Exemplo n.º 1
def test_map_order_geometry(permute, toolkit, toolkit_name):
    """Test map ordered geometry"""
    hooh = {
        'symbols': ['H', 'O', 'O', 'H'],
        'geometry': [
            1.84719633, 1.47046223, 0.80987166, 1.3126021, -0.13023157,
            -0.0513322, -1.31320906, 0.13130216, -0.05020593, -1.83756335,
            -1.48745318, 0.80161212
        'connectivity': [[0, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1]],
    mol = utils.load_molecule(hooh, toolkit=toolkit_name, permute_xyz=permute)
    mapped_smiles = utils.mol_to_smiles(mol,
    atom_map = utils.get_atom_map(mol, mapped_smiles)
    symbols, geometry = toolkit.get_map_ordered_geometry(mol, atom_map)

    json_geom = np.asarray(hooh['geometry']).reshape(int(len(geometry) / 3), 3)
    geometry_array = np.asarray(geometry).reshape(int(len(geometry) / 3), 3)

    for m in atom_map:
        for i in range(3):
            assert json_geom[atom_map[m]][i] == pytest.approx(
                geometry_array[m - 1][i], 0.0000001)
    if not permute:
        assert hooh['geometry'] == pytest.approx(geometry, 0.0000001)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_atom_map(smiles):
    """Test that atom map orders geometry the same way every time no matter the SMILES used to create the molecule"""
    import cmiles
    mapped_smiles = '[H:5][C:1]([H:6])([C:2]([H:7])([H:8])[O:4][H:10])[O:3][H:9]'
    mol_id_oe = cmiles.get_molecule_ids(mapped_smiles, toolkit='openeye')
    oemol = utils.load_molecule(mapped_smiles, toolkit='openeye')
    mapped_symbols = ['C', 'C', 'O', 'O', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H']
    mapped_geometry = [
        -1.6887193912042044, 0.8515190939276903, 0.8344587822904272,
        -4.05544806361675, -0.3658269566455062, -0.22848169646448416,
        -1.6111611950422127, 0.4463128276938808, 3.490617694146934,
        -3.97756355964586, -3.0080934853087373, 0.25948499322223956,
        -1.6821252026076652, 2.891135395246369, 0.4936556190978574, 0.0, 0.0,
        0.0, -4.180315034973438, -0.09210893239246959, -2.2748227320305525,
        -5.740516456782416, 0.4115539217904015, 0.6823267491485907,
        -0.07872657410528058, 1.2476492272884379, 4.101615944163073,
        -5.514569080545831, -3.7195945404657222, -0.4441653010509862

    mol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(smiles, toolkit='openeye')
    if not utils.has_explicit_hydrogen(mol):
        mol = utils.add_explicit_hydrogen(mol)
    atom_map = utils.get_atom_map(mol, mapped_smiles=mapped_smiles)
    # use the atom map to add coordinates to molecule. First reorder mapped geometry to order in molecule
    mapped_coords = np.array(mapped_geometry, dtype=float).reshape(
        int(len(mapped_geometry) / 3), 3)
    coords = np.zeros((mapped_coords.shape))
    for m in atom_map:
        coords[atom_map[m]] = mapped_coords[m - 1]
    # flatten
    coords = coords.flatten()
    # convert to Angstroms
    coords = coords * utils.BOHR_2_ANGSTROM
    # set coordinates in oemol

    # Get new atom map
    atom_map = utils.get_atom_map(mol, mapped_smiles)
    symbols, geometry = _cmiles_oe.get_map_ordered_geometry(mol, atom_map)
    assert geometry == mapped_geometry
    assert symbols == mapped_symbols
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_atom_map_order(self):
        """Test atom map"""
        from openeye import oechem
        tagged_smiles = '[H:5][C:1]#[N+:4][C:3]([H:9])([H:10])[C:2]([H:6])([H:7])[H:8]'
        mol_from_tagged_smiles = chemi.smiles_to_oemol(tagged_smiles)
        atom_map = get_atom_map(mol_from_tagged_smiles, tagged_smiles)

        # Compare atom map to tag
        for i in range(1, len(atom_map) + 1):
            atom_1 = mol_from_tagged_smiles.GetAtom(
            self.assertEqual(i, atom_1.GetMapIdx())
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_connectivity(mapped_smiles, expected_table, toolkit):
    """Test connectivity table"""
    molecule = utils.load_molecule(mapped_smiles, toolkit)

    atom_map = utils.get_atom_map(molecule, mapped_smiles)
    connectivity_table = utils.get_connectivity_table(molecule, atom_map)

    for bond in connectivity_table:
        xi = np.isin(expected_table, bond[:2])
        match = np.where(np.array([i[:2].sum() for i in xi]) == 2)[0]
        # assert that a match was found and only one was found
        assert len(match) == 1
        # assert that bond order is the same
        assert expected_table[match][0][-1] == bond[-1]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_atom_map(self):
        """Test get atom map"""
        from openeye import oechem
        tagged_smiles = '[H:5][C:1]#[N+:4][C:3]([H:9])([H:10])[C:2]([H:6])([H:7])[H:8]'
        mol_1 = chemi.smiles_to_oemol('CC[N+]#C')
        inf = get_fn('ethylmethylidyneamonium.mol2')
        ifs = oechem.oemolistream(inf)
        mol_2 = oechem.OEMol()
        oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol_2)

        atom_map = get_atom_map(mol_1, tagged_smiles)

        for i, mapping in enumerate(atom_map):
            atom_1 = mol_1.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(atom_map[mapping]))
            atom_1.SetAtomicNum(i + 1)
            atom_2 = mol_2.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(mapping - 1))
            atom_2.SetAtomicNum(i + 1)

        # Test aromatic molecule
        tagged_smiles = '[H:10][c:4]1[c:3]([c:2]([c:1]([c:6]([c:5]1[H:11])[H:12])[C:7]([H:13])([H:14])[H:15])[H:8])[H:9]'
        mol_1 = chemi.smiles_to_oemol('Cc1ccccc1')
        inf = get_fn('toluene.mol2')
        ifs = oechem.oemolistream(inf)
        mol_2 = oechem.OEMol()
        oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol_2)

        atom_map = get_atom_map(mol_1, tagged_smiles)
        for i, mapping in enumerate(atom_map):
            atom_1 = mol_1.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(atom_map[mapping]))
            atom_1.SetAtomicNum(i + 1)
            atom_2 = mol_2.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(mapping - 1))
            atom_2.SetAtomicNum(i + 1)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_permute_json(toolkit):
    """Test permute json xyz, symbols and connectivity to match mapped smiles"""
    molecule_ids = {
        'canonical_smiles': 'OO',
        'canonical_isomeric_smiles': 'OO',
        'canonical_isomeric_explicit_hydrogen_smiles': '[H]OO[H]',
        'canonical_explicit_hydrogen_smiles': '[H]OO[H]',
        'unique_protomer_representation': 'OO',
        'unique_tautomer_representation': 'OO',
        'provenance': 'cmiles_v0.1.1+59.g0b7a12d.dirty_openeye_2018.Oct.b7',
        'standard_inchi': 'InChI=1S/H2O2/c1-2/h1-2H',
        'inchi_key': 'MHAJPDPJQMAIIY-UHFFFAOYSA-N',
        'molecular_formula': 'H2O2'
    hooh = {
        'symbols': ['H', 'O', 'O', 'H'],
        'geometry': [
            1.84719633, 1.47046223, 0.80987166, 1.3126021, -0.13023157,
            -0.0513322, -1.31320906, 0.13130216, -0.05020593, -1.83756335,
            -1.48745318, 0.80161212
        'connectivity': [[0, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1]],
    mapped_smiles = molecule_ids[
    mol = utils.mol_from_json(hooh, toolkit=toolkit)
    atom_map = utils.get_atom_map(mol, '[H:3][O:1][O:2][H:4]')
    permuted_hooh = utils.permute_qcschema(hooh,

    json_geom = np.asarray(hooh['geometry']).reshape(
        int(len(hooh['geometry']) / 3), 3)
    permuted_geom = np.asarray(permuted_hooh['geometry']).reshape(
        int(len(hooh['geometry']) / 3), 3)

    assert hooh['geometry'] != permuted_hooh['geometry']
    for m in atom_map:
        for i in range(3):
            assert json_geom[atom_map[m]][i] == pytest.approx(
                permuted_geom[m - 1][i], 0.0000001)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_mapped_xyz(self):
        """Test writing out mapped xyz"""
        from openeye import oechem, oeomega
        tagged_smiles = '[H:10][c:4]1[c:3]([c:2]([c:1]([c:6]([c:5]1[H:11])[H:12])[C:7]([H:13])([H:14])[H:15])[H:8])[H:9]'
        mol_1 = chemi.smiles_to_oemol('Cc1ccccc1')
        inf = get_fn('toluene.mol2')
        ifs = oechem.oemolistream(inf)
        mol_2 = oechem.OEMol()
        oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol_2)

        mol_1 = chemi.generate_conformers(mol_1, max_confs=1)
        atom_map = get_atom_map(mol_1, tagged_smiles)
        for i, mapping in enumerate(atom_map):
            atom_1 = mol_1.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(atom_map[mapping]))
            atom_1.SetAtomicNum(i + 1)
            atom_2 = mol_2.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasAtomIdx(mapping - 1))
            atom_2.SetAtomicNum(i + 1)

        xyz_1 = chemi.to_mapped_xyz(mol_1, atom_map, xyz_format=False)
        # molecule generated from mol2 should be in the right order.
        atom_map_mol2 = {
            1: 0,
            2: 1,
            3: 2,
            4: 3,
            5: 4,
            6: 5,
            7: 6,
            8: 7,
            9: 8,
            10: 9,
            11: 10,
            12: 11,
            13: 12,
            14: 13,
            15: 14
        xyz_2 = chemi.to_mapped_xyz(mol_2, atom_map_mol2, xyz_format=False)

        for ele1, ele2 in zip(xyz_1.split('\n')[:-1], xyz_2.split('\n')[:-1]):
            self.assertEqual(ele1.split(' ')[2], ele2.split(' ')[2])
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_get_atom_map(toolkit, toolkit_name):
    smiles = 'C[C@@H](c1c(ccc(c1Cl)F)Cl)OC'
    mol = utils.load_molecule(smiles, toolkit_name)
    if toolkit_name == 'openeye':
        from openeye import oechem
        for a in mol.GetAtoms():
            a.SetMapIdx(a.GetIdx() + 1)
        mapped_smiles = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(mol)

    if toolkit_name == 'rdkit':
        from rdkit import Chem
        mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)
        for a in mol.GetAtoms():
            a.SetAtomMapNum(a.GetIdx() + 1)
        mapped_smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)

    atom_map = utils.get_atom_map(mol, mapped_smiles)

    for m in atom_map:
        assert m == (atom_map[m] + 1)
Exemplo n.º 9
def generate_constraint_opt_input(qc_molecule, dihedrals, maximum_rotation=30, interval=5, filename=None):


    QCFractal optimization jobs input

    from openeye import oechem

    optimization_jobs = {}
    tagged_smiles = qc_molecule['identifiers']['canonical_isomeric_explicit_hydrogen_mapped_smiles']
    mol = oechem.OEMol()
    oechem.OESmilesToMol(mol, tagged_smiles)
    atom_map = get_atom_map(mol, tagged_smiles)

    coords = chemi.from_mapped_xyz_to_mol_idx_order(qc_molecule['geometry'], atom_map)

    # convert coord to Angstrom
    coords = coords * utils.BOHR_2_ANGSTROM
    conf = mol.GetConfs().next()

    # new molecule for setting dihedral angles
    mol_2 = oechem.OEMol(mol)
    conf_2 = mol_2.GetConfs().next()
    coords_2 = oechem.OEFloatArray(conf_2.GetMaxAtomIdx()*3)

    interval = radians(interval)
    max_rot = radians(maximum_rotation)
    for dihedral in dihedrals:
        #j = 0
        dih_idx = dihedrals[dihedral]
        tor = []
        for i in dih_idx:
            a = mol.GetAtom(oechem.OEHasMapIdx(i+1))
        dih_angle = oechem.OEGetTorsion(conf, tor[0], tor[1], tor[2], tor[3])
        for i, angle in enumerate(np.arange(dih_angle-max_rot, dih_angle+max_rot, interval)):
            newconf = mol.NewConf(coords_2)
            oechem.OESetTorsion(newconf, tor[0], tor[1], tor[2], tor[3], angle)
            #new_angle = oechem.OEGetTorsion(newconf, tor[0], tor[1], tor[2], tor[3])
            # if new_angle == dih_angle:
            #     j += 1
            #     if j > 1:
            #         # One equivalent angle should be generated.
            #         logger().warning("Openeye did not generate a new conformer for torsion and angle {} {}. Will not generate"
            #                      "qcfractal optimizaiton input".format(dih_idx, angle))
            #         break
            if filename:
                pdb = oechem.oemolostream("{}_{}.pdb".format(filename, i))
                oechem.OEWritePDBFile(pdb, newconf)
            symbols, geometry = chemi.to_mapped_geometry(newconf, atom_map)
            qc_molecule = copy.deepcopy(qc_molecule)
            qc_molecule['geometry'] = geometry
            qc_molecule['symbols'] = symbols
            degree = degrees(angle)
            optimization_jobs['{}_{}'.format(dih_idx, int(round(degree)))] = {
                'type': 'optimization_input',
                'initial_molecule': qc_molecule,
                'dihedral': dih_idx,
                'constraints': {
                    "set": [{
                        "type": "dihedral",
                        "indices": dih_idx,
                        "value": degree
    return optimization_jobs