Exemplo n.º 1
	def get(self):
			# no_prompt: Simple flag for the Search Input form field. True = do not show the list of skill search terms. The skills dict name is the same for the search and search results view
			no_prompt = True
			skills = dict()
			db_skills = appcache.get_all_skills()
			skill_properties = model_skill.Skill.properties()
			# TODO: Use the procedure from SkillsResultsController, as it's better, and we can still get the count value from the length of the skills list 
			# ([ST] is that what we need here ?) 
			# To avoid duplicates, add the skill to a dict with a counter value, corresponding to the number of Employee instances that have this Skill
			for skill in db_skills:
				if skills.has_key(skill.name_index):         
					# Increment the Employee count for this skill
					count = skills[skill.name_index]['count'] + 1
					skills[skill.name_index] = {'skill':skill, 'count':count}
					# Create a dict object for this Skill
					skills[skill.name_index] = {'skill':skill, 'count':1}
			# Sort the Dict into a List of Tuples. This maintains the output as an iterable key-value pair, rather than return a list of just the keys
			skills = sorted(skills.items())
			args = dict(env=os.environ, skills=skills, no_prompt=no_prompt, skill_properties=skill_properties)
			path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../views/skills/search.html')
			self.response.out.write(template.render(path, args))
		except (Exception), e:
			logging.error('SkillsSearchController : get()')
Exemplo n.º 2
	def get(self):
			# Get Employees                                                  
			employees = appcache.get_all_employees()
			employees = sorted(employees, key=lambda employee: employee.date_last_modified, reverse=True)
			employees = employees[0:5]
			# Get Skills
			skills = dict()
			db_skills = appcache.get_all_skills()
			# To avoid duplicate skills in display, add the skill to a dict with a Skill list value, corresponding to Skill:Employee instances of that skill
			for skill in db_skills:
				if skills.has_key(skill.name_index):         
					# Increment the Employee count for this skill
					skills_list = skills[skill.name_index]['skills']
					skills[skill.name_index] = {'skill':skill, 'skills':skills_list}
					# Create a dict object for this Skill
					skills_list = list()
					skills[skill.name_index] = {'skill':skill, 'skills':skills_list}
			# Sort the Dict into a List of Tuples, sorted by key name. This maintains the output as an iterable key-value pair, rather than returning a list of just the keys
			skills = sorted(skills.items(), key=lambda skill: skill[1]['skill'].created, reverse=True)
			# Get the last 5 skills created
			skills = skills[0:5]
			# Get latest Skills Searches
			skills_searches = appcache.get_skills_searches()
			if skills_searches is not None:
				skills_searches = sorted(skills_searches.items(), reverse=True)[:10]
			args = dict(env=os.environ, employees=employees, skills=skills, skills_searches=skills_searches)
			path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../views/index.html')
			self.response.out.write(template.render(path, args))
		except (Exception), e:
			logging.error('HomeController : get()')
Exemplo n.º 3
	def get(self):
			skills_requested = list()
			skills_requested_full_name = list()
			skills = dict()
			db_skills = appcache.get_all_skills()
			# Add the Search to Memcache
			skill_arguments = str(self.request.get('skills')).strip().strip(r'<>!').split(',')
			skill_properties = model_skill.Skill.properties()
			# If no Skills have been searched for, just redirect to the Search view from the Results view
			# NOTE: There would be 1 entry as we have used .split() to return a List instance
			if len(skill_arguments) <= 1 and skill_arguments[0] == '':
			# Arguments should be a list of Skills
			for skill in skill_arguments:                
				skill = skill.strip()
				if skill is not None and skill != '':

			# Match Skills with the requested names
			# NOTE: Matches exact string names, not a Regular Expression
			db_skills.filter('name_index IN ', skills_requested)
			# Filter by Proficiency
			proficiency_requested = list()

			proficiency_arguments = str(self.request.get('proficiency')).strip().strip(r'<>!').split(',')
			for proficiency in proficiency_arguments:               
				proficiency = proficiency.strip()
				if proficiency is not None and proficiency != '':
			# Match Skills with the requested Proficiency
			# NOTE: Matches exact string names, not a Regular Expression
			if len(proficiency_requested) > 0:
				db_skills.filter('proficiency_name IN ', proficiency_requested)
			# To avoid duplicate skills in display, add the skill to a dict with a Skill list value, corresponding to Skill:Employee instances of that skill
			for skill in db_skills:
				if skills.has_key(skill.name_index):         
					# Collect the existing Skills
					skills_list = skills[skill.name_index]['skills']
					# Add the current Skill in iteration
					# Sort the Skills list by Employee last_name       
					skills_list = sorted(skills_list, key=lambda skill: skill.employee.last_name, reverse=False)
					# Assign it back to the dict entry
					skills[skill.name_index]['skills'] = skills_list
					# Create a dict object for this Skill
					skills_list = list()
					skills[skill.name_index] = {'skill':skill, 'skills':skills_list}
			# Now add back in any filtered out requested Skills, e.g. because we don't have anyone with that Skill
			for required_skill in skills_requested_full_name:
				if not skills.has_key(required_skill.lower()):
					skills[required_skill.lower()] = {'skill':{'name':required_skill}, 'skills':None}

			# Sort the Dict into a List of Tuples, sorted by key name of ther Skill. This maintains the output as an iterable key-value pair, rather than returning a list of just the keys
			skills = sorted(skills.items())
			# Add some bespoke display helpers. These help with the grammar of written statements within for loops, where we need to know the penultimate item in a loop
			skills_penultimate = len(skills)-1 
			proficiency_penultimate = len(proficiency_requested)-1
			args = dict(
			path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../views/skills/results.html')
			self.response.out.write(template.render(path, args))
		except (Exception), e:
			logging.error('SkillsResultsController : get()')
Exemplo n.º 4
def set_employee_skill(uuid, skill):
		# Get the Employee from the Datastore
		employee = appcache.get_employee(uuid)
		# If this fails, return False, as we do not have an Employee that exists yet
		if employee is None:
			logging.error('datastore.py : set_employee_skills() : No Employee with UUID of '+uuid+' exists, so cannot store Skills')
			return False
		skills = appcache.get_all_skills()
		skills.filter('employee = ', employee)
		skills.filter('name = ', skill.name)
		# Get the first result (there should be only one in any case)
		skill_to_add = skills.get()                                 
		# If the Skills filter result is empty
		if skill_to_add is not None:
			logging.debug('set_employee_skill() : We have an existing Skill for Employee '+uuid+' with name of '+skill.name+'. Overwriting that Skill')

		# Else the Skill already exists. Rather than delete (additional datastore write) and create a new instance, let's just overwrite it
			logging.debug('set_employee_skill() : We don\'t have an existing Skill for Employee '+uuid+' with name of '+skill.name+'. Creating new Skill instance')
			# Set the Skill to add to be a new Skill model instance
			skill_to_add = model_skill.Skill()
		# Set Skill properties

		# Save Skill to Datastore
		# Save all Skills to memcache (also updates)		
		skills = appcache.set_all_skills()          
		# Query all Skills, returning Keys only
		# TODO: Use Memcache script for consistent separation of concerns
		employee_skills_keys = model_skill.Skill.all(keys_only=True) 
		# Filter by Employee only
		# We are getting all Skill Keys for the Employee, instead of attempting to find a porentially previously existing Key in the employee.skils list and replacing it
		employee_skills_keys.filter('employee = ', employee)
		list_of_skill_keys = list()
		for skill_key in employee_skills_keys:
		# Set Employee Skill Keys
		employee.skills = list_of_skill_keys
		# Set the Date Last Modified timestamp
		employee.date_last_modified = datetime.datetime.now()                              
		# Save Employee to Datastore
		# Update memcache for Employee
		# We have to get it from Datastore again as the put() command will not update the Employee instance we created in this method
		employee = model_employee.Employee.get_by_key_name(uuid)
		appcache.set_employee(uuid, employee)             
		# Update memecaceh with Employee Skills           
		employee_skills = model_skill.Skill.get(employee.skills)
		appcache.set_employee_skills(uuid, employee_skills)
		# Update memcache for Employees
		return uuid
	except (CapabilityDisabledError, Exception), e:
		raise e