Exemplo n.º 1
    def fine_tune_transform(feature1, feature2, init_pair_idx):
        ind = []
        k = 1
        while len(ind) < 0.6 * min(len(feature1["pts"]), len(feature2["pts"])) and k < 10:
            # Step 1. Randomly choose 20 points evenly distributed on the image
            rand_pts = np.random.rand(20, 2) * (np.amax(feature1["pts"], axis=0) - np.amin(feature1["pts"], axis=0)) * \
                       np.array([1, 0.8]) + np.amin(feature1["pts"], axis=0)
            # Step 2. Find nearest points from feature1
            dist_mat = spd.cdist(rand_pts, feature1["pts"][init_pair_idx[:, 0]])
            tmp_ind = np.argmin(dist_mat, axis=1)
            # Step 3. Use these points to find a homography
            tf = cv2.findHomography(feature1["pts"][init_pair_idx[tmp_ind, 0]], feature2["pts"][init_pair_idx[tmp_ind, 1]],
                                    method=cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=5)

            # Then use the transform find more matched points
            pts12 = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([[p] for p in feature1["pts"]], dtype="float32"), tf[0])[:, 0, :]
            dist_mat = spd.cdist(pts12, feature2["pts"])
            num1, num2 = dist_mat.shape

            idx12 = np.argsort(dist_mat, axis=1)
            tmp_ind = np.argwhere(np.array([dist_mat[i, idx12[i, 0]] for i in range(num1)]) < 5)
            if len(tmp_ind) > len(ind):
                ind = tmp_ind
            logging.debug("len(ind) = %d, len(feature) = %d", len(ind), min(len(feature1["pts"]), len(feature2["pts"])))
            k += 1

        pair_idx = np.hstack((ind, idx12[ind, 0]))

        tf = cv2.findHomography(feature1["pts"][pair_idx[:, 0]], feature2["pts"][pair_idx[:, 1]],
                                method=cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=5)
        return tf, pair_idx
Exemplo n.º 2
    def locate(self, visible_markers):
        - find overlapping set of surface markers and visible_markers
        - compute homography (and inverse) based on this subset

        if not self.defined:
            marker_by_id = dict([(m['id'],m) for m in visible_markers])
            visible_ids = set(marker_by_id.keys())
            requested_ids = set(self.markers.keys())
            overlap = visible_ids & requested_ids
            self.detected_markers = len(overlap)
            if len(overlap)>=min(2,len(requested_ids)):
                self.detected = True
                yx = np.array( [marker_by_id[i]['verts_norm'] for i in overlap] )
                uv = np.array( [self.markers[i].uv_coords for i in overlap] )
                # print 'uv',uv
                # print 'yx',yx
                self.m_to_screen,mask = cv2.findHomography(uv,yx)
                self.m_from_screen,mask = cv2.findHomography(yx,uv)

                self.detected = False
                self.m_from_screen = None
                self.m_to_screen = None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def answer_caching_request(self, marker_cache, frame_index):
        visible_markers = marker_cache[frame_index]
        # cache point had not been visited
        if visible_markers == False:
            return False
        # cache point had been visited
        marker_by_id = dict([(m["id"], m) for m in visible_markers])
        visible_ids = set(marker_by_id.keys())
        requested_ids = set(self.markers.keys())
        overlap = visible_ids & requested_ids
        detected_markers = len(overlap)
        if len(overlap) >= min(2, len(requested_ids)):
            yx = np.array([marker_by_id[i]["verts_norm"] for i in overlap])
            uv = np.array([self.markers[i].uv_coords for i in overlap])
            yx.shape = (-1, 1, 2)
            uv.shape = (-1, 1, 2)
            m_to_screen, mask = cv2.findHomography(uv, yx)
            m_from_screen, mask = cv2.findHomography(yx, uv)

            return {
                "m_to_screen": m_to_screen,
                "m_from_screen": m_from_screen,
                "detected_markers": len(overlap),
                "gaze_on_srf": self.gaze_on_srf_by_frame_idx(frame_index, m_from_screen),
            # surface not found
            return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def draw_matches(window_name, kp_pairs1, kp_pairs2, electricImg, acousticImg,
		mainImg, electricColorImg, acousticColorImg, mainColorImg):
	mkp1_1, mkp2_1 = zip(*kp_pairs1)
	p1_1 = np.float32([kp.pt for kp in mkp1_1])
	p2_1 = np.float32([kp.pt for kp in mkp2_1])

	mkp1_2, mkp2_2 = zip(*kp_pairs2)
	p1_2 = np.float32([kp.pt for kp in mkp1_2])
	p2_2 = np.float32([kp.pt for kp in mkp2_2])

	if len(kp_pairs1) >= 5:
		H1, status1 = cv2.findHomography(p1_1, p2_1, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
		H1, status1 = None, None

	if len(kp_pairs2) >= 5:
		H2, status2 = cv2.findHomography(p1_2, p2_2, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
		H2, status2 = None, None
	if len(p1_1):
		explore_match(window_name, kp_pairs1, kp_pairs2, electricImg, 
		acousticImg, mainImg, electricColorImg, acousticColorImg, 
		mainColorImg, status1, H1, status2, H2)
Exemplo n.º 5
def point_corresp_mod(pointcorr_name,current_elevation,homo_filename,elevdiff,gthomo_filename,shift_gt_homo):
	elevprop = []
	for ce in current_elevation:

	pct = open(pointcorr_name,'r')
	fullextract = pct.readlines()
	pclines = fullextract[-6::]
	video_lines = []

	worldPts = []
	temp_holder = []

	#Extract latest point correspondences
	for j in range(0,2):

	#Extract world points
	for k in range(0,4):

	worldPts2 = np.float32(worldPts)
	#Prepare video point arrays
	for x in range(2,6):
		for y in range(0,4):
			video_lines[x-2][y] = video_lines[x-2][y].split('e+')

	point_arrays = []
	#each point:
	# [[X0, Y0]
	# [X1, Y1]]
	for a in range (0,4):

	curr_videoPts = []
	curr_vidlower = []
	for i in range (0,4):
		delta_x = point_arrays[i][1][0] - point_arrays[i][0][0]
		delta_y = point_arrays[i][1][1] - point_arrays[i][0][1]
		a = math.sqrt((float(elevdiff)**2) / (1 + ((delta_x**2)/(delta_y**2))))
		b = a * (delta_x**2)/(delta_y**2)
		curr_videoPts.append([point_arrays[i][0][0] + (delta_x * elevprop[i]),point_arrays[i][0][1] + (delta_y * elevprop[i])])
		curr_vidlower.append([point_arrays[i][0][0] + ((1-b)*delta_x * elevprop[i]),point_arrays[i][0][1] + ((1-a) * delta_y * elevprop[i])])

	curr_videoPts2 = np.float32(curr_videoPts)
	currlower = np.float32(curr_vidlower)
	homography, mask = cv2.findHomography(np.array(curr_videoPts2), np.array(worldPts2))
	homography2, fail = cv2.findHomography(np.array(currlower), np.array(worldPts2))
	if shift_gt_homo == 1:
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_transform_matrix(v0, v1):
    src = []
    des = []
    for i in range(len(v0[0])):
        src.append([v0[0][i], v0[1][i]])
        des.append([v1[0][i], v1[1][i]])
    src = numpy.float32(src)
    des = numpy.float32(des)
    return cv2.findHomography(src, des)[0], cv2.findHomography(des, src)[0]
Exemplo n.º 7
def multiRansac(oKeys, nKeys):
	h = 0
	length, _, _ = oKeys.shape
	while h < 1000:
		rndIdx = np.random.choice(length, 4)
		k1, k2 = oKeys[rndIdx], nKeys[rndIdx]
		h1 = cv2.findHomography(k1,k2)
		h2 = cv2.findHomography(k2,k1)
		import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _find_homographies(points_A, points_B):
        points_A = points_A.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
        points_B = points_B.reshape((-1, 1, 2))

        B_to_A, mask = cv2.findHomography(
            points_A, points_B, method=cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=100

        A_to_B, mask = cv2.findHomography(points_B, points_A)
        return A_to_B, B_to_A
Exemplo n.º 9
def remove_homography_from_points(kp0,kp1,H=None,method=cv2.RANSAC,thresh=1): # Before: 1
    if H is None:
        H,inliers = cv2.findHomography(kp0,kp1,method=method,ransacReprojThreshold=thresh)
        if H is None:
            # Try again, with the first match removed
            H,inliers = cv2.findHomography(kp0[1:],kp1[1:],method=method,ransacReprojThreshold=thresh)
            inliers = np.r_[[[0]],inliers]
        inliers = np.ones(kp0.shape[0])
    Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)

    kp1_ = cv2.perspectiveTransform(kp1[np.newaxis,:,:],Hinv)
    return kp0,kp1_[0,:,:],H,Hinv,inliers
Exemplo n.º 10
def compute_homography(kp1, kp2, outlier_algorithm=cv2.RANSAC, reproj_threshold=5.0):
    Given two arrays of keypoints compute a homography

    kp1 : ndarray
          (n, 2) of coordinates from the source image

    kp2 : ndarray
          (n, 2) of coordinates from the destination image

    outlier_algorithm : object
                        The openCV algorithm to use for outlier detection

    reproj_threshold : float
                       The RANSAC reprojection threshold

    transformation_matrix : ndarray
                            The 3x3 transformation matrix

    mask : ndarray
           Boolean array of the outliers

    transformation_matrix, mask = cv2.findHomography(kp1,
    mask = mask.astype(bool)
    return transformation_matrix, mask
Exemplo n.º 11
    def track(self, frame):
        '''Returns a list of detected TrackedTarget objects'''
        self.frame_points, frame_descrs = self.detect_features(frame)
        if len(self.frame_points) < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
            return []
        matches = self.matcher.knnMatch(frame_descrs, k = 2)
        matches = [m[0] for m in matches if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * 0.75]
        if len(matches) < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
            return []
        matches_by_id = [[] for _ in xrange(len(self.targets))]
        for m in matches:
        tracked = []
        for imgIdx, matches in enumerate(matches_by_id):
            if len(matches) < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
            target = self.targets[imgIdx]
            p0 = [target.keypoints[m.trainIdx].pt for m in matches]
            p1 = [self.frame_points[m.queryIdx].pt for m in matches]
            p0, p1 = np.float32((p0, p1))
            H, status = cv2.findHomography(p0, p1, cv2.RANSAC, 3.0)
            status = status.ravel() != 0
            if status.sum() < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
            p0, p1 = p0[status], p1[status]

            x0, y0, x1, y1 = target.rect
            quad = np.float32([[x0, y0], [x1, y0], [x1, y1], [x0, y1]])
            quad = cv2.perspectiveTransform(quad.reshape(1, -1, 2), H).reshape(-1, 2)

            track = TrackedTarget(target=target, p0=p0, p1=p1, H=H, quad=quad)
        tracked.sort(key = lambda t: len(t.p0), reverse=True)
        return tracked
Exemplo n.º 12
def matching(kp1,des1,img1,kp2_ext,des2_ext):

    global MIN_MATCH_COUNT

    kp2 = kp2_ext
    des2 = des2_ext

    if len(kp1) <= MIN_MATCH_COUNT*2 or len(kp2) <= MIN_MATCH_COUNT*2:
        return [], None

    #index_params = dict(algorithm = FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees = 5)
    #search_params = dict(checks = 50)
    #flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)
    #matches = flann.knnMatch(des1,des2,k=2)

    global CROSS_CHECK

        if CROSS_CHECK:
            bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
            good = bf.match(des1,des2)
            bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING)
            matches = bf.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
            good = []
            for m,n in matches:
                if m.distance < 0.8*n.distance:
        if CROSS_CHECK:
            bf = cv2.BFMatcher(crossCheck=True)
            good = bf.match(des1,des2)
            bf = cv2.BFMatcher()
            matches = bf.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
            good = []
            for m,n in matches:
                if m.distance < 0.8*n.distance:

    if len(good)>MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
        src_pts = np.float32([ kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
        dst_pts = np.float32([ kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
        M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
        if mask is None:
            return [], None

        h,w = img1.shape
        pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
        dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,M)

        return good, np.int32(dst)

    return [], None
 def process(self):
     img1 = cv2.cvtColor(self.imgcv1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  #queryimage # left image
     img2 = cv2.cvtColor(self.imgcv2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  #trainimage # right image
     # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT
     kp1, des1 = self.detector.detectAndCompute(img1,None)
     kp2, des2 = self.detector.detectAndCompute(img2,None)      
     matches = self.flann.knnMatch(des1,des2,k=2)       
     pts1 = []
     pts2 = []        
     # ratio test as per Lowe's paper
     for i,(m,n) in enumerate(matches):
         if m.distance < 0.8*n.distance:
     pts1 = np.float32(pts1)
     pts2 = np.float32(pts2)
     M, mask = cv2.findHomography(pts1, pts2, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)
     h,w = img1.shape
     pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
     dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,M)
     #We select only inlier points
     pts1 = pts1[mask.ravel()==1]
     pts2 = pts2[mask.ravel()==1]
     return drawpoints(img1,img2,pts1i,pts2i)
Exemplo n.º 14
	def matchKeypoints(self, kpsA, kpsB, featuresA, featuresB,
		ratio, reprojThresh):
		# compute the raw matches and initialize the list of actual
		# matches
		matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create("BruteForce")
		rawMatches = matcher.knnMatch(featuresA, featuresB, 2)
		matches = []
		# loop over the raw matches
		for m in rawMatches:
			# ensure the distance is within a certain ratio of each
			# other (i.e. Lowe's ratio test)
			if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * ratio:
				matches.append((m[0].trainIdx, m[0].queryIdx))

		# computing a homography requires at least 4 matches
		if len(matches) > 4:
			# construct the two sets of points
			ptsA = np.float32([kpsA[i] for (_, i) in matches])
			ptsB = np.float32([kpsB[i] for (i, _) in matches])
			# compute the homography between the two sets of points
			(H, status) = cv2.findHomography(ptsA, ptsB, cv2.RANSAC,
			# return the matches along with the homograpy matrix
			# and status of each matched point
			return (matches, H, status)
		# otherwise, no homograpy could be computed
		return None
Exemplo n.º 15
def register_image(file_path, reference_form_path, output_path, result_writer, config_file):
    reference = cv2.imread(reference_form_path, 0)
    logging.info("read reference %s", reference_form_path)
    orb = cv2.SIFT()
    kp2, des2 = orb.detectAndCompute(reference, None)

    image = cv2.imread(file_path, 0)
    logging.info("read uploaded image %s", file_path)
    kp1, des1 = orb.detectAndCompute(image, None)
    logging.info("detected orb")
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2)
    raw_matches = bf.knnMatch(des1, trainDescriptors=des2, k=2)
    logging.info("knn matched")
    matches = filter_matches(kp1, kp2, raw_matches)
    mkp1, mkp2 = zip(*matches)
    p1 = np.float32([kp.pt for kp in mkp1])
    p2 = np.float32([kp.pt for kp in mkp2])
    logging.info("starting RANSAC")
    homography_transform, mask = cv2.findHomography(p1, p2, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
    logging.info("RANSAC finished")
    homography, transform = check_homography(homography_transform)

    good_enough_match = check_match(homography, transform)

    h, w = reference.shape
    image_transformed = cv2.warpPerspective(image, homography_transform, (w, h))
    logging.info("transformed image")
    head, file_name = os.path.split(file_path)

    transformed_image = write_transformed_image(image_transformed, homography, transform, good_enough_match, file_name,
                                                output_path, result_writer)
    logging.info("transformed %s", transformed_image)
    return create_response(transformed_image, good_enough_match, config_file)
Exemplo n.º 16
def homography():
    dstPoints = np.asarray([[0.55,-0.5],[0.8,-0.5],[0.8,0],[0.55,0]],np.float32)
    srcPoints1 = np.asarray([[482,148,1]],np.float32).T
    srcPoints = np.asarray([[482,148],[406,133],[312,190],[399,222]],np.float32)

    H = cv2.findHomography(srcPoints,dstPoints,0)[0]
    return H
Exemplo n.º 17
def two_view_reconstruction_plane_based(p1, p2, camera1, camera2, threshold):
    """Reconstruct two views from point correspondences lying on a plane.

        p1, p2: lists points in the images
        camera1, camera2: Camera models
        threshold: reprojection error threshold

        rotation, translation and inlier list
    b1 = camera1.pixel_bearing_many(p1)
    b2 = camera2.pixel_bearing_many(p2)
    x1 = multiview.euclidean(b1)
    x2 = multiview.euclidean(b2)

    H, inliers = cv2.findHomography(x1, x2, cv2.RANSAC, threshold)
    motions = multiview.motion_from_plane_homography(H)

    motion_inliers = []
    for R, t, n, d in motions:
        inliers = _two_view_reconstruction_inliers(
            b1, b2, R.T, -R.T.dot(t), threshold)

    best = np.argmax(map(len, motion_inliers))
    R, t, n, d = motions[best]
    inliers = motion_inliers[best]
    return cv2.Rodrigues(R)[0].ravel(), t, inliers
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _warp_keypoints(self, good_matches, key_frame, sh_frame):
        """Projects keypoints to the frontal plane

            This method computes the homography matrix that is required to
            project a list of keypoints to the frontal plane.

            :param good_matches: list of good matches
            :param key_frame: list of keypoints in the input (query) image
            :param sh_frame: shape of the input (query) image
            :returns: [Hinv, dst_size] homography matrix and size of resulting
        # bring object to frontoparallel plane: centered, up-right
        dst_size = (sh_frame[1], sh_frame[0])  # cols,rows
        scale_row = 1./self.sh_train[0]*dst_size[1]/2.
        bias_row = dst_size[0]/4.
        scale_col = 1./self.sh_train[1]*dst_size[0]*3/4.
        bias_col = dst_size[1]/8.

        # source points are the ones in the train image
        src_points = [key_frame[good_matches[i].trainIdx].pt
                      for i in xrange(len(good_matches))]

        # destination points are the ones in the query image
        # off-set in space so that the image is centered
        dst_points = [self.key_train[good_matches[i].queryIdx].pt
                      for i in xrange(len(good_matches))]
        dst_points = [[x*scale_row+bias_row, y*scale_col+bias_col]
                      for x, y in dst_points]

        # find homography
        Hinv, _ = cv2.findHomography(np.array(src_points),
                                     np.array(dst_points), cv2.RANSAC)

        return [Hinv, dst_size]
Exemplo n.º 19
def homographyFilter2(kp1, kp2, match, v=False):

	xkp1 = [k.pt for k in kp1]
	xkp2 = [k.pt for k in kp2]

	if len(match) > 10:
		query_pts = np.float32([xkp1[m[0]] for m in match]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
		train_pts = np.float32([xkp2[m[1]] for m in match]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

		M, mask = cv2.findHomography(query_pts, train_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)

		if M is None:
			if v == True:
				print('    [o] Failed to find homography')
			return []

		matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist()

		if v == True:
			m_len = len(match)
			n_len = np.sum(matchesMask)
			perc = n_len / m_len * 100.0
			print('    [o] {} of {} matches kept ({:.2f}%)'.format(n_len, m_len, perc))

		return matchesMask

		if v == True:
			print('    [o] Not enough matches')
		return []
Exemplo n.º 20
def pano(image1,image2):
  ## Detect features and compute descriptors.
  (keypoints1, descriptors1) = extract_features(image1, algorithm='SURF')
  (keypoints2, descriptors2) = extract_features(image2, algorithm='SURF')
  print len(keypoints1), "features detected in image1"
  print len(keypoints2), "features detected in image2"
  ## Find corresponding features.
  (points1, points2) = find_correspondences(keypoints1, descriptors1, keypoints2, descriptors2)
  #print len(points1), "features matched"
  ## Visualise corresponding features.
  correspondences = draw_correspondences(image1, image2, points1, points2)
  cv2.imwrite("LR/correspondences.jpg", correspondences)
  #print 'Wrote correspondences.jpg'
  ## Find homography between the views.
  (homography, _) = cv2.findHomography(points2, points1)
  ## Calculate size and offset of merged panorama.
  (size, offset) = calculate_size(image1.shape, image2.shape, homography)
  ## Finally combine images into a panorama.
  panorama = merge_images(image1, image2, homography, size, offset, (points1, points2))
  #print 'Wrote panorama.jpg'
  return panorama
Exemplo n.º 21
def find_homography(image_1_kp, image_2_kp, matches):
    image_1_points = np.zeros((len(matches), 1, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    image_2_points = np.zeros((len(matches), 1, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    for match_idx, match in enumerate(matches):
        image_1_points[match_idx] = image_1_kp[match.queryIdx].pt
        image_2_points[match_idx] = image_2_kp[match.trainIdx].pt
    return cv2.findHomography(image_1_points, image_2_points, method=cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=5.0)[0]
Exemplo n.º 22
def find_homography(kp1, des1, kp2, des2):
        Given a set of keypoints and descriptors finds the homography
    # Tenta fazer a melhor comparacao usando o algoritmo
    matches = flann.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)

    # store all the good matches as per Lowe's ratio test.
    good = []
    for m,n in matches:
        if m.distance < 0.7*n.distance:

    if len(good)>MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
        # Separa os bons matches na origem e no destino
        src_pts = np.float32([ kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
        dst_pts = np.float32([ kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)

        # Tenta achar uma trasformacao composta de rotacao, translacao e escala que situe uma imagem na outra
        M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)
        matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist()

        h,w = img1.shape
        pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)

        # Transforma os pontos da imagem origem para onde estao na imagem destino
        dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,M)

        return M
        # Caso em que nao houve matches o suficiente
        return -1
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _detect_corner_points(self, key_frame, good_matches):
        """Detects corner points in an input (query) image

            This method finds the homography matrix to go from the template
            (train) image to the input (query) image, and finds the coordinates
            of the good matches (from the train image) in the query image.

            :param key_frame: keypoints of the query image
            :param good_matches: list of good matches
            :returns: coordinates of good matches in transformed query image
        # find homography using RANSAC
        src_points = [self.key_train[good_matches[i].queryIdx].pt
                      for i in xrange(len(good_matches))]
        dst_points = [key_frame[good_matches[i].trainIdx].pt
                      for i in xrange(len(good_matches))]
        H, _ = cv2.findHomography(np.array(src_points), np.array(dst_points),

        # outline train image in query image
        src_corners = np.array([(0, 0), (self.sh_train[1], 0),
                                (self.sh_train[1], self.sh_train[0]),
                                (0, self.sh_train[0])], dtype=np.float32)
        dst_corners = cv2.perspectiveTransform(src_corners[None, :, :], H)

        # convert to tuple
        dst_corners = map(tuple, dst_corners[0])
        return dst_corners
Exemplo n.º 24
def find_homography(kp1, des1, kp2, des2):
        Given a set of keypoints and descriptors finds the homography
    # Tenta fazer a melhor comparacao usando o algoritmo
    matches = flann.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)

    # store all the good matches as per Lowe's ratio test.
    good = []
    for m,n in matches:
        if m.distance < 0.7*n.distance:

    if len(good)>MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
        src_pts = np.float32([ kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
        dst_pts = np.float32([ kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)

        M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)
        matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist()

        h,w = img1.shape
        pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)

        dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,M)

        return M
        return -1
	def importExternalTextureFromImage(self, group, imageURL):
		projectedCorners = group['projectedCorners']
		srcGroupMap = group['projectedPoints']
		groupColors = group['colors']

		image = cv2.imread(imageURL, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
		height = image.shape[0]
		width = image.shape[1]

		src = self.verticalReshape(projectedCorners)
		dst = self.verticalReshape([(0, 0), (width, 0), (width, height), (0, height)])
		transformationMatrix, mask = cv2.findHomography(src, dst, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
		finalSrc = srcGroupMap.keys()
		finalDst = np.int32(cv2.perspectiveTransform(self.verticalReshape(finalSrc), 
		for i in range(len(finalDst)):
				dstCoord = tuple(finalDst[i].ravel())
				if self.isOutOfFrame(dstCoord, width, height):
				srcCoord = finalSrc[i]
				for point in srcGroupMap[srcCoord]:
					groupColors[tuple(point)] = image[dstCoord[1]][dstCoord[0]]

Exemplo n.º 26
def matchKeypoints(kpsA, kpsB, featuresA, featuresB, ratio, repojThresh):
    # compute the raw matches and intialize the list of actual matches
    matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create("BruteForce")
    rawMatches = matcher.knnMatch(featuresA, featuresB, 2)
    # k=2 is used to indicate that the top two matches for each feature vector are returned

    # Lowe's ratio test
    # there can be false matches returned from the matching algorithm
    # using lowe's ratio test we select only the matches within a certain threshold
    matches = []
    for m in rawMatches:
        if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * ratio:
            matches.append((m[0].trainIdx, m[0].queryIdx))

    # Step 3 - Use the RANSAC algorithm to estimate a homography matrix
    # computing the homography matrix requires at least 4 matches
    if len(matches) > 4:
        # construct the two sets of points
        ptsA = np.float32([kpsA[i] for (_, i) in matches])
        ptsB = np.float32([kpsB[i] for (i, _) in matches])

        # compute the homography between the two sets of points
        (H, status) = cv2.findHomography(ptsA, ptsB, cv2.RANSAC, repojThresh)

        # return the matches, homography matrix and status of each matched point
        return (matches, H, status)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 27
def ransac():
    threshold = 90  # seems somewhat reasonable here (not a small image)
    best_sample = []
    best_sample_params = []
    best_sample_homography = []
    for _ in range(iter_count):
        cur_sample = random.sample(range(0, 16), 4)

        cur_homography = cv2.findHomography(img_points[cur_sample], chessboard_points[cur_sample])[0]
        converted_points = map(lambda x: from_homogeneous(np.dot(cur_homography, np.insert(x, 2, 1))), img_points)
        error = chessboard_points - converted_points

        filtered_points = filter(lambda (x, y): (x ** 2 + y ** 2) < threshold * threshold, error)

        if len(filtered_points) > len(best_sample):
            best_sample = np.copy(filtered_points)
            best_sample_params = np.copy(cur_sample)
            best_sample_homography = np.copy(cur_homography)

    print('Best sample params: {}'.format(best_sample_params))
    print('Best sample: \n{}\n'.format(best_sample))

    dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([img_points]), best_sample_homography)
    proj_error = 0
    for i in range(8):
        proj_error += np.linalg.norm(dst[0][i] - chessboard_points[i])
    proj_error /= 8
    print('RANSAC error: {}\n'.format(proj_error))  # usually relatively small (<50) yet can be big

    return best_sample_params, best_sample_homography
Exemplo n.º 28
def filter_out_static(input_data, reprojection_threshold=2.0):
    :param input_data: input DataFrame of motion vectors of all frames.
    :return: list of boolean, True when the input vector has moved
    frame_count = input_data['framenum'].max()
    motion_all_mask = []
    for frame_number in range(1, frame_count+1):
        logging.info('loading frame {}'.format(frame_number))

        #select motion vector for the current frame only
        info_frame = input_data[input_data['framenum'] == frame_number]
        if info_frame.empty: # happens for keyframes, just skip it
            logging.info('no vector info for frame {}'.format(frame_number))

        # reformat source and destination coordinates
        src_pts = np.float32(info_frame[['srcx', 'srcy']]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        dst_pts = np.float32(info_frame[['dstx', 'dsty']]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

        # compute 2D transformation using RANSAC method
        M, homography_mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, reprojection_threshold)
        # object in motions are the ones that does not fit the homography
        # a logical not should be enough (for first try)
        motion_mask = np.logical_not(homography_mask).ravel().tolist()
        # then accumulate the results
        motion_all_mask += motion_mask

    return motion_all_mask
Exemplo n.º 29
def f2f(bg, curr, bgMask):
    sift = cv2.SIFT(nOctaveLayers=3, contrastThreshold=0.05, edgeThreshold=10)
    prev = bg.toImg()
    N, M, _ = prev.shape
    kp1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(prev, bgMask)
    kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(curr, None)
    index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5)
    search_params = dict(checks=50)
    flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)
    matches = flann.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
    good = []
    for m, n in matches:
        if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance:
    if len(good) > 10:
        src_pts = np.float32(
                [kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        dst_pts = np.float32(
                [kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        H, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 7.0)
    print H
    print len(kp1), len(kp2), len(good)
    img4 = cv2.warpPerspective(curr, H, (M, N), flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP)
    mask4 = cv2.warpPerspective(np.zeros((720,1280), dtype=np.uint8), H, (M, N),
                                flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP,  borderValue=255)
    mask4 = cv2.bitwise_not(mask4)
    bg.add(img4, mask4)
    cv2.bitwise_or(bgMask, mask4, dst=bgMask)
    return H
	def handleTree(self, group):
		projectedCorners = group['projectedCorners']
		srcGroupMap = group['projectedPoints']
		groupColors = group['colors']

		image = cv2.imread("images/treeTexture.png", -1)
		height = image.shape[0]
		width = image.shape[1]

		src = self.verticalReshape(projectedCorners)
		dst = self.verticalReshape([(0, 0), (width, 0), (width, height), (0, height)])
		transformationMatrix, mask = cv2.findHomography(src, dst, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
		finalSrc = srcGroupMap.keys()
		finalDst = np.int32(cv2.perspectiveTransform(self.verticalReshape(finalSrc), 
		for i in range(len(finalDst)):
				dstCoord = tuple(finalDst[i].ravel())
				if self.isOutOfFrame(dstCoord, width, height):
				colorWithAlpha = image[dstCoord[1]][dstCoord[0]]
				if(colorWithAlpha[3] < 1.0):
					color = np.asarray([-1, -1, -1])
					color = np.asarray([colorWithAlpha[0],
				srcCoord = finalSrc[i]
				for point in srcGroupMap[srcCoord]:
					groupColors[tuple(point)] = color

Exemplo n.º 31
def ransac(kpt_1, kpt_2, match):
    data_1 = np.array([kp.pt for kp in kpt_1])[match[0], :]
    data_2 = np.array([kp.pt for kp in kpt_2])[match[1], :]
    _, matches = cv2.findHomography(data_1, data_2, cv2.RANSAC, 20.0)
    return np.sum(matches)
Exemplo n.º 32
    # Press space to take screenshot
    elif k % 256 == 32:
        # SPACE pressed
        img_name = "WindowName"
        cv2.imshow(img_name, framefield)
        print("{} written!".format(img_name))
        img_counter += 1

        cv2.setMouseCallback('WindowName', onMouse)
        # Convert to numpy for other usages
        posNp = np.array(posList)

points = np.array(posList)

# Calculate matrix H for coordinate projecting to 2D
htransf, status = cv2.findHomography(points, pts_dst)

# Reset webcams

clockimages = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

hog = cv2.HOGDescriptor()

# Open webcam video stream 0 for built-in webcam, 1 for external webcam
field = cv2.VideoCapture("/home/gustav/TIFX04/Arturs_kod/test2.mp4")

frame_width = int(field.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
frame_height = int(field.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
Exemplo n.º 33
    newWidth = 640.0
    rat1 = newWidth / im_src.shape[1]
    dim1 = (int(newWidth), int(im_src.shape[0] * rat1))
    im_small = cv2.resize(im_src, dim1, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

    # Four corners of the book in source image
    pts_src = np.array([[57, 368], [98, 22], [585, 28], [626, 374]],

    # Read destination image.
    im_dst = cv2.imread('destimg2.jpg')
    # Four corners of the book in destination image.
    pts_dst = np.array([[0, 0], [511, 0], [511, 639], [0, 639]], dtype=float)

    # Calculate Homography
    h, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst)

    # Warp source image to destination based on homography
    im_out = cv2.warpPerspective(im_small, h,
                                 (im_dst.shape[1], im_dst.shape[0]))
    im_grey = cv2.cvtColor(im_out, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    cv2.imwrite('img23.png', im_out)

    # Match to template tiles
    tileFiles = [
        'tile000002.png', 'tile000004.png', 'tile000008.png', 'tile000016.png',
        'tile000032.png', 'tile000064.png', 'tile000128.png', 'tile000256.png',
        'tile000512.png', 'tile001024.png'
    lineThicknessIdx = 1
Exemplo n.º 34
    def predict(self, frame, tracks):
        Predicts tracklet positions in the next frame and estimates camera motion.
        frame : ndarray
            The next frame.
        tracks : List[Track]
            List of tracks to predict.
            Feature points of each track are updated in place.
        Dict[int, ndarray], ndarray
            Returns a dictionary with track IDs as keys and predicted bounding
            boxes of [x1, x2, y1, y2] as values, and a 3x3 homography matrix.
        # preprocess frame
        frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        frame_small = cv2.resize(frame_gray,
        # order tracks from closest to farthest

        # detect target feature points
        all_prev_pts = []
        np.copyto(self.fg_mask, self.ones)
        for track in tracks:
            inside_tlbr = intersection(track.tlbr, self.frame_rect)
            target_mask = crop(self.fg_mask, inside_tlbr)
            target_area = mask_area(target_mask)
            keypoints = self._rect_filter(track.keypoints, inside_tlbr,
            # only detect new keypoints when too few are propagated
            if len(keypoints) < self.feature_density * target_area:
                img = crop(self.prev_frame_gray, inside_tlbr)
                feature_dist = self._estimate_feature_dist(
                    target_area, self.feat_dist_factor)
                keypoints = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(img,
                if keypoints is None:
                    keypoints = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
                    keypoints = self._ellipse_filter(keypoints, track.tlbr,
            # batch keypoints
            # zero out target in foreground mask
            target_mask[:] = 0
        target_ends = list(
                len(pts) for pts in all_prev_pts)) if all_prev_pts else [0]
        target_begins = itertools.chain([0], target_ends[:-1])

        # detect background feature points
        prev_frame_small_bg = cv2.resize(self.prev_frame_gray,
        bg_mask_small = cv2.resize(self.fg_mask,
        keypoints = self.bg_feat_detector.detect(prev_frame_small_bg,
        if len(keypoints) == 0:
            self.bg_keypoints = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
            LOGGER.warning('Camera motion estimation failed')
            return {}, None
        keypoints = np.float32([kp.pt for kp in keypoints])
        keypoints = self._unscale_pts(keypoints, self.bg_feat_scale_factor)
        bg_begin = target_ends[-1]

        # match features using optical flow
        all_prev_pts = np.concatenate(all_prev_pts)
        scaled_prev_pts = self._scale_pts(all_prev_pts,
        all_cur_pts, status, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(
            self.prev_frame_small, frame_small, scaled_prev_pts, None,
        status = self._get_status(status, err, self.max_error)
        all_cur_pts = self._unscale_pts(all_cur_pts,
                                        self.opt_flow_scale_factor, status)

        # reuse preprocessed frame for next prediction
        self.prev_frame_gray = frame_gray
        self.prev_frame_small = frame_small

        # estimate camera motion
        homography = None
        prev_bg_pts, matched_bg_pts = self._get_good_match(
            all_prev_pts, all_cur_pts, status, bg_begin, -1)
        if len(matched_bg_pts) < 4:
            self.bg_keypoints = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
            LOGGER.warning('Camera motion estimation failed')
            return {}, None
        homography, inlier_mask = cv2.findHomography(
        self.prev_bg_keypoints, self.bg_keypoints = self._get_inliers(
            prev_bg_pts, matched_bg_pts, inlier_mask)
        if homography is None or len(self.bg_keypoints) < self.inlier_thresh:
            self.bg_keypoints = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
            LOGGER.warning('Camera motion estimation failed')
            return {}, None

        # estimate target bounding boxes
        next_bboxes = {}
        np.copyto(self.fg_mask, self.ones)
        for begin, end, track in zip(target_begins, target_ends, tracks):
            prev_pts, matched_pts = self._get_good_match(
                all_prev_pts, all_cur_pts, status, begin, end)
            prev_pts, matched_pts = self._fg_filter(prev_pts, matched_pts,
                                                    self.fg_mask, self.size)
            if len(matched_pts) < 3:
                track.keypoints = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
            # model motion as partial affine
            affine_mat, inlier_mask = cv2.estimateAffinePartial2D(
            if affine_mat is None:
                track.keypoints = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
            est_tlbr = self._estimate_bbox(track.tlbr, affine_mat)
            track.prev_keypoints, track.keypoints = self._get_inliers(
                prev_pts, matched_pts, inlier_mask)
            if (intersection(est_tlbr, self.frame_rect) is None
                    or len(track.keypoints) < self.inlier_thresh):
                track.keypoints = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
            next_bboxes[track.trk_id] = est_tlbr
            track.inlier_ratio = len(track.keypoints) / len(matched_pts)
            # zero out predicted target in foreground mask
            target_mask = crop(self.fg_mask, est_tlbr)
            target_mask[:] = 0
        return next_bboxes, homography
Exemplo n.º 35
img_board_transformed = wrap_board2tile(img_tile, img_board, tile_corners,

img_tile_color_transformed = wrap_board2tile(
    cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('tiles/board test.jpg'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB),
    tile_corners, board_corners)

# Display images
# cv2.imshow("Source Image", img_board)
# cv2.imshow("Destination Image", img_tile)
# cv2.imshow("Warped Source Image", img_board_transformed)


H, status = cv2.findHomography(board_corners, tile_corners, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
img_out = cv2.warpPerspective(img_board, H, ((int)(img_tile.shape[1]),
visualize_image(img_out, 'gray')

src = img_board
dst = img_tile

# Find the corners after the transform has been applied
height, width = src.shape[:2]
corners = np.array([[0, 0], [0, height - 1], [width - 1, height - 1],
                    [width - 1, 0]])
corners = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.float32([corners]), H)[0]

# Find the bounding rectangle
bx, by, bwidth, bheight = cv2.boundingRect(corners)
image = cv2.imread(
im = cv2.imread(
#Corner coordinates
image_corner = np.float32([[81, 447], [532, 447], [94, 756], [531, 758]])
cv2.circle(image, (81, 447), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)
cv2.circle(image, (532, 447), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)
cv2.circle(image, (94, 756), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)
cv2.circle(image, (531, 758), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

im_corner = np.float32([[43, 517], [288, 480], [77, 718], [322, 703]])
cv2.circle(im, (43, 517), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)
cv2.circle(im, (288, 480), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)
cv2.circle(im, (77, 718), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)
cv2.circle(im, (322, 703), 8, (255, 0, 0), 5)

plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

#Homography matrix
h, mask = cv2.findHomography(im_corner, image_corner)

out = cv2.warpPerspective(im, h, (1000, 1000))

#Shoe the image
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(out, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
while (1):
    ret, QueryImgBGR = cam.read()
    QueryImg = cv2.cvtColor(QueryImgBGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    queryKP, queryDesc = detector.detectAndCompute(QueryImg, None)
    matches = flann.knnMatch(queryDesc, trainDesc, k=2)

    goodMatch = []
    for m, n in matches:
        if (m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance):

    if (len(goodMatch) > MIN_MATCH_COUNT):
        tp = []
        qp = []
        for m in goodMatch:
        tp, qp = np.float32((tp, qp))
        H, status = cv2.findHomography(tp, qp, cv2.RANSAC, 3.0)
        h, w = trainImg.shape
        trainingBorder = np.float32([[[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1],
                                      [w - 1, 0]]])
        queryBorder = cv2.perspectiveTransform(trainingBorder, H)
        cv2.polylines(QueryImgBGR, [np.int32(queryBorder)], True, (0, 255, 0),
        print("Match Found")
        print("Not enough matches - %d%d" % (len(goodMatch), MIN_MATCH_COUNT))
    cv2.imshow('result', QueryImgBGR)
Exemplo n.º 38
img_left = cv2.cvtColor(imgA, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img_right = cv2.cvtColor(imgB, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# find the keypoints and descriptors with ORB - alternative to SIFT
orb = cv2.ORB_create(
)  #ablation study of top# of matches doesnt yield much visual difference between 1000-5000
locs1, des1 = orb.detectAndCompute(img_left, None)
locs2, des2 = orb.detectAndCompute(img_right, None)

# match features - https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_feature2d/py_matcher/py_matcher.html
bfmatch = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)
matches = bfmatch.match(des1, des2)
sort_matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance)

matched_locs1 = np.array(
    [locs1[match.queryIdx].pt for match in sort_matches[:700]])
matched_locs2 = np.array(
    [locs2[match.trainIdx].pt for match in sort_matches[:700]]
)  #ablation study of top# of matches doesnt yield much visual difference between 300-700

# compute homography - https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_feature2d/py_feature_homography/py_feature_homography.html
H, mask = cv2.findHomography(matched_locs1, matched_locs2, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)

# compose composite image
composite_pano = compositeH(H, img_left, img_right)
composite_pano = cv2.cvtColor(composite_pano, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

Exemplo n.º 39
def metric_paf(Y_true, Y_pred, PATCH_SIZE, base_four_points,
    # Compute the True H using Y_true
    assert (Y_true.shape == Y_pred.shape
            ), "the shape of gt and pred should be the same"
    batch_size = Y_true.shape[0]

    mace_b = []

    for i in range(batch_size):
        Y_true_in_loop = Y_true[i, :, :, :]
        Y_pred_in_loop = Y_pred[i, :, :, :]
        base_four_points_in_loop = base_four_points[i, :]
        perturbed_base_four_points_in_loop = perturbed_base_four_points[i, :]

        # define corners of image patch
        top_left_point = (base_four_points_in_loop[0],
        bottom_left_point = (base_four_points_in_loop[2],
        bottom_right_point = (base_four_points_in_loop[4],
        top_right_point = (base_four_points_in_loop[6],

        four_points = [
            top_left_point, bottom_left_point, bottom_right_point,

        perturbed_top_left_point = (perturbed_base_four_points_in_loop[0],
        perturbed_bottom_left_point = (perturbed_base_four_points_in_loop[2],
        perturbed_bottom_right_point = (perturbed_base_four_points_in_loop[4],
        perturbed_top_right_point = (perturbed_base_four_points_in_loop[6],

        perturbed_four_points = [
            perturbed_top_left_point, perturbed_bottom_left_point,
            perturbed_bottom_right_point, perturbed_top_right_point

        predicted_pf_x1 = Y_pred_in_loop[:, :, 0]
        predicted_pf_y1 = Y_pred_in_loop[:, :, 1]

        pf_x1_img_coord = predicted_pf_x1
        pf_y1_img_coord = predicted_pf_y1

        y_patch_grid, x_patch_grid = np.mgrid[0:config.PATCH_SIZE,

        patch_coord_x = x_patch_grid + top_left_point[0]
        patch_coord_y = y_patch_grid + top_left_point[1]

        points_branch1 = np.vstack(
            (patch_coord_x.flatten(), patch_coord_y.flatten())).transpose()
        mapped_points_branch1 = points_branch1 + np.vstack(

        original_points = np.vstack((points_branch1))
        mapped_points = np.vstack((mapped_points_branch1))

        H_predicted = cv2.findHomography(np.float32(original_points),
                                         np.float32(mapped_points), cv2.RANSAC,

        predicted_delta_four_point = cv2.perspectiveTransform(
            np.asarray([four_points], dtype=np.float32),
            H_predicted).squeeze() - np.asarray(perturbed_four_points)

        result = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(predicted_delta_four_point, axis=1))

    __mace = np.mean(mace_b)
    return __mace
Exemplo n.º 40
def compute_homo_transformation(query_img, train_img, f=None):
    # initiate SIFT detector
    sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()

    # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT
    kp_query, des_query = sift.detectAndCompute(query_img, None)
    kp_train, des_train = sift.detectAndCompute(train_img, None)

    n_features_query = len(kp_query)
    n_features_train = len(kp_train)

    if f:
        f.write('Number of features for query image: {}\n'.format(
        f.write('Number of features for query image: {}\n'.format(

    # convert image colors to grey so that sift features can be drawn on top
    gray_query_img = cv2.cvtColor(query_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_train_img = cv2.cvtColor(train_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # draw sift features on gray image
    draw_kp_params = dict(outImage=np.array([]),
    img_query_features = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_query_img, kp_query,
    img_train_features = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_train_img, kp_train,

    # BFMatcher with variable k parameter
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher()
    matches = bf.knnMatch(des_query, des_train, k=2)

    # get number of matches
    n_matches = len(matches)

    # filter only good matches using ratio test
    matches = filter(lambda f: f[0].distance < 0.7 * f[1].distance, matches)
    matches = map(lambda f: [f[0]], matches)

    # sort matches by distance
    matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda f: f[0].distance)

    # get number of matches and number of good matches
    n_good_matches = len(matches)

    if f:
        f.write("Number of matches: {}\n".format(n_matches))
        f.write("Number of good matches: {}\n".format(n_good_matches))

    # draw first 20 matches
    draw_params = dict(matchColor=(0, 255, 0),
    img_matches_before = cv2.drawMatchesKnn(query_img, kp_query, train_img,
                                            kp_train, matches[:20],

    # extract points in the matches
    matched_points_query = np.vstack(
        [kp_query[match[0].queryIdx].pt for match in matches])
    matched_points_train = np.vstack(
        [kp_train[match[0].trainIdx].pt for match in matches])

    # find homography between query and train image using RANSAC algorithm
    h, status = cv2.findHomography(matched_points_query, matched_points_train,

    # write
    if f:
        f.write('h Matrix:\n')

    # calculate boundaries of query image after homography transformation
    corners = get_corner_coords(query_img.shape)
    transformed_corners = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.float32([corners]),
    train_img_with_transformed_corners = cv2.polylines(train_img,
                                                       True, (246, 148, 59), 4)

    # caculate key points after homography transformation
    kp_warp = cv2.perspectiveTransform(
        np.array([[[kp.pt[0], kp.pt[1]] for kp in kp_query]]), h)[0]
    kp_warp = np.array(
        [cv2.KeyPoint(pt[0], pt[1], 1) for pt in kp_warp.tolist()])

    # filter matched key points
    matches_after_homo = list(
            lambda match: dist_kp(kp_warp[match[0].queryIdx], kp_train[match[
                0].trainIdx]) < 1, matches))

    # get total number of matches consitent with the computed homography
    n_consistent_matches = len(matches_after_homo)

    if f:
        f.write("Number of matches consistent with homography: {}\n".format(

    # show top 10 matches after homography transformation
    img_matches_after = cv2.drawMatchesKnn(query_img, kp_query,
                                           kp_train, matches_after_homo[:10],

    return img_query_features, img_train_features, img_matches_before, img_matches_after, h
Exemplo n.º 41
def main():
    # Initializing network
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    detector_graph = tf.Graph()
    decoder_graph = tf.Graph()

    with detector_graph.as_default():
        detector_sess = tf.Session()
        detector_model = tf.saved_model.loader.load(detector_sess,

        detector_input_name = detector_model.signature_def[
        detector_input = detector_graph.get_tensor_by_name(detector_input_name)

        detector_output_name = detector_model.signature_def[
        detector_output = detector_graph.get_tensor_by_name(

    with decoder_graph.as_default():
        decoder_sess = tf.Session()
        decoder_model = tf.saved_model.loader.load(decoder_sess,

        decoder_input_name = decoder_model.signature_def[
        decoder_input = decoder_graph.get_tensor_by_name(decoder_input_name)

        decoder_output_name = decoder_model.signature_def[
        decoder_output = decoder_graph.get_tensor_by_name(decoder_output_name)

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.video)
    bch = bchlib.BCH(BCH_POLYNOMIAL, BCH_BITS)

    ret, frame = cap.read()
    f_height, f_width = frame.shape[0:2]

    if args.save_video is not None:
        fourcc1 = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
        out = cv2.VideoWriter(args.save_video, fourcc1, 30.0,
                              (f_width, f_height))

    ii = 0

    while (True):
        ret, frame = cap.read()
        if frame is None:
        frame_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        detector_image_input_0 = cv2.resize(frame_rgb, (1024, 1024))
        detector_image_input = np.expand_dims(
            np.float32(detector_image_input_0), axis=0) / 255.0

        # print('detector_image_input', detector_image_input)

        output_image = detector_sess.run(
            detector_output, feed_dict={detector_input: detector_image_input})

        output_image = np.array(output_image[0, :, :, :])
        output_image = x = np.argmax(output_image, axis=-1)

        color_codes = np.array([[255, 255, 255], [0, 0, 0]])
        out_vis_image = color_codes[output_image.astype(int)]

        # writeImage(out_vis_image.astype(np.uint8), 'test_contour')

        mask_im = cv2.resize(np.float32(out_vis_image), (f_width, f_height))

        if args.visualize_detector:
            mask_vis = mask_im.astype(np.uint8)

        # print('args.visualize_detector', args.visualize_detector)

        # print('frame.size', (f_width,f_height))

        ii += 1
        jj = 0

        contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
            cv2.cvtColor(mask_im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).astype(np.uint8), 1, 2)
        extrema = np.zeros((8, 2))
        corners = np.zeros((4, 2))
        for cnt in contours:
            area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
            if area < 1000:

            hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt)
            if len(hull) < 4:

            if args.visualize_detector:
                              color=(100, 100, 250),

            extrema[0, :] = hull[np.argmax(hull[:, 0, 0]), 0, :]
            extrema[1, :] = hull[np.argmax(hull[:, 0, 0] + hull[:, 0, 1]),
                                 0, :]
            extrema[2, :] = hull[np.argmax(hull[:, 0, 1]), 0, :]
            extrema[3, :] = hull[np.argmax(-hull[:, 0, 0] + hull[:, 0, 1]),
                                 0, :]
            extrema[4, :] = hull[np.argmax(-hull[:, 0, 0]), 0, :]
            extrema[5, :] = hull[np.argmax(-hull[:, 0, 0] - hull[:, 0, 1]),
                                 0, :]
            extrema[6, :] = hull[np.argmax(-hull[:, 0, 1]), 0, :]
            extrema[7, :] = hull[np.argmax(hull[:, 0, 0] - hull[:, 0, 1]),
                                 0, :]

            extrema_lines = extrema - np.roll(extrema, shift=1, axis=0)
            extrema_len = extrema_lines[:, 0]**2 + extrema_lines[:, 1]**2
            line_idx = np.sort(extrema_len.argsort()[-4:])
            for c in range(4):
                p1 = extrema[line_idx[(c - 1) % 4], :]
                p2 = extrema[(line_idx[(c - 1) % 4] - 1) % 8, :]
                p3 = extrema[line_idx[c], :]
                p4 = extrema[(line_idx[c] - 1) % 8, :]
                corners[c, :] = get_intersect(p1, p2, p3, p4)

            new_area = poly_area(corners)
            if new_area / area > 1.5:

            corners = order_points(corners)
            corners_full_res = corners

            pts_dst = np.array([[0, 0], [399, 0], [399, 399], [0, 399]])
            h, status = cv2.findHomography(corners_full_res, pts_dst)
                warped_im = cv2.warpPerspective(frame_rgb, h, (400, 400))
                # print('warped_im', warped_im)
                w_im = warped_im.astype(np.float32)
                w_im /= 255.

            print('----,', 'frame:', ii, 'index:', jj)

            jj += 1

            for im_rotation in range(4):
                w_rotated = np.rot90(w_im, im_rotation)
                recovered_secret = decoder_sess.run(
                    [decoder_output], feed_dict={decoder_input:
                recovered_secret = list(recovered_secret)
                recovered_secret = [int(i) for i in recovered_secret]

                packet_binary = "".join(
                    [str(bit) for bit in recovered_secret[:96]])
                footer = recovered_secret[96:]
                if np.sum(footer) > 0:
                packet = bytes(
                    int(packet_binary[i:i + 8], 2)
                    for i in range(0, len(packet_binary), 8))
                packet = bytearray(packet)

                data, ecc = packet[:-bch.ecc_bytes], packet[-bch.ecc_bytes:]

                bitflips = bch.decode_inplace(data, ecc)

                if bitflips != -1:
                    print('Num bits corrected: ', bitflips)
                        code = data.decode("utf-8")
                        print('----', code)
                        writeImage(warped_im, 'test', ii, jj)
                        writeImage(frame_rgb, 'test_raw', ii, jj)
                                   'test_contour', ii, jj)
                        writeImage(detector_image_input_0, 'test_raw_1024', ii,
                    color = (100, 250, 100)
                    font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
                    im = cv2.putText(
                        frame, code,
                        tuple((corners[0, :] + np.array([0, -15])).astype(
                            np.int)), font, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

        if args.save_video is not None:
            cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
            if args.visualize_detector:
                cv2.imshow('detector_mask', mask_vis)

    if args.save_video:
Exemplo n.º 42
            matches = feature_matcher.knnMatch(des, des2, k=2)

            # store all the good matches as per Lowe's ratio test.
            good = []
            for m, n in matches:
                if m.distance < 0.7 * n.distance:

            if len(good) > MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
                src_pts = np.float32([kp[m.queryIdx].pt
                                      for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
                dst_pts = np.float32([kp2[m.trainIdx].pt
                                      for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

                # estimating homography
                M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,
                matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist()
                print(f" estimated homography :\n{M}\n")
                real_homog = np.loadtxt(f"{homg_dir}/H1to{img2_num}p",
                print(f" real homography :\n{real_homog}\n")

                # calculating error based on frobenius norm
                error = ((M - real_homog)**2).sum()
                print(f"error in estimation : {error}")

                h, w = gray.shape
                pts = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1],
                                  [w - 1, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
                dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, M)
rawMatches = matcher.knnMatch(desA, desB, 2)
matches = []
H = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=float)

# loop over the raw matches
for m in rawMatches:
    if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * 0.75:
        matches.append((m[0].trainIdx, m[0].queryIdx))

# computing a homography (need at least 4 matches)
if len(matches) > 4:
    # construct the two sets of points
    ptsA = np.float32([kpA[i] for (_, i) in matches])
    ptsB = np.float32([kpB[i] for (i, _) in matches])
    # compute the homography using RANSAC method
    (H, status) = cv.findHomography(ptsA, ptsB, cv.RANSAC, 4.0)

result = cv.warpPerspective(
    image1, H, (image1.shape[1] + image2.shape[1], image1.shape[0]))
result[0:image2.shape[0], 0:image2.shape[1]] = image2

(hA, wA) = image1.shape[:2]
(hB, wB) = image2.shape[:2]
vis = np.zeros((max(hA, hB), wA + wB, 3), dtype="uint8")
vis[0:hA, 0:wA] = image1
vis[0:hB, wA:] = image2

# loop over the matches
for ((trainIdx, queryIdx), s) in zip(matches, status):
    # only process the match if the keypoint was successfully
    # matched
 def find_homography_matrix(self, key1, key2):
     if key1 in self.court_points.keys() and key2 in self.court_points.keys():
         H, status = cv2.findHomography(self.court_points.get(key1), self.court_points.get(key2))
         return H
         print("Enter valid tournament names")
Exemplo n.º 45
# src_pts = Coordinates of the points in the original figure),
#  (dst_pts = Coordinates of the points in the target figure by evaluating radius of the circles)
src_pts = []
dst_pts = []
for p1 in circlesA:
    for p2 in circlesB:
        # print(p1[2])
        if p1[2] > 0 and p2[2] > 0 and abs(1 - p1[2] / p2[2]) < 0.05:

src_pts = np.float32(src_pts)
dst_pts = np.float32(dst_pts)

# Find the transformation between points, standard RANSAC
transformation_matrix, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,

#printing and saving the transformation_matrix

#  Just for checking the code we add a "Gray Ring" to the figure A
cv2.circle(imgA, (20, 100), 10, 127, 4)
# apply transformation

imgAT = cv.warpPerspective(imgA, transformation_matrix,
                           (imgA.shape[1], imgA.shape[0]))
Exemplo n.º 46
 def RetrieveDataStep(self, imgpath):
     WordBoxes: List(ndarray 4x2)
     CharBoxes: List(ndarray 4x2)
     # step 1: iterate through text instances, obtain coordinates of four corners, use TextInstance Attributes to calculate screen location
     Texts = []
     WordBoxes = []
     CharBoxes = []
     for TextID in range(self.MaxTextCount):
         if self.AllTextObjects[TextID].IsValid:
             BoxRelativePosition = self.AllTextObjects[TextID].adjusted_pos[:, 0, :]  #  4x1x2 -> 4x2
             source_pts = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 0.], [1., 1.], [0., 1.]]).astype(np.float32)  # 4x2
             h, status = cv2.findHomography(source_pts, BoxRelativePosition)  # h = ndarray(3x3)
             h = h.transpose()
             # text
             # bbox
             bbox = self.AllTextObjects[TextID].bbox  # nx4x2
             if True:
                 # homography transformation
                 bbox = bbox.reshape((-1, 2)) # 4n x 2
                 bbox = np.concatenate([bbox, np.ones((bbox.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)],
                                       axis=-1) # 4n x 3
                 bbox = np.matmul(bbox, h)
                 bbox = bbox / bbox[:, 2:3]
                 screenbox = bbox[:, :2].reshape((-1, 4, 2)) # 4n x 2 -> n x 4 x 2
                 # affine transformation
                 UpperEdge = (1 - bbox[:, :, :1]) * BoxRelativePosition[:1, :, :] + bbox[:, :, :1] * BoxRelativePosition[
                                                                                                         1:2, :, :]  # nx4x2
                 BottomEdge = (1 - bbox[:, :, :1]) * BoxRelativePosition[3:, :, :] + bbox[:, :, :1] * BoxRelativePosition[
                                                                                                         2:3, :, :]  # nx4x2
                 screenbox = (1 - bbox[:, :, 1:]) * UpperEdge + bbox[:, :, 1:] * BottomEdge # nx4x2
             # screenbox *= self.HighResFactor
                     [Point[0][0], Point[0][1], Point[1][0], Point[1][1], Point[2][0], Point[2][1], Point[3][0], Point[3][1]] for Point in screenbox.astype(np.int32).tolist() # nx8
             # cbox
             cbox = self.AllTextObjects[TextID].cbox  ## nx4x2
             if True:
                 # homography transformation
                 cbox = cbox.reshape((-1, 2)) # 4n x 2
                 cbox = np.concatenate([cbox, np.ones((cbox.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)],
                                       axis=-1) # 4n x 3
                 cbox = np.matmul(cbox, h)
                 cbox = cbox / cbox[:, 2:3]
                 screencbox = cbox[:, :2].reshape((-1, 4, 2)) # 4n x 2 -> n x 4 x 2
                 # affine transformation
                 UpperEdge = (1 - cbox[:, :, :1]) * BoxRelativePosition[:1, :, :] + cbox[:, :, :1] * BoxRelativePosition[
                                                                                                     1:2, :, :]  # nx4x2
                 BottomEdge = (1 - cbox[:, :, :1]) * BoxRelativePosition[3:, :, :] + cbox[:, :,
                                                                                     :1] * BoxRelativePosition[
                                                                                         2:3, :, :]  # nx4x2
                 screencbox = (1 - cbox[:, :, 1:]) * UpperEdge + cbox[:, :, 1:] * BottomEdge  # nx4x2
             # screencbox *= self.HighResFactor
                     [Point[0][0], Point[0][1], Point[1][0], Point[1][1], Point[2][0], Point[2][1], Point[3][0], Point[3][1]] for Point in screencbox.astype(np.int32).tolist() # nx8
         self.AllTextObjects[TextID].IsValid = False
     return imgpath, Texts, WordBoxes, CharBoxes, self.TextNum
def create_hive_coords(input_files_location, output_location):
	# make sure input_files_location contains only directories with only csv-files and no subdirs

	if not os.path.exists(output_location):


	# true world coordinate system corner points:

	#	t1  ------------------  t2
	#	|                        |
	#	|                        |
	#	|                        |
	#	t4  ------------------  t3

	t1 = [0.0,0.0]
	t2 = [35.2,0.0]
	t3 = [35.2,20.0]
	t4 = [0.0,20.0]

	pts_dst = numpy.array([t1,t2,t3,t4])

	# in cm


	dirnames = os.listdir(input_files_location)
	dirnum = len(dirnames)
	i = 0

	for dirname in dirnames:

		current_path = os.path.join(input_files_location,dirname)
		cam0_text = ""
		cam1_text = ""
		files = os.listdir(current_path)
		filenum = len(files)
		print("starting directory " + str(i+1) + " of " + str(dirnum) + " which contains " + str(filenum) + " files")
		i = i+1
		for file in files:
			f = open(os.path.join(current_path,file))
			r = f.read()
			cam = file[14]			# get from filename

			r2 = r.split("\n")		# divide by line
			position = r2[0]
			time = r2[1]
			corners = r2[2]
			posdata = position.split()		# divide by whitespace
			pos = numpy.array([float(posdata[0])*4,float(posdata[1])*4,1.0])		# position of dance in WDD (value was downscaled to 160x120 resolution; *4 gets it back to 640x480)
			timedata = time.split()
			time = timedata[0]
			cornerdata = corners.split()
			p1 = [float(cornerdata[0]),float(cornerdata[1])]
			p2 = [float(cornerdata[2]),float(cornerdata[3])]
			p3 = [float(cornerdata[4]),float(cornerdata[5])]
			p4 = [float(cornerdata[6]),float(cornerdata[7])]
			pts_src = numpy.array([p1,p2,p3,p4])
			#	p1  ------------------  p2
			#	|                        |
			#	|                        |
			#	|                        |
			#	p4  ------------------  p3
			h, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst)			# h is homography matrix
			calc = numpy.dot(h,pos)										# transforming the WDD dance position
			world_coord_pos = [round(calc[0],4),round(calc[1],4)]
			if cam == '0':
				cam0_text = cam0_text + time + " " + str(world_coord_pos[0]) + " " + str(world_coord_pos[1]) + "\n"
			elif cam == '1':
				cam1_text = cam1_text + time + " " + str(world_coord_pos[0]) + " " + str(world_coord_pos[1]) + "\n"
		f0 = open(os.path.join(output_location,dirname + " cam0.txt"),'w')
		f1 = open(os.path.join(output_location,dirname + " cam1.txt"),'w')
def feat_det(image):


    # Reads in source for cam feed
    # if VideoCapture(0) doesn't work, try -1, 1, 2, 3 (if none of those work, the webcam's not supported!)

    feed = 0
    for src in range(-1, 4):
        cam = cv2.VideoCapture(src)
        ret_val, testImg = cam.read()
        if testImg is None:
            feed = src

    #cam = cv2.VideoCapture(feed)
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    # Reads in the image
    img1 = cv2.imread(image, 0)

    # Labels the image as the name passed in
    if args["label"] is not None:
        label = args["label"]
        # Takes the name of the image as the name
        if image[:2] == "./":
            label = image[2:-4]
            label = image[:-4]

    # Initiate ORB detector
    orb = cv2.ORB_create()
    # Initiate SIFT detector
    sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
    # Initiate SURF detector
    surf = cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create(200)

    # Find the keypoints and descriptors of the provided image with ORB
    kp1, des1 = orb.detectAndCompute(img1, None)
    # Find the keypoints and descriptors of the provided image with SIFT
    kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(img1, None)
    # Find the keypoints and descriptors of the provided image with SURF
    kp3, des3 = surf.detectAndCompute(img1, None)

    # Option of changing 'trees' and 'checks' values for different levels of accuracy
    index_params = dict(algorithm = FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees = 5)    # 5
    search_params = dict(checks = 50)                                 # 50

    # Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
    # creates FLANN object for use below
    flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)

    # Brute Force matcher
    # creates BFMatcher object for use below
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck = False)

    # Setup for keypresses that allow the user to switch between the algorithms
    # the default algorithm on startup is ORB
    alg = 1

    # handles keypresses
    while True:
        c = cv2.waitKey(1)

        if c == ord('o'):
            alg = 1

        elif c == ord('i'):
            alg = 2

        elif c == ord('s'):
            alg = 3

        ret_val, img2 = cam.read()

        if img2 is None :               # did we get an image at all?
            #print ("No image")

        # The 'o' key starts the Orb algorithm, trades accuracy for speed
        if alg == 1:
            kp1_s, des1_s = orb.detectAndCompute(img2, None)

            # Uses the BFMatcher algorithm to search for similar elements of two images
            # uses simpler calculations than FLANN
            matches = bf.knnMatch(des1, des1_s, k = 2 )
            kp = kp1
            kp_L = kp1_s
            alg_type = "Orb"

        # The 'i' key starts the Sift algorithm, trades speed for accuracy
        elif alg == 2:
            kp2_s, des2_s = sift.detectAndCompute(img2, None)

            # Uses the FLANN algorithm to search for nearest neighbors between elements of two images
            # faster than the BFMatcher for larger datasets
            matches = flann.knnMatch(des2, des2_s, k = 2)
            kp = kp2
            kp_L = kp2_s
            alg_type = "Sift"

        # The 's' key starts the Surf algorithm, trades speed for accuracy
        # and is supposed to be faster than SIFT, but OpenCV's implementation is unoptimized
        elif alg == 3:
            kp3_s, des3_s = surf.detectAndCompute(img2, None)

            # Uses the FLANN algorithm to search for nearest neighbors between elements of two images
            # faster than the BFMatcher for larger datasets
            matches = flann.knnMatch(des3, des3_s, k = 2)
            kp = kp3
            kp_L = kp3_s
            alg_type = "Surf"

        if len(matches) == 0:

        # Store all the good matches (based off Lowe's ratio test)
        good = []
        for m,n in matches:
            if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance:

        # When there are enouugh matches, we convert the keypoints to floats in order to draw them later
        if len(good) >= MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
            src_pts = np.float32([ kp[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
            dst_pts = np.float32([ kp_L[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)

            # Homography adds a degree of rotation/translation invariance by mapping the transformation
            # of points between two images
            M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)
            matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist()

            h, w = img1.shape
            pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
            if M is not None:
                dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,  M)

                intDst = np.int32(dst)

                # Polylines is an alternative bounding shape around the largest area of recognition
                #cv2.polylines(img2,[np.int32(dst)],True,(255, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

                # Draws a bounding box around the area of most matched points
                cv2.rectangle(img2, (intDst[0][0][0], intDst[0][0][1]), (intDst[2][0][0], intDst[2][0][1]), (255, 0, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, 0)
                cv2.putText(img2, label, (dst[0][0][0], dst[0][0][1]) , cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), lineType = cv2.LINE_AA )

                matchesMask = None

            #print ("Not enough matches are found - %d/%d" % (len(good),MIN_MATCH_COUNT))
            matchesMask = None

        draw_params = dict(matchColor = (0,255,0), # draw matches in green color
                        singlePointColor = None,
                        matchesMask = matchesMask, # draw only inliers
                        flags = 2)

        # Option of slicing the 'good' list to display a certain number of matches (ex. good[:6])
        img3 = cv2.drawMatches(img1, kp, img2, kp_L, good, None, **draw_params)
        # Makes the window 1.5x bigger
        img3 = cv2.resize(img3, (0,0), fx = 1.5, fy = 1.5)

        # Displays the keys for switching algorithms and the current algorithm
        height, width = img3.shape[:2]
        cv2.putText(img3, "Hold 'o' for ORB, 'i' for SIFT, and 's' for SURF", (width - 950, 25),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.75, (0,0,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
        cv2.rectangle(img3, (width - 200, 0), (width, 40), (255,255,255), -1)
        cv2.putText(img3, "Detection Alg: "+ alg_type, (width - 190, 25), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
                     0.6, (0,0,0), 2, 9)

        if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
                    break  # esc to quit

        # Shows the current frame
        cv2.imshow("My Webcam", img3)

    p0 = []
    p1 = []
    for m in matches:

    p0, p1 = np.float32((p0, p1))

    for (x, y) in np.int32(p0):
        cv2.circle(trainingImage, (x, y), 10, (0, 0, 0))

    for (x, y) in np.int32(p1):
        cv2.circle(targetImage, (x, y), 10, (0, 255, 255))

    H, status = cv2.findHomography(p0, p1, cv2.LMEDS, 5.0)
    status = status.ravel() != 0

    p0, p1 = p0[status], p1[status]

    # for (x, y) in np.int32(p0):
    #     cv2.circle(trainingImage, (x, y), 8, (255, 255, 0))
    # for (x, y) in np.int32(p1):
    #     cv2.circle(targetImage, (x, y), 8, (255, 255, 0))

    h = trainingCopy.shape[0]
    w = trainingCopy.shape[1]
    trainBorder = np.float32(
        [[[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1], [w - 1, 0]]])
def solution(left_img, right_img):
    :param left_img:
    :param right_img:
    :return: you need to return the result image which is stitched by left_img and right_img
    'gray scale image conversion'
    left_img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(
        left_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # left-image in gray scale
    right_img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(
        right_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # left-image in gray scale

    'SIFT operation'
    sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()  # applying sift
    left_img_keypoint, left_img_descriptor = sift.detectAndCompute(
        left_img_gray, None)
    right_img_keypoint, right_img_descriptor = sift.detectAndCompute(
        right_img_gray, None)

    'FLANN matching technique to find K Nearest Neighbours'

    index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5)
    search_params = dict(checks=100)

    'Creating object for FLANN matching'
    doFlann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)
    matches = doFlann.knnMatch(left_img_descriptor, right_img_descriptor, k=2)

    Keypoints = []
    for m, n in matches:
        if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance:

    MIN_MATCHES = 10

    if len(Keypoints) > MIN_MATCHES:
        coordinate1 = np.array(
            [left_img_keypoint[m.queryIdx].pt for m in Keypoints])
        np.reshape(coordinate1, (-1, 1, 2))
        coordinate1 = np.float32(coordinate1)
        coordinate2 = np.array(
            [right_img_keypoint[m.trainIdx].pt for m in Keypoints])
        np.reshape(coordinate2, (-1, 1, 2))
        coordinate2 = np.float32(coordinate2)

        H, homographyStatus = cv2.findHomography(coordinate1, coordinate2,
                                                 cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)
        print(" Enough matches have not been found - %d/%d" %
              (len(Keypoints), MIN_MATCHES))

    'Shapes of the two images'
    left_height, left_width = left_img_gray.shape
    right_height, right_width = right_img_gray.shape

    'Corners of each image'
    points_m1 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0,
                                     left_height], [left_width, left_height],
                            [left_width, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
    points_m2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, right_height],
                            [right_width, right_height],
                            [right_width, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

    'Translation and rotation of each corner of left image with respect to the right image using Homography matrix'
    points_m1_modify = cv2.perspectiveTransform(points_m1, H)
    '''Add the translated corners of the left image to the corners of the right image in the form of a 
        list of list for each corner location on the canvas. We have added along axis=0, i.e. along the rows'''
    all_mPoints = np.concatenate((points_m2, points_m1_modify), axis=0)
    '''Finding the minimum and maximum values from all the corners to create the size of the frame at a 
     distance of +-1 '''
    [pano_xmin, pano_ymin] = np.int32(all_mPoints.min(axis=0).ravel() - 1.0)
    [pano_xmax, pano_ymax] = np.int32(all_mPoints.max(axis=0).ravel() + 1.0)

    'Calculation of the left upper most and lower most corners of the frame'
    transformationM = [-pano_ymin, -pano_xmin]

    'Compute the Translated matrix for the new frame, with respect to which the H will be translated'
    translatedH = np.array([[1, 0, transformationM[1]],
                            [0, 1, transformationM[0]], [0, 0, 1]])

    'Warp the left image with respect to the right image'
    img_panorama = cv2.warpPerspective(
        left_img, translatedH.dot(H),
        (pano_xmax - pano_xmin, pano_ymax - pano_ymin))
    img_panorama[transformationM[0]:right_height + transformationM[0],
                 transformationM[1]:right_width +
                 transformationM[1]] = right_img

    return img_panorama
v = np.array([(n2 / 2, 0)])
P2 = np.array([(0, 4 * m2 / 5), (5 * n2 / 6, m2), (3 * n2 / 12, 7 * m2 / 12),
               (n2, 8 * m2 / 12)])

cv2.line(I, (0, 0), (0, m - 1), (1, 1, 1), 4)
cv2.line(I, (0, 0), (n - 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), 4)
cv2.line(I, (n - 1, m - 1), (0, m - 1), (1, 1, 1), 4)
cv2.line(I, (n - 1, m - 1), (n - 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), 4)

for i in range(4):
    cv2.line(J, (v[0, 0], v[0, 1]), (P2[i, 0], P2[i, 1]), (0, 0, 0), 2)

p21 = P2[1].copy()

for i in range(psize):
    H, status = cv2.findHomography(P1, P2)

    K = cv2.warpPerspective(I, H, (J.shape[1], J.shape[0]))

    msk = K.max(axis=2) != 0

    J[msk, :] = K[msk, :]

    cv2.line(J, (v[0, 0], v[0, 1]), (p21[0], p21[1]), (0, 0, 0), 2)

    cv2.imshow('', J)

    P2 = (P2 + v) / 2
Exemplo n.º 52
def correctImageByPerspectiveOrHough(img_to_correct,
    # img_to_correct = rodataImageToCorrect(img_to_correct)

    # img_to_correct_gery = cv2.cvtColor(img_to_correct, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    # rct, img_to_correct_binary = cv2.threshold(img_to_correct_gery, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

    # to find all corner dots
    img_to_correct_binary = thresholdImage(img_to_correct.copy())
    shape_harr = img_to_correct.shape
    corrdia_list = []
    image_x = cv2.Sobel(img_to_correct, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0, ksize=3)  #X方向Sobel

    absX = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image_x)  # 转回uint8
    absX = thresholdImage(absX)
    showImg("absX", absX)

    image_y = cv2.Sobel(img_to_correct, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1, ksize=3)  #Y方向Sobel
    absY = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image_y)
    absY = thresholdImage(absY)
    showImg('absY', absY)
    dst = np.ones((shape_harr[0], shape_harr[1], 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    for i in range(shape_harr[0]):
        for j in range(shape_harr[1]):
            if absX[i][j] > 100 and absY[i][j] > 100:
                corrdia_list.append([i, j])
                dst[i][j] = 255
    # dst=cv2.addWeighted(absX,0.5,absY,0.5,0)
    # dst = thresholdImage(dst)
    showImg('dst', dst)

    # shape_harr = img_to_correct_binary.shape
    # img_to_correct_gery_f32 = np.float32(img_to_correct_binary)#img_to_correct_gery)
    # dst = cv2.cornerHarris(img_to_correct_gery_f32,40,3,0.04)
    # dst = cv2.dilate(dst,None)
    # showImg('img_to_correct_gery_f32',img_to_correct_gery_f32)
    # corrdia_list = (np.array(np.argwhere((dst > 0.015*dst.max())==True))).tolist()#,dtype = dt)
    # img_to_correct1 = img_to_correct.copy()
    # img_to_correct1[dst>0.01*dst.max()]=[0,0,255]
    # showImg('img_to_harr1',img_to_correct1)
    # # img_to_correct[dst>0.01*dst.max()]=[0,0,255]
    # # showImg('img_to_correct1',img_to_correct)
    # 将角点按照x和y坐标位置分别排序,分别取前图像前四分之一和四分之一的角点,
    # corrdia_list.sort(key=compator_y)
    threshold_to_harr_x = int(shape_harr[0] / 4)
    threshold_to_harr_y = int(shape_harr[1] / 4)
    # corrdia_list_result =[]
    # lrub_list = [[]]
    lu_list = []
    lb_list = []
    rb_list = []
    ru_list = []
    canvas_point = []

    for position in corrdia_list:
        x = position[0]
        y = position[1]
        # set x threshold to screen the dot
        if x <= threshold_to_harr_x or x >= shape_harr[0] - threshold_to_harr_x:
            begin, end, pixel_list, white_counter, black_counter = constructCircleToJudgeCornerDot(
                img_to_correct_binary, x, y, 14, shape_harr)
                'x is {},y is {},begin is {},end is {},white_counter is {},black_counter is {}'
                .format(x, y, begin, end, white_counter, black_counter))
            if begin != -1:
                foreground_percent = float(white_counter) / float(
                    black_counter + white_counter)
                if foreground_percent < 0.6 and foreground_percent > 0.2:
                    index = judegeCircleDirection(begin, end, len(pixel_list),
                    # if index == -1:
                    #     cv2.circle(img_to_correct,(y,x),16,(0,255,255))
                    # ##print('*************hhhhh',x,y)
                    if index != -1:
                        # corrdia_list_result.append(position)
                        #img_to_correct[x][y] = [0,0,255]
                        if index == 1:
                            if lu_list.count(position) == 0:
                        if index == 2:
                            if lb_list.count(position) == 0:
                        if index == 3:
                            if rb_list.count(position) == 0:
                        if index == 4:
                            if ru_list.count(position) == 0:
        # set y threshold to screen corner dots
        if y <= threshold_to_harr_y or y >= shape_harr[1] - threshold_to_harr_y:
            begin, end, pixel_list, white_counter, black_counter = constructCircleToJudgeCornerDot(
                img_to_correct_binary, x, y, 14, shape_harr)
                'x is {},y is {},begin is {},end is {},white_counter is {},black_counter is {}'
                .format(x, y, begin, end, white_counter, black_counter))
            if begin != -1:
                foreground_percent = float(white_counter) / float(
                    black_counter + white_counter)
                if foreground_percent < 0.6 and foreground_percent > 0.2:
                    index = judegeCircleDirection(begin, end, len(pixel_list),
                    # if index == -1:
                    #     cv2.circle(img_to_correct,(y,x),16,(255,0,255))
                    # ##print('*************hhhhh',x,y)
                    if index != -1:
                        if index == 1:
                            if lu_list.count(position) == 0:
                        if index == 2:
                            if lb_list.count(position) == 0:
                        if index == 3:
                            if rb_list.count(position) == 0:
                        if index == 4:
                            if ru_list.count(position) == 0:

    # lu_list.sort(key=compator_x)
    # lu_list = list(set(lu_list))

    shape = img_to_correct.shape
    # canvas_point.append([1,2])
    # canvas_point.append([100,30])
    # canvas_point.append([75,26])
    # canvas_point.append([94,94])
    if len(lu_list) > 0:
        # # #print('************aaaaaa',lu_list)
        # result_list_x,need_y,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(lu_list,'x',0,0,10)
        # if need_y :
        #     result_list_y,_,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(lu_list,'y',0,0,10)
        #     p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(result_list_x,result_list_y)
        # if len(p1) == 2:

        p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(lu_list, None)
        cv2.circle(img_to_correct, (int(p1[1]), int(p1[0])), 8, (255, 255, 0))

    if len(lb_list) > 0:
        # result_list_x,need_y,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(lb_list,'x',shape[0],0,10)
        print('************bbbb', lb_list)
        # # ##print('************ddddddd',result_list_x)
        # if need_y :
        #     result_list_y,_,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(lb_list,'y',shape[0],0,10)
        #     # ##print('************ddddddd',result_list_y)
        #     p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(result_list_x,result_list_y)
        # # ##print('************ttttt',p1)
        # if len(p1) == 2:

        p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(lb_list, None)
        cv2.circle(img_to_correct, (int(p1[1]), int(p1[0])), 8, (255, 0, 0))
    if len(rb_list) > 0:
        print('************cccccc', rb_list)
        # result_list_x,need_y,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(rb_list,'x',shape[0],shape[1],10)
        # if need_y :
        #     result_list_y,_,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(rb_list,'y',shape[0],shape[1],10)
        #     p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(result_list_x,result_list_y)
        # if len(p1) == 2:

        p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(rb_list, None)
        cv2.circle(img_to_correct, (int(p1[1]), int(p1[0])), 8, (0, 255, 0))
    if len(ru_list) > 0:
        # # #print('************ddddddd',ru_list)
        # result_list_x,need_y,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(ru_list,'x',0,shape[1],10)
        # if need_y :
        #     result_list_y,_,p1 = choseFinalFornerDotList(ru_list,'y',0,shape[1],10)
        #     p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(result_list_x,result_list_y)
        # if len(p1) == 2:

        p1 = choseFinalFornerDot(ru_list, None)
        cv2.circle(img_to_correct, (int(p1[1]), int(p1[0])), 8, (0, 0, 255))
    showImg("canvas_point", img_to_correct)
    # 如果  canvas_point 不等于4 不进行以下的操作
    # #print("canvas_point",canvas_point)
    if len(canvas_point) == 4:
        # showImg('img_to_correct',img_to_correct)
        width_1 = math.sqrt((canvas_point[0][1] - canvas_point[3][1]) *
                            (canvas_point[0][1] - canvas_point[3][1]) +
                            (canvas_point[0][0] - canvas_point[3][0]) *
                            (canvas_point[0][0] - canvas_point[3][0]))
        width_2 = math.sqrt((canvas_point[1][1] - canvas_point[2][1]) *
                            (canvas_point[1][1] - canvas_point[2][1]) +
                            (canvas_point[1][0] - canvas_point[2][0]) *
                            (canvas_point[1][0] - canvas_point[2][0]))
        height_1 = math.sqrt((canvas_point[0][0] - canvas_point[1][0]) *
                             (canvas_point[0][0] - canvas_point[1][0]) +
                             (canvas_point[0][1] - canvas_point[1][1]) *
                             (canvas_point[0][1] - canvas_point[1][1]))
        height_2 = math.sqrt((canvas_point[2][0] - canvas_point[3][0]) *
                             (canvas_point[2][0] - canvas_point[3][0]) +
                             (canvas_point[2][1] - canvas_point[3][1]) *
                             (canvas_point[2][1] - canvas_point[3][1]))

        width = int(min(width_1, width_2))
        height = int(
            min(height_1, height_2)
        )  #math.sqrt((canvas_point[0][0]-canvas_point[1][0])*(canvas_point[0][0]-canvas_point[1][0]) +(canvas_point[0][1]-canvas_point[1][1])*(canvas_point[0][1]-canvas_point[1][1]))
        #cv2.imencode('.jpg', img_to_correct)[1].tofile('Archive_to_split_2/harr'+str(flag_of_path)+'.jpg')#img
        # dst = np.array([[0,0],[width ,0],[width,height],[0,height]])
        dst = np.array([[0, 0], [height, 0], [height, width], [0, width]])
        # dst = np.array([[0,0],[height ,0],[height,width],[0,width]])
        AffineMatrix1 = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(
            np.array(np.float32(canvas_point)), np.array(np.float32(dst)))
        # ##print(canvas_point)
        # ##print(dst)
        # ##print('ttttttttttAffineMatrix1',AffineMatrix1)
        AffineMatrix, mask = cv2.findHomography(
            np.float32(canvas_point).reshape(-1, 1, 2),
            np.float32(dst).reshape(-1, 1, 2))  #, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)
        # ##print('ttttttttttAffineMatrix',AffineMatrix)
        # AffineImg = cv2.warpPerspective(img_to_correct, M, (width, height))

        # Img = img_to_correct # cv2.imread('Archive_to_split_2/harr'+str(flag_of_path)+'.jpg')
        a_begin = int(max(canvas_point[0][0], canvas_point[3][0]))
        a_end = int(min(canvas_point[1][0], canvas_point[2][0]))

        b_begin = int(max(canvas_point[0][1], canvas_point[1][1]))
        b_end = int(min(canvas_point[2][1], canvas_point[3][1]))
        # img_to_correct = img_to_correct[a_begin:a_end,b_begin:b_end]
        AffineImg = cv2.warpPerspective(
            img_to_correct, AffineMatrix,
            (int(width), int(height)
             ))  # (img_to_correct.shape[1], img_to_correct.shape[0]))#

        result_perspective = drawPictureUseCornerDotOri(
            AffineImg, img_to_correct, AffineMatrix, width, height,
        # result_perspective = reShape(imageModel, result_perspective)

        # ##print('contoursubcontoursubcontoursub',contoursub[0])

        showImg('AffineImg1', result_perspective)
        # ##print(min_rect)
        #cv2.imencode('.jpg', result_perspective)[1].tofile('Archive_to_split_2/AffineImg'+str(flag_of_path)+'.jpg')#img
        # to return
        return result_perspective, 'perspective'
    # else hough to correct image
        #print('use hough')
        shape_of_hough = img_to_correct.shape
        angle_result = Hough(img_to_correct)
        shape = img_result.shape
        matRotate = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((shape[0] * 0.5, shape[1] * 0.5),
                                            1)  # 为方便旋转后图片能完整展示,所以我们将其缩小
        img_result = cv2.warpAffine(img_result, matRotate,
                                    (shape[1], shape[0]))
        shape = img_result.shape
        if abs(angle_result) >= 5.0:
            img_result_1 = cv2.cvtColor(img_result, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            rct, img_result_1 = cv2.threshold(
                img_result_1, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
            contoursub, _ = cv2.findContours(img_result_1, cv2.RETR_CCOMP,
            contoursub.sort(key=takeAera, reverse=True)
            if len(contoursub) > 0:
                x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contoursub[0])
                img_result = img_result[y:y + h, x:x + w]
        return img_result, 'hough'
Exemplo n.º 53
cv2.imshow("Detected corners", img)

max_p = corners.max(0, initial=0)
min_p = corners.min(0, initial=max(h, w))

new_corners = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype='uint16')

new_w = max_p[0][0] - min_p[0][0]
new_h = max_p[0][1] - min_p[0][0]

new_corners[0] = [0, 0]
new_corners[1] = [new_w, 0]
new_corners[2] = [0, new_h]
new_corners[3] = [new_w, new_h]

M, mask = cv2.findHomography(corners, new_corners)
n_img = cv2.warpPerspective(b_img, M, (new_w, new_h))

cv2.imshow('n IL', n_img)

lab = np.zeros((LAB_H, LAB_W), dtype=bool)

c_x = new_w / LAB_W
c_y = new_h / LAB_H

lab_v = np.zeros((V_LAB_H, V_LAB_W), dtype='uint8')

for y in range(LAB_H):
    for x in range(LAB_W):
        lab[y, x] = np.mean(n_img[int(y * c_y):int(y * c_y + c_y),
                                  int(x * c_x):int(x * c_x + c_x)]) > THRESHOLD
Exemplo n.º 54
def errorMarker(c):
    H,_ = cv.findHomography(c, marker)
    err = abs(htrans(H,c) - marker).sum()
    return err, H
Exemplo n.º 55
while (True):
    ret, frame = cap.read()
    if frame is not None:
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        res_corners, res_ids, _ = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(
            gray, aruco_dict, parameters=parameters)
        # if we have markers
        if res_ids is not None:
            idx = which(refIds, res_ids)
            # if our markers are int he reference image
            if len(idx) > 0:
                # take all markers and reshape the list of corners
                these_res_corners = np.concatenate(res_corners, axis=1)
                these_ref_corners = np.concatenate(
                    [refCorners[x] for x in idx], axis=1)
                h, s = cv2.findHomography(these_ref_corners, these_res_corners)
                if args.smooth:
                    this_h = np.mean(h_array, axis=0)
                    this_h = h

                newRect = cv2.perspectiveTransform(
                    rect, this_h, (gray.shape[1], gray.shape[0]))
                frame = cv2.polylines(frame, np.int32(newRect), True,
                                      (0, 0, 0), 10)
        if len(res_corners) > 0:
            cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame, res_corners, res_ids)
        # Display the resulting frame
        if args.outputVideo is not None:
Exemplo n.º 56
    work = mask.copy()

    cv2.imshow(winName, mask)

    # find the centroid of the dot and add it to c1
    cnt = cv2.findContours(work, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    c2.append(np.array(cvk2.a2ti(getDot(cnt)[0]), dtype=np.float64))


h**o = cv2.findHomography(np.array(c2), np.array(c1), method = cv.CV_RANSAC)
print h**o

# Construct a transformation matrix for the image that achieves
# the desired rotation and translation
M = np.eye(3,3, dtype='float32')
M2 = np.matrix(M) * h**o[0]

################ Gameplay ####################
def clearText(img, i=100, j=100):
    # opencv use x,y and numpy uses y,x
    img[j-50:j+120, 50:] = (0,0,0)
def updateGuesses(letters, guesses, img, i=100, j=100):
Exemplo n.º 57
def match_frames(
                 MIN_MATCH_COUNT = MIN_MATCH_COUNT, 
                 inlier_threshold=inlier_threshold ) :

    # brute force matcher 
    Matcher =  cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=False) #cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L1, crossCheck=False) 
    # matches 
    matches = Matcher.knnMatch(f1.des,f2.des,k=2)

    # Lowe's ratio test

    good = []
    for m, n in matches:
        if m.distance < nn_match_ratio * n.distance:

    if len(good) > MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
        dst_pts = np.float32([f2.kp[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        src_pts = np.float32([f1.kp[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        homography, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5)
        if np.any(homography)== None :
            return None, None, None,None
            "Not enouth match are found -%d/%d" % (len(good), MIN_MATCH_COUNT))
        return None, None, None,None

    # [homography check]
    inliers1 = []
    inliers2 = []
    idx = {0:[], 1:[]}
    good_matches = []

    # Distance threshold to identify inliers with homography check
    for i, m in enumerate(good):
        col = np.ones((3,1), dtype=np.float64)
        col[0:2,0] = f1.kp[m.queryIdx].pt

        col = np.dot(homography, col) 
        col /= col[2,0]
        dist = sqrt(
            pow(col[0,0] - f2.kp[m.trainIdx].pt[0],2) + pow(col[1,0] - f2.kp[m.trainIdx].pt[1],2))

        if dist < inlier_threshold:
            good_matches.append(cv2.DMatch(len(inliers1), len(inliers2), 0))



    return inliers1, idx[0], inliers2, idx[1]
Exemplo n.º 58
        # other (i.e. Lowe's ratio test)
        if len(match) == 2 and match[0].distance < match[1].distance * ratio:
            matches.append((match[0].trainIdx, match[0].queryIdx))

    homography = None
    status = None

    print("Number of matches ", len(matches))
    if len(matches) > 4:
        print("More than 4 matches")
        # construct the two sets of points
        img1_points = np.float32([img1_kps[i] for (_, i) in matches])
        img2_points = np.float32([img2_kps[i] for (i, _) in matches])

        # compute the homography between the two sets of points
        homography, status = cv2.findHomography(img1_points, img2_points,
                                                cv2.RANSAC, reprojThresh)


    #result = cv2.warpPerspective(img1, homography, (img1.shape[1] + img2.shape[1], img1.shape[0]))
    #cv2.imwrite("result-p1.jpg", result)
    #result[0:img2.shape[0], 0:img2.shape[1]] = img2
    #cv2.imwrite("result-p2.jpg", result)

    result = transform(homography, img1, img2).astype('uint8')
    cv2.imshow("Base Image", result)
    #output_image_array = transform(homography, img2, output_image_array)
    #cv2.imshow("img2", output_image_array)

    #vis = drawMatches(img1, img2, img1_points, img2_points, matches, status)
Exemplo n.º 59
    # mask2 = np.where((mask==2)|(mask==0),0,1).astype('uint8')
    # frame = frame*mask2[:,:,np.newaxis]

    kp2, des2 = orb.detectAndCompute(frame2, None)

    #matches = bf.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
    matches = bf.match(des1, des2)
    matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance)

    if len(matches) > min_matches:
        src_pts = np.float32([kp1[m.queryIdx].pt
                              for m in matches]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        dst_pts = np.float32([kp2[m.trainIdx].pt
                              for m in matches]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

        M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)

        h, w = template_gray.shape

        pts = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1],
                          [w - 1, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        # project corners into frame
        dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, M)
        # connect them with lines
        img2 = cv2.polylines(frame, [np.int32(dst)], True, (0, 255, 0), 3,

    # if M is not None:
    #     try:
    #         projection = projection_matrix(camera_parameters, M)
    #         # frame = render(frame, cont_ini["XYZ"], projection, template_gray, False)
Exemplo n.º 60
            diff = coor_ori - coor_ref
            dis = np.sqrt(np.square(diff[:, 0]) + np.square(diff[:, 1]))
            mask = dis < 0.005
            matchesMask1 = mask * 1
            # print(matchesMask1.sum())
            n_matched = matchesMask1.sum()
            print(f"{n_matched} matched after distance filter!")

            # mask = np.ones(len(src_pts_list), 'uint8')
            MIN_MATCH_COUNT = 50
            if n_matched > MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
                # RANSAC OPENCV官方
                src_pts = np.float32(src_pts_list).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
                dst_pts = np.float32(dst_pts_list).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
                M, mask = cv.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv.RANSAC, 1.5)
                # M, mask = cv.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv.LMEDS)

                mask = (mask[:, 0]).astype('uint8')
                # mask = matchesMask1 * mask
            matchesMask = (mask * 1).ravel().tolist()
            # matchesMask = list(mask*1)

            mask = np.bool8(mask)
            print("{} matched left after ransac.".format(mask.sum()))

            gcps = np.hstack((coor_ori[mask], coor_ref[mask]))

            # print("Writing gcp files of ArcMap format.")
            out_gcp = f'd:/test/gcp_ori_{idx}.txt'
            np.savetxt(out_gcp, gcps, fmt='%10.6f', delimiter='\t')