Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: waveremit/go
def edit():
    """Shows the form for creating or editing a link."""
    if request.host != 'go.wave.com':
        return redirect('http://go.wave.com/.edit?' + request.query_string)

    name = request.args.get('name', '').lstrip('.')
    url = data.get_url(name)
    if not name:
        return redirect('/')
    if not url:
        if not data.get_url(normalize(name)):
            name = normalize(name)  # default to normalized when creating
    original_name = message = ''
    if url:
        title = 'Edit go/' + name
        message = ' is an existing link. You can change it below.'
        original_name = name
        title = 'Create go/' + name
        message = " isn't an existing link. You can create it below."
    return Response(format_html('''
<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=".style.css">

<div class="corner"><a href="/">ALL THE LINKS!</a></div>

<div><a href="/{name_param}">go/{name_param}</a> {message}</div>
<form action="/.save" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="original_name" value="{original_name}">
<table class="form" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign="center">
  <td>go/<input name="name" value="{name}" placeholder="shortcut" size=12>
  <td><span class="arrow">\u2192</span>
  <td><input id="url" name="url" value="{url}" placeholder="URL" size=60>
  <input type=submit name="save" value="Save"> &nbsp;
  <input type=submit name="delete" value="Delete"
      onclick="return confirm('Really delete this link?')">

<div class="tip">
Fancy tricks:
<li>If go/foo is defined,
then go/foo?a=b will expand go/foo and append "a=b" as a form variable.
<li>If go/foo is defined but not go/foo/bar,
then go/foo/bar will expand go/foo and append "/bar".
<li>If go/foo is defined to be a URL that contains "%s",
then go/foo/bar will expand go/foo and substitute "bar" for "%s".
''', title=title, message=message, url=url or '',
     name=name, name_param=urlquote(name), original_name=original_name))
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: waveremit/go
def edit():
    """Shows the form for creating or editing a link."""
    name = request.args.get('name', '').lstrip('.')
    url = data.get_url(name)
    if not name:
        return redirect('/')
    if not url:
        if not data.get_url(normalize(name)):
            name = normalize(name)  # default to normalized when creating
    original_name = message = ''
    if url:
        title = 'Edit go.wave.com/' + name
        message = ' is an existing link. You can change it below.'
        original_name = name
        title = 'Create go.wave.com/' + name
        message = " isn't an existing link. You can create it below."
    return make_page_response(
<div><a href="/{name_param}">go.wave.com/{name_param}</a> {message}</div>
<form action="/.save" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="original_name" value="{original_name}">
<table class="form" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign="center">
  <td>go.wave.com/<input name="name" value="{name}" placeholder="shortcut" size=12>
  <td><span class="arrow">\u2192</span>
  <td><input id="url" name="url" value="{url}" placeholder="URL" size=60>
  <input type=submit name="save" value="Save"> &nbsp;
  <input type=submit name="delete" value="Delete"
      onclick="return confirm('Really delete this link?')">

<div class="tip">
Fancy tricks:
<li>If go.wave.com/foo is defined,
then go.wave.com/foo?a=b
will expand go.wave.com/foo and append "a=b" as a form variable.
<li>If go.wave.com/foo is defined but not go.wave.com/foo/bar,
then go.wave.com/foo/bar will expand go.wave.com/foo and append "/bar".
<li>If go.wave.com/foo is defined to be a URL that contains "%s",
then go.wave.com/foo/bar
will expand go.wave.com/foo and substitute "bar" for "%s".
                    url=url or '',
Exemplo n.º 3
def redirect_url(link):
    if get_url(link) is None:
        return '404'
        url = get_url(link)
        if url.find('http://') != -1:
            return redirect(get_url(link), code=302)
        elif url.find('https://') != -1:
            return redirect(get_url(link), code=302)
            return redirect('http://' + url, code=302)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: zestyping/go
def go(name):
    """Redirects to a link."""
    url = data.get_url(name)
    if not url:
        return redirect('/.edit?name=' + urlquote(name))
    qs = (request.query_string or '').encode('utf-8')
    if qs:
        url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + qs
    data.log('redirect', name, url)
    return redirect(url)
Exemplo n.º 5
def go(name):
    """Redirects to a link."""
    url = data.get_url(name)
    if not url:
        return redirect('/.edit?name=' + urlquote(name))
    qs = (request.query_string or '').encode('utf-8')
    if qs:
        url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + qs
    data.log('redirect', name, url)
    return redirect(url)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: waveremit/go
def go(name):
    """Redirects to a link."""
    url = data.get_url(name) or data.get_url(normalize(name))
    # If "foo/bar/baz" is not found, try "foo/bar" and append "/baz";
    # if that's not found, try "foo" and append "/bar/baz".
    suffix = ''
    while not url and '/' in name:
        name, part = name.rsplit('/', 1)
        suffix = '/' + part + suffix
        url = data.get_url(name) or data.get_url(normalize(name))
    if not url:
        return redirect('/.edit?name=' + urlquote(name + suffix))
    if '%s' in url:
        url = url.replace('%s', urlquote(suffix.lstrip('/')))
        url += suffix
    qs = (request.query_string or '').encode('utf-8')
    if qs:
        url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + qs
    data.log('redirect', name, url)
    return redirect(url)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: waveremit/go
def go(name):
    """Redirects to a link."""
    url = data.get_url(name) or data.get_url(normalize(name))
    # If "foo/bar/baz" is not found, try "foo/bar" and append "/baz";
    # if that's not found, try "foo" and append "/bar/baz".
    suffix = ''
    while not url and '/' in name:
        name, part = name.rsplit('/', 1)
        suffix = '/' + part + suffix
        url = data.get_url(name) or data.get_url(normalize(name))
    if not url:
        return redirect('/.edit?name=' + urlquote(name + suffix))
    if '%s' in url:
        url = url.replace('%s', urlquote(suffix.lstrip('/')))
        url += suffix
    qs = (request.query_string or '').encode('utf-8')
    if qs:
        url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + qs
    data.log('redirect', name, url)
    return redirect(url)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: zestyping/go
def edit():
    """Shows the form for creating or editing a link."""
    name = request.args.get('name', '').lstrip('.')
    url = data.get_url(name)
    if not name:
        return redirect('/')
    if not url:
        if not data.get_url(normalize(name)):
            name = normalize(name)  # default to normalized when creating
    original_name = message = ''
    if url:
        title = 'Edit go/' + name
        message = ' is an existing link. You can change it below.'
        original_name = name
        title = 'Create go/' + name
        message = " isn't an existing link. You can create it below."
    return Response(format_html('''
<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=".style.css">

<div class="corner"><a href="/">ALL THE LINKS!</a></div>

<div><a href="/{name_param}">go/{name_param}</a> {message}</div>
<form action="/.save" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="original_name" value="{original_name}">
<table class="form"><tr valign="center">
  <td>go/<input name="name" value="{name}" placeholder="shortcut" size=10>
  <td><span class="arrow">\u2192</span>
  <td><input id="url" name="url" value="{url}" placeholder="URL" size=60>
<div><input type=submit value="Save"></div>
''', title=title, message=message, url=url or '',
     name=name, name_param=urlquote(name), original_name=original_name))
Exemplo n.º 9
def edit():
    """Shows the form for creating or editing a link."""
    name = request.args.get('name', '').lstrip('.')
    url = data.get_url(name)
    if not name:
        return redirect('/')
    if not url:
        if not data.get_url(normalize(name)):
            name = normalize(name)  # default to normalized when creating
    original_name = message = ''
    if url:
        title = 'Edit go/' + name
        message = ' is an existing link. You can change it below.'
        original_name = name
        title = 'Create go/' + name
        message = " isn't an existing link. You can create it below."
    return Response(format_html('''
<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=".style.css">

<div class="corner"><a href="/">ALL THE LINKS!</a></div>

<div><a href="/{name_param}">go/{name_param}</a> {message}</div>
<form action="/.save" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="original_name" value="{original_name}">
<table class="form"><tr valign="center">
  <td>go/<input name="name" value="{name}" placeholder="shortcut" size=10>
  <td><span class="arrow">\u2192</span>
  <td><input id="url" name="url" value="{url}" placeholder="URL" size=60>
<div><input type=submit value="Save"></div>
''', title=title, message=message, url=url or '',
     name=name, name_param=urlquote(name), original_name=original_name))
Exemplo n.º 10
def go(short_url):
	url = get_url(short_url)
	return redirect(url)