Exemplo n.º 1
    def find_path(self, graph, s, e, cost_func=None, heuristic_func=None):
        start = s.closest_object
        end = e.closest_object
        annex = None
        split_ways = {}

        if isinstance(start, Street) or isinstance(end, Street):
            annex = dijkstar.Graph()

        if isinstance(start, Street):
            start, *start_ways = self.split_way(start, s.geom, -1, -1, -2, graph, annex)
            split_ways.update({w.id: w for w in start_ways})

        if isinstance(end, Street):
            end, *end_ways = self.split_way(end, e.geom, -2, -3, -4, graph, annex)
            split_ways.update({w.id: w for w in end_ways})

            nodes, edge_attrs, costs, total_weight = dijkstar.find_path(
                graph, start.id, end.id,
                annex=annex, cost_func=cost_func, heuristic_func=heuristic_func)
        except dijkstar.NoPathError:
            raise NoRouteError(s, e)

        assert nodes[0] == start.id
        assert nodes[-1] == end.id

        return nodes, edge_attrs, split_ways
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        quiet = self.quiet
        graph = dijkstar.Graph()
        q = Street.__table__.select()
        result = self.session.execute(q)
        num_rows = result.rowcount

        if not quiet:
            timer = Timer()
            template = '\rBuilding graph from {} streets... {{:.0%}}'
            template = template.format(num_rows)
            print(template.format(0), end='')

        for i, r in enumerate(result):
            edge = (r.id, r.base_cost, r.name or r.description)
            graph.add_edge(r.start_node_id, r.end_node_id, edge)
            if not r.oneway_bicycle:
                graph.add_edge(r.end_node_id, r.start_node_id, edge)
            if not quiet:
                print(template.format(i / num_rows), end='')

        if not quiet:
            print(template.format(1), timer)

        if not quiet:
            print(f'Saving graph to {self.path}... ', end='', flush=True)


        if not quiet:
            print('Done', timer)
Exemplo n.º 3
def maze_to_graph(maze):
    """ Transforms input into graph.
    graph = dijkstar.Graph()

    for i, row in enumerate(maze):
        for j, node in enumerate(row):
            node_id, node_item = node
            cost = {"cost": 1}

            # skip walls, we want only empty corridors and lamps
            if node_item == WALL:
            # right
            if j < len(row)-1 and row[j+1][1] != WALL:
                graph.add_edge(node_id, row[j+1][0], cost)
            # left
            if j > 0 and row[j-1][1] != WALL:
                graph.add_edge(node_id, row[j-1][0], cost)
            # down
            if i+1 < len(maze) and maze[i+1][j][1] != WALL:
                graph.add_edge(node_id, maze[i+1][j][0], cost)
            # up
            if i > 0 and maze[i-1][j][1] != WALL:
                graph.add_edge(node_id, maze[i-1][j][0], cost)
    return graph
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate_graph(stars):
    graph = dijkstar.Graph()
    for star in stars:
        for edge in stars[star]['edges']:
            graph.add_edge(star, edge, 1)

    return graph
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.graph = dj.Graph()
     #first floor graph nodes
     #second floor graph nodes
     #third floor graph nodes
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self):
        timer = Timer()

        graph = dijkstar.Graph()

        q = Street.__table__.select()
        result = self.engine.execute(q)
        num_rows = result.rowcount

        template = '\rBuilding graph from {} streets... {{:.0%}}'
        template = template.format(num_rows)
        print(template.format(0), end='')

        for i, r in enumerate(result):
            edge = (
                r.geom.reproject(DEFAULT_SRID, 2913).length,

            graph.add_edge(r.start_node_id, r.end_node_id, edge)

            if r.oneway_bicycle:
                # Ensure end node is in graph; this is relevant for one
                # way streets near the boundary of the graph.
                if r.end_node_id not in graph:
                graph.add_edge(r.end_node_id, r.start_node_id, edge)

            print(template.format(i / num_rows), end='')

        print(template.format(1), timer)

        session = self.session()

        if self.clean:
            print('Removing previous graphs...', end='')
            count = session.query(Graph).delete()
            print('Removed', count,
                  'previous graph%s' % ('' if count == 1 else 's'))

        print('Saving graph to database... ', end='')

        file = io.BytesIO()

        print('Done', timer)
def graph_G(auto):
    graph = dj.Graph()
    pos = auto.transitions
    sts = auto.states_set()
    for state in sts:
        t = pos[state].keys()
        for eve in t:
            graph.add_edge(state, pos[state][eve], eve.weight)
    return graph
Exemplo n.º 8
def generate_safe_graph(stars):
    safe_graph = dijkstar.Graph()
    for star in stars:
        for edge in stars[star]['edges']:
            edge_sec = get_rounded_sec(edge)
            if get_sec_status(edge_sec) == 'nullsec':
                cost = 10000
                cost = 1
            safe_graph.add_edge(star, edge, cost)

    return safe_graph
Exemplo n.º 9
def graph_G(auto, black, initial):
    graph = dj.Graph()
    pos = auto.transitions
    sts = auto.states_set()
    for state in sts:
        t = pos[state].keys()
        for eve in t:
            if state == initial:
                if eve not in black:
                    graph.add_edge(state, pos[state][eve], eve.weight)
                graph.add_edge(state, pos[state][eve], eve.weight)
    return graph
Exemplo n.º 10
def GRAPH_VISION(auto, black, initial, r):
    d = DIST(auto, initial, r)
    graph = dj.Graph()
    pos = auto.transitions
    sts = auto.states_set()
    for state in sts:
        t = pos[state].keys()
        for eve in t:
            s2 = pos[state][eve]
            if state in d:
                if eve not in black:
                    graph.add_edge(state, pos[state][eve], eve.weight)
                graph.add_edge(state, pos[state][eve], eve.weight)
    return graph
Exemplo n.º 11
def build_scaffolding(m):
    g = dijkstar.Graph()
    for y, row in enumerate(m):
        for x, col in enumerate(row):
            if m[y][x] == '#' or m[y][x] == '^':
                neighbors = get_neighbors((x, y), m)
                t = (x, y)
                if t not in g:
                    g.add_node((x, y))
                for neighbor in neighbors:
                    n1, n2 = neighbor
                    if m[n2][n1] == '#' or m[n2][n1] == '^':
                        if neighbor not in g:
                        g.add_edge(t, neighbor, 1)
                        g.add_edge(neighbor, t, 1)
    return g
Exemplo n.º 12
def make_graph(maze_side_length):
    """ Makes graph where nodes are rooms and edges are walls.
    @maze_side_length is number of rooms of the maze in one direction.

    graph = dijkstar.Graph()
    cost = {"cost": 1}
    for row_id in range(maze_side_length):
        for room_id in range(maze_side_length):
            # add edge: current->right
            if room_id < maze_side_length - 1:
                graph.add_edge((row_id, room_id), (row_id, room_id + 1), cost)
            # add edge: current->left
            if room_id >= 1:
                graph.add_edge((row_id, room_id), (row_id, room_id - 1), cost)
            # add edge: current->bottom
            if row_id < maze_side_length - 1:
                graph.add_edge((row_id, room_id), (row_id + 1, room_id), cost)
            # add edge: current->top
            if row_id >= 1:
                graph.add_edge((row_id, room_id), (row_id - 1, room_id), cost)
    return graph
Exemplo n.º 13
def prepare_graph(cells_file):
    Create a Graph object from a file containing all cells' id

    :param str cells_file: Path to the cells file
    :return: A graph object
    cells = pd.read_csv(cells_file, header=None, names=['id'])
    cells = cells['id']\
        .apply(lambda x: tuple([int(x[0]), int(x[1])])).tolist()

    graph = dijkstar.Graph()

    for cell in cells:
        poss_neighbour = [(cell[0] + i, cell[1] + j) for i in [-1, 0, 1]
                          for j in [-1, 0, 1]]
        for neighbour in poss_neighbour:
            if neighbour in cells:
                graph.add_edge(cell, neighbour, {'cost': 1})

    return graph
Exemplo n.º 14
def handle():
    if flask.request.method == 'GET':
        return flask.Response(status=200)

    if flask.request.method == 'POST':
        maze_data = flask.request.get_json()
        corridors = maze_data['corridors']
        end = maze_data['end']
        rooms = maze_data['rooms']
        start = maze_data['start']

        graph = dijkstar.Graph()
        for edge in corridors:
            graph.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1], {'cost': 1})
            graph.add_edge(edge[1], edge[0], {'cost': 1})
        cost_fun = lambda u, v, e, prev_e: e['cost']

        # Invalid input
        flat_corridors = [i[0] for i in corridors] + [i[1] for i in corridors]
        if start not in rooms or end not in rooms or \
           (len(flat_corridors) == 0 and len(rooms) == 2):
            return flask.jsonify({"solution": None, "length": None,
                                  "error": "Invalid input"}), 200

        # Path does not exist
            solution = dijkstar.find_path(graph, start, end, cost_func=cost_fun)
        except dijkstar.algorithm.NoPathError:
            return flask.jsonify({"solution": None, "length": None,
                                  "status": "No solution found"}), 200

        # Correct solution
        return flask.jsonify({"solution": solution.nodes,
                              "length": len(solution.nodes),
                              "status": "OK"}), 200
Exemplo n.º 15
def make_graph(pyramid_level):
    """ Makes graph where nodes are rooms and edges are walls.
    @pyramid_level is number of pyramid levels, starts from 0!

    Graph will looks like this. Nodes are numbered.

        |       |

    graph = dijkstar.Graph()
    cost = {"cost": 1}

    # give each node ID, from top to bottom and left to right
    make horizontal connections in graph
    e.g. for pyramid_level == 2



    current_node_id = 1
    for level in range(pyramid_level + 1):
        nodes_per_level = level * 2 + 1
        for node in range(nodes_per_level):
            if node < nodes_per_level - 1:
                a = current_node_id
                b = current_node_id + 1
                if _DEBUG:
                    print("connecting:", a, b)
                    print("connecting:", b, a)
                graph.add_edge(a, b, cost)
                graph.add_edge(b, a, cost)
            current_node_id += 1
    make vertical connections in graph
    e.g. for pyramid_level == 2

        2   3   4
        |       |
    5   6   7   8   9
    next_node_offset = 2  # goes up by N+2 per level
    current_node_id = 1

    for level in range(pyramid_level):
        nodes_per_level = level * 2 + 1
        if _DEBUG:
            print("nodes_per_level:", nodes_per_level)
            print("next_node_offset:", next_node_offset)
            print("current_node_id:", current_node_id)
        for node_id in range(current_node_id,
                             current_node_id + nodes_per_level, 2):
            a = node_id
            b = node_id + next_node_offset
            if _DEBUG:
                print("node_id:", node_id)
                print("connecting:", a, b)
                print("connecting:", b, a)
            graph.add_edge(a, b, cost)
            graph.add_edge(b, a, cost)
        next_node_offset += 2
        current_node_id += nodes_per_level

    return graph
Exemplo n.º 16
def solve_maze(maze_txt):
    """ Solves number maze and prints results.

    Transforms input into graph and uses dijkstar library to get shortest path.


    S2 1 1 3
     3 2 1 1
     2 1 1 2
     3 1 2 X

    is transformed by first assigning each node unique id:

     [[(0, 'S2'), (1, '1'), (2, '1'), (3, '3')],
      [(4, '3'), (5, '2'), (6, '1'), (7, '1')],
      [(8, '2'), (9, '1'), (10, '1'), (11, '2')],
      [(12, '3'), (13, '1'), (14, '2'), (15, 'X')]]

    and then converted to directed graph:

    (0, {2: {'cost': 1}, 8: {'cost': 1}})
    (1, {0: {'cost': 1}, 2: {'cost': 1}, 5: {'cost': 1}})
    (2, {1: {'cost': 1}, 3: {'cost': 1}, 6: {'cost': 1}})
    (3, {0: {'cost': 1}, 15: {'cost': 1}})
    (4, {7: {'cost': 1}})
    (5, {7: {'cost': 1}, 13: {'cost': 1}})
    (6, {2: {'cost': 1}, 5: {'cost': 1}, 7: {'cost': 1}, 10: {'cost': 1}})
    (7, {3: {'cost': 1}, 6: {'cost': 1}, 11: {'cost': 1}})
    (8, {0: {'cost': 1}, 10: {'cost': 1}})
    (9, {5: {'cost': 1}, 8: {'cost': 1}, 10: {'cost': 1}, 13: {'cost': 1}})
    (10, {6: {'cost': 1}, 9: {'cost': 1}, 11: {'cost': 1}, 14: {'cost': 1}})
    (11, {3: {'cost': 1}, 9: {'cost': 1}})
    (12, {0: {'cost': 1}, 15: {'cost': 1}})
    (13, {9: {'cost': 1}, 12: {'cost': 1}, 14: {'cost': 1}})
    (14, {6: {'cost': 1}, 12: {'cost': 1}})

    in which, the path is found.

    maze = load_maze(maze_txt)
    graph = dijkstar.Graph()
    start = maze[0][0][0]
    end = maze[-1][-1][0]
    from pprint import pprint as pp

    # Transform input into graph
    for i, row in enumerate(maze):
        for j, node in enumerate(row):
            if node[1] == 'X':
                # stop when we hit the end#
            elif node[1] == "S2":
                number = 2
                number = int(node[1])
            # right
            if j + number < len(row):
                graph.add_edge(node[0], row[j + number][0], {"cost": 1})
            # left
            if j - number >= 0:
                graph.add_edge(node[0], row[j - number][0], {"cost": 1})
            # top
            if i - number >= 0:
                graph.add_edge(node[0], maze[i - number][j][0], {"cost": 1})
            # down
            if i + number < len(maze):
                graph.add_edge(node[0], maze[i + number][j][0], {"cost": 1})

    if _DEBUG:
        for i in graph.items():

    cost_func = lambda u, v, e, prev_e: e['cost']
    result = dijkstar.find_path(graph, start, end, cost_func=cost_func)
    nodes_ids = result.nodes

    # Get final path
    final_path = []
    for node_id in nodes_ids:
        for row in maze:
            for i, node in row:
                if node_id == i:
                    final_path.append((i, node))
    return final_path