Exemplo n.º 1
def run002(vers, vmitype, num = None, enterprise = True):
    '''Runs basic002 on all configs on all supported boxtypes.'''
    runlist = []
    if vmitype == 'vagrant':
        for b in vagboxes.list_all():
            for c in configs.list_all():
                cfg = configs.call_by_name(c[0], vers, b)
                cfg['enterprise'] = enterprise
                runlist.append( (cfg, 'vagrant', tests.basic002() ) )

    return _random_subset(runlist,num)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_random_basic002(vers, vmitype, num = None, enterprise = True):
    '''Runs basic002 on a randomly generated config. 
       Note that the enterprise parameter is intentionally ignored.'''
    cfgs = [
             ( 'multi_2umpm_combo', 0.5 ),
             ( 'multi_1um_2pm', 0.5 ),
    if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(vers,'3.5.3'):
        cfgs.append( ('singlenode', 0.5) )
    idbusers = [
                ( 'root', 0.6 ),
                ( 'calpont', 0.4 )
    datdups   = [
             ( True, 0.2 ),
             ( False, 0.8 )
    binaries  = [
             ( True, 0.2 ),
             ( False, 0.8 )
    storages = [ 
             ('internal', 0.5 ),
             ('external', 0.5 )
    enterprises  = [
             ( True, 0.5 ),
             ( False, 0.5 )
    pmquerys  = [
             ( True, 0.5 ),
             ( False, 0.5 )
    emroles = [
             ( 'um1', 0.7),
             ( 'em1', 0.2),
             ( 'pm1', 0.1)
    runlist = []
    if num <= 0:
        # for this runlist we always want to generate at least one
        num = 1
    for i in range (0, num):    
        boxtype = _choose_rand_boxtype()
        cfgname = _choose_weighted(cfgs)
        cfg = configs.call_by_name(cfgname, vers, boxtype)
        idbuser = _choose_weighted(idbusers)
        cfg['idbuser'] = idbuser
        enterprise = _choose_weighted(enterprises)
        cfg['enterprise'] = enterprise

        # technically we supported datdup since 3.5.1 but are rereleasing with a different 
        # strategy for installation/integration in 4.0
        if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(vers,'4.0.0-0') and \
            vagboxes.datdup_support(boxtype) and \
            cfg['rolespec']['pm']['count'] > 1 and \
            enterprise == True:
            datdup = _choose_weighted(datdups)
            datdup = False
        # TODO: due to various InfiniDB bugs, datdup (i.e. glusterfs) support is
        # currently broken so hardcoding this to false.
        #cfg['datdup'] = datdup
        cfg['datdup'] = False
        # EM related checks
        if common.props['cluster.cluster.eminvm'] and not vagboxes.em_support(boxtype):
            # this can happen in the emboxonly flag is not set and a "legacy" box gets chosen.
            # in that case we just reset the 'em' field to None to bypass any EM in this test
            cfg['em'] = None
        elif common.props['cluster.cluster.eminvm']:
            # randomly vary which node the EM is assugned to
            cfg['em']['role'] = _choose_weighted(emroles)
        if idbuser == 'root':
            cfg['binary'] = _choose_weighted(binaries)
        if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(vers,'4.5.0-0'):
            cfg['pm_query'] = _choose_weighted(pmquerys)

        # for unknown reasons there is an issue with the external storage
        # configuration on the smaller of the 3 initial autooam machines
        # (srvautooam, srvoam1, srvoam2).  For now, we will avoid running
        # external storage on srvautooam by checking system memory.  NOTE:
        # the amount of memory may or may not have anything at all to do
        # with the manifestation of the issue
        # datdup only works with internal storage, so don't attempt an override here
        if not datdup and psutil.virtual_memory().total >= 16825044992L:
            cfg['storage'] = _choose_weighted(storages)
        runlist.append( (cfg, 'vagrant', tests.basic002() ) )
    return runlist