Exemplo n.º 1
def test():
    profile = DummyData()

    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, saveauxiliary=False)
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, saveauxiliary=True)

    keys = ['PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'flag']
    for v in profile.keys():
        assert v in pqc.keys()
        assert np.allclose(profile[v], pqc[v])

    for a in profile.attributes:
        assert a in pqc.attributes
        assert profile.attributes[a] == pqc.attributes[a]

    assert hasattr(pqc, 'flags')
    assert type(pqc.flags) is dict
    vs = list(pqc.flags.keys())
    for v in vs:
        for f in pqc.flags[v]:
            assert pqc.flags[v][f].dtype == 'i1'

    assert hasattr(pqc, 'features')
    assert type(pqc.features) is dict
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_LocationAtSea_track():
    """Test standard with multiple locations

       lat & lon defined in the dataset. This would be the case for a TSG
       where each measurement is associated with a location.

       Locking etopo resolution, since it can change the values.

       Note that there is no restriction in the number of locations. In this
       example there are multiple depths but only 3 positions. It's not the
       LocationAtSea job to make sense of that. Should it match with which
       variable? It can't be done here, but should be done once the tests
       are combined.
    data = DummyData()
    data.data["LATITUDE"] = [15, 12, 8]
    data.data["LONGITUDE"] = [-38, 222, 0]

    y = LocationAtSea(data, cfg={"resolution": "5min"})

    assert hasattr(y, "features")
    assert "bathymetry" in y.features
    assert ma.allclose(y.features["bathymetry"], [5036, 4995, -122])
    assert hasattr(y, "flags")
    assert "location_at_sea" in y.flags
    assert ma.allclose(y.flags["location_at_sea"], [1, 1, 4])
Exemplo n.º 3
def test():
    profile = DummyData()

    profile.data['PRES'] = ma.masked_array([1.0, 100, 200, 300, 500, 5000])
    profile.data['TEMP'] = ma.masked_array(
        [27.44, 14.55, 11.96, 11.02, 7.65, 2.12])
    profile.data['PSAL'] = ma.masked_array(
        [35.71, 35.50, 35.13, 35.02, 34.72, 35.03])

    features = {
        ma.masked_array([0, 0, 0.3525000000000009, 0.35249999999999915, 0, 0],
                        mask=[True, True, False, False, True, True]),
        ma.masked_array([0, 0, 0.07388721803621254, 0.07388721803621218, 0, 0],
                        mask=[True, True, False, False, True, True])
    flags = {'tukey53H_norm': np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], dtype='i1')}

    cfg = {'l': 5, 'threshold': 6, 'flag_good': 1, 'flag_bad': 4}

    y = Tukey53H(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)

    assert type(y.features) is dict
    for f in y.features:
        assert ma.allclose(y.features[f], features[f])
    for f in y.flags:
        assert ma.allclose(y.flags[f], flags[f])
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_nolatlon():
    """If missing lat or lon, return flag 0 for everything
    cfg = {
        'name': 'PIRATA',
        'region': 'POLYGON ((-40 10, -40 20, -30 20, -30 10, -40 10))',
        'minval': 2.0,
        'maxval': 40

    profile = DummyData()
    del (profile.attrs['LATITUDE'])
    y = RegionalRange(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)
    assert 'regional_range' in y.flags
    flag = y.flags['regional_range']
    assert profile['TEMP'].shape == flag.shape
    assert (flag == 0).all()

    profile = DummyData()
    del (profile.attrs['LONGITUDE'])
    y = RegionalRange(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)
    assert 'regional_range' in y.flags
    flag = y.flags['regional_range']
    assert profile['TEMP'].shape == flag.shape
    assert (flag == 0).all()
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_single_negative_depth():
    """Evaluate a profile with a single measurement

    WOD has some profiles with a single measurement. Something certainly went
    wrong on those profiles, despite that, CoTeDe should be able to do the
    best assessement possible. Some tests can't be applied, like spike which
    requires neighbor measurements, but those should return flag 0.
    profile = DummyData()
    profile.attrs = {
        "id": 609483,
        "LATITUDE": 6.977,
        "LONGITUDE": 79.873,
        "datetime": datetime(2009, 8, 14, 1, 18, 36),
        "date": date(2009, 8, 14),
        "schema": "pfl",

    profile.data = {
        "id": ma.masked_array(data=[51190527], mask=[False], dtype="i"),
        "PRES": ma.masked_array(data=[-1.0], mask=[False], dtype="f"),
        "TEMP": ma.masked_array(data=[25.81], mask=[False], dtype="f"),
        "PSAL": ma.masked_array(data=[0.01], mask=[False], dtype="f"),

    ProfileQC(profile, saveauxiliary=False)
    ProfileQC(profile, saveauxiliary=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_attribute():
    data = DummyData()

    coords = [[10, -30, 1], [10, 330, 1]]
    for lat, lon, flag in coords:
        data.attrs["LATITUDE"] = lat
        data.attrs["LONGITUDE"] = lon
        assert location_at_sea(data) == flag
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_attribute_inland():
    data = DummyData()

    coords = [[-10, -60, 3], [-10, 300, 3]]
    for lat, lon, flag in coords:
        data.attrs["LATITUDE"] = lat
        data.attrs["LONGITUDE"] = lon
        assert location_at_sea(data) == flag
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_badlocation():
    data = DummyData()

    coords = [[91, -30, 3], [-91, -30, 3], [10, -361, 3], [10, 1000, 3]]
    for lat, lon, flag in coords:
        data.attrs["LATITUDE"] = lat
        data.attrs["LONGITUDE"] = lon
        assert location_at_sea(data) == flag
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_default():
    """Test Regional Range on the default DummyData

       Must recognize flags 1, 4, and 9.
    profile = DummyData()
    cfg = {
        'name': 'PIRATA',
        'region': 'POLYGON ((-40 10, -40 20, -30 20, -30 10, -40 10))',
        'minval': 15.0,
        'maxval': 40
    y = RegionalRange(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)

    assert 'regional_range' in y.flags
    assert profile['TEMP'].shape == y.flags['regional_range'].shape

    idx = ma.getmaskarray(profile['TEMP'])
    assert idx.any(), "Redefine cfg to have at least one masked value"
        import shapely
        assert np.all(y.flags['regional_range'][idx] == 9)
    except ImportError:
        # If Shapely is not available, return 0, i.e. no evaluation.
        assert np.all(y.flags['regional_range'][idx] == 0)

    x = profile['TEMP'][y.flags['regional_range'] == 1]
    idx = (x >= cfg['minval']) & (x <= cfg['maxval'])
    assert idx.any(), "Redefine cfg to have at least one valid value"
    assert idx.all()
    x = profile['TEMP'][y.flags['regional_range'] == 4]
    idx = (x < cfg['minval']) | (x > cfg['maxval'])
    assert idx.any(), "Redefine cfg to have at least one non-valid value"
    assert idx.all()
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_nocoverage():
    """Test when Regional Range does not cover the data position.

       Returns flag 9 for invalid measurements and 0 for everything else.
    profile = DummyData()
    cfg = {
        'name': 'red_sea',
        'region': 'POLYGON ((10 40, 20 50, 30 30, 10 40))',
        'minval': 21.7,
        'maxval': 40
    y = RegionalRange(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)

    assert 'regional_range' in y.flags
    assert profile['TEMP'].shape == y.flags['regional_range'].shape

    idx = ma.getmaskarray(profile['TEMP'])
    assert idx.any(), "Redefine cfg to have at least one masked value"
        import shapely
        assert np.all(y.flags['regional_range'][idx] == 9)
    except ImportError:
        # If Shapely is not available, return 0, i.e. no evaluation.
        assert np.all(y.flags['regional_range'][idx] == 0)

    assert np.all(y.flags['regional_range'][~idx] == 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_ProfileQC():
    if nogsw:
        print("GSW package not available. Can't run density_inversion test.")

    profile = DummyData()
    profile["TEMP"][4] = profile["TEMP"][3] + 5

    cfg = {
        "TEMP": {
            "density_inversion": {
                "threshold": -0.03,
                "flag_good": 1,
                "flag_bad": 4

    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg)

    assert type(pqc.features) is dict
    assert "densitystep" in pqc.features["TEMP"]

    assert type(pqc.flags) is dict
    assert "density_inversion" in pqc.flags["TEMP"]
    assert pqc.flags["TEMP"]["density_inversion"][4] == 4
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_standard_error():
    """I need to improve this!!

    profile = DummyData()
    profile.attrs['datetime'] = datetime(2016,6,4)
    profile.attrs['LATITUDE'] = -30.0
    profile.attrs['LONGITUDE'] = 15
    profile.data['PRES'] = np.array([2.0, 5.0, 6.0, 21.0, 44.0, 79.0, 1000, 5000])
    profile.data['TEMP'] = np.array([16.0, 15.6, 15.9, 15.7, 15.2, 14.1, 8.6, 2.0])

    cfg = {"TEMP": {"woa_normbias": {"threshold": 10}}}
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)
    assert 'woa_normbias' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'].shape == profile.data['TEMP'].shape
    assert (pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'] == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0]).all()

    cfg = {"TEMP": {"woa_normbias": {
        "threshold": 10, "use_standard_error": False}}}
    pqc_noSE = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)
    assert 'woa_normbias' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'].shape == profile.data['TEMP'].shape
    assert (pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'] == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0]).all()

    cfg = {"TEMP": {"woa_normbias": {"threshold": 10, "use_standard_error": True}}}
    pqc_SE = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)
    assert 'woa_normbias' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'].shape == profile.data['TEMP'].shape
    assert (pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'] == [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0]).all()
Exemplo n.º 13
def test():
    if nogsw:
        print("GSW package not available. Can't run density_inversion test.")

    profile = DummyData()
    profile.data["PRES"] = ma.masked_array([1.0, 100, 200, 300, 500, 5000])
    profile.data["TEMP"] = ma.masked_array(
        [27.44, 14.55, 11.96, 11.02, 7.65, 2.12])
    profile.data["PSAL"] = ma.masked_array(
        [35.71, 35.50, 35.13, 35.02, 34.72, 35.03])

    cfg = {"threshold": -0.03, "flag_good": 1, "flag_bad": 4}

    y = DensityInversion(profile, cfg)

    assert type(y.features) is dict
    assert "densitystep" in y.features
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_default():
    profile = DummyData()
    cfg = {'flag_good': 1, 'flag_bad': 4}
    y = StuckValue(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)

    assert type(y.features) is dict
    idx = ma.getmaskarray(profile['TEMP'])
    assert (y.flags['stuck_value'][idx] == 9).all()
    assert (y.flags['stuck_value'][~idx] == 1).all()
Exemplo n.º 15
def test():
    profile = DummyData()

    cfg = [["> 0", "<= 25", -2, 37], ["> 25", "<= 50", -2, 36]]

    flags = profile_envelop(profile, cfg, "TEMP")

    # Check for BUG #9.
    assert 9 in flags
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_attribute():
    profile = DummyData()

    cfg = {"TEMP": {"woa_normbias": {"threshold": 3}}}
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)
    assert 'woa_normbias' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'].shape == profile.data['TEMP'].shape
    assert np.unique(pqc.features['TEMP']['woa_mean']).size > 1
    assert (pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'] ==
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 9]).all()
Exemplo n.º 17
def test():
        import gsw
        print('GSW package not available. Can\'t run density_inversion test.')

    profile = DummyData()
    profile.data['PRES'] = ma.masked_array([1.0, 100, 200, 300, 500, 5000])
    profile.data['TEMP'] = ma.masked_array(
        [27.44, 14.55, 11.96, 11.02, 7.65, 2.12])
    profile.data['PSAL'] = ma.masked_array(
        [35.71, 35.50, 35.13, 35.02, 34.72, 35.03])

    cfg = {'threshold': -0.03, 'flag_good': 1, 'flag_bad': 4}

    y = DensityInversion(profile, cfg)

    assert type(y.features) is dict
    assert 'densitystep' in y.features
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_basic():
    profile = DummyData()
    cfg = {"TEMP": {"woa_normbias": {"threshold": 3, "flag_bad": 3}},
            "PSAL": {"woa_normbias": {"threshold": 3, "flag_bad": 3}}}
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)

    assert 'woa_normbias' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert sorted(np.unique(pqc.flags['TEMP']['woa_normbias'])) == [1, 3, 9]
    assert sorted(np.unique(pqc.flags['PSAL']['woa_normbias'])) == [1, 9]
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_neglible_difference():
    profile = DummyData()
    profile['TEMP'][:] = profile['TEMP'] * 0 + 3.14
    profile['TEMP'][:] += np.random.randn(profile['TEMP'].size) * 1e-10
    cfg = {'flag_good': 1, 'flag_bad': 4}
    y = StuckValue(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)

    assert type(y.features) is dict
    idx = ma.getmaskarray(profile['TEMP'])
    assert (y.flags['stuck_value'][idx] == 9).all()
    assert (y.flags['stuck_value'][~idx] == 4).all()
Exemplo n.º 20
def test():
    profile = DummyData()
    cfg = {"TEMP": {"cars_normbias": {"threshold": 10}},
            "PSAL": {"cars_normbias": {"threshold": 10}}}
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)

    assert 'cars_normbias' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert sorted(np.unique(pqc.flags['TEMP']['cars_normbias'])) == [1, 9]
    #assert sorted(np.unique(pqc.flags['TEMP2']['cars_normbias'])) == [1]
    assert sorted(np.unique(pqc.flags['PSAL']['cars_normbias'])) == [1, 9]
Exemplo n.º 21
def test():
    profile = DummyData()

    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg='morello2014')

    assert 'morello2014' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert 'morello2014' in pqc.flags['PSAL']

    assert profile['TEMP'].shape == pqc.flags['TEMP']['morello2014'].shape
    assert profile['PSAL'].shape == pqc.flags['PSAL']['morello2014'].shape
Exemplo n.º 22
def test():
    profile = DummyData()

    feature = ma.masked_array([0, 1.25, 5.875, 0],
                              mask=[True, False, False, True])

    cfg = {'threshold': 6, 'flag_good': 1, 'flag_bad': 4}

    y = Gradient(profile, 'TEMP', cfg)

    assert type(y.features) is dict
Exemplo n.º 23
def test():
    profile = DummyData()

    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg='fuzzylogic')

    assert 'fuzzylogic' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert 'fuzzylogic' in pqc.flags['PSAL']

    assert profile['TEMP'].shape == pqc.flags['TEMP']['fuzzylogic'].shape
    assert profile['PSAL'].shape == pqc.flags['PSAL']['fuzzylogic'].shape
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_attribute():
    profile = DummyData()

    cfg = {"TEMP": {"woa_normbias": {"threshold": 3}}}
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)
    assert "woa_normbias" in pqc.flags["TEMP"]
    assert pqc.flags["TEMP"]["woa_normbias"].shape == profile.data[
    assert np.unique(pqc.features["TEMP"]["woa_mean"]).size > 1
    assert (pqc.flags["TEMP"]["woa_normbias"] == [
        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 9
def test():
    """ Only test if run. Must improve this.
    profile = DummyData()

    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg='anomaly_detection')

    assert 'anomaly_detection' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert 'anomaly_detection' in pqc.flags['PSAL']

    assert profile['TEMP'].shape == pqc.flags['TEMP'][
    assert profile['PSAL'].shape == pqc.flags['PSAL'][
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_attribute():
    profile = DummyData()
    profile.attrs['datetime'] = datetime(2016, 6, 4)
    profile.attrs['LATITUDE'] = -30.0
    profile.attrs['LONGITUDE'] = 15
    profile.data['PRES'] = np.array([2.0, 5.0, 6.0, 21.0, 44.0, 79.0])
    profile.data['TEMP'] = np.array([16.0, 15.6, 15.9, 5.7, 15.2, 14.1])

    cfg = {"TEMP": {"cars_normbias": {"threshold": 6}}}
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)
    assert 'cars_normbias' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert pqc.flags['TEMP']['cars_normbias'].shape == profile.data['TEMP'].shape
    assert (pqc.flags['TEMP']['cars_normbias'] == [1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1]).all()
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_all_valid_no_9():
    """ If all measurements are valid it can't return flag 9

        This is to test a special condition when all values are valid, .mask
          return False, instead of an array on the same size with False.

        This test input all valid values, and check if there is no flag 9.
    profile = DummyData()

    pqc = ProfileQC(profile)

    assert pqc['TEMP'].mask.all() == False
    assert np.allclose(
        combined_flag(pqc.flags['TEMP']) == 9, profile['TEMP'].mask)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_common_flags():
    profile = DummyData()

    cfg = {
        "main": {
            "valid_datetime": None,
            "valid_geolocation": None
        "TEMP": {}
    pqc = ProfileQC(profile, cfg=cfg)

    assert 'common' in pqc.flags
    assert 'valid_datetime' in pqc.flags['TEMP']
    assert pqc.flags['TEMP']['valid_datetime'].shape == profile['TEMP'].shape
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_LocationAtSea_attrs():
    """Test standard with single location

       Lat & Lon defined in the attrs

       Locking etopo resolution, since it can change the values.
    data = DummyData()
    y = LocationAtSea(data, cfg={"resolution": "5min"})

    assert hasattr(y, "features")
    assert "bathymetry" in y.features
    assert ma.allclose(y.features["bathymetry"], 5036)
    assert hasattr(y, "flags")
    assert "location_at_sea" in y.flags
    assert ma.allclose(y.flags["location_at_sea"], 1)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_LocationAtSea_attrs():
    """Test standard with single location

       Lat & Lon defined in the attrs

       Locking etopo resolution, since it can change the values.
    data = DummyData()
    y = LocationAtSea(data, cfg={'resolution': '5min'})

    assert hasattr(y, 'features')
    assert 'bathymetry' in y.features
    assert ma.allclose(y.features['bathymetry'], 5036)
    assert hasattr(y, 'flags')
    assert 'location_at_sea' in y.flags
    assert ma.allclose(y.flags['location_at_sea'], 1)