Exemplo n.º 1
def test_arbitration_id_comparators():
    id_standard_1 = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x1, extended=False)
    id_standard_2 = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x2, extended=False)
    id_extended_1 = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x1, extended=True)
    id_extended_2 = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x2, extended=True)

    sorting_results = sorted(
        (id_extended_1, id_standard_2, id_extended_2, id_standard_1))
    assert sorting_results[0] == id_standard_1
    assert sorting_results[1] == id_extended_1
    assert sorting_results[2] == id_standard_2
    assert sorting_results[3] == id_extended_2
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_canid_parse_values():
    can_id = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x01ABCD02, extended=True)
    assert can_id.j1939_source == 0x02
    assert can_id.j1939_destination == 0xcd
    assert can_id.j1939_pgn == 0xAB00
    assert can_id.j1939_destination == 0xCD
    assert can_id.j1939_priority == 0
    assert can_id.j1939_tuple == (0xCD, 0xAB00, 2)

    test_data = {0xc00000b : 0,  0xcef27fd : 61184,  0xcffcafd : 65482, 0xc000003 : 0, 0xcf00203 : 61442, 0x18fe4a03 : 65098, 0xc010305 : 256}
    for canId, pgn in test_data.items():
        assert canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=canId, extended=True).pgn == pgn
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_frame_decode_j1939_id(source, pgn, priority, id):
    # we have to set all j1939 properties in the __init__ otherwise the setters crash
    frame = canmatrix.canmatrix.Frame(
        arbitration_id=canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=id, extended=True))
    assert hex(frame.source) == hex(source)
    assert hex(frame.pgn) == hex(pgn)
    assert hex(frame.priority) == hex(priority)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_arbitration_id_j1939_direct_setters():
    arb_id = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(0)
    arb_id.pgn = 0xF1AA
    arb_id.j1939_source = 0x22
    arb_id.j1939_priority = 3
    assert arb_id.pgn == 0xF1AA
    assert arb_id.j1939_source == 0x22
    assert arb_id.j1939_priority == 3
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_canid_parse_values():
    can_id = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x01ABCD02, extended=True)
    assert can_id.j1939_source == 0x02
    assert can_id.j1939_destination == 0xcd
    assert can_id.j1939_pgn == 0x1AB00
    assert can_id.j1939_destination == 0xCD
    assert can_id.j1939_priority == 0
    assert can_id.j1939_tuple == (0xCD, 0x1AB00, 2)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_Arbitration_id():
    id_standard = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x1, extended=False)
    id_extended = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x1, extended=True)
    id_unknown = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x1, extended=None)

    id_from_int_standard = canmatrix.ArbitrationId.from_compound_integer(1)
    id_from_int_extended = canmatrix.ArbitrationId.from_compound_integer(1 | 1 << 31)

    assert id_standard.to_compound_integer() == 1
    assert id_extended.to_compound_integer() == (1 | 1 << 31)

    assert id_standard.id == 1
    assert id_extended.id == 1
    assert id_unknown.id == 1
    assert id_standard != id_extended
    assert id_standard == id_unknown
    assert id_extended == id_unknown
    assert id_from_int_standard == id_standard
    assert id_from_int_standard != id_extended
    assert id_from_int_extended == id_extended
    assert id_from_int_extended != id_standard
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_canid_repr():
    can_id = canmatrix.ArbitrationId(id=0x01ABCD02, extended=True)
    assert can_id.j1939_str == "DA:0xCD PGN:0xAB00 SA:0x02"
Exemplo n.º 8
def convert(infile, out_file_name, **options):  # type: (str, str, **str) -> None
    logger.info("Importing " + infile + " ... ")
    dbs = canmatrix.formats.loadp(infile, **options)

    logger.info("Exporting " + out_file_name + " ... ")

    out_dbs = {}
    for name in dbs:
        db = None

        if 'ecus' in options and options['ecus'] is not None:
            ecu_list = options['ecus'].split(',')
            db = cm.CanMatrix()
            for ecu in ecu_list:
                canmatrix.copy.copy_ecu_with_frames(ecu, dbs[name], db)
        if 'frames' in options and options['frames'] is not None:
            frame_list = options['frames'].split(',')
            db = cm.CanMatrix()
            for frame_name in frame_list:  # type: str
                frame_to_copy = dbs[name].frame_by_name(frame_name)  # type: cm.Frame
                canmatrix.copy.copy_frame(frame_to_copy.arbitration_id, dbs[name], db)
        if options.get('signals', False):
            signal_list = options['signals'].split(',')
            db = cm.CanMatrix()
            for signal_name in signal_list:  # type: str
                canmatrix.copy.copy_signal(signal_name, dbs[name], db)

        if db is None:
            db = dbs[name]

        if 'merge' in options and options['merge'] is not None:
            merge_files = options['merge'].split(',')
            for database in merge_files:
                merge_string = database.split(':')
                db_temp_list = canmatrix.formats.loadp(merge_string[0])
                for dbTemp in db_temp_list:
                    if merge_string.__len__() == 1:
                        print("merge complete: " + merge_string[0])
                        # for frame in db_temp_list[dbTemp].frames:
                        #    copyResult = canmatrix.copy.copy_frame(frame.id, db_temp_list[dbTemp], db)
                        #    if copyResult == False:
                        #        logger.error("ID Conflict, could not copy/merge frame " + frame.name + "  %xh " % frame.id + database)
                    for mergeOpt in merge_string[1:]:
                        if mergeOpt.split('=')[0] == "ecu":
                                mergeOpt.split('=')[1], db_temp_list[dbTemp], db)
                        if mergeOpt.split('=')[0] == "frame":
                            frame_to_copy = dbs[name].frame_by_name(mergeOpt.split('=')[1])
                            canmatrix.copy.copy_frame(frame_to_copy.arbitration_id, db_temp_list[dbTemp], db)

        if 'renameEcu' in options and options['renameEcu'] is not None:
            rename_tuples = options['renameEcu'].split(',')
            for renameTuple in rename_tuples:
                old, new = renameTuple.split(':')
                db.rename_ecu(old, new)
        if 'deleteEcu' in options and options['deleteEcu'] is not None:
            delete_ecu_list = options['deleteEcu'].split(',')
            for ecu in delete_ecu_list:
        if 'renameFrame' in options and options['renameFrame'] is not None:
            rename_tuples = options['renameFrame'].split(',')
            for renameTuple in rename_tuples:
                old, new = renameTuple.split(':')
                db.rename_frame(old, new)
        if 'deleteFrame' in options and options['deleteFrame'] is not None:
            delete_frame_names = options['deleteFrame'].split(',')
            for frame_name in delete_frame_names:
        if 'addFrameReceiver' in options and options['addFrameReceiver'] is not None:
            touples = options['addFrameReceiver'].split(',')
            for touple in touples:
                (frameName, ecu) = touple.split(':')
                frames = db.glob_frames(frameName)
                for frame in frames:  # type: cm.Frame
                    for signal in frame.signals:  # type: cm.Signal

        if 'frameIdIncrement' in options and options['frameIdIncrement'] is not None:
            id_increment = int(options['frameIdIncrement'])
            for frame in db.frames:
                frame.arbitration_id.id += id_increment
        if 'changeFrameId' in options and options['changeFrameId'] is not None:
            change_tuples = options['changeFrameId'].split(',')
            for renameTuple in change_tuples:
                old, new = renameTuple.split(':')
                frame = db.frame_by_id(cm.ArbitrationId(int(old)))
                if frame is not None:
                    frame.arbitration_id.id = int(new)
                    logger.error("frame with id {} not found", old)

        if 'setFrameFd' in options and options['setFrameFd'] is not None:
            fd_frame_list = options['setFrameFd'].split(',')
            for frame_name in fd_frame_list:
                frame_ptr = db.frame_by_name(frame_name)
                if frame_ptr is not None:
                    frame_ptr.is_fd = True
        if 'unsetFrameFd' in options and options['unsetFrameFd'] is not None:
            fd_frame_list = options['unsetFrameFd'].split(',')
            for frame_name in fd_frame_list:
                frame_ptr = db.frame_by_name(frame_name)
                if frame_ptr is not None:
                    frame_ptr.is_fd = False

        if 'skipLongDlc' in options and options['skipLongDlc'] is not None:
            delete_frame_list = []  # type: typing.List[cm.Frame]
            for frame in db.frames:
                if frame.size > int(options['skipLongDlc']):
            for frame in delete_frame_list:

        if 'cutLongFrames' in options and options['cutLongFrames'] is not None:
            for frame in db.frames:
                if frame.size > int(options['cutLongFrames']):
                    delete_signal_list = []
                    for sig in frame.signals:
                        if sig.get_startbit() + int(sig.size) > int(options['cutLongFrames'])*8:
                    for sig in delete_signal_list:
                    frame.size = 0

        if 'renameSignal' in options and options['renameSignal'] is not None:
            rename_tuples = options['renameSignal'].split(',')
            for renameTuple in rename_tuples:
                old, new = renameTuple.split(':')
                db.rename_signal(old, new)
        if 'deleteSignal' in options and options['deleteSignal'] is not None:
            delete_signal_names = options['deleteSignal'].split(',')
            for signal_name in delete_signal_names:

        if 'deleteZeroSignals' in options and options['deleteZeroSignals']:

        if 'deleteSignalAttributes' in options and options[
            unwanted_attributes = options['deleteSignalAttributes'].split(',')

        if 'deleteFrameAttributes' in options and options[
            unwanted_attributes = options['deleteFrameAttributes'].split(',')

        if 'deleteObsoleteDefines' in options and options[

        if 'recalcDLC' in options and options['recalcDLC']:

        logger.info("%d Frames found" % (db.frames.__len__()))

        out_dbs[name] = db

    if 'force_output' in options and options['force_output'] is not None:
        canmatrix.formats.dumpp(out_dbs, out_file_name, exportType=options[
                                'force_output'], **options)
        canmatrix.formats.dumpp(out_dbs, out_file_name, **options)