Exemplo n.º 1
def coordinates(o, order="lexicographic"):
    if type(o) == gpt.grid and o.cb.n == 1:
        return coordinates((o, gpt.none), order=order)
    elif type(o) == tuple and type(o[0]) == gpt.grid and len(o) == 2:
        dim = len(o[0].ldimensions)
        cb = o[1].tag
        checker_dim_mask = o[0].cb.cb_mask
        cbf = [o[0].fdimensions[i] // o[0].gdimensions[i] for i in range(dim)]
        top = [
            o[0].processor_coor[i] * o[0].ldimensions[i] * cbf[i]
            for i in range(dim)
        bottom = [top[i] + o[0].ldimensions[i] * cbf[i] for i in range(dim)]

        # cache
        tag = f"{top}-{bottom}-{checker_dim_mask}-{cb}-{order}"
        if tag in _coordinates_cache:
            return _coordinates_cache[tag]
        val = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(top, bottom,
                                                   checker_dim_mask, cb, order)
        _coordinates_cache[tag] = val
        return val
    elif type(o) == gpt.lattice:
        return coordinates((o.grid, o.checkerboard()), order=order)
    elif type(o) == gpt.cartesian_view:
        return cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(o.top, o.bottom,
                                                    o.checker_dim_mask, o.cb,
        assert 0
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: sap.py Projeto: mbruno46/gpt
    def coor(self, grid, tag=None):  # and pos -> core/block/
        coor = numpy.zeros((self.grid.gsites, self.grid.nd), dtype=numpy.int32)

        n = 0
        # global offset of the local lattice
        ofs = [
            grid.processor_coor[mu] * grid.ldimensions[mu]
            for mu in range(grid.nd)
        for ib in range(self.nb):
            bc = index2coor(ib, self.bdl)
            _eo = int(numpy.sum(bc) % 2)

            if _eo == self.eo:
                sl = slice(n * self.bv, (n + 1) * self.bv)
                n += 1

                top = [
                    ofs[mu] + bc[mu] * self.bs[mu] for mu in range(len(ofs))
                bottom = [top[mu] + self.bs[mu] for mu in range(len(ofs))]
                pos = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(
                    top, bottom, grid.cb.cb_mask, tag, "lexicographic")

                coor[sl, :] = pos
        assert n * 2 == self.nb
        return coor
Exemplo n.º 3
def map_tidx_and_shape(l, key):

    # create shape of combined lattices
    shapes = [x.otype.shape for x in l]
    assert all([shapes[0][1:] == s[1:] for s in shapes[1:]])
    shape = (sum([s[0] for s in shapes]), ) + shapes[0][1:]
    nd = len(shape)

    # if key is None, numpy array of all indices
    if key is None:
        tidx = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view([0] * nd, list(shape),
                                                    [0] * nd, gpt.none.tag,
        return tidx, shape

    # if key is a list, convert to numpy array
    if type(key) == list:
        key = numpy.array(key, dtype=numpy.int32)

    # if key is numpy array, no further processing needed
    if isinstance(key, numpy.ndarray):
        # Need to decide how to index tensor indices.  With lexicographical
        return key, (len(key), )

    # if not, we expect a tuple of either coordinates or slices
    assert type(key) == tuple

    # slices
    key = tuple([k if type(k) == slice else slice(k, k + 1) for k in key])
    assert all([k.step is None for k in key])
    top = [0 if k.start is None else k.start for i, k in enumerate(key)]
    bottom = [
        shape[i] if k.stop is None else k.stop for i, k in enumerate(key)
    assert all([
        0 <= top[i] and top[i] <= bottom[i] and bottom[i] <= shape[i]
        for i in range(nd)
    tidx = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(top, bottom, [0] * nd,
    shape = tuple([bottom[i] - top[i] for i in range(nd)])
    return tidx, shape
Exemplo n.º 4
def coordinates(o, order="lexicographic", margin=None):
    if type(o) == gpt.grid and o.cb.n == 1:
        return coordinates((o, gpt.none), order=order, margin=margin)
    elif type(o) == tuple and type(o[0]) == gpt.grid and len(o) == 2:
        dim = len(o[0].ldimensions)
        cb = o[1].tag
        checker_dim_mask = o[0].cb.cb_mask
        cbf = [o[0].fdimensions[i] // o[0].gdimensions[i] for i in range(dim)]
        top = [
            o[0].processor_coor[i] * o[0].ldimensions[i] * cbf[i]
            for i in range(dim)
        bottom = [top[i] + o[0].ldimensions[i] * cbf[i] for i in range(dim)]

        if margin is not None:
            top = [t - m for t, m in zip(top, margin)]
            bottom = [b + m for b, m in zip(bottom, margin)]

        x = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(top, bottom, checker_dim_mask,
                                                 cb, order)

        if margin is None:
            x = x.view(local_coordinates)
            L = numpy.array(o[0].gdimensions, dtype=numpy.int32)
            x = numpy.mod(x, L)

        return x
    elif type(o) == gpt.lattice:
        return coordinates((o.grid, o.checkerboard()),
    elif type(o) == gpt.cartesian_view:
        assert margin is None
        return cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(o.top, o.bottom,
                                                    o.checker_dim_mask, o.cb,
        assert 0
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: sap.py Projeto: mbruno46/gpt
    def pos(self, tag=None):
        self.pos = numpy.zeros((self.grid.gsites, self.grid.nd),
        Nd = len(self.bs)
        ofs = [0] * Nd
        for mu in range(Nd):
            if self.ebs[mu] > 1:
                ofs[mu] = 1
        for n in range(self.nb // 2):
            sl = slice(n * self.bv, (n + 1) * self.bv)
            top = [ofs[mu] * n * self.bs[mu] for mu in range(Nd)]
            bottom = [top[mu] + self.bs[mu] for mu in range(Nd)]
            _pos = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(
                top, bottom, self.grid.cb.cb_mask, tag, "lexicographic")

            self.pos[sl, :] = _pos
Exemplo n.º 6
def map_pos(grid, cb, key):

    # if list, convert to numpy array
    if type(key) == list:
        key = numpy.array(key, dtype=numpy.int32)

    # if key is numpy array, no further processing needed
    if isinstance(key, numpy.ndarray):
        return key

    # if not, we expect a tuple of slices
    assert type(key) == tuple

    # slices without specified start/stop corresponds to memory view limitation for this rank
    if all([k == slice(None, None, None) for k in key]):
        # go through gpt.coordinates to use its caching feature
        return gpt.coordinates((grid, cb), order="lexicographic")

    nd = grid.nd
    key = tuple([k if type(k) == slice else slice(k, k + 1) for k in key])
    assert all([k.step is None for k in key])
    top = [
        grid.fdimensions[i] // grid.mpi[i] *
        grid.processor_coor[i] if k.start is None else k.start
        for i, k in enumerate(key)
    bottom = [
        grid.fdimensions[i] // grid.mpi[i] *
        (1 + grid.processor_coor[i]) if k.stop is None else k.stop
        for i, k in enumerate(key)
    assert all([
        0 <= top[i] and top[i] <= bottom[i]
        and bottom[i] <= grid.fdimensions[i] for i in range(nd)

    return cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(top, bottom, grid.cb.cb_mask,
                                                cb.tag, "lexicographic")
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, grid, block_size, parity):
        self.parity = parity
        self.block_size = block_size
        self.block_volume = int(numpy.prod(block_size))
        self.grid = grid
        assert grid.cb.n == 1  # for now only full grids are supported
        self.promote_plan = {}
        self.project_plan = {}

        # general blocking info
        nd = len(block_size)
        assert nd == grid.nd
        assert numpy.all(numpy.mod(grid.ldimensions, block_size) == 0)
        self.local_blocks_per_dimension = [
            int(d // b) for d, b in zip(grid.ldimensions, block_size)
        self.blocks_per_dimension = [
            int(d // b) for d, b in zip(grid.gdimensions, block_size)
        self.number_of_local_blocks = int(
        assert self.number_of_local_blocks % 2 == 0

        # find checkerboarding dimension
        self.extended_local_blocks_per_dimension = [1] * nd
        for mu in reversed(range(nd)):
            if self.local_blocks_per_dimension[mu] > 1:
                self.extended_local_blocks_per_dimension[mu] = (
                    self.number_of_local_blocks // 2)
        extended_block_size = [
            block_size[mu] * self.extended_local_blocks_per_dimension[mu]
            for mu in range(nd)

        # block grid local to the node
        self.local_grid = grid.split([1] * nd, extended_block_size)

        # map local positions in one-dimensional stack of blocks
        self.lcoor = numpy.zeros((self.local_grid.gsites, nd),
        offset = [0] * nd
        for mu in range(nd):
            if self.extended_local_blocks_per_dimension[mu] > 1:
                offset[mu] = 1
        for n in range(self.number_of_local_blocks // 2):
            sl = slice(n * self.block_volume, (n + 1) * self.block_volume)
            top = [offset[mu] * n * self.block_size[mu] for mu in range(nd)]
            bottom = [top[mu] + self.block_size[mu] for mu in range(nd)]
            _pos = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(
                top, bottom, self.local_grid.cb.cb_mask, None, "lexicographic")
            self.lcoor[sl, :] = _pos

        # map corresponding global positions
        self.gcoor = numpy.zeros((self.local_grid.gsites, nd),
        n = 0
        offset = [
            grid.processor_coor[mu] * grid.ldimensions[mu] for mu in range(nd)
        for ib in range(self.number_of_local_blocks):
            block_coordinate = index_to_coordinate(
                ib, self.local_blocks_per_dimension)
            _eo = int(numpy.sum(block_coordinate) % 2)

            if _eo == parity.tag:
                sl = slice(n * self.block_volume, (n + 1) * self.block_volume)
                n += 1

                top = [
                    offset[mu] + block_coordinate[mu] * block_size[mu]
                    for mu in range(len(offset))
                bottom = [
                    top[mu] + block_size[mu] for mu in range(len(offset))
                pos = cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(
                    top, bottom, grid.cb.cb_mask, None, "lexicographic")
                self.gcoor[sl, :] = pos
        assert n * 2 == self.number_of_local_blocks