Exemplo n.º 1
def test4():
    XLS_FILE = ur'D:\2014项目\配电网故障定位\yx_line.xls'
    book = xlrd.open_workbook(XLS_FILE)
    startrowidx = 1
    toplines = set()
    ret = []
    for sheet in book.sheets():
        for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
            # o = {'properties':{'webgis_type':'polyline_dn'}}
            # o['properties']['func_pos_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
            # o['properties']['name'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 2)
            # o['properties']['owner'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 3)
            # update_geometry2d(o, False)
            if len(sheet.cell_value(row, 6)):
                toplines.add(sheet.cell_value(row, 6))
        # print(toplines)
        for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
            funcpos = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
            if funcpos in toplines:
                o = {'properties':{'webgis_type':'polyline_dn'}}
                o['properties']['device_id_nx'] = str(int(sheet.cell_value(row, 0)))
                o['properties']['func_pos_code'] = funcpos
                o['properties']['name'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 2)
                o['properties']['owner'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 3)
                o['properties']['nodes'] = []
                o['properties']['subnet'] = []
                if u'10kV' in o['properties']['name']:
                    o['properties']['voltage'] = '08'

                o = update_geometry2d(o, False)
                # print(o)
    mongo_action('kmgd', 'network', 'save', ret)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test2():
    book = xlrd.open_workbook(XLS_FILE)
    startrowidx = 1
    ret = []
    for sheet in book.sheets():
        if sheet.name == u'负荷开关':
            for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
                o = {}
                lng = sheet.cell_value(row, 8)
                lat = sheet.cell_value(row, 9)
                if isinstance(lng, str) or isinstance(lng, unicode) or isinstance(lat, str) or isinstance(lat, unicode):
                elif isinstance(lng, float) and  isinstance(lat, float):
                    if len(sheet.cell_value(row, 6)):
                        o['type'] = 'Feature'
                        o['properties'] = {}
                        o['properties']['device_id_nx'] = str(int(sheet.cell_value(row, 0)))
                        o['properties']['webgis_type'] = 'point_dn'
                        o['properties']['function_pos_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
                        o['properties']['name'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 2)
                        o['properties']['function_pos_type'] = 'PAD'
                        o['properties']['owner'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 4)
                        o['properties']['line_func_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 6)
                        o['properties']['device_no'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 10)
                        # o['properties']['tower'] = None
                        if isinstance(sheet.cell_value(row, 12), float):
                            o['properties']['voltage_rated'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 12)
                        if isinstance(sheet.cell_value(row, 13), float):
                            o['properties']['current_rated'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 13)
                        o['geometry'] = {'type':'Point','coordinates':[lng, lat]}
                        if u'10kV' in o['properties']['name']:
                            o['properties']['voltage'] = '08'
                            # o['properties']['name'] = o['properties']['name'].replace(u'10kV', '')
                        o = update_geometry2d(o, True)

        if sheet.name == u'断路器':
            for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
                o = {}
                lng = sheet.cell_value(row, 8)
                lat = sheet.cell_value(row, 9)
                if isinstance(lng, str) or isinstance(lng, unicode) or isinstance(lat, str) or isinstance(lat, unicode):
                elif isinstance(lng, float) and  isinstance(lat, float):
                    if len(sheet.cell_value(row, 6)):
                        o['type'] = 'Feature'
                        o['properties'] = {}
                        o['properties']['device_id_nx'] = str(int(sheet.cell_value(row, 0)))
                        o['properties']['webgis_type'] = 'point_dn'
                        o['properties']['function_pos_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
                        o['properties']['name'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 2)
                        o['properties']['function_pos_type'] = 'PAC'
                        o['properties']['owner'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 4)
                        o['properties']['line_func_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 6)
                        o['properties']['device_no'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 10)
                        # o['properties']['tower'] = None
                        if isinstance(sheet.cell_value(row, 12), float):
                            o['properties']['voltage_rated'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 12)
                        if isinstance(sheet.cell_value(row, 13), float):
                            o['properties']['current_rated'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 13)
                        o['geometry'] = {'type':'Point','coordinates':[lng, lat]}
                        if u'10kV' in o['properties']['name']:
                            o['properties']['voltage'] = '08'
                            # o['properties']['name'] = o['properties']['name'].replace(u'10kV', '')
                        o = update_geometry2d(o, True)

        if sheet.name == u'隔离开关':
            for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
                o = {}
                lng = sheet.cell_value(row, 8)
                lat = sheet.cell_value(row, 9)
                if isinstance(lng, str) or isinstance(lng, unicode) or isinstance(lat, str) or isinstance(lat, unicode):
                elif isinstance(lng, float) and  isinstance(lat, float):
                    if len(sheet.cell_value(row, 6)):
                        o['type'] = 'Feature'
                        o['properties'] = {}
                        o['properties']['device_id_nx'] = str(int(sheet.cell_value(row, 0)))
                        o['properties']['webgis_type'] = 'point_dn'
                        o['properties']['function_pos_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
                        o['properties']['name'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 2)
                        o['properties']['function_pos_type'] = 'PAE'
                        o['properties']['owner'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 4)
                        o['properties']['line_func_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 6)
                        o['properties']['device_no'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 10)
                        # o['properties']['tower'] = None
                        if isinstance(sheet.cell_value(row, 12), float):
                            o['properties']['voltage_rated'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 12)
                        if isinstance(sheet.cell_value(row, 13), float):
                            o['properties']['current_rated'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 13)
                        o['geometry'] = {'type':'Point','coordinates':[lng, lat]}
                        if u'10kV' in o['properties']['name']:
                            o['properties']['voltage'] = '08'
                            # o['properties']['name'] = o['properties']['name'].replace(u'10kV', '')
                        o = update_geometry2d(o, True)
    mongo_action('kmgd', 'features', 'save', ret)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test12():
    import re
    XLS_FILE = ur'G:\2014项目\配电网故障定位\普洱FTU导出数据\geodata.xls'
    book = xlrd.open_workbook(XLS_FILE)
    startrowidx = 1
    recs = []
    ids_map = {}
    for sheet in book.sheets():
        if sheet.name.lower() == u'sheet1':
            ids_map['pzz'] = []
            for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
                if sheet.cell_value(row, 0) == '':
                rec = {}
                lat = float(sheet.cell_value(row, 6))
                lng = float(sheet.cell_value(row, 7))
                rec['geometry'] = {
                    'coordinates':[lng, lat]
                rec['properties'] = {
                    'name': u'%s%s号杆' % (sheet.cell_value(row, 1), sheet.cell_value(row, 2)),
                    'voltage': '12',
                    'horizontal_span': float(sheet.cell_value(row, 5))*1000,
                    'webgis_type': 'point_tower'
                rec = update_geometry2d(rec, True)
        if sheet.name.lower() == u'sheet2':
            ids_map['jfyk'] = []
            for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
                if sheet.cell_value(row, 0) == '':
                rec = {}
                lat = float(sheet.cell_value(row, 1))
                lng = float(sheet.cell_value(row, 2))
                rec['geometry'] = {
                    'type': 'Point',
                    'coordinates': [lng, lat]
                rec['properties'] = {
                    'name': sheet.cell_value(row, 0),
                    'voltage': '12',
                    'webgis_type': 'point_tower'
                rec = update_geometry2d(rec, True)
        if sheet.name.lower() == u'sheet3':
            for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
                if sheet.cell_value(row, 0) == '':
                line_name = sheet.cell_value(row, 0).replace('10kV055', '')
                s = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
                m = re.search(ur'配电编号:(\d+)', s, re.UNICODE)
                m1 = re.search(ur'\(配电编号:(\d+)\)', s, re.UNICODE)
                no = ''
                device_no = ''
                name = sheet.cell_value(row, 1).replace('10kV', '')
                if m:
                    no = m1.group(0)
                    name = name.replace(no, '')
                # print('name:%s' % name)

                if m1:
                    device_no = m.group(0)
                    device_no = device_no.replace(u'配电编号:', '')
                # print('device_no:%s' % device_no)
                rec = {}
                lat = float(sheet.cell_value(row, 2))
                lng = float(sheet.cell_value(row, 3))
                rec['geometry'] = {
                    'type': 'Point',
                    'coordinates': [lng, lat]
                rec['properties'] = {
                    'name': '%s%s' % (line_name, name),
                    'voltage': '12',
                    'function_pos_type': 'PAB',
                    'webgis_type': 'point_dn',
                rec = update_geometry2d(rec, True)

    # client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
    # db = client['kmgd']
    # collection = db['features']
    # collection.insert_many(add_mongo_id(recs))

    print(json.dumps(recs, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test3():
    XLS_FILE = ur'D:\2014项目\配电网故障定位\yx_line.xls'
    book = xlrd.open_workbook(XLS_FILE)
    startrowidx = 1
    toplines = set()
    for sheet in book.sheets():
        for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
            # o = {'properties':{'webgis_type':'polyline_dn'}}
            # o['properties']['func_pos_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
            # o['properties']['name'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 2)
            # o['properties']['owner'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 3)
            # update_geometry2d(o, False)
            if len(sheet.cell_value(row, 6)):
                toplines.add(sheet.cell_value(row, 6))
        # print(toplines)

    XLS_FILE1 = ur'D:\2014项目\配电网故障定位\玉溪局台账数据导出1\玉溪杆塔.xls'
    book1 = xlrd.open_workbook(XLS_FILE1)
    startrowidx = 1
    ret = []
    linesmap = {}
    for sheet in book1.sheets():
        for row in range(startrowidx, sheet.nrows):
            line_no = sheet.cell_value(row, 3)
            if line_no in toplines:
                # device_no = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
                lng = sheet.cell_value(row, 5)
                lat = sheet.cell_value(row, 6)
                if isinstance(lng, str) or isinstance(lng, unicode) or isinstance(lat, str) or isinstance(lat, unicode):
                elif isinstance(lng, float) and isinstance(lat, float):
                    if not line_no in linesmap.keys():
                        linesmap[line_no] = []
                    o = {}
                    o['type'] = 'Feature'
                    o['properties'] = {}
                    # o['properties']['device_id_nx'] = str(int(sheet.cell_value(row, 0)))
                    o['properties']['webgis_type'] = 'point_tower'
                    o['properties']['function_pos_code'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 0)
                    if not o['properties']['function_pos_code'] in linesmap[line_no]:
                    o['properties']['name'] = sheet.cell_value(row, 1)
                    if len(o['properties']['name']) == 0 or  o['properties']['name'] == u'杆塔':
                        o['properties']['name'] = o['properties']['function_pos_code'] + u'杆塔'
                    # if (isinstance(o['properties']['name'], str) or isinstance(o['properties']['name'], unicode)) and len(o['properties']['name']) == 0:
                    #     o['properties']['name'] = device_no
                    # if isinstance(o['properties']['name'], int) or isinstance(o['properties']['name'], float):
                    #     o['properties']['name'] = str(o['properties']['name'])
                    o['properties']['function_pos_type'] = 'LAD'
                    o['properties']['line_func_code'] = line_no
                    o['geometry'] = {'type':'Point','coordinates':[lng, lat]}
                    # if u'10kV' in o['properties']['name']:
                    o['properties']['voltage'] = '08'
                    o = update_geometry2d(o, True)
                    if len(ret) % 100 == 0:
        # for k in linesmap.keys():
        #     s = sorted(linesmap[k])
        #     l = []
        #     for i in range(len(s)-1):
        #         l.append([s[i], s[i+1]])
        #     linesmap[k] = l
        # print(len(ret))
        # print(len(linesmap.keys()))
        # with codecs.open(ur'd:\linesmap.json', 'w', 'utf-8-sig') as f:
        #     f.write(json.dumps(linesmap, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
    mongo_action('kmgd', 'features', 'save', ret)