Exemplo n.º 1
    def setup(self):
            "processing": {
                "virustotal": {
                    "enabled": True,

        self.submit_manager = SubmitManager()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setup(self):
            "processing": {
                "virustotal": {
                    "enabled": True,

        db.add_machine("cuckoo1", "cuckoo2", "", "windows", None, None,
                       "int0", None, "", 2042)
        self.submit_manager = SubmitManager()
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_option_translations_from():
    sm = SubmitManager()

    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {}) == {}

    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "simulated-human-interaction": True,
    }) == {}
    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "simulated-human-interaction": False,
    }) == {
        "human": 0,

    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "enable-injection": False,
    }) == {
        "free": "yes",
    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "enable-injection": True,
    }) == {}

    assert sm.translate_options_from({
        "network-routing": "foobar",
    }, {}) == {
        "route": "foobar",
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_option_translations_to():
    sm = SubmitManager()

    assert sm.translate_options_to({}) == {}

    assert sm.translate_options_to({
        "human": "0",
    }) == {
        "simulated-human-interaction": False,

    assert sm.translate_options_to({
        "free": "yes",
    }) == {
        "enable-injection": False,
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_option_translations_to():
    sm = SubmitManager()

    assert sm.translate_options_to({}) == {}

    assert sm.translate_options_to({
        "human": "0",
    }) == {
        "simulated-human-interaction": False,

    assert sm.translate_options_to({
        "free": "yes",
    }) == {
        "enable-injection": False,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_submission_dropped(self, p, client):
        p.return_value = __file__
        r = client.get("/submit/1234/dropped/" + "a" * 40 + "/")
        assert r.status_code == 302

        r, _, _ = SubmitManager().get_files(1)
        assert len(r) == 1
        assert r[0].filesize == os.path.getsize(__file__)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_option_translations_from():
    sm = SubmitManager()

    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {}) == {}

    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "simulated-human-interaction": True,
    }) == {}
    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "simulated-human-interaction": False,
    }) == {
        "human": 0,

    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "enable-injection": False,
    }) == {
        "free": "yes",
    assert sm.translate_options_from({}, {
        "enable-injection": True,
    }) == {}

    assert sm.translate_options_from({
        "network-routing": "foobar",
    }, {}) == {
        "route": "foobar",
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_submit_api_filetree(self, client):
        SubmitManager().pre("strings", ["google.com"])
        r = client.post("/submit/api/filetree/",
                        json.dumps({"submit_id": 1}),
        assert r.status_code == 200

        obj = json.loads(r.content)
        assert obj["status"] is True
        assert obj["files"][0]["filename"] == "http://google.com"
        assert obj["defaults"]["priority"] == 2
        assert obj["defaults"]["options"]["process-memory-dump"] is True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def setup(self):
            "processing": {
                "virustotal": {
                    "enabled": True,

            "cuckoo1", "cuckoo2", "", "windows", None, None, "int0",
            None, "", 2042
        self.submit_manager = SubmitManager()
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_submission_presubmit_valid(self, client):
     SubmitManager().pre("strings", ["google.com"])
     r = client.get("/submit/pre/1/")
     assert r.status_code == 200
     assert r.templates[0].name == "submission/presubmit.html"
Exemplo n.º 11
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, make_response, abort, json

from cuckoo.common.config import config, parse_options
from cuckoo.common.files import Files, Folders

from cuckoo.common.utils import parse_bool, constant_time_compare
from cuckoo.core.database import Database
from cuckoo.core.database import TASK_REPORTED, TASK_COMPLETED, TASK_RUNNING
from cuckoo.core.rooter import rooter
from cuckoo.core.submit import SubmitManager
from cuckoo.core.task import Task
from cuckoo.misc import cwd, version, decide_cwd, Pidfile

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
db = Database()
sm = SubmitManager()
submit_task = Task()

# Initialize Flask app.
app = Flask(__name__)

def json_error(status_code, message):
    """Return a JSON object with a HTTP error code."""
    r = jsonify(message=message)
    r.status_code = status_code
    return r

def shutdown_server():
    """Shutdown API werkzeug server"""
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_invalid_strings(self):
     assert SubmitManager().pre("strings", ["thisisnotanurl"]) == 1
     submit = db.view_submit(1)
     assert len(submit.data["errors"]) == 1
     assert "was neither a valid hash or url" in submit.data["errors"][0]
     assert not submit.data["data"]
Exemplo n.º 13
class TestSubmitManager(object):
    def setup(self):
            "processing": {
                "virustotal": {
                    "enabled": True,

            "cuckoo1", "cuckoo2", "", "windows", None, None, "int0",
            None, "", 2042
        self.submit_manager = SubmitManager()

    def test_pre_file(self):
        """Tests the submission of a plaintext file"""
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(submit_type="files", data=[{
            "name": "foo.txt",
            "data": open("tests/files/foo.txt", "rb").read()
        }]) == 1

        submit = db.view_submit(1)
        assert isinstance(submit.data["data"], list)
        assert len(submit.data["errors"]) == 0
        assert os.path.exists(submit.data["data"][0]["data"])

        assert submit.data["data"][0]["type"] == "file"
        filedata = open(submit.data["data"][0]["data"], "rb").read()
        assert filedata == open("tests/files/foo.txt", "rb").read()

    def test_pre_url(self):
        """Tests the submission of URLs (http/https)"""
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(submit_type="strings", data=[
            # Any trailing whitespaces should be stripped.
            "google.com \t",
        ]) == 1

        submit = db.view_submit(1)
        assert isinstance(submit.data["data"], list)
        assert len(submit.data["data"]) == 3

        url0, url1, url2 = submit.data["data"]
        assert url0["type"] == "url"
        assert url0["data"] == "http://theguardian.com/"
        assert url1["type"] == "url"
        assert url1["data"] == "https://news.ycombinator.com/"
        assert url2["type"] == "url"
        assert url2["data"] == "http://google.com"

    def test_invalid_strings(self):
        assert SubmitManager().pre("strings", ["thisisnotanurl"]) == 1
        submit = db.view_submit(1)
        assert len(submit.data["errors"]) == 1
        assert "was neither a valid hash or url" in submit.data["errors"][0]
        assert not submit.data["data"]

    def test_pre_hash(self):
        """Tests the submission of a VirusTotal hash."""
        with responses.RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=True) as rsps:
                responses.GET, VirusTotalAPI.HASH_DOWNLOAD, body="A"*1024*1024
                responses.GET, VirusTotalAPI.HASH_DOWNLOAD, status=404

            assert self.submit_manager.pre(submit_type="strings", data=[
                "87943278943798784783974893278493",  # invalid hash
            ]) == 1

            submit = db.view_submit(1)
            assert isinstance(submit.data["data"], list)
            assert len(submit.data["data"]) == 1

            task0, = submit.data["data"]
            assert task0["type"] == "file"
            assert open(task0["data"], "rb").read() == "A"*1024*1024

            # We couldn't locate the second hash.
            assert submit.data["errors"][0].startswith("Error retrieving")

    def test_submit_url1(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(
            "strings", ["http://cuckoosandbox.org"]
        ) == 1
        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/url1.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target == "http://cuckoosandbox.org"
        assert t.package == "ie"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "url"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "internet",

    def test_submit_url2(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(
            "strings", ["http://google.com"]
        ) == 1
        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/url2.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target == "http://google.com"
        assert t.package == "ie"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "url"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "vpn0",

    def test_submit_file1(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "icardres.dll",
            "data": open("tests/files/icardres.dll", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file1.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("icardres.dll")
        assert t.package == "dll"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "file"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.enforce_timeout is True
        assert not t.memory
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "internet",

    def test_submit_file2(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "pdf0.pdf",
            "data": open("tests/files/pdf0.pdf", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file2.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("pdf0.pdf")
        assert t.package == "pdf"
        assert t.timeout == 111
        assert t.category == "file"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.enforce_timeout is True
        assert t.memory is True
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "free": "yes",
            "human": "0",

    def test_submit_file3_drop(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "msgbox.exe",
            "data": "hello world",
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file3.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("msgbox.exe")
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "drop",

    def test_submit_file4_tor(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "msgbox.exe",
            "data": "hello world",
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file4.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("msgbox.exe")
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "tor",

    def test_submit_arc1(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "msg_invoice.msg",
            "data": open("tests/files/msg_invoice.msg", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc1.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("msg_invoice.msg")
        assert t.package == "doc"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "archive"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.machine == "cuckoo2"
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "internet",
            "filename": "oledata.mso",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("oledata.mso")) == 234898

    def test_submit_arc2(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "pdf0.zip",
            "data": open("tests/files/pdf0.zip", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc2.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("pdf0.zip")
        assert t.package == "pdf"
        assert t.timeout == 10
        assert t.category == "archive"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.machine is None
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "filename": "files/pdf0.pdf",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("files/pdf0.pdf")) == 680

    def test_submit_arc3(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "pdf0.tgz",
            "data": open("tests/files/pdf0.tgz", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc3.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("pdf0.zip")
        assert t.package == "pdf"
        assert t.timeout == 10
        assert t.category == "archive"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.machine is None
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "filename": "files/pdf0.pdf",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("files/pdf0.pdf")) == 680

    def test_pre_options(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(
            "strings", ["google.com"], {"foo": "bar"}
        ) == 1
        assert db.view_submit(1).data["options"] == {"foo": "bar"}

    def sample_analysis(self):
        # Copied from test_web::test_import_analysis.
        buf = io.BytesIO()
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(buf, "w")
        l = os.walk("tests/files/sample_analysis_storage")
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in l:
            for filename in filenames:
                if os.path.basename(dirpath) == "sample_analysis_storage":
                    relapath = filename
                    relapath = "%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(dirpath), filename)
                z.write(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), relapath)
        return z, buf

    def test_import_analysis_json(self, p):
        z, buf = self.sample_analysis()
        z.writestr("analysis.json", json.dumps({
            "errors": "nope",

        self.submit_manager.import_(buf, None)

        z, buf = self.sample_analysis()
        z.writestr("analysis.json", json.dumps({
            "errors": ["yes", "very", "error"],
            "action": ["oneaction"],

        task_id = self.submit_manager.import_(buf, None)
        errors = [(e.message, e.action) for e in db.view_errors(task_id)]
        assert sorted(errors) == [
            ("", "oneaction"), ("error", None), ("very", None), ("yes", None),
Exemplo n.º 14
class TestSubmitManager(object):
    def setup(self):
            "processing": {
                "virustotal": {
                    "enabled": True,

            "cuckoo1", "cuckoo2", "", "windows", None, None, "int0",
            None, "", 2042
        self.submit_manager = SubmitManager()

    def test_pre_file(self):
        """Tests the submission of a plaintext file"""
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(submit_type="files", data=[{
            "name": "foo.txt",
            "data": open("tests/files/foo.txt", "rb").read()
        }]) == 1

        submit = db.view_submit(1)
        assert isinstance(submit.data["data"], list)
        assert len(submit.data["errors"]) == 0
        assert os.path.exists(submit.data["data"][0]["data"])

        assert submit.data["data"][0]["type"] == "file"
        filedata = open(submit.data["data"][0]["data"], "rb").read()
        assert filedata == open("tests/files/foo.txt", "rb").read()

    def test_pre_url(self):
        """Tests the submission of URLs (http/https)"""
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(submit_type="strings", data=[
            # Any trailing whitespaces should be stripped.
            "google.com \t",
        ]) == 1

        submit = db.view_submit(1)
        assert isinstance(submit.data["data"], list)
        assert len(submit.data["data"]) == 3

        url0, url1, url2 = submit.data["data"]
        assert url0["type"] == "url"
        assert url0["data"] == "http://theguardian.com/"
        assert url1["type"] == "url"
        assert url1["data"] == "https://news.ycombinator.com/"
        assert url2["type"] == "url"
        assert url2["data"] == "http://google.com"

    def test_invalid_strings(self):
        assert SubmitManager().pre("strings", ["thisisnotanurl"]) == 1
        submit = db.view_submit(1)
        assert len(submit.data["errors"]) == 1
        assert "was neither a valid hash or url" in submit.data["errors"][0]
        assert not submit.data["data"]

    def test_pre_hash(self):
        """Tests the submission of a VirusTotal hash."""
        with responses.RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=True) as rsps:
                responses.GET, VirusTotalAPI.HASH_DOWNLOAD, body="A"*1024*1024
                responses.GET, VirusTotalAPI.HASH_DOWNLOAD, status=404

            assert self.submit_manager.pre(submit_type="strings", data=[
                "87943278943798784783974893278493",  # invalid hash
            ]) == 1

            submit = db.view_submit(1)
            assert isinstance(submit.data["data"], list)
            assert len(submit.data["data"]) == 1

            task0, = submit.data["data"]
            assert task0["type"] == "file"
            assert open(task0["data"], "rb").read() == "A"*1024*1024

            # We couldn't locate the second hash.
            assert submit.data["errors"][0].startswith("Error retrieving")

    def test_submit_url1(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(
            "strings", ["http://cuckoosandbox.org"]
        ) == 1
        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/url1.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target == "http://cuckoosandbox.org"
        assert t.package == "ie"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "url"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "internet",

    def test_submit_url2(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(
            "strings", ["http://google.com"]
        ) == 1
        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/url2.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target == "http://google.com"
        assert t.package == "ie"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "url"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "vpn0",

    def test_submit_file1(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "icardres.dll",
            "data": open("tests/files/icardres.dll", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file1.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("icardres.dll")
        assert t.package == "dll"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "file"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.enforce_timeout is True
        assert not t.memory
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "internet",

    def test_submit_file2(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "pdf0.pdf",
            "data": open("tests/files/pdf0.pdf", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file2.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("pdf0.pdf")
        assert t.package == "pdf"
        assert t.timeout == 111
        assert t.category == "file"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.enforce_timeout is True
        assert t.memory is True
        assert not t.machine
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "free": "yes",
            "human": "0",

    def test_submit_file3_drop(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "msgbox.exe",
            "data": "hello world",
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file3.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("msgbox.exe")
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "drop",

    def test_submit_file4_tor(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "msgbox.exe",
            "data": "hello world",
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/file4.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("msgbox.exe")
        assert t.options == {
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "route": "tor",

    def test_submit_arc1(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "msg_invoice.msg",
            "data": open("tests/files/msg_invoice.msg", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc1.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("msg_invoice.msg")
        assert t.package == "doc"
        assert t.timeout == 120
        assert t.category == "archive"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.machine == "cuckoo2"
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "internet",
            "filename": "oledata.mso",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("oledata.mso")) == 234898

    def test_submit_arc2(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "pdf0.zip",
            "data": open("tests/files/pdf0.zip", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc2.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("pdf0.zip")
        assert t.package == "pdf"
        assert t.timeout == 10
        assert t.category == "archive"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.machine is None
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "filename": "files/pdf0.pdf",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("files/pdf0.pdf")) == 680

    def test_submit_arc3(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "pdf0.tgz",
            "data": open("tests/files/pdf0.tgz", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc3.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("pdf0.zip")
        assert t.package == "pdf"
        assert t.timeout == 10
        assert t.category == "archive"
        assert t.status == "pending"
        assert t.machine is None
        assert not t.enforce_timeout
        assert not t.memory
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "filename": "files/pdf0.pdf",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("files/pdf0.pdf")) == 680

    @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'linux2'")
    def test_submit_arc4(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "rar_plain.rar",
            "data": open("tests/files/rar_plain.rar", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc4.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("rar_plain.rar")
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "filename": "bar.txt",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("bar.txt")) == 12

    @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'linux2'")
    def test_submit_arc5(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre("files", [{
            "name": "rar_plain_rar.rar",
            "data": open("tests/files/rar_plain_rar.rar", "rb").read(),
        }]) == 1

        config = json.load(open("tests/files/submit/arc5.json", "rb"))
        assert self.submit_manager.submit(1, config) == [1]
        t = db.view_task(1)
        assert t.target.endswith("rar_plain.rar")
        assert t.options == {
            "route": "none",
            "procmemdump": "yes",
            "filename": "bar.txt",
        assert len(zipfile.ZipFile(t.target).read("bar.txt")) == 12

    def test_pre_options(self):
        assert self.submit_manager.pre(
            "strings", ["google.com"], {"foo": "bar"}
        ) == 1
        assert db.view_submit(1).data["options"] == {"foo": "bar"}

    def sample_analysis(self):
        # Copied from test_web::test_import_analysis.
        buf = io.BytesIO()
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(buf, "w")
        l = os.walk("tests/files/sample_analysis_storage")
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in l:
            for filename in filenames:
                if os.path.basename(dirpath) == "sample_analysis_storage":
                    relapath = filename
                    relapath = "%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(dirpath), filename)
                z.write(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), relapath)
        return z, buf

    def test_import_analysis_json(self, p):
        z, buf = self.sample_analysis()
        z.writestr("analysis.json", json.dumps({
            "errors": "nope",

        self.submit_manager.import_(buf, None)

        z, buf = self.sample_analysis()
        z.writestr("analysis.json", json.dumps({
            "errors": ["yes", "very", "error"],
            "action": ["oneaction"],

        task_id = self.submit_manager.import_(buf, None)
        errors = [(e.message, e.action) for e in db.view_errors(task_id)]
        assert sorted(errors) == [
            ("", "oneaction"), ("error", None), ("very", None), ("yes", None),
Exemplo n.º 15
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Cuckoo Foundation.
# This file is part of Cuckoo Sandbox - http://www.cuckoosandbox.org
# See the file 'docs/LICENSE' for copying permission.

import json

from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods

from cuckoo.common.config import config
from cuckoo.core.submit import SubmitManager
from cuckoo.web.utils import api_post, JsonSerialize, json_error_response

submit_manager = SubmitManager()

def defaults():
    machinery = config("cuckoo:cuckoo:machinery")

    if config("routing:vpn:enabled"):
        vpns = config("routing:vpn:vpns")
        vpns = []

    return {
        "machine": config("%s:%s:machines" % (machinery, machinery)),
        "package": None,
        "priority": 2,
        "timeout": config("cuckoo:timeouts:default"),
        "routing": {