Exemplo n.º 1
def saveTestSatelliteScripts(url, path, ctx):
	uploads all scripts those test or suite depends on
	to remote server from the context
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	virtual_root = contrib.get_virtual_root(path)
	log.info('save satellite scripts for: %s' % path)

	saveAllLibraries(document_root, virtual_root, url, path, ctx)
	saveToolsAllScripts(url, document_root, virtual_root, ctx)
Exemplo n.º 2
def search_view_ext(request, path=None, search_pattern=None, as_json=False, global_search=True):
	path = request.GET.get('path', path)
	search_pattern = request.GET.get('search_pattern',search_pattern)
	as_json = request.GET.get('as_json', as_json)
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	if global_search:
		path = contrib.get_virtual_root(path)
		full_path = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path)
		print path, full_path, document_root
	folders = [ full_path ]
	if os.path.isfile(full_path):
		folders = [ os.path.dirname(full_path) ]
		path = os.path.dirname( path )
	return search_view(request, folders, path, search_pattern, as_json)
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_virtual_root(ctximpl, path):
	vroot = contrib.get_virtual_root(path)
	if vroot:
		ctximpl.add('__virtual_root__', vroot)