Exemplo n.º 1
def shuffle_group_2(df, cols, ignore_index, nparts):
    if not len(df):
        return {}, df

    if isinstance(cols, str):
        cols = [cols]

    if cols and cols[0] == "_partitions":
        ind = df[cols[0]].astype(np.int32)
        ind = (hash_object_dispatch(df[cols] if cols else df, index=False) %

    n = ind.max() + 1
    result2 = group_split_dispatch(df, ind, n, ignore_index=ignore_index)
    return result2, df.iloc[:0]
Exemplo n.º 2
def shuffle_group(df, cols, stage, k, npartitions, ignore_index, nfinal):
    """Splits dataframe into groups

    The group is determined by their final partition, and which stage we are in
    in the shuffle

    df: DataFrame
    cols: str or list
        Column name(s) on which to split the dataframe. If ``cols`` is not
        "_partitions", hashing will be used to determine target partition
    stage: int
        We shuffle dataframes with many partitions we in a few stages to avoid
        a quadratic number of tasks.  This number corresponds to which stage
        we're in, starting from zero up to some small integer
    k: int
        Desired number of splits from this dataframe
    npartition: int
        Total number of output partitions for the full dataframe
    nfinal: int
        Total number of output partitions after repartitioning

    out: Dict[int, DataFrame]
        A dictionary mapping integers in {0..k} to dataframes such that the
        hash values of ``df[col]`` are well partitioned.
    if isinstance(cols, str):
        cols = [cols]

    if cols and cols[0] == "_partitions":
        ind = df[cols[0]]
        ind = hash_object_dispatch(df[cols] if cols else df, index=False)
        if nfinal and nfinal != npartitions:
            ind = ind % int(nfinal)

    c = ind.values
    typ = np.min_scalar_type(npartitions * 2)

    c = np.mod(c, npartitions).astype(typ, copy=False)
    np.floor_divide(c, k**stage, out=c)
    np.mod(c, k, out=c)

    return group_split_dispatch(df, c, k, ignore_index=ignore_index)
Exemplo n.º 3
def partitioning_index(df, npartitions):
    Computes a deterministic index mapping each record to a partition.

    Identical rows are mapped to the same partition.

    df : DataFrame/Series/Index
    npartitions : int
        The number of partitions to group into.

    partitions : ndarray
        An array of int64 values mapping each record to a partition.
    return hash_object_dispatch(df, index=False) % int(npartitions)