def forward_check():
        Check the forward events for consistence issues

            bool: True if successful, False otherwhise
            Message (str): Error description (if any)
    """"Forward consistence check")
    (success, local_id) = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve system_id.")
        return False, "Can't retrieve system_id."

    success, server_list = get_children_servers(local_id)
    if not server_list:
        return True, ''
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve children system list.")
        return False, "Can't retrieve children system list."
    # Get the current alarms
    # Check 8 hours back
    success, local_alarms = get_local_alarms(delay=1, delta=3)

    # local_alarms => hash, key => event_id data => server_id
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve local alarms")
        return False, "Can't retrieve local alarms"
    for server in server_list:
        success, child_alarms = get_child_alarms(server, delay=1, delta=3)

        if not success:
                "Can't retrieve remote alarms for server '%s'. Skiping" %
        missing_alarms = [
            event_id for event_id in child_alarms
            if event_id not in local_alarms

        if missing_alarms:  # This check is list is empty
            success, message = resend_alarms(server, missing_alarms)
            if not success:
                    "Can't resend remote alarams from server '%s': %s. Skiping"
                    % (message, str(server)))

    return True, ""
Exemplo n.º 2
def apimethod_delete_system(system_id):
    success, local_system_id = get_system_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Error: Can not retrieve the local system id. %s" %str(local_system_id)
    if system_id == 'local' or get_hex_string_from_uuid(local_system_id) == get_hex_string_from_uuid(system_id):
        return False, "Error: You're trying to remove the local system, which it's not allowed"

    (success, system_ip) = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_id)
    if not success:
        return success, "Error retrieving the system ip for the system id %s -> %s" % (system_ip, str(system_ip))
    # 1 - Remove it from the database
    success, msg = db_remove_system(system_id)
    if not success:
        return success, "Error while removing the system from the database: %s" % str(msg)
    # 2 - Remove the remote certificates
    # success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip)
    # if not success:
    #     return success, "Error while removing the remote certificates: %s" % str(msg)
    # 3 - Remove the local certificates and keys
    success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Error while getting the local ip: %s" % str(local_ip)

    success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip=local_ip, system_id_to_remove=system_id)
    if not success:
        return success, "Error while removing the local certificates: %s" % str(msg)

    # 4 - Remove it from the ansible inventory.
        aim = AnsibleInventoryManager()
        del aim
    except Exception as aim_error:
        return False, "An error occurred while removing the system from the ansible inventory file: %s" % str(aim_error)

    # 5 - Try to connect to the child and remove the parent using it's server_id
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Error while retrieving server_id from local: %s" % str(msg)

    success, msg = ansible_delete_parent_server(system_ip, own_server_id)
    if not success:
        return success, "Error while deleting parent server in child: %s" % str(msg)

    return True, ""
Exemplo n.º 3
def forward_check():
        Check the forward events for consistence issues

            bool: True if successful, False otherwhise
            Message (str): Error description (if any)
    """"Forward consistence check")
    (success, local_id) = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve system_id.")
        return False, "Can't retrieve system_id."

    success, server_list = get_children_servers(local_id)
    if not server_list:
        return True, ''
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve children system list.")
        return False, "Can't retrieve children system list."
    # Get the current alarms
    # Check 8 hours back
    success, local_alarms = get_local_alarms(delay=1, delta=3)

    # local_alarms => hash, key => event_id data => server_id
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve local alarms")
        return False, "Can't retrieve local alarms"
    for server in server_list:
        success, child_alarms = get_child_alarms(server, delay=1, delta=3)

        if not success:
            logger.error("Can't retrieve remote alarms for server '%s'. Skiping" % str(server))
        missing_alarms = [event_id for event_id in child_alarms if event_id not in local_alarms]
        if missing_alarms:  # This check is list is empty
            success, message = resend_alarms(server, missing_alarms)
            if not success:
                logger.error("Can't resend remote alarams from server '%s': %s. Skiping" % (message, str(server)))

    return True, ""
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_tunnel_with_vpn(system_ip, password):
    """Build the VPN tunnel with the given node"""
    if not is_valid_ipv4(system_ip):
        return False, "Invalid system ip: %s" % str(system_ip)
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Error while retrieving " + \
                    "server_id from local: %s" % str(own_server_id)
        return success, error_msg

    success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot retrieve the local ip <%s>" % str(local_ip)

    success, data = ansible_make_tunnel_with_vpn(
    if not success:
        return success, data

    print "Set VPN IP on the system table"
    new_node_vpn_ip = data['client_end_point1']
    if new_node_vpn_ip is None:
        return False, "Cannot retrieve the new node VPN IP"
    print "New Node VPN IP %s" % new_node_vpn_ip
    success, data = get_system_id_from_system_ip(system_ip)
    if success:  # If the system is not on the system table is doesn't matter
        success, data = set_system_vpn_ip(data, new_node_vpn_ip)
        if not success:
            return False, "Cannot set the new node vpn ip on the system table"
    # Restart frameworkd
    print "Restarting ossim-framework"
    success, data = ansible_restart_frameworkd(system_ip=local_ip)
    if not success:
        print "Restarting %s ossim-framework failed (%s)" % (local_ip, data)
    return True, "VPN node successfully connected."
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_tunnel_with_vpn(system_ip, password):
    """Build the VPN tunnel with the given node"""
    if not is_valid_ipv4(system_ip):
        return False, "Invalid system ip: %s" % str(system_ip)
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Error while retrieving " + \
                    "server_id from local: %s" % str(own_server_id)
        return success, error_msg

    success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot retrieve the local ip <%s>" % str(local_ip)

    success, data = ansible_make_tunnel_with_vpn(system_ip=system_ip,
    if not success:
        return success, data

    print "Set VPN IP on the system table"
    new_node_vpn_ip = data['client_end_point1']
    if new_node_vpn_ip is None:
        return False, "Cannot retrieve the new node VPN IP"
    print "New Node VPN IP %s" % new_node_vpn_ip
    success, data = get_system_id_from_system_ip(system_ip)
    if success:  # If the system is not on the system table is doesn't matter
        success, data = set_system_vpn_ip(data, new_node_vpn_ip)
        if not success:
            return False, "Cannot set the new node vpn ip on the system table"
    # Restart frameworkd
    print "Restarting ossim-framework"
    success, data = ansible_restart_frameworkd(system_ip=local_ip)
    if not success:
        print "Restarting %s ossim-framework failed (%s)" % (local_ip, data)
    return True, "VPN node successfully connected."
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_tunnel_with_vpn(system_ip,password):
    """Build the VPN tunnel with the given node"""
    if not is_valid_ipv4(system_ip):
        return False, "Invalid system ip: %s" % str(system_ip)
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Error while retrieving server_id from local: %s" % str(own_server_id)

    success, data = ansible_make_tunnel_with_vpn(system_ip=system_ip, local_server_id= get_hex_string_from_uuid(own_server_id), password=password)
    if not success:
        return success, data
    print "Set VPN IP on the system table"
    new_node_vpn_ip = data['client_end_point1']
    if new_node_vpn_ip is None:
        return False, "Cannot retrieve the new node VPN IP"
    print "New Node VPN IP %s" % new_node_vpn_ip
    success, data =  get_system_id_from_system_ip(system_ip)
    if success:# If the system is not on the system table is doesn't matter
        success, data = set_system_vpn_ip(data, new_node_vpn_ip)
        if not success:
            return False, "Cannot set the new node vpn ip on the system table"
    return True, "VPN node successfully connected."
Exemplo n.º 7
def apimethod_delete_system(system_id):
    success, local_system_id = get_system_id_from_local()

    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the " + \
                    "local system id. %s" % str(local_system_id)
        return success, error_msg
    if system_id == 'local' or get_hex_string_from_uuid(local_system_id) == get_hex_string_from_uuid(system_id):
        error_msg = "You're trying to remove the local system, " + \
                    "which it's not allowed"
        return False, error_msg

    (success, system_ip) = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the system ip " + \
                    "for the given system-id %s" % (str(system_ip))
        return success, error_msg

    # Check whether the remote system is reachable or not:
        remote_system_is_reachable = ping_system(system_id, no_cache=True)
    except APIException:
        remote_system_is_reachable = False

    # We need to take the sensor_id from the database before removing it from the db
    (success_f, sensor_id) = get_sensor_id_from_system_id(system_id)

    # 1 - Remove it from the database
    success, msg = db_remove_system(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system " + \
                    "from the database <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    # 2 - Remove the firewall rules.
    if success_f:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:

    # 3 - Remove the remote certificates
    # success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip)
    # if not success:
    #     return (success,
    #            "Error while removing the remote certificates: %s" % str(msg))
    # 4 - Remove the local certificates and keys
    success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the local ip " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(local_ip)
        return success, error_msg

    #Remove remote system certificates on the local system
    success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip=local_ip,
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot remove the local certificates <%s>" % str(msg)

    # 5 - Remove it from the ansible inventory.
        aim = AnsibleInventoryManager()
        del aim
    except Exception as aim_error:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system from the " + \
                    "ansible inventory file " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(aim_error)
        return False, error_msg

    # 6 - Try to connect to the child and remove the parent
    # using it's server_id
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the server-id " + \
                    "from local <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    if remote_system_is_reachable:
        success, msg = ansible_delete_parent_server(system_ip, own_server_id)
        if not success:
            error_msg = "Cannot delete parent server in child <%s>" % str(msg)
            return success, error_msg
        return True, ""

    msg = "The remote system is not reachable. " + \
          "We had not been able to remove the parent configuration"
    return True, msg
Exemplo n.º 8

        prior_task = False
        for ttime in tasks_time_start:
            if ttime != my_start_time and ttime < my_start_time:
                prior_task = True
    except Exception, e:
        logger.error("An error occurred running sync_databases: %s" % (str(e)))
        return False, str(e)

    if prior_task:"Sync Databases: A sync task is already running. Bailing out")
        return True, "A sync task is already running. Bailing out"

    (success, local_id) = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve system_id.")
        return False, "Can't retrieve system_id."

    success, server_list = get_children_servers(local_id)
    if not success:
        logger.error("Can't retrieve children system list.")
        return False, "Can't retrieve children system list."

    for server_id in server_list:
            logger.debug("Trying to sync database from server %s" % server_id)
            (success, msg) = sync_database_from_child(server_id)
            if not success:
                logger.debug("Sync database from server %s failed: %s" % (server_id, str(msg)))
Exemplo n.º 9
def apimethod_delete_system(system_id):
    success, local_system_id = get_system_id_from_local()

    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the " + \
                    "local system id. %s" % str(local_system_id)
        return success, error_msg
    if system_id == 'local' or get_hex_string_from_uuid(
            local_system_id) == get_hex_string_from_uuid(system_id):
        error_msg = "You're trying to remove the local system, " + \
                    "which it's not allowed"
        return False, error_msg

    (success, system_ip) = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the system ip " + \
                    "for the given system-id %s" % (str(system_ip))
        return success, error_msg

    # Check whether the remote system is reachable or not:
        remote_system_is_reachable = ping_system(system_id, no_cache=True)
    except APIException:
        remote_system_is_reachable = False

    # We need to take the sensor_id from the database before removing it from the db
    (success_f, sensor_id) = get_sensor_id_from_system_id(system_id)

    # 1 - Remove it from the database
    success, msg = db_remove_system(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system " + \
                    "from the database <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    # 2 - Remove the firewall rules.
    if success_f:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:

    # 3 - Remove the remote certificates
    # success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip)
    # if not success:
    #     return (success,
    #            "Error while removing the remote certificates: %s" % str(msg))
    # 4 - Remove the local certificates and keys
    success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the local ip " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(local_ip)
        return success, error_msg

    #Remove remote system certificates on the local system
    success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip=local_ip,
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot remove the local certificates <%s>" % str(msg)

    # 5 - Remove it from the ansible inventory.
        aim = AnsibleInventoryManager()
        del aim
    except Exception as aim_error:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system from the " + \
                    "ansible inventory file " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(aim_error)
        return False, error_msg

    # 6 - Try to connect to the child and remove the parent
    # using it's server_id
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the server-id " + \
                    "from local <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    if remote_system_is_reachable:
        success, msg = ansible_delete_parent_server(system_ip, own_server_id)
        if not success:
            error_msg = "Cannot delete parent server in child <%s>" % str(msg)
            return success, error_msg
        return True, ""

    msg = "The remote system is not reachable. " + \
          "We had not been able to remove the parent configuration"
    return True, msg