSep):

        pRes = pSep[iSep]
        tRes = tSep[iSep]

        for iC in range(nCom):
            Z[iC] = comZ[iC][iSep]

        Z = UT.Norm(Z)

        #-- This experiment at varying temperature so set when needed -------

        V, K, X, Y = CF.calcFlash(pRes, tRes, Z, vEst, clsEOS, clsIO)

        if V < 0.0: V = 0.0  #-- calcFlash sets X=Z & Y=Z if 1-Phase
        elif V > 1.0: V = 1.0

        vEst = V

        zGas = molZ[iSep] * V
        zOil = molZ[iSep] * (1.0 - V)

        #print("iSep,zInp,xOut,yOut {:2d} {:8.5f} {:8.5f} {:8.5f}".format(iSep,molZ[iSep],zOil,zGas))

        #-- Where is Liquid Output Going Next? ------------------------------

        kSepL = Lsep[iSep]

        if kSepL == 0:
            if mSTO + zOil > 0.0:
                for iC in range(nCom):
                    xSTO[iC] = (xSTO[iC] * mSTO + zOil * X[iC]) / (mSTO + zOil)
                mSTO = mSTO + zOil
                xSTO = NP.copy(X)
            for iC in range(nCom):
                comZ[iC][kSepL] = (comZ[iC][kSepL] * molZ[kSepL] +
                                   X[iC] * zOil) / (molZ[kSepL] + zOil)
            molZ[kSepL] = molZ[kSepL] + zOil
            #print("toLiq[kSepL],molZ {:2d} {:8.5f}".format(kSepL,molZ[kSep]))

#-- Where is Vapour Output Going Next? ------------------------------

        kSepV = Vsep[iSep]

        if kSepV == 0:
            if mSTG + zGas > 0.0:
                for iC in range(nCom):
                    ySTG[iC] = (ySTG[iC] * mSTG + zGas * Y[iC]) / (mSTG + zGas)
                mSTG = mSTG + zGas
                ySTG = NP.copy(Y)
            for iC in range(nCom):
                comZ[iC][kSepV] = (comZ[iC][kSepV] * molZ[kSepV] +
                                   Y[iC] * zGas) / (molZ[kSepV] + zGas)
            molZ[kSepV] = molZ[kSepV] + zGas
            #print("toVap[kSepV],molZ {:2d} {:8.5f}".format(kSepV,molZ[kSep]))

        #print("Lsep,Vsep ",Lsep[iSep],Vsep[iSep])

#  Process the data: Stock Tank Moles, Volumes and Ratios

    xSum = NP.sum(xSTO)
    ySum = NP.sum(ySTG)

    Moil, Vliq, dLiq, Zoil, Uoil, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iLiq, CO.pStand, CO.tStand, xSTO, clsEOS)
    Mgas, Vvap, dVap, Zgas, Ugas, dumS, dumS = CE.calcProps(
        iVap, CO.pStand, CO.tStand, ySTG, clsEOS)

    vGas = mSTG * CO.volMol
    vOil = mSTO * Vliq

    if iRat == 1:
        GOR = vGas / vOil
        FVF = vRes / vOil
        GOR = vOil / vGas
        FVF = vRes / vGas

    #print("Vvap,vGas {:10.5f} {:10.5f}".format(Vvap,vGas))

#-- Calculate Dry Gas FVF & Viscosity (if appropriate) --------------

    if iRat == 1:
        Bdry = 0.0
        Udry = 0.0
        Bdry = zGas * Vvap / vGas
        Udry = Ugas

#== Return Values =====================================================

    return dLiq, dVap, GOR, FVF, Bdry, ySTG