Exemplo n.º 1
  def testCalculateReceptiveBoxes(self):
    boxes = feature_extractor.CalculateReceptiveBoxes(
        height=1, width=2, rf=291, stride=32, padding=145)
    exp_boxes = [[-145., -145., 145., 145.], [-145., -113., 145., 177.]]
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      boxes_out = sess.run(boxes)

    self.assertAllEqual(exp_boxes, boxes_out)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testCalculateReceptiveBoxes(self):
        boxes = feature_extractor.CalculateReceptiveBoxes(height=1,
        exp_boxes = [[-145., -145., 145., 145.], [-145., -113., 145., 177.]]

        self.assertAllEqual(exp_boxes, boxes)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _ProcessSingleScale(scale_index, boxes, features, scales, scores):
        """Resizes the image and run feature extraction and keypoint selection.

       This function will be passed into tf.while_loop() and be called
       repeatedly. The input boxes are collected from the previous iteration
       [0: scale_index -1]. We get the current scale by
       image_scales[scale_index], and run resize image, feature extraction and
       keypoint selection. Then we will get a new set of selected_boxes for
       current scale. In the end, we concat the previous boxes with current
       selected_boxes as the output.
      scale_index: A valid index in the image_scales.
      boxes: Box tensor with the shape of [N, 4].
      features: Feature tensor with the shape of [N, depth].
      scales: Scale tensor with the shape of [N].
      scores: Attention score tensor with the shape of [N].

      scale_index: The next scale index for processing.
      boxes: Concatenated box tensor with the shape of [K, 4]. K >= N.
      features: Concatenated feature tensor with the shape of [K, depth].
      scales: Concatenated scale tensor with the shape of [K].
      scores: Concatenated score tensor with the shape of [K].
        scale = tf.gather(image_scales, scale_index)
        new_image_size = tf.dtypes.cast(
            tf.round(original_image_shape_float * scale), tf.int32)
        resized_image = tf.image.resize(image_tensor, new_image_size)

        attention_prob, feature_map = attention_model_fn(resized_image)
        attention_prob = tf.squeeze(attention_prob, axis=[0])
        feature_map = tf.squeeze(feature_map, axis=[0])

        rf_boxes = feature_extractor.CalculateReceptiveBoxes(
            tf.shape(feature_map)[1], rf, stride, padding)

        # Re-project back to the original image space.
        rf_boxes = tf.divide(rf_boxes, scale)
        attention_prob = tf.reshape(attention_prob, [-1])
        feature_map = tf.reshape(feature_map, [-1, feature_depth])

        # Use attention score to select feature vectors.
        indices = tf.reshape(tf.where(attention_prob >= abs_thres), [-1])
        selected_boxes = tf.gather(rf_boxes, indices)
        selected_features = tf.gather(feature_map, indices)
        selected_scores = tf.gather(attention_prob, indices)
        selected_scales = tf.ones_like(selected_scores, tf.float32) / scale

        # Concat with the previous result from different scales.
        boxes = tf.concat([boxes, selected_boxes], 0)
        features = tf.concat([features, selected_features], 0)
        scales = tf.concat([scales, selected_scales], 0)
        scores = tf.concat([scores, selected_scores], 0)

        return scale_index + 1, boxes, features, scales, scores
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _ResizeAndExtract(scale_index):
        """Helper function to resize image then extract features.

      scale_index: A valid index in image_scales.

      global_descriptor: [1,D] tensor denoting the extracted global descriptor.
      boxes: Box tensor with the shape of [K, 4].
      local_descriptors: Local descriptor tensor with the shape of [K, depth].
      scales: Scale tensor with the shape of [K].
      scores: Score tensor with the shape of [K].
        scale = tf.gather(image_scales, scale_index)
        new_image_size = tf.dtypes.cast(
            tf.round(original_image_shape_float * scale), tf.int32)
        resized_image = tf.image.resize(image_tensor, new_image_size)
        global_descriptor, attention_prob, feature_map = model_fn(

        attention_prob = tf.squeeze(attention_prob, axis=[0])
        feature_map = tf.squeeze(feature_map, axis=[0])

        # Compute RF boxes and re-project them to the original image space.
        rf_boxes = feature_extractor.CalculateReceptiveBoxes(
            tf.shape(feature_map)[1], rf, stride, padding)
        rf_boxes = tf.divide(rf_boxes, scale)

        attention_prob = tf.reshape(attention_prob, [-1])
        feature_map = tf.reshape(feature_map, [-1, tf.shape(feature_map)[2]])

        # Use attention score to select local features.
        indices = tf.reshape(tf.where(attention_prob >= abs_thres), [-1])
        boxes = tf.gather(rf_boxes, indices)
        local_descriptors = tf.gather(feature_map, indices)
        scores = tf.gather(attention_prob, indices)
        scales = tf.ones_like(scores, tf.float32) / scale

        return global_descriptor, boxes, local_descriptors, scales, scores