Exemplo n.º 1
def preprocessing_pipeline(subject_num, task_num, standard_source_prefix,

    img = prepare_standard_img(subject_num, task_num, standard_source_prefix)
    data = img.get_data()[..., 5:]

    n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5

    cond_filename_003 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "003",
    cond_filename_005 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "005",
    cond_filename_001 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "001",
    cond_filename_004 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "004",
    cond_filename_007 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "007",

    target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = conv_target_non_target(
        n_trs, cond_filename_003, cond_filename_007, TR, tr_divs=100.0)
    target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = target_convolved[
        5:], nontarget_convolved[5:], error_convolved[5:]

    block_regressor = events2neural_std(cond_filename_005, TR, n_trs)[5:]

    block_start_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_001, TR)[5:]
    block_end_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_004, TR)[5:]

    linear_drift = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_trs)
    qudratic_drift = linear_drift**2
    qudratic_drift -= np.mean(qudratic_drift)

    linear_drift = linear_drift[5:]
    qudratic_drift = qudratic_drift[5:]

    in_brain_mask, _ = prepare_mask(data, CUTOFF)

    pad_thickness = 2.0
    sigma = 2.0

    b_vols = spatial_smooth(data, in_brain_mask, pad_thickness, sigma, False)
    in_brain_tcs = b_vols[in_brain_mask]

    Y = in_brain_tcs.T
    Y_demeaned = Y - np.mean(Y, axis=1).reshape([-1, 1])
    unscaled_cov = Y_demeaned.dot(Y_demeaned.T)
    U, S, V = npl.svd(unscaled_cov)

    n_betas = 10

    X = np.ones((n_trs - 5, n_betas))
    X[:, 0] = target_convolved
    X[:, 1] = nontarget_convolved
    X[:, 2] = error_convolved
    X[:, 3] = block_regressor
    X[:, 4] = block_start_cues
    X[:, 5] = block_end_cues
    X[:, 6] = linear_drift
    X[:, 7] = qudratic_drift
    X[:, 8] = U[:, 0]
    # 9th column is the intercept

    B = npl.pinv(X).dot(Y)

    residuals = in_brain_tcs - X.dot(B).T

    B[(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), :] = 0

    # project Y onto the functional betas
    functional_Y = X.dot(B).T

    b_vols = np.zeros((data.shape))
    b_vols[in_brain_mask, :] = functional_Y + residuals

    return b_vols, img, in_brain_mask
Exemplo n.º 2
def preprocessing_pipeline(subject_num, task_num, standard_source_prefix, cond_filepath_prefix):

  img = prepare_standard_img(subject_num, task_num, standard_source_prefix)
  data = img.get_data()[..., 5:]

  n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5

  cond_filename_003 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "003", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_005 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "005", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_001 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "001", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_004 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "004", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_007 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "007", cond_filepath_prefix)

  target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = conv_target_non_target(n_trs, cond_filename_003, cond_filename_007, TR, tr_divs = 100.0)
  target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = target_convolved[5:], nontarget_convolved[5:], error_convolved[5:]

  block_regressor = events2neural_std(cond_filename_005, TR, n_trs)[5:]

  block_start_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_001, TR)[5:]
  block_end_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_004, TR)[5:]

  linear_drift = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_trs)
  qudratic_drift = linear_drift ** 2
  qudratic_drift -= np.mean(qudratic_drift)

  linear_drift = linear_drift[5:]
  qudratic_drift = qudratic_drift[5:]

  in_brain_mask, _ = prepare_mask(data, CUTOFF)

  pad_thickness = 2.0
  sigma = 2.0

  b_vols = spatial_smooth(data, in_brain_mask, pad_thickness, sigma, False)
  in_brain_tcs = b_vols[in_brain_mask]

  Y = in_brain_tcs.T
  Y_demeaned = Y - np.mean(Y, axis=1).reshape([-1, 1])
  unscaled_cov = Y_demeaned.dot(Y_demeaned.T)
  U, S, V = npl.svd(unscaled_cov)

  n_betas = 10

  X = np.ones((n_trs - 5, n_betas))
  X[:, 0] = target_convolved
  X[:, 1] = nontarget_convolved
  X[:, 2] = error_convolved
  X[:, 3] = block_regressor
  X[:, 4] = block_start_cues
  X[:, 5] = block_end_cues
  X[:, 6] = linear_drift
  X[:, 7] = qudratic_drift
  X[:, 8] = U[:,0]
  # 9th column is the intercept

  B = npl.pinv(X).dot(Y)

  residuals = in_brain_tcs - X.dot(B).T

  B[(3,4,5,6,7,8,9),:] = 0

  # project Y onto the functional betas
  functional_Y = X.dot(B).T

  b_vols = np.zeros((data.shape))
  b_vols[in_brain_mask, :] = functional_Y + residuals

  return b_vols, img, in_brain_mask
Exemplo n.º 3
def single_subject_linear_model(standard_source_prefix, cond_filepath_prefix, subject_num, task_num, output_filename):

  data = prepare_standard_data(subject_num, task_num, standard_source_prefix)

  n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5

  cond_filename_003 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "003", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_005 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "005", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_001 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "001", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_004 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "004", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_007 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "007", cond_filepath_prefix)

  target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = conv_target_non_target(n_trs, cond_filename_003, cond_filename_007, TR, tr_divs = 100.0)
  target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = target_convolved[5:], nontarget_convolved[5:], error_convolved[5:]

  block_regressor = events2neural_std(cond_filename_005, TR, n_trs)[5:]

  block_start_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_001, TR)[5:]
  block_end_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_004, TR)[5:]

  linear_drift = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_trs)
  qudratic_drift = linear_drift ** 2
  qudratic_drift -= np.mean(qudratic_drift)

  linear_drift = linear_drift[5:]
  qudratic_drift = qudratic_drift[5:]

  in_brain_mask, _ = prepare_mask(data, 5000)

  pad_thickness = 2.0
  sigma = 2.0

  b_vols = spatial_smooth(data, in_brain_mask, pad_thickness, sigma, False)
  in_brain_tcs = b_vols[in_brain_mask]

  Y = in_brain_tcs.T
  Y_demeaned = Y - np.mean(Y, axis=1).reshape([-1, 1])
  unscaled_cov = Y_demeaned.dot(Y_demeaned.T)
  U, S, V = npl.svd(unscaled_cov)

  n_betas = 11

  X = np.ones((n_trs - 5, n_betas))
  X[:, 0] = target_convolved
  X[:, 1] = nontarget_convolved
  X[:, 2] = error_convolved
  X[:, 3] = block_regressor
  X[:, 4] = block_start_cues
  X[:, 5] = block_end_cues
  X[:, 6] = linear_drift
  X[:, 7] = qudratic_drift
  X[:, 8] = U[:,0]
  X[:, 9] = U[:,1]
  # 10th column is the intercept

  # plot design matrix
  plt.imshow(X, aspect=0.1)
  plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_filename, "sub%s_task%s_design_matrix.png" % (subject_num, task_num)), format='png', dpi=500)      

  B = npl.pinv(X).dot(Y)

  # test normality of residuals
  residuals = Y.T - X.dot(B).T
  alpha_test, bonferroni_test, hochberg_test, benjamini_test = [val * 1.0 / Y.shape[-1] for val in multiple_comp(residuals)]
  normality_test_results = {"Alpha Test":alpha_test, "Bonferroni Procedure":bonferroni_test,"Hochberg Procedure":hochberg_test,"Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure":benjamini_test}

  normality_test_pd = pd.DataFrame(normality_test_results, index=["Failure Rate"])

  normality_test_pd.to_csv(os.path.join(output_filename, "sub%s_linear_model_normality_tests_failure_rates.csv" % subject_num))

  rs_squared = []
  for i in range(Y.shape[-1]):
    r_squared = 1 - np.sum((Y[:,i] - X.dot(B[:,i]))**2) * 1.0 / np.sum((Y[:,i] - np.mean(Y[:,i])) ** 2)

  np.savetxt(os.path.join(output_filename, "glm_mean_R_squared_" + ("0_back" if task_num == "001" else "2_back") + ".txt"), np.array([np.mean(rs_squared)]))

  b_vols = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1] + (n_betas,)))
  b_vols[in_brain_mask, :] = B.T

  # compute t values for target and nontarget betas

  t_test_target_beta = 0
  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, t_test_target_beta)
  t_vols_beta_0 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_0[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_test_target_beta = 1
  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, t_test_target_beta)
  t_vols_beta_1 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_1[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  # compute t values for noise regressor betas

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 6)
  t_vols_beta_6 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_6[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 7)
  t_vols_beta_7 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_7[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 8)
  t_vols_beta_8 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_8[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 9)
  t_vols_beta_9 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_9[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_vols_beta_6_to_9 = [t_vols_beta_6, t_vols_beta_7, t_vols_beta_8, t_vols_beta_9]

  return b_vols, in_brain_mask, U, Y, data, t_vols_beta_0, t_vols_beta_1, t_vols_beta_6_to_9  
Exemplo n.º 4
def single_subject_linear_model(standard_source_prefix, cond_filepath_prefix, subject_num, task_num, output_filename):

  data = prepare_standard_data(subject_num, task_num, standard_source_prefix)

  n_trs = data.shape[-1] + 5

  cond_filename_003 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "003", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_005 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "005", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_001 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "001", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_004 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "004", cond_filepath_prefix)
  cond_filename_007 = form_cond_filepath(subject_num, task_num, "007", cond_filepath_prefix)

  target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = conv_target_non_target(n_trs, cond_filename_003, cond_filename_007, TR, tr_divs = 100.0)
  target_convolved, nontarget_convolved, error_convolved = target_convolved[5:], nontarget_convolved[5:], error_convolved[5:]

  block_regressor = events2neural_std(cond_filename_005, TR, n_trs)[5:]

  block_start_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_001, TR)[5:]
  block_end_cues = conv_std(n_trs, cond_filename_004, TR)[5:]

  linear_drift = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_trs)
  qudratic_drift = linear_drift ** 2
  qudratic_drift -= np.mean(qudratic_drift)

  linear_drift = linear_drift[5:]
  qudratic_drift = qudratic_drift[5:]

  in_brain_mask, _ = prepare_mask(data, 5000)

  pad_thickness = 2.0
  sigma = 2.0

  b_vols = spatial_smooth(data, in_brain_mask, pad_thickness, sigma, False)
  in_brain_tcs = b_vols[in_brain_mask]

  Y = in_brain_tcs.T
  Y_demeaned = Y - np.mean(Y, axis=1).reshape([-1, 1])
  unscaled_cov = Y_demeaned.dot(Y_demeaned.T)
  U, S, V = npl.svd(unscaled_cov)

  n_betas = 11

  X = np.ones((n_trs - 5, n_betas))
  X[:, 0] = target_convolved
  X[:, 1] = nontarget_convolved
  X[:, 2] = error_convolved
  X[:, 3] = block_regressor
  X[:, 4] = block_start_cues
  X[:, 5] = block_end_cues
  X[:, 6] = linear_drift
  X[:, 7] = qudratic_drift
  X[:, 8] = U[:,0]
  X[:, 9] = U[:,1]
  # 10th column is the intercept

  # plot design matrix
  plt.imshow(X, aspect=0.1)
  plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_filename, "sub%s_task%s_design_matrix.png" % (subject_num, task_num)), format='png', dpi=500)      

  B = npl.pinv(X).dot(Y)

  # test normality of residuals
  residuals = Y.T - X.dot(B).T
  alpha_test, bonferroni_test, hochberg_test, benjamini_test = [val * 1.0 / Y.shape[-1] for val in multiple_comp(residuals)]
  normality_test_results = {"Alpha Test":alpha_test, "Bonferroni Procedure":bonferroni_test,"Hochberg Procedure":hochberg_test,"Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure":benjamini_test}

  normality_test_pd = pd.DataFrame(normality_test_results, index=["Failure Rate"])

  normality_test_pd.to_csv(os.path.join(output_filename, "sub%s_task%s_linear_model_normality_tests_failure_rates.csv" % (subject_num, task_num)))

  rs_squared = []
  for i in range(Y.shape[-1]):
    r_squared = 1 - np.sum((Y[:,i] - X.dot(B[:,i]))**2) * 1.0 / np.sum((Y[:,i] - np.mean(Y[:,i])) ** 2)

  np.savetxt(os.path.join(output_filename, "glm_mean_R_squared_" + ("0_back" if task_num == "001" else "2_back") + ".txt"), np.array([np.mean(rs_squared)]))

  b_vols = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1] + (n_betas,)))
  b_vols[in_brain_mask, :] = B.T

  # compute t values for target and nontarget betas

  t_test_target_beta = 0
  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, t_test_target_beta)
  t_vols_beta_0 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_0[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_test_target_beta = 1
  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, t_test_target_beta)
  t_vols_beta_1 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_1[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  # compute t values for noise regressor betas

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 6)
  t_vols_beta_6 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_6[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 7)
  t_vols_beta_7 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_7[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 8)
  t_vols_beta_8 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_8[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_values = compute_t_values(X, B, Y, 9)
  t_vols_beta_9 = np.zeros((data.shape[0:-1]))
  t_vols_beta_9[in_brain_mask] = t_values

  t_vols_beta_6_to_9 = [t_vols_beta_6, t_vols_beta_7, t_vols_beta_8, t_vols_beta_9]

  return b_vols, in_brain_mask, U, Y, data, t_vols_beta_0, t_vols_beta_1, t_vols_beta_6_to_9