def chatbot(txt):
    #chatbot code here 
    # Importing the dataset
    metadata, idx_q, idx_a = data_preprocessing.load_data(PATH = './')
    # Splitting the dataset into the Training set and the Test set
    (trainX, trainY), (testX, testY), (validX, validY) = data_utils_1.split_dataset(idx_q, idx_a)
    # Embedding
    xseq_len = trainX.shape[-1]
    yseq_len = trainY.shape[-1]
    batch_size = 16
    vocab_twit = metadata['idx2w']
    xvocab_size = len(metadata['idx2w'])  
    yvocab_size = xvocab_size
    emb_dim = 1024
    idx2w, w2idx, limit = data_utils_2.get_metadata()
    # Building the seq2seq model
    model = seq2seq_wrapper.Seq2Seq(xseq_len = xseq_len,
                                yseq_len = yseq_len,
                                xvocab_size = xvocab_size,
                                yvocab_size = yvocab_size,
                                ckpt_path = './weights',
                                emb_dim = emb_dim,
                                num_layers = 3)
    # Loading the weights and Running the session
    session = model.restore_last_session()
    # Getting the ChatBot predicted answer
    def respond(question):
        encoded_question = data_utils_2.encode(question, w2idx, limit['maxq'])
        answer = model.predict(session, encoded_question)[0]
        return data_utils_2.decode(answer, idx2w) 
    # Setting up the chat 
    #while True :
        engine = pyttsx3.init()
            r = sr.Recognizer()
            mic = sr.Microphone()
            with mic as source:
                audio = r.listen(source)
                print('You :')
        #question = input("You: ")
        #if question=='good bye':
        #print('Ok Bye')
        #answer = respond(question)
    return respond(question)
Exemplo n.º 2
def load_data():
    # Importing the dataset
    metadata, idx_q, idx_a = data_preprocessing.load_data(PATH='./')

    # Splitting the dataset into the Training set and the Test set
     trainY), (testX,
               testY), (validX,
                        validY) = data_utils_1.split_dataset(idx_q, idx_a)

    # Embedding
    xseq_len = trainX.shape[-1]
    yseq_len = trainY.shape[-1]
    batch_size = 16
    vocab_twit = metadata['idx2w']
    xvocab_size = len(metadata['idx2w'])
    yvocab_size = xvocab_size
    emb_dim = 1024
    idx2w, w2idx, limit = data_utils_2.get_metadata()

    return (xseq_len, yseq_len, xvocab_size, yvocab_size, emb_dim)
Exemplo n.º 3
# Importing the dataset
metadata, idx_q, idx_a = data_preprocessing.load_data(PATH = './')

# Splitting the dataset into the Training set and the Test set
(trainX, trainY), (testX, testY), (validX, validY) = data_utils_1.split_dataset(idx_q, idx_a)

# Embedding
xseq_len = trainX.shape[-1]
yseq_len = trainY.shape[-1]
batch_size = 16
vocab_twit = metadata['idx2w']
xvocab_size = len(metadata['idx2w'])  
yvocab_size = xvocab_size
emb_dim = 1024
idx2w, w2idx, limit = data_utils_2.get_metadata()

########## PART 2 - BUILDING THE SEQ2SEQ MODEL ##########

# Building the seq2seq model
model = seq2seq_wrapper.Seq2Seq(xseq_len = xseq_len,
                                yseq_len = yseq_len,
                                xvocab_size = xvocab_size,
                                yvocab_size = yvocab_size,
                                ckpt_path = './weights',
                                emb_dim = emb_dim,
                                num_layers = 3)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def respond(question):
     idx2w, w2idx, limit = data_utils_2.get_metadata()
     encoded_question = data_utils_2.encode(question, w2idx, limit['maxq'])
     answer = model.predict(session, encoded_question)[0]
     return data_utils_2.decode(answer, idx2w)