Exemplo n.º 1
 def _make_get_path(self, content):
     params = utils.build_query_params(content)
     self.logger.debug('Query parameters: {}'.format(params))
     params_str = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
     if self.args.debug:
         url = utils.make_url(self.args.domain, self.args.uri)
         self.logger.debug('Sending {}?{}'.format(url, params_str))
     return self.args.uri + '?' + params_str
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def make_request(self, addr, dnsq):

        # FIXME: maybe aioh2 should allow registering to connection_lost event
        # so we can find out when the connection get disconnected.
        if self.client is None or self.client._conn is None:
            await self.setup_client()

        headers = {'Accept': constants.DOH_MEDIA_TYPE}
        path = self.args.uri
        qid = dnsq.id
        dnsq.id = 0
        body = b''

        headers = [
            (':authority', self.args.domain),
            (':method', self.args.post and 'POST' or 'GET'),
            (':scheme', 'h2'),
        if self.args.post:
            headers.append(('content-type', constants.DOH_MEDIA_TYPE))
            body = dnsq.to_wire()
            params = utils.build_query_params(dnsq.to_wire())
            self.logger.debug('Query parameters: {}'.format(params))
            params_str = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
            if self.args.debug:
                url = utils.make_url(self.args.domain, self.args.uri)
                self.logger.debug('Sending {}?{}'.format(url, params_str))
            path = self.args.uri + '?' + params_str

        headers.insert(0, (':path', path))
            ('content-length', str(len(body))),
        # Start request with headers
        stream_id = await self.client.start_request(
            end_stream=not body)

        # Send my name "world" as whole request body
        if body:
            await self.client.send_data(stream_id, body, end_stream=True)

        # Receive response headers
        headers = await self.client.recv_response(stream_id)
        self.logger.debug('Response headers: {}'.format(headers))

        # Read all response body
        resp = await self.client.read_stream(stream_id, -1)
        dnsr = dns.message.from_wire(resp)
        dnsr.id = qid
        self.on_answer(addr, dnsr.to_wire())

        # Read response trailers
        trailers = await self.client.recv_trailers(stream_id)
        self.logger.debug('Response trailers: {}'.format(trailers))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_make_url(self, domain, uri, output):
     self.assertEqual(utils.make_url(domain, uri), output)