Exemplo n.º 1
def test_fromShape_categories():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4.0, 10],
        pd.Categorical([3, 4, 5, 6, 0]),
        pd.Categorical(['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x'], ordered=True),
            '05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994',
    f = Frame(d)
    f = f.setIndex(['col2', 'col3', 'col1'])

    g = Frame.fromShape(f.shape)

    s = Shape()
    # fromShape does preserve index
    s.colNames = ['cold']
    s.colTypes = [Types.Datetime]
    s.index = ['col3', 'col1', 'col2']
    s.indexTypes = [
    assert g.shape == s == f.shape
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_typing():
    a = 4
    b = pd.DataFrame()
    d: int64 = 12
    c = Frame()
    assert isinstance(type(a), type) and isinstance(type(b), type) and issubclass(type(c), Frame) and \
           isinstance(type(c), type) and isinstance(type(d), type)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_str_to_Timestamp_validation():
    d = {
        'col1': ['3', '0', '5', '6', '0'],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5.1, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '2021 January'],
        'cold': ['05091988', '22121994', '21111995', '22061994', '12122012']

    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToTimestamp()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, 0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None

    with pytest.raises(exp.OptionValidationError):
        op.setOptions(attributes={}, errors='raise')
    assert not op.hasOptions() and op.getOutputShape() is None

    with pytest.raises(exp.OptionValidationError):
        op.setOptions(attributes={0: {'format': '%s'}}, errors='')
    assert not op.hasOptions() and op.getOutputShape() is None

    op.setOptions(attributes={0: {'format': '%d'}}, errors='coerce')
    assert op.hasOptions()
    assert op.getOutputShape().colTypes == [
        Types.Datetime, Types.Numeric, Types.String, Types.String
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_toString():
    d = {
        'col1': ['3', '0', '5', '6', '0'],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5.1, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '2021 January'],
        'cold': ['05091988', '22121994', '21111995', '22061994', '12122012']

    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToString()
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, 0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None

    opts = {'attributes': {1: None}}
    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': dict()}

    assert op.getOutputShape().colTypes == [
        Types.String, Types.String, Types.String, Types.String

    assert op.getOptions() == opts
    assert isDictDeepCopy(op.getOptions(), opts)

    g = op.execute(f)
    assert op.getOutputShape() == g.shape
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_SetInput():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4.0, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x'],
        ['05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994', '12-12-2012']

    f = Frame(d)

    work = WorkbenchModelMock()
    # Set dataframe
    work.setDataframeByName('var', f)

    op = SetInput(work)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    assert op.getOptions() == {'inputF': None}
    op.addInputShape(Shape(), pos=0)  # this does nothing
    assert op.getOptions() == {'inputF': 'var'}

    assert op.getOutputShape() == f.shape

    g = op.execute()
    assert g == f

    # g should be a copy
    f = f.rename({'col1': 'ewew'})
    assert g != f
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_rename():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)

    op = RenameColumns()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.setOptions(names={0: 'col4', 2: 'col1'})
    assert op.getOptions() == [{0: 'col4', 2: 'col1'}]

    os = f.shape.clone()
    os.colNames = ['col4', 'col2', 'col1']

    assert op.getOutputShape() == os

    g = op.execute(f)
    gd = {
        'col4': [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col1': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    assert g.to_dict() == gd
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_unsetOptions_toNumeric():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical([1, 2, 3, 4, 10]),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToNumeric()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOptions() == {
        'attributes': {},
        'errors': 'raise'
    } and not op.hasOptions()
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: dict()}, errors='raise')
    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {0: None}, 'errors': 'raise'}
    assert op._shapes[0] == f.shape

    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {}, 'errors': 'raise'}
    assert op._shapes[0] == f.shape

    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {}, 'errors': 'raise'}
    assert op._shapes == [None]

    op.setOptions(attributes={1: dict()}, errors='coerce')
    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {1: None}, 'errors': 'coerce'}
    assert op._shapes == [None]

    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {1: None}, 'errors': 'coerce'}
    assert op._shapes[0] == f.shape
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_nominal_to_ordinal_cat():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical(["5", "0", "5", "U", "0 ww"], ordered=False),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5.1, 6, 0]

    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToCategorical()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: {'cat': 'U 0 1 5', 'ordered': True}})

    # Predict output shape
    os = f.shape.columnsDict
    os['col1'] = Types.Ordinal
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os

    g = op.execute(f)
    gd = {
        'col1': ['5', '0', '5', 'U', None],
        'col2': [3.0, 4.0, 5.1, 6.0, 0.0]
    assert nan_to_None(g.to_dict()) == gd
    assert g.shape.columnsDict == os
    assert list(
        g.getRawFrame()['col1'].dtype.categories) == ['U', '0', '1', '5']
    assert g.getRawFrame()['col1'].dtype.ordered is True
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_addInputShape_exc():
    d = {'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4.0, 10], 'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0], 'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x'],
         'date': ['05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994', '12-12-2012']}

    f = Frame(d)
    op = DummyOp()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=-1)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def computeDiff(self) -> None:
     frame1 = self.columnsL.model().frameModel().frame.getRawFrame()
     frame2 = self.columnsR.model().frameModel().frame.getRawFrame()
     changedMask = frame1 != frame2
     diffRows = changedMask.any(1)
     diffColumns = changedMask.any(0)
     frame = frame1.loc[diffRows, diffColumns]
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_shape_index():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4.0, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)
    f = Frame(f.getRawFrame().set_index('col3'))

    # Desired shape obj
    s = Shape()
    s.index = ['col3']
    s.indexTypes = [IndexType(Types.String)]
    s.colNames = ['col1', 'col2']
    s.colTypes = [Types.Numeric, Types.Numeric]

    assert f.shape == s
    assert f.nRows == 5
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_unsetOptions_toCategory():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical([1, 2, 3, 4, 10]),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToCategorical()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: {'cat': ' " 2 e + " 1 ', 'ordered': True}})
    assert op.getOptions() == {
        'attributes': {
            0: {
                'cat': '"2 e +" 1',
                'ordered': True
    assert op._ToCategorical__attributes == {0: (['2 e +', '1'], True)}
    assert op._shapes == [f.shape]

    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': dict()}
    assert op._ToCategorical__attributes == dict()
    assert op._shapes == [f.shape]

    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': dict()}
    assert op._ToCategorical__attributes == dict()
    assert op._shapes == [None]

    op.setOptions(attributes={1: dict()})
    assert op.getOptions() == {
        'attributes': {
            1: {
                'cat': '',
                'ordered': False
    assert op._ToCategorical__attributes == {1: (None, None)}
    assert op._shapes == [None]
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None

    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOptions() == {
        'attributes': {
            1: {
                'cat': '',
                'ordered': False
    assert op._ToCategorical__attributes == {1: (None, None)}
    assert op._shapes == [f.shape]
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_rename_bis():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)
    g = f.rename(['cola', '21eeds', 'ij_'])
    assert g.colnames == ['cola', '21eeds', 'ij_'
                          ] and f.colnames == ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_rename():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)
    g = f.rename({'col2': 'new'})
    assert g.colnames == ['col1', 'new', 'col3'
                          ] and f.colnames == ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_rename_excep():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)
    names = f.colnames
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self,
              parent: QWidget = None,
              frame: Union[Frame, Shape] = Frame()):
     if isinstance(frame, Frame):
         self.__frame: Frame = frame
         self.__shape: Shape = self.__frame.shape
     elif isinstance(frame, Shape):  # it's a Shape
         self.__frame: Frame = Frame()
         self.__shape: Shape = frame
         self.__frame: Frame = Frame()
         self.__shape: Shape = Shape()
     # Dictionary { attributeIndex: value }
     self._statistics: Dict[int, Dict[str, object]] = dict()
     self._histogram: Dict[int, Dict[Any, int]] = dict()
     # Dataframe name
     self.name: str = ''
     # Set of alive workers by identifier (attribute number, type, operation)
     self._runningWorkers: Set[Tuple] = set()
     self._dataAccessMutex = QMutex()
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_cat_toNumeric():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical(['3', '0', '5', '6', '0']),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90']

    # 'cold': pd.Series(['05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994', '12-12-2012'],
    #                   dtype='datetime64[ns]')}
    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToNumeric()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {}, 'errors': 'raise'}
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: None}, errors='coerce')
    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {0: None}, 'errors': 'coerce'}

    # Predict output shape
    os = f.shape.clone()
    os.colTypes[0] = Types.Numeric
    assert op.getOutputShape() == os

    # Removing options/input_shape causes None to be returned
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: dict()}, errors='raise')
    assert op.getOutputShape() == os  # Re-adding everything

    g = op.execute(f)
    gd = {
        'col1': [3.0, 0.0, 5.0, 6.0, 0.0],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90']
    assert g.to_dict() == gd
    assert g.shape == os

    # Coerce is the same

    op.setOptions(attributes={0: dict()}, errors='coerce')
    assert op.getOutputShape() == os

    g = op.execute(f)
    assert g.to_dict() == gd
    assert g.shape == os
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_fromShape_datetime():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4.0, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x'],
            '05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994',
    f = Frame(d)
    f = Frame(f.getRawFrame().set_index(['col3', 'cold']))

    g = Frame.fromShape(f.shape)

    s = Shape()
    # fromShape does preserve index
    s.colNames = ['col1', 'col2']
    s.colTypes = [Types.Numeric, Types.Numeric]
    s.index = ['col3', 'cold']
    s.indexTypes = [IndexType(Types.String), IndexType(Types.Datetime)]
    assert g.shape == s == f.shape
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_shape():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)

    s = Shape()
    s.index = ['Unnamed']
    s.indexTypes = [IndexType(Types.Numeric)]
    s.colNames = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']
    s.colTypes = [Types.Numeric, Types.Numeric, Types.String]

    assert f.shape == s
    assert f.nRows == 5
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_unsetOptions():
    d = {
        'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x']
    f = Frame(d)

    op = RenameColumns()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    op.setOptions(names={0: 'col4', 2: 'col1'})

    assert op.getOptions() == [{0: 'col4', 2: 'col1'}]


    assert op.getOptions() == [{}]
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_str_to_Timestamp_raise():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical([3, 0, 5, 6, 0]),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5.1, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90'],
        'cold': ['05091988', '22121994', '21111995', '22061994', '12122012']

    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToTimestamp()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, 0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.setOptions(attributes={3: {'format': '%d%m%Y'}}, errors='raise')
    sd = f.shape.clone()
    sd.colTypes[3] = Types.Datetime
    assert op.getOutputShape() == sd

    g = op.execute(f)
    dateCol = g.getRawFrame()['cold']
    assert op.getOutputShape() == g.shape == sd
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_str_toNumeric():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical([3, 0, 5, 6, 0]),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90']

    # 'cold': pd.Series(['05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994', '12-12-2012'],
    #                   dtype='datetime64[ns]')}
    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToNumeric()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: dict(), 2: dict()}, errors='raise')

    # Predict output shape
    os = f.shape.columnsDict
    os['col1'] = Types.Numeric
    os['col3'] = Types.Numeric
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os

    # Removing options/input_shape causes None to be returned
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: dict(), 2: dict()}, errors='coerce')
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os  # Re-adding everything

    g = op.execute(f)
    gd = {
        'col1': [3.0, 0.0, 5.0, 6.00, 0.0],
        'col2': [3., 4., 5., 6., 0.0],
        'col3': [123.0, 2.0, 0.43, 4.0, 90.0]
    assert roundValues(g.to_dict(), 3) == gd
    assert g.shape.columnsDict == os
    assert g.shape.indexDict == f.shape.indexDict
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_str_toCategory():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical(["3", "0", "5", "6", "0"]),
        'col2': ["3", "4", "5.1", "6", None],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', 'nan', '90']

    # 'cold': pd.Series(['05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994', '12-12-2012'],
    #                   dtype='datetime64[ns]')}
    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToCategorical()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    op.setOptions(attributes={1: {'cat': '4 3 0', 'ordered': True}, 2: dict()})

    # Predict output shape
    os = f.shape.columnsDict
    os['col3'] = Types.Nominal
    os['col2'] = Types.Ordinal
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os

    # Removing options/input_shape causes None to be returned
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.setOptions(attributes={1: {'cat': '4 3 0', 'ordered': True}, 2: dict()})
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os  # Re-adding everything

    g = op.execute(f)
    gd = {
        'col1': ["3", "0", "5", "6", "0"],
        'col2': ['3', '4', None, None, None],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', 'nan', '90']
    assert nan_to_None(g.to_dict()) == gd
    assert g.shape.columnsDict == os
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_num_toCategory():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical([3, 0, 5, 6, 0]),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5.1, 6, 0],
        'col4': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],  # this will become a float
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90']

    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToCategorical()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    op.setOptions(attributes={1: dict(), 2: dict()})

    # Predict output shape
    os = f.shape.columnsDict
    os['col2'] = Types.Nominal
    os['col4'] = Types.Nominal
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os

    # Removing options/input_shape causes None to be returned
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.setOptions(attributes={1: dict(), 2: dict()})
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os  # Re-adding everything

    g = op.execute(f)
    gd = {
        'col1': [3, 0, 5, 6, 0],
        'col2': ["3.0", "4.0", "5.1", "6.0", "0.0"],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90'],
        'col4': ["1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "4.0", "5.0"]
    assert g.to_dict() == gd
    assert g.shape.columnsDict == os
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_add_removeInputShape():
    d = {'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4.0, 10], 'col2': [3, 4, 5, 6, 0], 'col3': ['q', '2', 'c', '4', 'x'],
         'date': ['05-09-1988', '22-12-1994', '21-11-1995', '22-06-1994', '12-12-2012']}

    f = Frame(d)

    class MyOp(DummyOp):
        def maxInputNumber(self) -> int:
            return 2

    mop = MyOp()

    gs = f.shape
    gs.colNames[0] = 'hola'

    mop.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=1)
    mop.addInputShape(gs, pos=0)

    assert mop._shapes == [gs, f.shape]
    assert mop._shapes != [f.shape, gs]

    # Test if exception is thrown
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        mop.addInputShape(gs, pos=2)

    # Test if exception is thrown in DummyOp
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        DummyOp().addInputShape(gs, pos=1)

    # Adding / removing input shape should preserve the list length
    ss = mop._shapes.copy()
    assert mop._shapes == [None, ss[1]]

    mop.addInputShape(gs, pos=0)
    assert mop._shapes == [gs, f.shape]
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_cat_toCategory():
    d = {
        'col1': pd.Categorical(["5", "0", "5", "U", "0"]),
        'col2': [3, 4, 5.1, 6, 0],
        'col4': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],  # this will become a float
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90']

    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToCategorical()
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: {'cat': '5 0'}})

    # Predict output shape
    os = f.shape.columnsDict
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os

    # Removing options/input_shape causes None to be returned
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, pos=0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.setOptions(attributes={0: {'cat': '5 0'}})
    assert op.getOutputShape().columnsDict == os  # Re-adding everything

    g = op.execute(f)
    gd = {
        'col1': ["5", "0", "5", None, "0"],
        'col2': [3.0, 4.0, 5.1, 6.0, 0.0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '90'],
        'col4': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
    assert nan_to_None(g.to_dict()) == gd
    assert g.shape.columnsDict == os
Exemplo n.º 27
 def run(self):
     header = pd.read_csv(self.__path,
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_str_to_Timestamp_coerce():
    d = {
        'col1': ['3', '0', '5', '6', '0'],
        'col2': [3, 4, 5.1, 6, 0],
        'col3': ['123', '2', '0.43', '4', '2021 January'],
        'cold': ['05091988', '22121994', '21111995', '22061994', '12122012']

    f = Frame(d)

    op = ToTimestamp()
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None
    op.addInputShape(f.shape, 0)
    assert op.getOutputShape() is None

    assert op.getOptions() == {'attributes': {}, 'errors': 'raise'}

        0: dict(),
        2: {
            'format': '%Y %B'
        3: {
            'format': '%d%m%Y'
    assert op.getOutputShape().colTypes == [
        Types.Datetime, Types.Numeric, Types.Datetime, Types.Datetime

    assert op.getOptions() == {
        'attributes': {
            0: {
                'format': ''
            2: {
                'format': '%Y %B'
            3: {
                'format': '%d%m%Y'
        'errors': 'raise'

    # Raise exception since pandas cannot convert all values to datetime
    with pytest.raises(Exception):

        0: dict(),
        2: {
            'format': '%Y %B'
        3: {
            'format': '%d%m%Y'
    g = op.execute(f)
    pg = g.getRawFrame()
    assert op.getOutputShape() == g.shape