def testEncryptionDecryptionEqual(self):
     """ Test that a message is equal to the result of it being encrypted and then decrypted """
     key = bytes("arbitrary_key", "utf-8")
     message = bytes("hello world", "utf-8")
     ciphertext = encrypt(message, 20, key)
     decrypted = decrypt(ciphertext, 20, key)
     self.assertEqual(message, decrypted)
 def testEncryptionDecryptionLengthEqual(self):
     """ The message prior to and after encryption/decryption is the same length """
     key = bytes("arbitrary_key", "utf-8")
     message = bytes("hello world", "utf-8")
     keystream = rc4(80, 100, key)
     ciphertext = encrypt(message, 20, keystream)
     plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext, 20, keystream)
     self.assertEqual(len(message), len(plaintext))