Exemplo n.º 1
def install_nginx():

    sudo('pip install uwsgi')

    # Global configuration
    sudo('cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx-prev.conf')

    nginx_conf = open(os.path.normpath(
        os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), '..', '..', 'templates', 'nginx.conf')
    put(nginx_conf, '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf')

    sudo('rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default')
Exemplo n.º 2
def init():
    # Install libraries and applications
    sudo('aptitude -y update')
    sudo('aptitude -y upgrade')



    # Create user and make him sudoer
    sudo('useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/%(user)s -m %(user)s -G sudo' % {
            'user': env.deploy_user, 'password': env.passwords[env.host_string]})

    sudo('passwd %s' % env.deploy_user)

    # Set default text editor
    cmd('echo "SELECTED_EDITOR=\"/usr/bin/mcedit\"" > /home/%s/.selected_editor' % env.deploy_user)
    sudo('echo "SELECTED_EDITOR=\"/usr/bin/mcedit\"" > /root/.selected_editor')

    # Generate ssh key
    cmd('mkdir /home/%s/.ssh' % env.deploy_user)
    cmd('ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/%s/.ssh/id_rsa -N %s -C "%s"' % (
            env.deploy_user, env.conf['SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE'], env.conf['GITHUB_EMAIL']))

    # Wait until user adds the key to github
    print "\033[92mCopy the following public key and add it to the list of deploy keys on github\033[0m"
    cmd('cat /home/%s/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' % env.deploy_user)

    res = prompt('Have you added the key? (type "yes"): ')
    while res != 'yes':
        res = prompt('Have you added the key? (type "yes"): ')

    # Test access to repo
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        cmd('ssh -T [email protected]')

    prompt('Have you seen "You\'ve successfully authenticated" message above?')

    # Allow developers to login with ssh keys
    cmd('echo "%s" >> /home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % ('\n'.join(env.conf['developers_ssh_pubkey']), env.deploy_user))
    sudo('mkdir -p /root/.ssh')
    sudo('echo -e "%s" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys' % '\n'.join(env.conf['developers_ssh_pubkey']))

    # TODO: after blocking password access env.passwords shouldn't be set
    # Prohibit ssh password authentication
    sudo('echo -e "\n\nChallengeResponseAuthentication no\nPasswordAuthentication no\nUsePAM no" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config')
    sudo('reload ssh')
Exemplo n.º 3
def install_postgres():
    install_packages('postgresql', 'postgresql-client', 'postgresql-server-dev-all')

    # Create postgres user and database
    sudo('createuser -l -E -S -D -R %s' % env.conf['database.USER'], user='******')
    sudo('createdb -O %s %s' % (env.conf['database.USER'], env.conf['database.NAME']), user='******')

    # Database settings recommended by Django
    postgres_conf = {
        'client_encoding': "'UTF8'",
        'default_transaction_isolation': "'read committed'",
        'timezone': "'UTC'",

    for param, value in postgres_conf.iteritems():
        sudo('echo "ALTER ROLE %s in DATABASE %s SET %s = %s;" | psql' % (
                env.conf['database.USER'], env.conf['database.NAME'], param, value), user='******')

    sudo('echo "ALTER USER %s WITH PASSWORD \'%s\';" | psql' % (
            env.conf['database.USER'], env.conf['database.PASSWORD']), user='******')