Exemplo n.º 1
def ionization_from_luminosity(z, ratedensityfunc, xHe=1.0,
                               rate_is_tfunc = False,
                               ratedensityfunc_args = (),
                               method = 'romberg',
    """Integrate the ionization history given an ionizing luminosity
    function, ignoring recombinations.

    ratedensityfunc: callable
        function giving comoving ionizing photon emission rate
        density, or ionizing emissivity (photons s^-1 Mpc^-3) as a
        function of redshift (or time).

    rate_is_tfunc: boolean
        Set to true if ratedensityfunc is a function of time rather than z.


    Ignores recombinations.

    The ionization rate is computed as ratedensity / nn, where nn = nH
    + xHe * nHe. So if xHe is 1.0, we are assuming that helium becomes
    singly ionized at proportionally the same rate as hydrogen. If xHe
    is 2.0, we are assuming helium becomes fully ionizing at
    proportionally the same rate as hydrogen.

    The returened x is therefore the ionized fraction of hydrogen, and
    the ionized fraction of helium is xHe * x.


    cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
    rhoc, rho0, nHe, nH = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo)
    nn = (nH + xHe * nHe)
    if rate_is_tfunc:
        t = cd.age(z, **cosmo)[0]
        def dx_dt(t1):
            return numpy.nan_to_num(ratedensityfunc(t1, *ratedensityfunc_args) /
        sorti = numpy.argsort(t)
        x = numpy.empty(t.shape)
        x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dt, t[sorti], method = method)
        return x
        dt_dz = lambda z1: cd.lookback_integrand(z1, **cosmo)
        def dx_dz(z1):
            z1 = numpy.abs(z1)
            return numpy.nan_to_num(dt_dz(z1) *
                                    ratedensityfunc(z1, *ratedensityfunc_args) /
        sorti = numpy.argsort(-z)
        x = numpy.empty(z.shape)
        x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dz, -z[sorti], method = method)
        return x
Exemplo n.º 2
def ionization_from_luminosity(z, ratedensityfunc, xHe=1.0,
                               rate_is_tfunc = False,
                               ratedensityfunc_args = (),
                               method = 'romberg',
    """Integrate the ionization history given an ionizing luminosity
    function, ignoring recombinations.

    ratedensityfunc: callable
        function giving comoving ionizing photon emission rate
        density, or ionizing emissivity (photons s^-1 Mpc^-3) as a
        function of redshift (or time).

    rate_is_tfunc: boolean
        Set to true if ratedensityfunc is a function of time rather than z.


    Ignores recombinations.

    The ionization rate is computed as ratedensity / nn, where nn = nH
    + xHe * nHe. So if xHe is 1.0, we are assuming that helium becomes
    singly ionized at proportionally the same rate as hydrogen. If xHe
    is 2.0, we are assuming helium becomes fully ionizing at
    proportionally the same rate as hydrogen.

    The returened x is therefore the ionized fraction of hydrogen, and
    the ionized fraction of helium is xHe * x.


    cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
    rhoc, rho0, nHe, nH = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo)
    nn = (nH + xHe * nHe)
    if rate_is_tfunc:
        t = cd.age(z, **cosmo)[0]
        def dx_dt(t1):
            return numpy.nan_to_num(ratedensityfunc(t1, *ratedensityfunc_args) /
        sorti = numpy.argsort(t)
        x = numpy.empty(t.shape)
        x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dt, t[sorti], method = method)
        return x
        dt_dz = lambda z1: cd.lookback_integrand(z1, **cosmo)
        def dx_dz(z1):
            z1 = numpy.abs(z1)
            return numpy.nan_to_num(dt_dz(z1) *
                                    ratedensityfunc(z1, *ratedensityfunc_args) /
        sorti = numpy.argsort(-z)
        x = numpy.empty(z.shape)
        x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dz, -z[sorti], method = method)
        return x
Exemplo n.º 3
from califa_cmap import califa_vel, califa_int
from congrid import congrid
import make_2d_gaussian as make_gauss
import scipy.signal
import sys

# -------------------------- A few ideas:
#1: Signal to noise degradation: should I just add Poisson noise after convolution?
#2: PSF: deconvolution
#3: redshifting: changes in spectral sampling (resolution)
#4: Various binning scenarios
#2: Set exposure time as free variable, depending on S/N

cosmo = {'omega_M_0':0.3, 'omega_lambda_0':0.7, 'omega_k_0':0.0, 'h':0.7}

cosmo = cosmology.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)

def get_magnification(z_in, z_out):
	#calculate ratio of linear dimensions
	lumdist_in = cosmology.luminosity_distance(z_in, **cosmo)	
	lumdist_out = cosmology.luminosity_distance(z_out, **cosmo)
#	print lumdist_in
	magnification = (lumdist_in/lumdist_out) *((1.+z_out)**2/(1.+z_in)**2)         #*(p_hi/p_lo))[0] -- we assume pixel scale is the same
	return magnification

def get_scaled_flux(cube, z_out):
	flux_ratio = (1+z_out)**4
	return cube/flux_ratio

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