Exemplo n.º 1
def install_config():
    Install configuration files (do multiple times).
    # Create local.py
    cfg = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
    dep = Deployment(cfg)
    buf = StringIO()
    settings_file = os.path.join(env.deploy_codalab_dir, 'codalab', 'codalab', 'settings', 'local.py')
    put(buf, settings_file)

    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir), cd('codalab'):
            run('python manage.py config_gen')
            run('mkdir -p ~/.codalab && python scripts/set-oauth-key.py ./config/generated/bundle_server_config.json > ~/.codalab/config.json')
            sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codalab.conf')
            sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/codalab.conf')
            # Setup new relic
            run('newrelic-admin generate-config %s newrelic.ini' % cfg.getNewRelicKey())

    # Install SSL certficates (/etc/ssl/certs/)
    if (len(cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath()) > 0) and (len(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath()) > 0):
        put(cfg.getSslCertificatePath(), cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        put(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyPath(), cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        logger.info("Skipping certificate installation because both files are not specified.")
Exemplo n.º 2
def build():
    Builds artifacts to install on the deployment instances.

    #pip_cache_dir = "/".join(['builds', 'pip_cache'])
    #if not exists(pip_cache_dir):
    #    run('mkdir -p %s' % pip_cache_dir)
    #with cd(pip_cache_dir):
    #    pip_download_cache = run('pwd')

    build_dir = "/".join(['builds', env.git_user, env.git_repo])
    src_dir = "/".join([build_dir, env.git_tag])
    if exists(src_dir):
        run('rm -rf %s' % (src_dir.rstrip('/')))
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('mkdir -p %s' % src_dir)
    with cd(src_dir):
        run('git clone --depth=1 --branch %s --single-branch %s .' % (env.git_tag, env.git_repo_url))
        # Generate settings file (local.py)
        configuration = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
        dep = Deployment(configuration)
        buf = StringIO()
        settings_file = "/".join(['codalab', 'codalab', 'settings', 'local.py'])
        put(buf, settings_file)
    wheel_dir =  "/".join([src_dir, 'wheel_packages'])
    requirements_dir = "/".join([src_dir, 'codalab', 'requirements'])
    #run('pip wheel --download-cache %s --wheel-dir=%s -r %s/dev_azure_nix.txt' % (pip_download_cache,
    #                                                                              wheel_dir,
    #                                                                              requirements_dir))
    with cd(build_dir):
        run('rm -f %s' % env.build_archive)
        run('tar -cvf - %s | gzip -9 -c > %s' % (env.git_tag, env.build_archive))
Exemplo n.º 3
def _deploy():
    # Update competition website
    # Pull branch and run requirements file, for info about requirments look into dev_setp.sh
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir):
        run('git pull')
        run('git checkout %s' % env.git_codalab_tag)

    # Create local.py
    cfg = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
    dep = Deployment(cfg)
    buf = StringIO()
    # local.py is generated here. For more info about content look into deploy/__.init__.py
    settings_file = os.path.join(env.deploy_codalab_dir, 'codalab', 'codalab',
                                 'settings', 'local.py')
    put(buf, settings_file)

    # Update the website configuration
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir), cd('codalab'):
        # Generate configuration files (bundle_server_config, nginx, etc.)
        # For more info look into https://github.com/greyside/django-config-gen
        run('python manage.py config_gen')
        # Migrate database
        run('python manage.py syncdb --migrate')
        # Create static pages
        run('python manage.py collectstatic --noinput')
        # For sending email, have the right domain name.
        run('python manage.py set_site %s' % cfg.getSslRewriteHosts()[0])
        # Put nginx and supervisor configuration files in place, ln creates symbolic links
            'ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codalab.conf'
            'ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/codalab.conf'
        # Setup new relic
        run('newrelic-admin generate-config %s newrelic.ini' %

    # Install SSL certficates (/etc/ssl/certs/)
    if (len(cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath()) > 0) and (len(
            cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath()) > 0):
            "Skipping certificate installation because both files are not specified."
def _deploy():
    # Update website
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir):
        run('git pull')
        run('git checkout %s' % env.git_codalab_tag)

    # Update bundle service
    with cd(env.deploy_codalab_cli_dir):
        run('git pull')
        run('git checkout %s' % env.git_codalab_cli_tag)
        run('venv/bin/pip install MySQL-Python')
        run('venv/bin/alembic upgrade head')

    # Create local.py
    cfg = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
    dep = Deployment(cfg)
    buf = StringIO()
    settings_file = os.path.join(env.deploy_codalab_dir, 'codalab', 'codalab', 'settings', 'local.py')
    put(buf, settings_file)

    # Update the website configuration
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir), cd('codalab'):
        # Generate configuration files (bundle_server_config, nginx, etc.)
        run('python manage.py config_gen')
        # Migrate database
        run('python manage.py syncdb --migrate')
        # Create static pages
        run('python manage.py collectstatic --noinput')
        # For sending email, have the right domain name.
        run('python manage.py set_site %s' % cfg.getSslRewriteHosts()[0])
        # Create a superuser for OAuth
        run('python manage.py create_codalab_user %s' % cfg.getDatabaseAdminPassword())
        # Allow bundle service to connect to website for OAuth
        run('mkdir -p ~/.codalab && python manage.py set_oauth_key ./config/generated/bundle_server_config.json > ~/.codalab/config.json')
        # Put nginx and supervisor configuration files in place
        sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codalab.conf')
        sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/codalab.conf')
        # Setup new relic
        run('newrelic-admin generate-config %s newrelic.ini' % cfg.getNewRelicKey())

    # Install SSL certficates (/etc/ssl/certs/)
    if (len(cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath()) > 0) and (len(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath()) > 0):
        put(cfg.getSslCertificatePath(), cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        put(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyPath(), cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        logger.info("Skipping certificate installation because both files are not specified.")
Exemplo n.º 5
def _deploy():
    # Update website
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir):
        run('git checkout %s' % env.git_codalab_tag)
        run('git pull')

    # Update bundle service
    with cd(env.deploy_codalab_cli_dir):
        run('git checkout %s' % env.git_codalab_cli_tag)
        run('git pull')
        run('venv/bin/pip install MySQL-Python')
        run('venv/bin/alembic upgrade head')

    # Create local.py
    cfg = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
    dep = Deployment(cfg)
    buf = StringIO()
    settings_file = os.path.join(env.deploy_codalab_dir, 'codalab', 'codalab', 'settings', 'local.py')
    put(buf, settings_file)

    # Update the website configuration
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir), cd('codalab'):
        # Generate configuration files (bundle_server_config, nginx, etc.)
        run('python manage.py config_gen')
        # Migrate database
        run('python manage.py syncdb --migrate')
        # Create static pages
        run('python manage.py collectstatic --noinput')
        # For sending email, have the right domain name.
        run('python manage.py set_site %s' % cfg.getSslRewriteHosts()[0])
        # Create a superuser for OAuth
        run('python manage.py create_codalab_user %s' % cfg.getDatabaseAdminPassword())
        # Allow bundle service to connect to website for OAuth
        run('mkdir -p ~/.codalab && python manage.py set_oauth_key ./config/generated/bundle_server_config.json > ~/.codalab/config.json')
        # Put nginx and supervisor configuration files in place
        sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codalab.conf')
        sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/codalab.conf')
        # Setup new relic
        run('newrelic-admin generate-config %s newrelic.ini' % cfg.getNewRelicKey())

    # Install SSL certficates (/etc/ssl/certs/)
    if (len(cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath()) > 0) and (len(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath()) > 0):
        put(cfg.getSslCertificatePath(), cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        put(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyPath(), cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        logger.info("Skipping certificate installation because both files are not specified.")
Exemplo n.º 6
def build():
    Builds artifacts to install on the deployment instances.

    # Assemble source and configurations for the web site
    build_dir = "/".join(['builds', env.git_user, env.git_repo])
    src_dir = "/".join([build_dir, env.git_tag])
    if exists(src_dir):
        run('rm -rf %s' % (src_dir.rstrip('/')))
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('mkdir -p %s' % src_dir)
    with cd(src_dir):
        # TODO: why do we have the --branch and --single-branch tags here, this causes problems
        run('git clone --depth=1 --branch %s --single-branch %s .' %
            (env.git_tag, env.git_repo_url))
        # Generate settings file (local.py)
        configuration = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
        dep = Deployment(configuration)
        buf = StringIO()
        settings_file = "/".join(
            ['codalab', 'codalab', 'settings', 'local.py'])
        put(buf, settings_file)
    # Assemble source and configurations for the bundle service
    if len(env.git_bundles_repo_url) > 0:
        build_dir_b = "/".join(
            ['builds', env.git_bundles_user, env.git_bundles_repo])
        src_dir_b = "/".join([build_dir_b, env.git_bundles_tag])
        if exists(src_dir_b):
            run('rm -rf %s' % (src_dir_b.rstrip('/')))
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            run('mkdir -p %s' % src_dir_b)
        with cd(src_dir_b):
            # TODO: why do we have the --branch and --single-branch tags here, this causes problems
            run('git clone --depth=1 --branch %s --single-branch %s .' %
                (env.git_bundles_tag, env.git_bundles_repo_url))
        # Replace current bundles dir in main CodaLab other bundles repo.
        bundles_dir = "/".join([src_dir, 'bundles'])
        run('rm -rf %s' % (bundles_dir.rstrip('/')))
        run('mv %s %s' % (src_dir_b, bundles_dir))
    # Package everything
    with cd(build_dir):
        run('rm -f %s' % env.build_archive)
        run('tar -cvf - %s | gzip -9 -c > %s' %
            (env.git_tag, env.build_archive))
Exemplo n.º 7
def build():
    Builds artifacts to install on the deployment instances.

    # Assemble source and configurations for the web site
    build_dir = "/".join(["builds", env.git_user, env.git_repo])
    src_dir = "/".join([build_dir, env.git_tag])
    if exists(src_dir):
        run("rm -rf %s" % (src_dir.rstrip("/")))
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run("mkdir -p %s" % src_dir)
    with cd(src_dir):
        # TODO: why do we have the --branch and --single-branch tags here, this causes problems
        run("git clone --depth=1 --branch %s --single-branch %s ." % (env.git_tag, env.git_repo_url))
        # Generate settings file (local.py)
        configuration = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
        dep = Deployment(configuration)
        buf = StringIO()
        settings_file = "/".join(["codalab", "codalab", "settings", "local.py"])
        put(buf, settings_file)
    # Assemble source and configurations for the bundle service
    if len(env.git_bundles_repo_url) > 0:
        build_dir_b = "/".join(["builds", env.git_bundles_user, env.git_bundles_repo])
        src_dir_b = "/".join([build_dir_b, env.git_bundles_tag])
        if exists(src_dir_b):
            run("rm -rf %s" % (src_dir_b.rstrip("/")))
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            run("mkdir -p %s" % src_dir_b)
        with cd(src_dir_b):
            # TODO: why do we have the --branch and --single-branch tags here, this causes problems
                "git clone --depth=1 --branch %s --single-branch %s ." % (env.git_bundles_tag, env.git_bundles_repo_url)
        # Replace current bundles dir in main CodaLab other bundles repo.
        bundles_dir = "/".join([src_dir, "bundles"])
        run("rm -rf %s" % (bundles_dir.rstrip("/")))
        run("mv %s %s" % (src_dir_b, bundles_dir))
    # Package everything
    with cd(build_dir):
        run("rm -f %s" % env.build_archive)
        run("tar -cvf - %s | gzip -9 -c > %s" % (env.git_tag, env.build_archive))
Exemplo n.º 8
def _deploy():
    # Update competition website
    # Pull branch and run requirements file, for info about requirments look into dev_setp.sh
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir):
        run('git pull')
        run('git checkout %s' % env.git_codalab_tag)

    # Create local.py
    cfg = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
    dep = Deployment(cfg)
    buf = StringIO()
    # local.py is generated here. For more info about content look into deploy/__.init__.py
    settings_file = os.path.join(env.deploy_codalab_dir, 'codalab', 'codalab', 'settings', 'local.py')
    put(buf, settings_file)

    # Update the website configuration
    env_prefix, env_shell = setup_env()
    with env_prefix, env_shell, cd(env.deploy_codalab_dir), cd('codalab'):
        # Generate configuration files (bundle_server_config, nginx, etc.)
        # For more info look into https://github.com/greyside/django-config-gen
        run('python manage.py config_gen')
        # Migrate database
        run('python manage.py syncdb --migrate')
        # Create static pages
        run('python manage.py collectstatic --noinput')
        # For sending email, have the right domain name.
        run('python manage.py set_site %s' % cfg.getSslRewriteHosts()[0])
        # Put nginx and supervisor configuration files in place, ln creates symbolic links
        sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codalab.conf')
        sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/codalab.conf')
        # Setup new relic
        run('newrelic-admin generate-config %s newrelic.ini' % cfg.getNewRelicKey())

    # Install SSL certficates (/etc/ssl/certs/)
    if (len(cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath()) > 0) and (len(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath()) > 0):
        put(cfg.getSslCertificatePath(), cfg.getSslCertificateInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        put(cfg.getSslCertificateKeyPath(), cfg.getSslCertificateKeyInstalledPath(), use_sudo=True)
        logger.info("Skipping certificate installation because both files are not specified.")
Exemplo n.º 9
def build():
    Builds artifacts to install on the deployment instances.

    # Assemble source and configurations for the web site
    build_dir = "/".join(['builds', env.git_user, env.git_repo])
    src_dir = "/".join([build_dir, env.git_tag])
    if exists(src_dir):
        run('rm -rf %s' % (src_dir.rstrip('/')))
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('mkdir -p %s' % src_dir)
    with cd(src_dir):
        run('git clone --depth=1 --branch %s --single-branch %s .' % (env.git_tag, env.git_repo_url))
        # Generate settings file (local.py)
        configuration = DeploymentConfig(env.cfg_label, env.cfg_path)
        dep = Deployment(configuration)
        buf = StringIO()
        settings_file = "/".join(['codalab', 'codalab', 'settings', 'local.py'])
        put(buf, settings_file)
    # Assemble source and configurations for the bundle service
    if len(env.git_bundles_repo_url) > 0:
        build_dir_b = "/".join(['builds', env.git_bundles_user, env.git_bundles_repo])
        src_dir_b = "/".join([build_dir_b, env.git_bundles_tag])
        if exists(src_dir_b):
            run('rm -rf %s' % (src_dir_b.rstrip('/')))
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            run('mkdir -p %s' % src_dir_b)
        with cd(src_dir_b):
            run('git clone --depth=1 --branch %s --single-branch %s .' % (env.git_bundles_tag, env.git_bundles_repo_url))
        # Replace current bundles dir in main CodaLab other bundles repo.
        bundles_dir = "/".join([src_dir, 'bundles'])
        run('rm -rf %s' % (bundles_dir.rstrip('/')))
        run('mv %s %s' % (src_dir_b, bundles_dir))
    # Package everything
    with cd(build_dir):
        run('rm -f %s' % env.build_archive)
        run('tar -cvf - %s | gzip -9 -c > %s' % (env.git_tag, env.build_archive))