Exemplo n.º 1
def harvest_send_job_to_gather_queue(context, data_dict):
    Sends a harvest job to the gather queue.

    :param id: the id of the harvest job
    :type id: string
    log.info('Send job to gather queue: %r', data_dict)

    job_id = logic.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    job = toolkit.get_action('harvest_job_show')(context, {'id': job_id})

    check_access('harvest_send_job_to_gather_queue', context, job)

    # gather queue
    publisher = get_gather_publisher()

    # Check the source is active
    source = harvest_source_show(context, {'id': job['source_id']})
    if not source['active']:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError('Source is not active')

    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
    job_obj.status = job['status'] = u'Running'
    publisher.send({'harvest_job_id': job['id']})
    log.info('Sent job %s to the gather queue', job['id'])

    return harvest_job_dictize(job_obj, context)
Exemplo n.º 2
def harvest_job_create(context,data_dict):
    log.info('Harvest job create: %r', data_dict)

    source_id = data_dict['source_id']

    # Check if source exists
    source = HarvestSource.get(source_id)
    if not source:
        log.warn('Harvest source %s does not exist', source_id)
        raise NotFound('Harvest source %s does not exist' % source_id)

    # Check if the source is active
    if not source.active:
        log.warn('Harvest job cannot be created for inactive source %s', source_id)
        raise HarvestError('Can not create jobs on inactive sources')

    # Check if there already is an unrun job for this source
    data_dict ={
    exists = harvest_job_list(context,data_dict)
    if len(exists):
        log.warn('There is already an unrun job %r for this source %s', exists, source_id)
        raise HarvestError('There already is an unrun job for this source')

    job = HarvestJob()
    job.source = source

    log.info('Harvest job saved %s', job.id)
    return harvest_job_dictize(job,context)
Exemplo n.º 3
def harvest_send_job_to_gather_queue(context, data_dict):
    Sends a harvest job to the gather queue.

    :param id: the id of the harvest job
    :type id: string
    log.info('Send job to gather queue: %r', data_dict)

    job_id = logic.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')
    job = toolkit.get_action('harvest_job_show')(
        context, {'id': job_id})

    check_access('harvest_send_job_to_gather_queue', context, job)

    # gather queue
    publisher = get_gather_publisher()

    # Check the source is active
    source = harvest_source_show(context, {'id': job['source_id']})
    if not source['active']:
        raise toolkit.ValidationError('Source is not active')

    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
    job_obj.status = job['status'] = u'Running'
    publisher.send({'harvest_job_id': job['id']})
    log.info('Sent job %s to the gather queue', job['id'])

    return harvest_job_dictize(job_obj, context)
Exemplo n.º 4
def harvest_job_create(context, data_dict):
    log.info('Harvest job create: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_job_create', context, data_dict)

    source_id = data_dict['source_id']

    # Check if source exists
    source = HarvestSource.get(source_id)
    if not source:
        log.warn('Harvest source %s does not exist', source_id)
        raise NotFound('Harvest source %s does not exist' % source_id)

    # Check if the source is active
    if not source.active:
        log.warn('Harvest job cannot be created for inactive source %s',
        raise Exception('Can not create jobs on inactive sources')

    # Check if there already is an unrun or currently running job for this source
    exists = _check_for_existing_jobs(context, source_id)
    if exists:
        log.warn('There is already an unrun job %r for this source %s', exists,
        raise HarvestJobExists('There already is an unrun job for this source')

    job = HarvestJob()
    job.source = source

    log.info('Harvest job saved %s', job.id)
    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Exemplo n.º 5
def harvest_job_list(context,data_dict):
    '''Returns a list of jobs and details of objects and errors.

    :param status: filter by e.g. "New" or "Finished" jobs
    :param source_id: filter by a harvest source


    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id',False)
    status = data_dict.get('status', False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id==source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status==status)

    query = query.order_by(HarvestJob.created.desc())

    jobs = query.all()

    context['return_error_summary'] = False
    return [harvest_job_dictize(job, context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: get.py Projeto: tbalaz/test
def harvest_job_list(context,data_dict):
    '''Returns a list of jobs and details of objects and errors.
    There is a hard limit of 100 results.

    :param status: filter by e.g. "New" or "Finished" jobs
    :param source_id: filter by a harvest source
    :param offset: paging


    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id',False)
    status = data_dict.get('status',False)
    offset = data_dict.get('offset', 0)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id==source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status==status)

    # Have a max for safety
    query = query.offset(offset).limit(100)

    jobs = query.all()

    return [harvest_job_dictize(job,context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 7
def harvest_job_list(context, data_dict):
    '''Returns a list of jobs and details of objects and errors.

    :param status: filter by e.g. "New" or "Finished" jobs
    :param source_id: filter by a harvest source

    check_access('harvest_job_list', context, data_dict)

    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id', False)
    status = data_dict.get('status', False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id == source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status == status)

    query = query.order_by(HarvestJob.created.desc())

    jobs = query.all()

    context['return_error_summary'] = False
    return [harvest_job_dictize(job, context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 8
def harvest_job_create(context,data_dict):
    log.info('Harvest job create: %r', data_dict)

    source_id = data_dict['source_id']

    # Check if source exists
    source = HarvestSource.get(source_id)
    if not source:
        log.warn('Harvest source %s does not exist', source_id)
        raise NotFound('Harvest source %s does not exist' % source_id)

    # Check if the source is active
    if not source.active:
        log.warn('Harvest job cannot be created for inactive source %s', source_id)
        raise Exception('Can not create jobs on inactive sources')

    # Check if there already is an unrun or currently running job for this source
    exists = _check_for_existing_jobs(context, source_id)
    if exists:
        log.warn('There is already an unrun job %r for this source %s', exists, source_id)
        raise HarvestJobExists('There already is an unrun job for this source')

    job = HarvestJob()
    job.source = source

    log.info('Harvest job saved %s', job.id)
    return harvest_job_dictize(job,context)
Exemplo n.º 9
def harvest_job_list(context, data_dict):
    """Returns a list of jobs and details of objects and errors.

    :param status: filter by e.g. "New" or "Finished" jobs
    :param source_id: filter by a harvest source

    check_access("harvest_job_list", context, data_dict)

    model = context["model"]
    session = context["session"]

    source_id = data_dict.get("source_id", False)
    status = data_dict.get("status", False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id == source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status == status)

    query = query.order_by(HarvestJob.created.desc())

    jobs = query.all()

    context["return_error_summary"] = False
    return [harvest_job_dictize(job, context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 10
def harvest_job_create(context, data_dict):
    log.info('Harvest job create: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_job_create', context, data_dict)

    source_id = data_dict['source_id']

    # Check if source exists
    source = HarvestSource.get(source_id)
    if not source:
        log.warn('Harvest source %s does not exist', source_id)
        raise NotFound('Harvest source %s does not exist' % source_id)

    # Check if the source is active
    if not source.active:
        log.warn('Harvest job cannot be created for inactive source %s',
        raise HarvestError('Can not create jobs on inactive sources')

    # Check if there already is an unrun job for this source
    data_dict = {'source_id': source_id, 'status': u'New'}
    exists = harvest_job_list(context, data_dict)
    if len(exists):
        log.warn('There is already an unrun job %r for this source %s', exists,
        raise HarvestError('There already is an unrun job for this source')

    job = HarvestJob()
    job.source = source

    log.info('Harvest job saved %s', job.id)
    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Exemplo n.º 11
def harvest_source_show_status(context, data_dict):
    Returns a status report for a harvest source

    Given a particular source, returns a dictionary containing information
    about the source jobs, datasets created, errors, etc.
    Note that this information is already included on the output of
    harvest_source_show, under the 'status' field.

    :param id: the id or name of the harvest source
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary

    p.toolkit.check_access('harvest_source_show_status', context, data_dict)

    model = context.get('model')

    source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(data_dict['id'])
    if not source:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
            'Harvest source {0} does not exist'.format(data_dict['id']))

    out = {
        'job_count': 0,
        'last_job': None,
        'total_datasets': 0,

    jobs = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source).all()

    job_count = len(jobs)
    if job_count == 0:
        return out

    out['job_count'] = job_count

    # Get the most recent job
    last_job = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source) \

    if not last_job:
        return out

    out['last_job'] = harvest_job_dictize(last_job, context)

    # Overall statistics
    packages = model.Session.query(model.Package) \
        .join(harvest_model.HarvestObject) \
        .filter(harvest_model.HarvestObject.harvest_source_id == source.id) \
        harvest_model.HarvestObject.current == True  # noqa: E712
    ).filter(model.Package.state == u'active') \
        model.Package.private == False  # noqa: E712
    out['total_datasets'] = packages.count()

    return out
Exemplo n.º 12
def harvest_source_show_status(context, data_dict):
    Returns a status report for a harvest source

    Given a particular source, returns a dictionary containing information
    about the source jobs, datasets created, errors, etc.
    Note that this information is already included on the output of
    harvest_source_show, under the 'status' field.

    :param id: the id or name of the harvest source
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary

    p.toolkit.check_access('harvest_source_show_status', context, data_dict)

    model = context.get('model')

    source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(data_dict['id'])
    if not source:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Harvest source {0} does not exist'.format(data_dict['id']))

    out = {
           'job_count': 0,
           'last_job': None,
           'total_datasets': 0,

    jobs = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source).all()

    job_count = len(jobs)
    if job_count == 0:
        return out

    out['job_count'] = job_count

    # Get the most recent job
    last_job = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source) \

    if not last_job:
        return out

    out['last_job'] = harvest_job_dictize(last_job, context)

    # Overall statistics
    packages = model.Session.query(model.Package) \
            .join(harvest_model.HarvestObject) \
            .filter(harvest_model.HarvestObject.harvest_source_id==source.id) \
            .filter(harvest_model.HarvestObject.current==True) \
            .filter(model.Package.state==u'active') \
    out['total_datasets'] = packages.count()

    return out
Exemplo n.º 13
def harvest_job_abort(context, data_dict):
    Aborts a harvest job. Given a harvest source_id, it looks for the latest
    one and (assuming it not already Finished) marks it as Finished. It also
    marks any of that source's harvest objects and (if not complete or error)
    marks them "ERROR", so any left in limbo are cleaned up. Does not actually
    stop running any queued harvest fetchs/objects.

    :param source_id: the name or id of the harvest source with a job to abort
    :type source_id: string

    check_access('harvest_job_abort', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id')
    source = harvest_source_show(context, {'id': source_id})

    # HarvestJob set status to 'Finished'
    # Don not use harvest_job_list since it can use a lot of memory
    last_job = model.Session.query(HarvestJob) \
                    .filter_by(source_id=source['id']) \
    if not last_job:
        raise NotFound('Error: source has no jobs')
    job = get_action('harvest_job_show')(context,
                                         {'id': last_job.id})

    if job['status'] != 'Finished':
        # i.e. New or Running
        job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
        job_obj.status = new_status = 'Finished'
        log.info('Harvest job changed status from "%s" to "%s"',
                 job['status'], new_status)
        log.info('Harvest job unchanged. Source %s status is: "%s"',
                 job['id'], job['status'])

    # HarvestObjects set to ERROR
    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
    objs = job_obj.objects
    for obj in objs:
        if obj.state not in ('COMPLETE', 'ERROR'):
            old_state = obj.state
            obj.state = 'ERROR'
            log.info('Harvest object changed state from "%s" to "%s": %s',
                     old_state, obj.state, obj.id)
            log.info('Harvest object not changed from "%s": %s',
                     obj.state, obj.id)

    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
    return harvest_job_dictize(job_obj, context)
Exemplo n.º 14
def harvest_job_abort(context, data_dict):
    Aborts a harvest job. Given a harvest source_id, it looks for the latest
    one and (assuming it not already Finished) marks it as Finished. It also
    marks any of that source's harvest objects and (if not complete or error)
    marks them "ERROR", so any left in limbo are cleaned up. Does not actually
    stop running any queued harvest fetchs/objects.

    :param source_id: the name or id of the harvest source with a job to abort
    :type source_id: string

    check_access('harvest_job_abort', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id')
    source = harvest_source_show(context, {'id': source_id})

    # HarvestJob set status to 'Finished'
    # Don not use harvest_job_list since it can use a lot of memory
    last_job = model.Session.query(HarvestJob) \
                    .filter_by(source_id=source['id']) \
    if not last_job:
        raise NotFound('Error: source has no jobs')
    job = get_action('harvest_job_show')(context, {'id': last_job.id})

    if job['status'] != 'Finished':
        # i.e. New or Running
        job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
        job_obj.status = new_status = 'Finished'
        log.info('Harvest job changed status from "%s" to "%s"', job['status'],
        log.info('Harvest job unchanged. Source %s status is: "%s"', job['id'],

    # HarvestObjects set to ERROR
    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
    objs = job_obj.objects
    for obj in objs:
        if obj.state not in ('COMPLETE', 'ERROR'):
            old_state = obj.state
            obj.state = 'ERROR'
            log.info('Harvest object changed state from "%s" to "%s": %s',
                     old_state, obj.state, obj.id)
            log.info('Harvest object not changed from "%s": %s', obj.state,

    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
    return harvest_job_dictize(job_obj, context)
Exemplo n.º 15
def harvest_source_show_status(context, data_dict):
    Returns a status report for a harvest source

    Given a particular source, returns a dictionary containing information
    about the source jobs, datasets created, errors, etc.
    Note that this information is already included on the output of
    harvest_source_show, under the 'status' field.

    :param id: the id or name of the harvest source
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary

    p.toolkit.check_access("harvest_source_show_status", context, data_dict)

    model = context.get("model")

    source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(data_dict["id"])
    if not source:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound("Harvest source {0} does not exist".format(data_dict["id"]))

    out = {"job_count": 0, "last_job": None, "total_datasets": 0}

    jobs = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source).all()

    job_count = len(jobs)
    if job_count == 0:
        return out

    out["job_count"] = job_count

    # Get the most recent job
    last_job = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source).order_by(harvest_model.HarvestJob.created.desc()).first()

    if not last_job:
        return out

    out["last_job"] = harvest_job_dictize(last_job, context)

    # Overall statistics
    packages = (
        .filter(harvest_model.HarvestObject.harvest_source_id == source.id)
        .filter(harvest_model.HarvestObject.current == True)
        .filter(model.Package.state == u"active")
        .filter(model.Package.private == False)
    out["total_datasets"] = packages.count()

    return out
Exemplo n.º 16
def harvest_job_show(context, data_dict):

    check_access('harvest_job_show', context, data_dict)

    id = data_dict.get('id')
    attr = data_dict.get('attr', None)

    job = HarvestJob.get(id, attr=attr)
    if not job:
        raise NotFound

    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Exemplo n.º 17
def harvest_job_show(context,data_dict):


    id = data_dict.get('id')
    attr = data_dict.get('attr',None)

    job = HarvestJob.get(id,attr=attr)
    if not job:
        raise NotFound

    return harvest_job_dictize(job,context)
Exemplo n.º 18
def harvest_job_show(context, data_dict):

    check_access("harvest_job_show", context, data_dict)

    id = data_dict.get("id")
    attr = data_dict.get("attr", None)

    job = HarvestJob.get(id, attr=attr)
    if not job:
        raise NotFound

    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Exemplo n.º 19
def harvest_job_create(context, data_dict):
    Creates a Harvest Job for a Harvest Source and runs it (by putting it on
    the gather queue)

    :param source_id: id of the harvest source to create a job for
    :type source_id: string
    :param run: whether to also run it or not (default: True)
    :type run: bool
    log.info('Harvest job create: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_job_create', context, data_dict)

    source_id = data_dict['source_id']
    run_it = data_dict.get('run', True)

    # Check if source exists
    source = HarvestSource.get(source_id)
    if not source:
        log.warn('Harvest source %s does not exist', source_id)
        raise toolkit.ObjectNotFound('Harvest source %s does not exist' %

    # Check if the source is active
    if not source.active:
        log.warn('Harvest job cannot be created for inactive source %s',
        raise HarvestSourceInactiveError(
            'Can not create jobs on inactive sources')

    # Check if there already is an unrun or currently running job for this
    # source
    exists = _check_for_existing_jobs(context, source_id)
    if exists:
        log.warn('There is already an unrun job %r for this source %s', exists,
        raise HarvestJobExists('There already is an unrun job for this source')

    job = HarvestJob()
    job.source = source
    log.info('Harvest job saved %s', job.id)

    if run_it:
        toolkit.get_action('harvest_send_job_to_gather_queue')(context, {
            'id': job.id

    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Exemplo n.º 20
def harvest_job_create(context, data_dict):
    Creates a Harvest Job for a Harvest Source and runs it (by putting it on
    the gather queue)

    :param source_id: id of the harvest source to create a job for
    :type source_id: string
    :param run: whether to also run it or not (default: True)
    :type run: bool
    log.info('Harvest job create: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_job_create', context, data_dict)

    source_id = data_dict['source_id']
    run_it = data_dict.get('run', True)

    # Check if source exists
    source = HarvestSource.get(source_id)
    if not source:
        log.warn('Harvest source %s does not exist', source_id)
        raise toolkit.NotFound('Harvest source %s does not exist' % source_id)

    # Check if the source is active
    if not source.active:
        log.warn('Harvest job cannot be created for inactive source %s',
        raise HarvestSourceInactiveError('Can not create jobs on inactive sources')

    # Check if there already is an unrun or currently running job for this
    # source
    exists = _check_for_existing_jobs(context, source_id)
    if exists:
        log.warn('There is already an unrun job %r for this source %s',
                 exists, source_id)
        raise HarvestJobExists('There already is an unrun job for this source')

    job = HarvestJob()
    job.source = source
    log.info('Harvest job saved %s', job.id)

    if run_it:
            context, {'id': job.id})

    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Exemplo n.º 21
def harvest_job_list(context,data_dict):


    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id',False)
    status = data_dict.get('status',False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id==source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status==status)

    jobs = query.all()

    return [harvest_job_dictize(job,context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 22
def harvest_job_list(context, data_dict):

    check_access('harvest_job_list', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id', False)
    status = data_dict.get('status', False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id == source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status == status)

    jobs = query.all()

    return [harvest_job_dictize(job, context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 23
def harvest_job_list(context,data_dict):


    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id',False)
    status = data_dict.get('status', False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id==source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status==status)

    query = query.order_by(HarvestJob.created.desc())

    jobs = query.all()

    context['return_error_summary'] = False
    return [harvest_job_dictize(job, context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 24
def harvest_job_list(context,data_dict):


    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id',False)
    status = data_dict.get('status', False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id==source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status==status)

    query = query.order_by(HarvestJob.created.desc())

    jobs = query.all()

    context['return_error_summary'] = False
    return [harvest_job_dictize(job, context) for job in jobs]
Exemplo n.º 25
def send_error_mail_ncar(context, job_obj):

    sql = 'select name from package where id = :source_id;'

    model = context['model']

    q = model.Session.execute(sql, {'source_id': job_obj.source.id})

    for row in q:
        harvest_name = str(row['name'])

    ckan_site_url = config.get('ckan.site_url')
    job_url = ckan_site_url + '/harvest/' + harvest_name + '/job/' + job_obj.id

    msg = 'This is a failure-notification of the latest harvest job on ' + ckan_site_url + '.\n\n'
    msg += 'Harvest Job URL: ' + job_url + '\n\n'

    sql = '''select g.title as org, s.title as job_title from member m
            join public.group g on m.group_id = g.id
            join harvest_source s on s.id = m.table_id
            where table_id = :source_id;'''

    q = model.Session.execute(sql, {'source_id': job_obj.source.id})

    for row in q:
        orgName = str(row['org'])
        msg += 'Organization: ' + str(row['org']) + '\n\n'
        msg += 'Harvest Source: ' + str(row['job_title']) + '\n\n'

    msg += 'Date of Harvest: ' + str(job_obj.created) + ' GMT\n\n'

    out = {
        'last_job': None,

    out['last_job'] = harvest_job_dictize(job_obj, context)

    job_dict = get_action('harvest_job_report')(context, {'id': job_obj.id})
    error_dicts = job_dict['object_errors']
    errored_object_keys = error_dicts.keys()
    numRecordsInError = len(errored_object_keys)
    msg += 'Records in Error: ' + str(numRecordsInError) + '\n\n'

    msg += 'For help, please contact the NCAR Data Stewardship Coordinator (mailto:[email protected]).\n\n\n'

    if numRecordsInError <= 20:
        errored_object_keys = errored_object_keys[:20]
        for key in errored_object_keys:
            error_dict = error_dicts[key]
            msg += error_dict['original_url'] + ' :\n\n'
            for error in error_dict['errors']:
                msg += error['message']
                if error['line']:
                    msg += ' (line ' + str(error['line']) + ')\n\n'
                    msg += '\n'
            msg += '\n\n'
        for key in errored_object_keys:
            msg += error_dicts[key]['original_url'] + '\n\n'
        msg += '\n\nError Messages are suppressed if there are more than 20 records with errors.\n'

    log.debug("msg == " + msg)

    if numRecordsInError > 0:
        msg += '\n--\nYou are receiving this email because you are currently set-up as a member of the Organization "' + orgName + '" for ' + config.get(
        ) + '. Please do not reply to this email as it was sent from a non-monitored address.'

        # get org info
        log.debug('orgName == ' + orgName)
        org_dict = toolkit.get_action('organization_show')(
            context, {
                'id': orgName.lower(),
                'include_users': True

        # get usernames in org
        usernames = [x['name'] for x in org_dict['users']]
        log.debug("usernames == " + ','.join(usernames))

        # get emails for users
        email_recipients = []
        for username in usernames:
            user_dict = toolkit.get_action('user_show')(context, {
                'id': username

        log.debug("email_recipients == " + ','.join(email_recipients))
        emails = {}

        for recipient in email_recipients:
            email = {
                'recipient_name': recipient,
                'recipient_email': recipient,
                'subject': config.get('ckan.site_title') +
                ' - Harvesting Job - Error Notification',
                'body': msg

            except Exception as e:
                    'Sending Harvest-Notification-Mail failed. Message: ' +