Exemplo n.º 1
class chain_test():
    def __init__(self, name):
        path = "/u/calibration/git/care-o-bot/cob_calibration/cob_calibration_config/cob3-3/"
        with open(path + "autogenerated/system.yaml", "r") as f:
            system = yaml.safe_load(f)
        with open(path + "user_defined/sensors.yaml", "r") as f:
            sensors = yaml.safe_load(f)
        r = RobotParams()
        self.full_chain = FullChainRobotParams(
            sensors["camera_chains"][0]["chain"], sensors)
        self.calc_block = self.full_chain.calc_block
        self.state = None
        self.name = name

    def callback(self, data):
        self.state = data
        self.state.header.frame_id = "torso_chain"

    def test(self):
                         JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.callback)
        listener = tf.TransformListener()

        rate = rospy.Rate(1.0)

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if self.state is None:
                rospy.logwarn("No Chainstate received")
                 rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/base_link',
                T1 = array(self.calc_block.fk([self.state]))
            except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
            m = array(tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(rot))
            m[0:3, 3] = trans
            print "--------------------%s----------------------" % self.name
            #print m
            #print T1
            #print "Diff: "
            #print m-T1
            #print numpy.linalg.norm(m-T1)
            # offset in mm
            trans_tf = array(m[0:3, 3])
            trans_fc = array(T1[0:3, 3])
            delta_trans = trans_tf - trans_fc
            delta = sqrt(sum(delta_trans**2))
            print "distance_diff: ", delta
            a_fc, _, _ = tf.transformations.rotation_from_matrix(T1)
            a_tf, _, _ = tf.transformations.rotation_from_matrix(m)
            print "angle_diff: ", (a_tf - a_fc) * 180 / pi

class CameraChainSensor:
    def __init__(self, config_dict, M_cam, M_chain):
        Generates a single sensor block for a single configuration
        - config_dict: The configuration for this specific sensor. This looks exactly like
                       a single element from the valid_configs list passed into CameraChainBundler.__init__
        - M_cam: The camera measurement of type calibration_msgs/CameraMeasurement
        - M_chain: The chain measurement of type calibration_msgs/ChainMeasurement

        self.sensor_type = "camera"
        self.sensor_id = config_dict["camera_id"]

        self._config_dict = config_dict
        self._M_cam = M_cam
        self._M_chain = M_chain

        self._chain = FullChainRobotParams(config_dict["chain"])

        self.terms_per_sample = 2

    def update_config(self, robot_params):
        On each optimization cycle the set of system parameters that we're optimizing over will change. Thus,
        after each change in parameters we must call update_config to ensure that our calculated residual reflects
        the newest set of system parameters.
        self._camera = robot_params.rectified_cams[ self._config_dict["camera_id"] ]

        if self._chain is not None:

    def compute_residual(self, target_pts):
        Computes the measurement residual for the current set of system parameters and target points
        - target_pts: 4XN matrix, storing features point locations in world cartesian homogenous coordinates.
        - r: 2N long vector, storing pixel residuals for the target points in the form [u1, v1, u2, v2, ..., uN, vN]
        z_mat = self.get_measurement()
        h_mat = self.compute_expected(target_pts)
        assert(z_mat.shape[1] == 2)
        assert(h_mat.shape[1] == 2)
        assert(z_mat.shape[0] == z_mat.shape[0])
        r = array(reshape(h_mat - z_mat, [-1,1]))[:,0]
        return r

    def compute_residual_scaled(self, target_pts):
        Computes the residual, and then scales it by sqrt(Gamma), where Gamma
        is the information matrix for this measurement (Cov^-1).
        r = self.compute_residual(target_pts)
        gamma_sqrt = self.compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(target_pts)
        r_scaled = gamma_sqrt * matrix(r).T
        return array(r_scaled.T)[0]

    def compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(self, target_pts):
        Calculates the square root of the information matrix for the measurement of the
        current set of system parameters at the passed in set of target points.
        import scipy.linalg
        cov = self.compute_cov(target_pts)
        gamma = matrix(zeros(cov.shape))
        num_pts = self.get_residual_length()/2

        for k in range(num_pts):
            #print "k=%u" % k
            first = 2*k
            last = 2*k+2
            sub_cov = matrix(cov[first:last, first:last])
            sub_gamma_sqrt_full = matrix(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sub_cov.I))
            sub_gamma_sqrt = real(sub_gamma_sqrt_full)
            assert(scipy.linalg.norm(sub_gamma_sqrt_full - sub_gamma_sqrt) < 1e-6)
            gamma[first:last, first:last] = sub_gamma_sqrt
        return gamma

    def get_residual_length(self):
        N = len(self._M_cam.image_points)
        return N*2

    # Get the observed measurement in a Nx2 Matrix
    def get_measurement(self):
        Get the target's pixel coordinates as measured by the actual sensor
        camera_pix = numpy.matrix([[pt.x, pt.y] for pt in self._M_cam.image_points])
        return camera_pix

    def compute_expected(self, target_pts):
        Compute the expected pixel coordinates for a set of target points.
        target_pts: 4xN matrix, storing feature points of the target, in homogeneous coords
        Returns: target points projected into pixel coordinates, in a Nx2 matrix
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            return self._compute_expected(self._M_chain.chain_state, target_pts)
            return self._compute_expected(None, target_pts)
    def _compute_expected(self, chain_state, target_pts):
        Compute what measurement we would expect to see, based on the current system parameters
        and the specified target point locations.

        - chain_state: The joint angles of this sensor's chain of type sensor_msgs/JointState.
        - target_pts: 4XN matrix, storing features point locations in world cartesian homogenous coordinates.

        Returns: target points projected into pixel coordinates, in a Nx2 matrix
        # Camera pose in root frame
        camera_pose_root = self._chain.calc_block.fk(chain_state)
        cam_frame_pts = camera_pose_root.I * target_pts
        # Do the camera projection
        pixel_pts = self._camera.project(self._M_cam.cam_info.P, cam_frame_pts)

        return pixel_pts.T

    def compute_expected_J(self, target_pts):
        The output Jacobian J shows how moving target_pts in cartesian space affects
        the expected measurement in (u,v) camera coordinates.
        For n points in target_pts, J is a 2nx3n matrix
        Note: This doesn't seem to be used anywhere, except maybe in some drawing code
        epsilon = 1e-8
        N = len(self._M_cam.image_points)
        Jt = zeros([N*3, N*2])
        for k in range(N):
            # Compute jacobian for point k
            sub_Jt = zeros([3,2])
            x = target_pts[:,k].copy()
            f0 = self.compute_expected(x)
            for i in [0,1,2]:
                x[i,0] += epsilon
                fTest = self.compute_expected(x)
                sub_Jt[i,:] = array((fTest - f0) / epsilon)
                x[i,0] -= epsilon
            Jt[k*3:(k+1)*3, k*2:(k+1)*2] = sub_Jt
        return Jt.T

    def compute_cov(self, target_pts):
        Computes the measurement covariance in pixel coordinates for the given
        set of target points (target_pts)
         - target_pts: 4xN matrix, storing N feature points of the target, in homogeneous coords
        epsilon = 1e-8

        if self._M_chain is not None:
            num_joints = len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position)
            Jt = zeros([num_joints, self.get_residual_length()])

            x = JointState()
            x.position = self._M_chain.chain_state.position[:]

            # Compute the Jacobian from the chain's joint angles to pixel residuals
            f0 = reshape(array(self._compute_expected(x, target_pts)), [-1])
            for i in range(num_joints):
                x.position = [cur_pos for cur_pos in self._M_chain.chain_state.position]
                x.position[i] += epsilon
                fTest = reshape(array(self._compute_expected(x, target_pts)), [-1])
                Jt[i] = (fTest - f0)/epsilon
            cov_angles = [x*x for x in self._chain.calc_block._chain._cov_dict['joint_angles']]

            # Transform the chain's covariance from joint angle space into pixel space using the just calculated jacobian
            chain_cov = matrix(Jt).T * matrix(diag(cov_angles)) * matrix(Jt)

        cam_cov = matrix(zeros([self.get_residual_length(), self.get_residual_length()]))

        # Convert StdDev into variance
        var_u = self._camera._cov_dict['u'] * self._camera._cov_dict['u']
        var_v = self._camera._cov_dict['v'] * self._camera._cov_dict['v']
        for k in range(cam_cov.shape[0]/2):
            cam_cov[2*k  , 2*k]   = var_u
            cam_cov[2*k+1, 2*k+1] = var_v

        # Both chain and camera covariances are now in measurement space, so we can simply add them together
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            cov = chain_cov + cam_cov
            cov = cam_cov
        return cov

    def build_sparsity_dict(self):
        Build a dictionary that defines which parameters will in fact affect this measurement.

        Returned dictionary should be of the following form:
            my_transformA: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            my_transformB: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
              gearing: [1, 1, ---, 1]
              baseline_shift: 1
              f_shift: 1
              cx_shift: 1
              cy_shift: 1
        sparsity = dict()
        sparsity['transforms'] = {}
        for cur_transform_name in ( self._config_dict['chain']['before_chain'] + self._config_dict['chain']['after_chain'] ):
            sparsity['transforms'][cur_transform_name] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        sparsity['dh_chains'] = {}
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            chain_id = self._config_dict['chain']['chain_id']
            num_links = self._chain.calc_block._chain._M
            assert(num_links == len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position))
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id] = {}
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['dh'] = [ [1,1,1,1] ] * num_links
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['gearing'] = [1] * num_links

        sparsity['rectified_cams'] = {}
        sparsity['rectified_cams'][self.sensor_id] = dict( [(x,1) for x in self._camera.get_param_names()] )

        return sparsity
Exemplo n.º 3
class ChainSensor:
    def __init__(self, config_dict, M_chain, target_id, config):

        self.sensor_type = "chain"
        self.sensor_id = config_dict["sensor_id"]

        self._config_dict = config_dict
        self._config = config
        self._M_chain = M_chain
        self._target_id = target_id

        self._full_chain = FullChainRobotParams(
            self._config_dict, self._config)

        self.terms_per_sample = 3

    def update_config(self, robot_params):
        self._checkerboard = robot_params.checkerboards[self._target_id]

    def compute_residual(self, target_pts):
        h_mat = self.compute_expected(target_pts)
        z_mat = self.get_measurement()
        assert(h_mat.shape == z_mat.shape)
        assert(h_mat.shape[0] == 4)
        r_mat = h_mat[0:3, :] - z_mat[0:3, :]
        r = array(reshape(r_mat.T, [-1, 1]))[:, 0]
        return r

    def compute_residual_scaled(self, target_pts):
        Computes the residual, and then scales it by sqrt(Gamma), where Gamma
        is the information matrix for this measurement (Cov^-1).
        r = self.compute_residual(target_pts)
        gamma_sqrt = self.compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(target_pts)
        r_scaled = gamma_sqrt * matrix(r).T
        return array(r_scaled.T)[0]

    def compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(self, target_pts):
        Calculates the square root of the information matrix for the measurement of the
        current set of system parameters at the passed in set of target points.
        import scipy.linalg
        # ----- Populate Here -----
        cov = self.compute_cov(target_pts)
        gamma = matrix(zeros(cov.shape))
        num_pts = self.get_residual_length() / self.terms_per_sample
        for k in range(num_pts):
            #print "k=%u" % k
            first = self.terms_per_sample * k
            last = self.terms_per_sample * k + self.terms_per_sample
            sub_cov = matrix(cov[first:last, first:last])
            sub_gamma_sqrt_full = matrix(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sub_cov.I))
            sub_gamma_sqrt = real(sub_gamma_sqrt_full)
                sub_gamma_sqrt_full - sub_gamma_sqrt) < 1e-6)
            gamma[first:last, first:last] = sub_gamma_sqrt
        return gamma

    def compute_cov(self, target_pts):
        Computes the measurement covariance in pixel coordinates for the given
        set of target points (target_pts)
         - target_pts: 4xN matrix, storing N feature points of the target, in homogeneous coords
        _ones = ones([7, self.get_residual_length()])
        cov = matrix(diag([0.01] * self.get_residual_length()))

        epsilon = 1e-8

        i_joints = []
        num_joints = 0
        for i,c in enumerate(self._M_chain):
            l = len(c.actual.positions)
            i_joints.extend([i] * l)

        #num_joints = sum(num_joints)
        #num_joints = len(self._M_chain.actual.position)
        Jt = zeros([num_joints, self.get_residual_length()])

        x = deepcopy(self._M_chain)
        #x.actual.position = self._M_chain.actual.position[:]

        f0 = reshape(array(self._calc_fk_target_pts(x)[0:3, :].T), [-1])
        for i in range(num_joints):
            x[i_joints[i]].header.frame_id = self._M_chain[i_joints[i]].header.frame_id
            x[i_joints[i]].actual.positions = list(self._M_chain[i_joints[i]].actual.positions[:])
            x[i_joints[i]].actual.positions[i] += epsilon
            fTest = reshape(array(self._calc_fk_target_pts(x)[0:3, :].T), [-1])
            Jt[i] = (fTest - f0) / epsilon
        cov_angles = []
        for c in self._full_chain.calc_block._chains:
            cov_angles.extend([ x * x for x in c._chain._cov_dict])

        #cov_angles = [x * x for x in self._full_chain.calc_block._chain._cov_dict['joint_angles']]
        #import code; code.interact(local=locals())
        cov = matrix(Jt).T * matrix(diag(cov_angles)) * matrix(Jt)
        return cov

    def get_residual_length(self):
        pts = self._checkerboard.generate_points()
        N = pts.shape[1]
        return N * 3

    def get_measurement(self):
        Returns a 4xN matrix with the locations of the checkerboard points in homogenous coords,
        as per the forward kinematics of the chain
        return self._calc_fk_target_pts()

    def _calc_fk_target_pts(self, M_chain=None):
        M_chain = self._M_chain if M_chain is None else M_chain
        # Get the target's model points in the frame of the tip of the target chain
        target_pts_tip = self._checkerboard.generate_points()

        # Target pose in root frame
        target_pose_root = self._full_chain.calc_block.fk(M_chain)

        # Transform points into the root frame
        target_pts_root = target_pose_root * target_pts_tip

        return target_pts_root

    def compute_expected(self, target_pts):
        return target_pts

    def build_sparsity_dict(self):
        Build a dictionary that defines which parameters will in fact affect this measurement.

        Returned dictionary should be of the following form:
            my_transformA: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            my_transformB: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
              gearing: [1, 1, ---, 1]
              baseline_shift: 1
              f_shift: 1
              cx_shift: 1
              cy_shift: 1
        sparsity = dict()
        sparsity['transforms'] = {}
        chain_transform_names = [chain['before_chain'] + chain['after_chain'] for chain in self._config['chains']
                                 if chain['chain_id'] in self._config_dict['chains']][0]

        for cur_transform_name in (self._config_dict['before_chain'] + self._config_dict['after_chain'] + chain_transform_names):
            sparsity['transforms'][cur_transform_name] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        sparsity['dh_chains'] = {}
        chain_ids = self._config_dict['chains']
        for chain in self._full_chain.calc_block._chains:
            chain_id = chain._config_dict["chain_id"]
            num_links = chain._chain._M
            #num_links = self._full_chain.calc_block._chains._M
            #assert(num_links == len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position))
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id] = {}
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['dh'] = [[1, 1, 1, 1,1,1]] * num_links
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['gearing'] = [1] * num_links

        sparsity['checkerboards'] = {}
        sparsity['checkerboards'][self._target_id] = {'spacing_x': 1,
                                                      'spacing_y': 1}

        return sparsity
class CameraChainSensor:
    def __init__(self, config_dict, M_cam, M_chain):
        Generates a single sensor block for a single configuration
        - config_dict: The configuration for this specific sensor. This looks exactly like
                       a single element from the valid_configs list passed into CameraChainBundler.__init__
        - M_cam: The camera measurement of type calibration_msgs/CameraMeasurement
        - M_chain: The chain measurement of type calibration_msgs/ChainMeasurement

        self.sensor_type = "camera"
        self.sensor_id = config_dict["camera_id"]

        self._config_dict = config_dict
        self._M_cam = M_cam
        self._M_chain = M_chain

        self._chain = FullChainRobotParams(config_dict["chain"])

        self.terms_per_sample = 2

    def update_config(self, robot_params):
        On each optimization cycle the set of system parameters that we're optimizing over will change. Thus,
        after each change in parameters we must call update_config to ensure that our calculated residual reflects
        the newest set of system parameters.
        self._camera = robot_params.rectified_cams[

        if self._chain is not None:

    def compute_residual(self, target_pts):
        Computes the measurement residual for the current set of system parameters and target points
        - target_pts: 4XN matrix, storing features point locations in world cartesian homogenous coordinates.
        - r: 2N long vector, storing pixel residuals for the target points in the form [u1, v1, u2, v2, ..., uN, vN]
        z_mat = self.get_measurement()
        h_mat = self.compute_expected(target_pts)
        assert (z_mat.shape[1] == 2)
        assert (h_mat.shape[1] == 2)
        assert (z_mat.shape[0] == z_mat.shape[0])
        r = array(reshape(h_mat - z_mat, [-1, 1]))[:, 0]
        return r

    def compute_residual_scaled(self, target_pts):
        Computes the residual, and then scales it by sqrt(Gamma), where Gamma
        is the information matrix for this measurement (Cov^-1).
        r = self.compute_residual(target_pts)
        gamma_sqrt = self.compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(target_pts)
        r_scaled = gamma_sqrt * matrix(r).T
        return array(r_scaled.T)[0]

    def compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(self, target_pts):
        Calculates the square root of the information matrix for the measurement of the
        current set of system parameters at the passed in set of target points.
        import scipy.linalg
        cov = self.compute_cov(target_pts)
        gamma = matrix(zeros(cov.shape))
        num_pts = self.get_residual_length() / 2

        for k in range(num_pts):
            #print "k=%u" % k
            first = 2 * k
            last = 2 * k + 2
            sub_cov = matrix(cov[first:last, first:last])
            sub_gamma_sqrt_full = matrix(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sub_cov.I))
            sub_gamma_sqrt = real(sub_gamma_sqrt_full)
            assert (scipy.linalg.norm(sub_gamma_sqrt_full - sub_gamma_sqrt) <
            gamma[first:last, first:last] = sub_gamma_sqrt
        return gamma

    def get_residual_length(self):
        N = len(self._M_cam.image_points)
        return N * 2

    # Get the observed measurement in a Nx2 Matrix
    def get_measurement(self):
        Get the target's pixel coordinates as measured by the actual sensor
        camera_pix = numpy.matrix([[pt.x, pt.y]
                                   for pt in self._M_cam.image_points])
        return camera_pix

    def compute_expected(self, target_pts):
        Compute the expected pixel coordinates for a set of target points.
        target_pts: 4xN matrix, storing feature points of the target, in homogeneous coords
        Returns: target points projected into pixel coordinates, in a Nx2 matrix
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            return self._compute_expected(self._M_chain.chain_state,
            return self._compute_expected(None, target_pts)

    def _compute_expected(self, chain_state, target_pts):
        Compute what measurement we would expect to see, based on the current system parameters
        and the specified target point locations.

        - chain_state: The joint angles of this sensor's chain of type sensor_msgs/JointState.
        - target_pts: 4XN matrix, storing features point locations in world cartesian homogenous coordinates.

        Returns: target points projected into pixel coordinates, in a Nx2 matrix
        # Camera pose in root frame
        camera_pose_root = self._chain.calc_block.fk(chain_state)
        cam_frame_pts = camera_pose_root.I * target_pts
        # Do the camera projection
        pixel_pts = self._camera.project(self._M_cam.cam_info.P, cam_frame_pts)

        return pixel_pts.T

    def compute_expected_J(self, target_pts):
        The output Jacobian J shows how moving target_pts in cartesian space affects
        the expected measurement in (u,v) camera coordinates.
        For n points in target_pts, J is a 2nx3n matrix
        Note: This doesn't seem to be used anywhere, except maybe in some drawing code
        epsilon = 1e-8
        N = len(self._M_cam.image_points)
        Jt = zeros([N * 3, N * 2])
        for k in range(N):
            # Compute jacobian for point k
            sub_Jt = zeros([3, 2])
            x = target_pts[:, k].copy()
            f0 = self.compute_expected(x)
            for i in [0, 1, 2]:
                x[i, 0] += epsilon
                fTest = self.compute_expected(x)
                sub_Jt[i, :] = array((fTest - f0) / epsilon)
                x[i, 0] -= epsilon
            Jt[k * 3:(k + 1) * 3, k * 2:(k + 1) * 2] = sub_Jt
        return Jt.T

    def compute_cov(self, target_pts):
        Computes the measurement covariance in pixel coordinates for the given
        set of target points (target_pts)
         - target_pts: 4xN matrix, storing N feature points of the target, in homogeneous coords
        epsilon = 1e-8

        if self._M_chain is not None:
            num_joints = len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position)
            Jt = zeros([num_joints, self.get_residual_length()])

            x = JointState()
            x.position = self._M_chain.chain_state.position[:]

            # Compute the Jacobian from the chain's joint angles to pixel residuals
            f0 = reshape(array(self._compute_expected(x, target_pts)), [-1])
            for i in range(num_joints):
                x.position = [
                    cur_pos for cur_pos in self._M_chain.chain_state.position
                x.position[i] += epsilon
                fTest = reshape(array(self._compute_expected(x, target_pts)),
                Jt[i] = (fTest - f0) / epsilon
            cov_angles = [
                x * x for x in

            # Transform the chain's covariance from joint angle space into pixel space using the just calculated jacobian
            chain_cov = matrix(Jt).T * matrix(diag(cov_angles)) * matrix(Jt)

        cam_cov = matrix(

        # Convert StdDev into variance
        var_u = self._camera._cov_dict['u'] * self._camera._cov_dict['u']
        var_v = self._camera._cov_dict['v'] * self._camera._cov_dict['v']
        for k in range(cam_cov.shape[0] / 2):
            cam_cov[2 * k, 2 * k] = var_u
            cam_cov[2 * k + 1, 2 * k + 1] = var_v

        # Both chain and camera covariances are now in measurement space, so we can simply add them together
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            cov = chain_cov + cam_cov
            cov = cam_cov
        return cov

    def build_sparsity_dict(self):
        Build a dictionary that defines which parameters will in fact affect this measurement.

        Returned dictionary should be of the following form:
            my_transformA: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            my_transformB: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
              gearing: [1, 1, ---, 1]
              baseline_shift: 1
              f_shift: 1
              cx_shift: 1
              cy_shift: 1
        sparsity = dict()
        sparsity['transforms'] = {}
        for cur_transform_name in (self._config_dict['chain']['before_chain'] +
            sparsity['transforms'][cur_transform_name] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        sparsity['dh_chains'] = {}
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            chain_id = self._config_dict['chain']['chain_id']
            num_links = self._chain.calc_block._chain._M
            assert (num_links == len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position))
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id] = {}
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['dh'] = [[1, 1, 1, 1]] * num_links
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['gearing'] = [1] * num_links

        sparsity['rectified_cams'] = {}
        sparsity['rectified_cams'][self.sensor_id] = dict([
            (x, 1) for x in self._camera.get_param_names()

        return sparsity
Exemplo n.º 5
class CameraChainSensor():
    def __init__(self, config_dict, M_cam, M_chain, config):
        Generates a single sensor block for a single configuration
        - config_dict: The configuration for this specific sensor. This looks exactly like
                       a single element from the valid_configs list passed into CameraChainBundler.__init__
        - M_cam: The camera measurement of type calibration_msgs/CameraMeasurement
        - M_chain: The chain measurement of type calibration_msgs/ChainMeasurement

        self.sensor_type = "camera"
        self.sensor_id = config_dict["camera_id"]

        self._config_dict = config_dict
        self._config = config
        self._M_cam = M_cam
        self._M_chain = M_chain

        self._chain = FullChainRobotParams(config_dict["chain"], self._config)
        self.camera_info_name = None

        self.info_used = self.sensor_id in ['left', 'right', 'kinect_rgb']
        path = rospy.get_param(
            '/calibration_config/camera_parameter') + self.sensor_id + '.yaml'
        with open(path) as f:
            self._yaml = yaml.load(f)
        self._distortion = self._yaml['distortion_coefficients']['data']
        self._camera_matrix = self._yaml['camera_matrix']['data']

        self.terms_per_sample = 2

    def update_config(self, robot_params):
        On each optimization cycle the set of system parameters that we're optimizing over will change. Thus,
        after each change in parameters we must call update_config to ensure that our calculated residual reflects
        the newest set of system parameters.
        self._camera = robot_params.rectified_cams[

        if self._chain is not None:

    def compute_residual(self, target_pts):
        Computes the measurement residual for the current set of system parameters and target points
        - target_pts: 4XN matrix, storing features point locations in world cartesian homogenous coordinates.
        - r: 2N long vector, storing pixel residuals for the target points in the form [u1, v1, u2, v2, ..., uN, vN]
        z_mat = self.get_measurement()[:, 0, :]
        h_mat = self.compute_expected(target_pts)
        assert (z_mat.shape[1] == 2)
        assert (h_mat.shape[1] == 2)
        assert (z_mat.shape[0] == z_mat.shape[0])
        r = array(reshape(h_mat - z_mat, [-1, 1]))[:, 0]
        return r

    def compute_residual_scaled(self, target_pts):
        Computes the residual, and then scales it by sqrt(Gamma), where Gamma
        is the information matrix for this measurement (Cov^-1).
        r = self.compute_residual(target_pts)
        gamma_sqrt = self.compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(target_pts)
        r_scaled = gamma_sqrt * matrix(r).T
        return array(r_scaled.T)[0]

    def compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(self, target_pts):
        Calculates the square root of the information matrix for the measurement of the
        current set of system parameters at the passed in set of target points.
        import scipy.linalg
        cov = self.compute_cov(target_pts)
        gamma = matrix(zeros(cov.shape))
        num_pts = self.get_residual_length() / 2

        for k in range(num_pts):
            #print "k=%u" % k
            first = 2 * k
            last = 2 * k + 2
            sub_cov = matrix(cov[first:last, first:last])
            sub_gamma_sqrt_full = matrix(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sub_cov.I))
            sub_gamma_sqrt = real(sub_gamma_sqrt_full)
            assert (scipy.linalg.norm(sub_gamma_sqrt_full - sub_gamma_sqrt) <
            gamma[first:last, first:last] = sub_gamma_sqrt
        return gamma

    def get_residual_length(self):
        N = len(self._M_cam.image_points)
        return N * 2

    # Get the observed measurement in a Nx2 Matrix
    def get_measurement(self):
        Get the target's pixel coordinates as measured by the actual sensor
        cm = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32F)
        cv.Set(cm, 0)
        cm_t = reshape(matrix(self._camera_matrix, float64), (3, 3))[:3, :3]
        for x in range(3):
            for y in range(3):
                cm[x, y] = cm_t[x, y]
        dc = cv.CreateMat(5, 1, cv.CV_32F)
        for i in range(len(self._distortion)):
            dc[i, 0] = self._distortion[i]

        camera_pix = cv.fromarray(
            float64([[[pt.x, pt.y]] for pt in self._M_cam.image_points]))
        dst = cv.CreateMat(camera_pix.rows, camera_pix.cols, camera_pix.type)
        cv.UndistortPoints(camera_pix, dst, cm, dc, P=cm)

        return asarray(dst)

    def compute_expected(self, target_pts):
        Compute the expected pixel coordinates for a set of target points.
        target_pts: 4xN matrix, storing feature points of the target, in homogeneous coords
        Returns: target points projected into pixel coordinates, in a Nx2 matrix
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            return self._compute_expected(target_pts)
            return self._compute_expected(target_pts, None)

    def _compute_expected(self, target_pts, M_chain=None):
        Compute what measurement we would expect to see, based on the current system parameters
        and the specified target point locations.

        - chain_state: The joint angles of this sensor's chain of type sensor_msgs/JointState.
        - target_pts: 4XN matrix, storing features point locations in world cartesian homogenous coordinates.

        Returns: target points projected into pixel coordinates, in a Nx2 matrix
        M_chain = self._M_chain if M_chain is None else M_chain
        # Camera pose in root frame
        camera_pose_root = self._chain.calc_block.fk(M_chain)
        cam_frame_pts = camera_pose_root.I * target_pts
        # Do the camera projection
        pixel_pts = self._camera.project(self._camera_matrix, cam_frame_pts)

        return pixel_pts.T

    def compute_expected_J(self, target_pts):
        The output Jacobian J shows how moving target_pts in cartesian space affects
        the expected measurement in (u,v) camera coordinates.
        For n points in target_pts, J is a 2nx3n matrix
        Note: This doesn't seem to be used anywhere, except maybe in some drawing code
        epsilon = 1e-8
        N = len(self._M_cam.image_points)
        Jt = zeros([N * 3, N * 2])
        for k in range(N):
            # Compute jacobian for point k
            sub_Jt = zeros([3, 2])
            x = target_pts[:, k].copy()
            f0 = self.compute_expected(x)
            for i in [0, 1, 2]:
                x[i, 0] += epsilon
                fTest = self.compute_expected(x)
                sub_Jt[i, :] = array((fTest - f0) / epsilon)
                x[i, 0] -= epsilon
            Jt[k * 3:(k + 1) * 3, k * 2:(k + 1) * 2] = sub_Jt
        return Jt.T

    def compute_cov(self, target_pts):
        Computes the measurement covariance in pixel coordinates for the given
        set of target points (target_pts)
         - target_pts: 4xN matrix, storing N feature points of the target, in homogeneous coords
        #chain cov
        chain_cov = self.compute_chain_cov(target_pts)
        cam_cov = matrix(

        # Convert StdDev into variance
        var_u = self._camera._cov_dict['u'] * self._camera._cov_dict['u']
        var_v = self._camera._cov_dict['v'] * self._camera._cov_dict['v']
        for k in range(cam_cov.shape[0] / 2):
            cam_cov[2 * k, 2 * k] = var_u
            cam_cov[2 * k + 1, 2 * k + 1] = var_v

        # Both chain and camera covariances are now in measurement space, so we can simply add them together
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            cov = chain_cov + cam_cov
            cov = cam_cov
        return cov

    def compute_chain_cov(self, target_pts):

        _ones = ones([7, self.get_residual_length()])
        cov = matrix(diag([0.01] * self.get_residual_length()))

        epsilon = 1e-8

        chain_cov = None
        if self._M_chain is not None:
            i_joints = []
            num_joints = 0
            for i, c in enumerate(self._M_chain):
                l = len(c.actual.positions)
                i_joints.extend([i] * l)
                num_joints += l

            #num_joints = sum(num_joints)
            #num_joints = len(self._M_chain.actual.position)
            Jt = zeros([num_joints, self.get_residual_length()])

            x = deepcopy(self._M_chain)
            # Compute the Jacobian from the chain's joint angles to pixel residuals
            f0 = reshape(array(self._compute_expected(target_pts, x)), [-1])
            for i in range(num_joints):
                x[i_joints[i]].header.frame_id = self._M_chain[
                x[i_joints[i]].actual.positions = list(
                x[i_joints[i]].actual.positions[i] += epsilon
                fTest = reshape(array(self._compute_expected(target_pts, x)),
                Jt[i] = (fTest - f0) / epsilon
            cov_angles = []

            for c in self._chain.calc_block._chains:
                cov_angles.extend([x * x for x in c._chain._cov_dict])

            # Transform the chain's covariance from joint angle space into pixel space using the just calculated jacobian
            chain_cov = matrix(Jt).T * matrix(diag(cov_angles)) * matrix(Jt)
        return chain_cov

    def build_sparsity_dict(self):
        Build a dictionary that defines which parameters will in fact affect this measurement.

        Returned dictionary should be of the following form:
            my_transformA: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            my_transformB: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
                - [1, 1, 1, 1]
              gearing: [1, 1, ---, 1]
              baseline_shift: 1
              f_shift: 1
              cx_shift: 1
              cy_shift: 1
        sparsity = dict()
        sparsity['transforms'] = {}
        chain_transform_names = [
            chain['before_chain'] + chain['after_chain']
            for chain in self._config['chains']
            if chain['chain_id'] in self._config_dict['chain']['chains']
        for cur_transform_name in (self._config_dict['chain']['before_chain'] +
                                   self._config_dict['chain']['after_chain'] +
            sparsity['transforms'][cur_transform_name] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        sparsity['dh_chains'] = {}
        chain_ids = self._config_dict["chain"]['chains']
        for chain in self._chain.calc_block._chains:
            chain_id = chain._config_dict["chain_id"]
            num_links = chain._chain._M
            #num_links = self._full_chain.calc_block._chains._M
            #assert(num_links == len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position))
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id] = {}
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['dh'] = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
                                                     ] * num_links
            sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['gearing'] = [1] * num_links

        sparsity['rectified_cams'] = {}
        sparsity['rectified_cams'][self.sensor_id] = dict([
            (x, 1) for x in self._camera.get_param_names()

        return sparsity
Exemplo n.º 6
class ChainSensor:
    def __init__(self, config_dict, M_chain, target_id):

        self.sensor_type = "chain"
        self.sensor_id   = config_dict["chain_id"]

        self._config_dict = config_dict
        self._M_chain = M_chain
        self._target_id = target_id

        self._full_chain = FullChainRobotParams(self._config_dict)

        self.terms_per_sample = 3

    def update_config(self, robot_params):
        self._checkerboard = robot_params.checkerboards[ self._target_id ]

    def compute_residual(self, target_pts):
        h_mat = self.compute_expected(target_pts)
        z_mat = self.get_measurement()
        assert(h_mat.shape == z_mat.shape)
        assert(h_mat.shape[0] == 4)
        r_mat = h_mat[0:3,:] - z_mat[0:3,:]
        r = array(reshape(r_mat.T, [-1,1]))[:,0]
        return r

    def compute_residual_scaled(self, target_pts):
        r = self.compute_residual(target_pts)
        gamma_sqrt = self.compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(target_pts)
        r_scaled = gamma_sqrt * matrix(r).T
        return array(r_scaled.T)[0]

    def compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(self, target_pts):
        import scipy.linalg
        # ----- Populate Here -----
        cov = self.compute_cov(target_pts)
        gamma = matrix(zeros(cov.shape))
        num_pts = self.get_residual_length()/3

        for k in range(num_pts):
            #print "k=%u" % k
            first = 3*k
            last = 3*k+3
            sub_cov = matrix(cov[first:last, first:last])
            sub_gamma_sqrt_full = matrix(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sub_cov.I))
            sub_gamma_sqrt = real(sub_gamma_sqrt_full)
            assert(scipy.linalg.norm(sub_gamma_sqrt_full - sub_gamma_sqrt) < 1e-6)
            gamma[first:last, first:last] = sub_gamma_sqrt
        return gamma

    def compute_cov(self, target_pts):
        epsilon = 1e-8

        num_joints = len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position)
        Jt = zeros([num_joints, self.get_residual_length()])

        x = JointState()
        x.position = self._M_chain.chain_state.position[:]

        f0 = reshape(array(self._calc_fk_target_pts(x)[0:3,:].T), [-1])
        for i in range(num_joints):
            x.position = list(self._M_chain.chain_state.position[:])
            x.position[i] += epsilon
            fTest = reshape(array(self._calc_fk_target_pts(x)[0:3,:].T), [-1])
            Jt[i] = (fTest - f0)/epsilon
        cov_angles = [x*x for x in self._full_chain.calc_block._chain._cov_dict['joint_angles']]
        #import code; code.interact(local=locals())
        cov = matrix(Jt).T * matrix(diag(cov_angles)) * matrix(Jt)
        return cov

    def get_residual_length(self):
        pts = self._checkerboard.generate_points()
        N = pts.shape[1]
        return N*3

    def get_measurement(self):
        Returns a 4xN matrix with the locations of the checkerboard points in homogenous coords,
        as per the forward kinematics of the chain
        return self._calc_fk_target_pts(self._M_chain.chain_state)

    def _calc_fk_target_pts(self, chain_state):
        # Get the target's model points in the frame of the tip of the target chain
        target_pts_tip = self._checkerboard.generate_points()

        # Target pose in root frame
        target_pose_root = self._full_chain.calc_block.fk(chain_state)

        # Transform points into the root frame
        target_pts_root = target_pose_root * target_pts_tip

        return target_pts_root

    def compute_expected(self, target_pts):
        return target_pts

    # Build a dictionary that defines which parameters will in fact affect this measurement
    def build_sparsity_dict(self):
        sparsity = dict()
        sparsity['transforms'] = {}
        for cur_transform_name in ( self._config_dict['before_chain'] + self._config_dict['after_chain'] ):
            sparsity['transforms'][cur_transform_name] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        sparsity['dh_chains'] = {}
        chain_id = self._config_dict['chain_id']
        num_links = self._full_chain.calc_block._chain._M
        assert(num_links == len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position))
        sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id] = {}
        sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['dh'] = [ [1,1,1,1] ] * num_links
        sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['gearing'] = [1] * num_links

        sparsity['checkerboards'] = {}
        sparsity['checkerboards'][self._target_id] = { 'spacing_x': 1,
                                                       'spacing_y': 1 }

        return sparsity
Exemplo n.º 7
class ChainSensor:
    def __init__(self, config_dict, M_chain, target_id):

        self.sensor_type = "chain"
        self.sensor_id = config_dict["chain_id"]

        self._config_dict = config_dict
        self._M_chain = M_chain
        self._target_id = target_id

        self._full_chain = FullChainRobotParams(self._config_dict)

        self.terms_per_sample = 3

    def update_config(self, robot_params):
        self._checkerboard = robot_params.checkerboards[self._target_id]

    def compute_residual(self, target_pts):
        h_mat = self.compute_expected(target_pts)
        z_mat = self.get_measurement()
        assert (h_mat.shape == z_mat.shape)
        assert (h_mat.shape[0] == 4)
        r_mat = h_mat[0:3, :] - z_mat[0:3, :]
        r = array(reshape(r_mat.T, [-1, 1]))[:, 0]
        return r

    def compute_residual_scaled(self, target_pts):
        r = self.compute_residual(target_pts)
        gamma_sqrt = self.compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(target_pts)
        r_scaled = gamma_sqrt * matrix(r).T
        return array(r_scaled.T)[0]

    def compute_marginal_gamma_sqrt(self, target_pts):
        import scipy.linalg
        # ----- Populate Here -----
        cov = self.compute_cov(target_pts)
        gamma = matrix(zeros(cov.shape))
        num_pts = self.get_residual_length() / 3

        for k in range(num_pts):
            #print "k=%u" % k
            first = 3 * k
            last = 3 * k + 3
            sub_cov = matrix(cov[first:last, first:last])
            sub_gamma_sqrt_full = matrix(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sub_cov.I))
            sub_gamma_sqrt = real(sub_gamma_sqrt_full)
            assert (scipy.linalg.norm(sub_gamma_sqrt_full - sub_gamma_sqrt) <
            gamma[first:last, first:last] = sub_gamma_sqrt
        return gamma

    def compute_cov(self, target_pts):
        epsilon = 1e-8

        num_joints = len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position)
        Jt = zeros([num_joints, self.get_residual_length()])

        x = JointState()
        x.position = self._M_chain.chain_state.position[:]

        f0 = reshape(array(self._calc_fk_target_pts(x)[0:3, :].T), [-1])
        for i in range(num_joints):
            x.position = list(self._M_chain.chain_state.position[:])
            x.position[i] += epsilon
            fTest = reshape(array(self._calc_fk_target_pts(x)[0:3, :].T), [-1])
            Jt[i] = (fTest - f0) / epsilon
        cov_angles = [
            x * x for x in
        #import code; code.interact(local=locals())
        cov = matrix(Jt).T * matrix(diag(cov_angles)) * matrix(Jt)
        return cov

    def get_residual_length(self):
        pts = self._checkerboard.generate_points()
        N = pts.shape[1]
        return N * 3

    def get_measurement(self):
        Returns a 4xN matrix with the locations of the checkerboard points in homogenous coords,
        as per the forward kinematics of the chain
        return self._calc_fk_target_pts(self._M_chain.chain_state)

    def _calc_fk_target_pts(self, chain_state):
        # Get the target's model points in the frame of the tip of the target chain
        target_pts_tip = self._checkerboard.generate_points()

        # Target pose in root frame
        target_pose_root = self._full_chain.calc_block.fk(chain_state)

        # Transform points into the root frame
        target_pts_root = target_pose_root * target_pts_tip

        return target_pts_root

    def compute_expected(self, target_pts):
        return target_pts

    # Build a dictionary that defines which parameters will in fact affect this measurement
    def build_sparsity_dict(self):
        sparsity = dict()
        sparsity['transforms'] = {}
        for cur_transform_name in (self._config_dict['before_chain'] +
            sparsity['transforms'][cur_transform_name] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        sparsity['dh_chains'] = {}
        chain_id = self._config_dict['chain_id']
        num_links = self._full_chain.calc_block._chain._M
        assert (num_links == len(self._M_chain.chain_state.position))
        sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id] = {}
        sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['dh'] = [[1, 1, 1, 1]] * num_links
        sparsity['dh_chains'][chain_id]['gearing'] = [1] * num_links

        sparsity['checkerboards'] = {}
        sparsity['checkerboards'][self._target_id] = {
            'spacing_x': 1,
            'spacing_y': 1

        return sparsity