Exemplo n.º 1
    def do_launcher(self, args, arguments):

              launcher repo add NAME URL
              launcher repo delete NAME
              launcher repo list
              launcher repo
              launcher list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--source=db|dir]
              launcher add NAME SOURCE
              launcher delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
              launcher clear
              launcher run [NAME]
              launcher resume [NAME]
              launcher suspend [NAME]
              launcher refresh
              launcher log [NAME]
              launcher status [NAME]


            KEY    the name of the launcher


             --cloud=CLOUD    the name of the cloud
             --format=FORMAT  the output format [launcher: table]
             --all            lists all the launcher values


        Launcher is a command line tool to test the portal launch
        functionalities through command line.

        The current launcher values can by listed with --all option:(
        if you have a launcher cloud specified. You can also add a
        cloud parameter to apply the command to a specific cloud)

               launcher list

            A launcher can be deleted with

                launcher delete KEY

            launcher list --all
            launcher list --cloud=general
            launcher delete <KEY>

        arg = dotdict(arguments)
        if arg.NAMES is not None:
            arg.names = Parameter.expand(arg.NAMES)
            arg.names = None
        if arg.name == ["all"]:
            arg.names = None
        arg.cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.cloud
        arg.output = arguments['--format'] or 'table'
        arg.source = arguments['--source'] or 'db'


        # arg.cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.cloud
        # c = arg.list
        # print ("Hallo {cloud} is list={list}".format(**arg))
        # launcher = Launcher(kind=None)

        if arg.cloud is None:
            Console.error("Default arg.cloud not set")

        result = ""

        if arguments["repo"] and arguments["list"]:
            print("repo list")
            launchers = ConfigDict(
            print("repo add")
            d = {}
            for name in launchers:
                location = launchers[name]["location"]
                d[name] = {"name": name, "location": location}
            return ""

        elif arguments["repo"] and arguments["add"]:
            launchers = ConfigDict(filename="cm_launcher.yaml")
            print("repo add")
            return ""

        elif arguments["repo"] and arguments["delete"]:
            print("repo delete")
            return ""

        elif arguments["repo"] and not arguments["list"]:
            result = Launcher.list(name=arg.names, output=arg.output)

        elif arguments["add"]:
            result = Launcher.add(name=arg.NAME, source=arg.SOURCE)

        elif arguments["delete"]:

            # if arg.name is not None:
            #    result = Launcher.delete(name=arg.name, category=arg.cloud)
            # else:
            #    result = Launcher.delete(name=None)

            for name in arg.names:
                result = Launcher.delete(name=name, category=arg.cloud)

        elif arguments["run"]:
            result = Launcher.run()

        elif arguments["resume"]:
            result = Launcher.resume(name=arg.name)

        elif arguments["suspend"]:
            result = Launcher.suspend(name=arg.name)

        elif arguments["details"]:
            result = Launcher.details(name=arg.name)

        elif arguments["clear"]:
            result = Launcher.clear()

        elif arguments["refresh"]:
            result = Launcher.refresh(name=arg.name)

Exemplo n.º 2
    def do_launcher(self, args, arguments):

              launcher repo add NAME URL
              launcher repo delete NAME
              launcher repo list
              launcher repo
              launcher list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--source=db|dir]
              launcher add NAME SOURCE
              launcher delete [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD]
              launcher clear
              launcher run [NAME]
              launcher resume [NAME]
              launcher suspend [NAME]
              launcher refresh
              launcher log [NAME]
              launcher status [NAME]


            KEY    the name of the launcher


             --cloud=CLOUD    the name of the cloud
             --format=FORMAT  the output format [launcher: table]
             --all            lists all the launcher values


        Launcher is a command line tool to test the portal launch
        functionalities through command line.

        The current launcher values can by listed with --all option:(
        if you have a launcher cloud specified. You can also add a
        cloud parameter to apply the command to a specific cloud)

               launcher list

            A launcher can be deleted with

                launcher delete KEY

            launcher list --all
            launcher list --cloud=general
            launcher delete <KEY>

        print ("AAA")
        arg = dotdict(arguments)
        if arg.NAMES is not None:
            arg.names = Parameter.expand(arg.NAMES)
            arg.names = None
        if arg.name == ["all"]:
            arg.names = None
        arg.cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.cloud
        arg.output = arguments['--format'] or 'table'
        arg.source = arguments['--source'] or 'db'
        print ("BBB")


        # arg.cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.cloud
        # c = arg.list
        # print ("Hallo {cloud} is list={list}".format(**arg))
        # launcher = Launcher(kind=None)

        if arg.cloud is None:
            Console.error("Default arg.cloud not set")

        result = ""

        if arguments["repo"] and arguments["list"]:
            print("repo list")
            launchers = ConfigDict(filename="cm_launcher.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["repo"]
            print("repo add")
            d = {}
            for name in launchers:
                location = launchers[name]["location"]
                d[name] = {"name": name,
                           "location": location}
            print (Printer.dict_table(d))
            return ""

        elif arguments["repo"] and arguments["add"]:
            launchers = ConfigDict(filename="cm_launcher.yaml")
            print("repo add")
            return ""

        elif arguments["repo"] and arguments["delete"]:
            print("repo delete")
            return ""

        elif arguments["repo"] and not arguments["list"]:
            result = Launcher.list(name=arg.names, output=arg.output)

        elif arguments["add"]:
            result = Launcher.add(name=arg.NAME, source=arg.SOURCE)

        elif arguments["delete"]:

            # if arg.name is not None:
            #    result = Launcher.delete(name=arg.name, category=arg.cloud)
            # else:
            #    result = Launcher.delete(name=None)

            for name in arg.names:
                result = Launcher.delete(name=name, category=arg.cloud)

        elif arguments["run"]:
            result = Launcher.run()

        elif arguments["resume"]:
            result = Launcher.resume(name=arg.name)

        elif arguments["suspend"]:
            result = Launcher.suspend(name=arg.name)

        elif arguments["details"]:
            result = Launcher.details(name=arg.name)

        elif arguments["clear"]:
            result = Launcher.clear()

        elif arguments["refresh"]:
            result = Launcher.refresh(name=arg.name)
