Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_publish_traced_events(self):
        with two subscribers and message tracing the last event should
        have a magic flag
        # we want to trigger a deeply-nested condition in
        # processPublish in class Broker -- lets try w/o refactoring
        # anything first...

        class TestSession(ApplicationSession):
        session0 = TestSession()
        session1 = TestSession()
        session2 = TestSession()
        router = mock.MagicMock()
        router.send = mock.Mock()
        router.new_correlation_id = lambda: 'fake correlation id'
        router.is_traced = True
        broker = Broker(router, reactor)

        # let's just "cheat" our way a little to the right state by
        # injecting our subscription "directly" (e.g. instead of
        # faking out an entire Subscribe etc. flow
        # ...so we need _subscriptions_map to have at least one
        # subscription (our test one) for the topic we'll publish to
        broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session0, 'test.topic')
        broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session1, 'test.topic')

        session0._session_id = 1000
        session0._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session0._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')

        session1._session_id = 1001
        session1._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session1._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')

        session2._session_id = 1002
        session2._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session2._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')

        # here's the main "cheat"; we're faking out the
        # router.authorize because we need it to callback immediately
        router.authorize = mock.MagicMock(return_value=txaio.create_future_success(dict(allow=True, cache=False, disclose=True)))

        # now we scan call "processPublish" such that we get to the
        # condition we're interested in (this "comes from" session1
        # beacuse by default publishes don't go to the same session)
        pubmsg = message.Publish(123, 'test.topic')
        broker.processPublish(session2, pubmsg)

        # extract all the event calls
        events = [
            for call in router.send.mock_calls
            if call[1][0] in [session0, session1, session2]

        self.assertEqual(2, len(events))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_publish_traced_events(self):
        with two subscribers and message tracing the last event should
        have a magic flag
        # we want to trigger a deeply-nested condition in
        # processPublish in class Broker -- lets try w/o refactoring
        # anything first...

        class TestSession(ApplicationSession):
        session0 = TestSession()
        session1 = TestSession()
        session2 = TestSession()
        router = mock.MagicMock()
        router.send = mock.Mock()
        router.new_correlation_id = lambda: u'fake correlation id'
        router.is_traced = True
        broker = Broker(router, reactor)

        # let's just "cheat" our way a little to the right state by
        # injecting our subscription "directly" (e.g. instead of
        # faking out an entire Subscribe etc. flow
        # ...so we need _subscriptions_map to have at least one
        # subscription (our test one) for the topic we'll publish to
        broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session0, u'test.topic')
        broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session1, u'test.topic')

        session0._session_id = 1000
        session0._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session0._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')

        session1._session_id = 1001
        session1._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session1._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')

        session2._session_id = 1002
        session2._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session2._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')

        # here's the main "cheat"; we're faking out the
        # router.authorize because we need it to callback immediately
        router.authorize = mock.MagicMock(return_value=txaio.create_future_success(dict(allow=True, cache=False, disclose=True)))

        # now we scan call "processPublish" such that we get to the
        # condition we're interested in (this "comes from" session1
        # beacuse by default publishes don't go to the same session)
        pubmsg = message.Publish(123, u'test.topic')
        broker.processPublish(session2, pubmsg)

        # extract all the event calls
        events = [
            for call in router.send.mock_calls
            if call[1][0] in [session0, session1, session2]

        self.assertEqual(2, len(events))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_publish_closed_session(self):
        ensure a session doesn't get Events if it's closed
        (see also issue #431)

        # we want to trigger a deeply-nested condition in
        # processPublish in class Broker -- lets try w/o refactoring
        # anything first...

        class TestSession(ApplicationSession):

        session0 = TestSession()
        session1 = TestSession()
        router = mock.MagicMock()
        router.new_correlation_id = lambda: 'fake correlation id'
        broker = Broker(router, reactor)

        # let's just "cheat" our way a little to the right state by
        # injecting our subscription "directly" (e.g. instead of
        # faking out an entire Subscribe etc. flow
        # ...so we need _subscriptions_map to have at least one
        # subscription (our test one) for the topic we'll publish to
        broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session0, 'test.topic')

        # simulate the session state we want, which is that a
        # transport is connected (._transport != None) but there
        # _session_id *is* None (not joined yet, or left already)
        self.assertIs(None, session0._session_id)
        session0._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session0._transport.transport_details = TransportDetails(
            channel_id={'tls-unique': b'deadbeef'})
        session1._session_id = 1234  # "from" session should look connected + joined
        session1._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session1._transport.transport_details = TransportDetails(
            channel_id={'tls-unique': b'aaaabeef'})

        # here's the main "cheat"; we're faking out the
        # router.authorize because we need it to callback immediately
        router.authorize = mock.MagicMock(
                dict(allow=True, cache=False, disclose=True)))

        # now we scan call "processPublish" such that we get to the
        # condition we're interested in (this "comes from" session1
        # beacuse by default publishes don't go to the same session)
        pubmsg = message.Publish(123, 'test.topic')
        broker.processPublish(session1, pubmsg)

        # neither session should have sent anything on its transport
        self.assertEqual(session0._transport.method_calls, [])
        self.assertEqual(session1._transport.method_calls, [])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_publish_closed_session(self):
        ensure a session doesn't get Events if it's closed
        (see also issue #431)
        # we want to trigger a deeply-nested condition in
        # processPublish in class Broker -- lets try w/o refactoring
        # anything first...

        class TestSession(ApplicationSession):
        session0 = TestSession()
        session1 = TestSession()
        router = mock.MagicMock()
        router.new_correlation_id = lambda: u'fake correlation id'
        broker = Broker(router, reactor)

        # let's just "cheat" our way a little to the right state by
        # injecting our subscription "directly" (e.g. instead of
        # faking out an entire Subscribe etc. flow
        # ...so we need _subscriptions_map to have at least one
        # subscription (our test one) for the topic we'll publish to
        broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session0, u'test.topic')

        # simulate the session state we want, which is that a
        # transport is connected (._transport != None) but there
        # _session_id *is* None (not joined yet, or left already)
        self.assertIs(None, session0._session_id)
        session0._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session0._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')
        session1._session_id = 1234  # "from" session should look connected + joined
        session1._transport = mock.MagicMock()
        session1._transport.channel_id = b'aaaabeef'

        # here's the main "cheat"; we're faking out the
        # router.authorize because we need it to callback immediately
        router.authorize = mock.MagicMock(return_value=txaio.create_future_success(dict(allow=True, cache=False, disclose=True)))

        # now we scan call "processPublish" such that we get to the
        # condition we're interested in (this "comes from" session1
        # beacuse by default publishes don't go to the same session)
        pubmsg = message.Publish(123, u'test.topic')
        broker.processPublish(session1, pubmsg)

        # neither session should have sent anything on its transport
        self.assertEquals(session0._transport.method_calls, [])
        self.assertEquals(session1._transport.method_calls, [])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_publish_traced_events_batched(self):
        with two subscribers and message tracing the last event should
        have a magic flag

        # we want to trigger a deeply-nested condition in
        # processPublish in class Broker -- lets try w/o refactoring
        # anything first...

        class TestSession(ApplicationSession):

        session0 = TestSession()
        session1 = TestSession()
        session2 = TestSession()
        session3 = TestSession()
        session4 = TestSession()
        # NOTE! We ensure that "session0" (the publishing session) is
        # *last* in the observation-list to trigger a (now fixed)
        # edge-case)
        sessions = [session1, session2, session3, session4, session0]
        router = mock.MagicMock()
        router.send = mock.Mock()
        router.new_correlation_id = lambda: 'fake correlation id'
        router.is_traced = True
        clock = Clock()
        with replace_loop(clock):
            broker = Broker(router, clock)
            broker._options.event_dispatching_chunk_size = 2

            # to ensure we get "session0" last, we turn on ordering in
            # the observations
            broker._subscription_map._ordered = 1

            # let's just "cheat" our way a little to the right state by
            # injecting our subscription "directly" (e.g. instead of
            # faking out an entire Subscribe etc. flow
            # ...so we need _subscriptions_map to have at least one
            # subscription (our test one) for the topic we'll publish to
            for session in sessions:
                broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session, 'test.topic')

            for i, sess in enumerate(sessions):
                sess._session_id = 1000 + i
                sess._transport = mock.MagicMock()
                sess._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(

            # here's the main "cheat"; we're faking out the
            # router.authorize because we need it to callback immediately
            router.authorize = mock.MagicMock(
                    dict(allow=True, cache=False, disclose=True)))

            # now we scan call "processPublish" such that we get to the
            # condition we're interested in; should go to all sessions
            # except session0
            pubmsg = message.Publish(123, 'test.topic')
            broker.processPublish(session0, pubmsg)

            # extract all the event calls
            events = [
                call[1][1] for call in router.send.mock_calls if call[1][0] in
                [session0, session1, session2, session3, session4]

            # all except session0 should have gotten an event, and
            # session4's should have the "last" flag set
            self.assertEqual(4, len(events))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_publish_traced_events_batched(self):
        with two subscribers and message tracing the last event should
        have a magic flag
        # we want to trigger a deeply-nested condition in
        # processPublish in class Broker -- lets try w/o refactoring
        # anything first...

        class TestSession(ApplicationSession):
        session0 = TestSession()
        session1 = TestSession()
        session2 = TestSession()
        session3 = TestSession()
        session4 = TestSession()
        # NOTE! We ensure that "session0" (the publishing session) is
        # *last* in the observation-list to trigger a (now fixed)
        # edge-case)
        sessions = [session1, session2, session3, session4, session0]
        router = mock.MagicMock()
        router.send = mock.Mock()
        router.new_correlation_id = lambda: u'fake correlation id'
        router.is_traced = True
        clock = Clock()
        with replace_loop(clock):
            broker = Broker(router, clock)
            broker._options.event_dispatching_chunk_size = 2

            # to ensure we get "session0" last, we turn on ordering in
            # the observations
            broker._subscription_map._ordered = 1

            # let's just "cheat" our way a little to the right state by
            # injecting our subscription "directly" (e.g. instead of
            # faking out an entire Subscribe etc. flow
            # ...so we need _subscriptions_map to have at least one
            # subscription (our test one) for the topic we'll publish to
            for session in sessions:
                broker._subscription_map.add_observer(session, u'test.topic')

            for i, sess in enumerate(sessions):
                sess._session_id = 1000 + i
                sess._transport = mock.MagicMock()
                sess._transport.get_channel_id = mock.MagicMock(return_value=b'deadbeef')

            # here's the main "cheat"; we're faking out the
            # router.authorize because we need it to callback immediately
            router.authorize = mock.MagicMock(return_value=txaio.create_future_success(dict(allow=True, cache=False, disclose=True)))

            # now we scan call "processPublish" such that we get to the
            # condition we're interested in; should go to all sessions
            # except session0
            pubmsg = message.Publish(123, u'test.topic')
            broker.processPublish(session0, pubmsg)

            # extract all the event calls
            events = [
                for call in router.send.mock_calls
                if call[1][0] in [session0, session1, session2, session3, session4]

            # all except session0 should have gotten an event, and
            # session4's should have the "last" flag set
            self.assertEqual(4, len(events))