Exemplo n.º 1
def get(key: str,
        cache_expire: Optional[int] = None,
        should_cache: bool = True) -> bytes:
    """Returns an object from storage
        key: The key to get from storage
        cache_expire: The amount of time (in seconds) until the key expires if cache miss
        should_cache: Whether or not to fetch/save to/from cache
        data as bytes
        exceptions.NotFound exception if key is not found in storage
        exceptions.StorageError on any unexpected error interacting with storage
        obj = None
        if should_cache:
            obj = redis.cache_get(key)
        if not obj:
            obj = storage.get(STORAGE_LOCATION, key)
            if should_cache and len(obj) < CACHE_LIMIT:
                redis.cache_put(key, obj, cache_expire)
        return obj
    except exceptions.NotFound:
    except Exception:
        _log.exception("Uncaught exception while performing storage get")
        raise exceptions.StorageError(
            "Uncaught exception while performing storage get")
Exemplo n.º 2
def select_transaction(block_id: str,
                       txn_id: str,
                       cache_expire: Optional[int] = None) -> dict:
    """Returns an transaction in a block from storage through the LRU cache
        block_id: The ID of the block being queried
        txn_id: The ID of the transaction in the block
        cache_expire: The amount of time (in seconds) until the key expires if cache miss
        transaction JSON object
        exceptions.NotFound exception when block id not found
        exceptions.StorageError on any unexpected error interacting with storage
        obj: Any = None
        key = f"{block_id}/{txn_id}"
        obj = redis.cache_get(key)
        if obj:
            return json.loads(obj)
        obj = storage.select_transaction(STORAGE_LOCATION, block_id, txn_id)
        cache_val = json.dumps(obj, separators=(",", ":")).encode("utf-8")
        if len(cache_val) < CACHE_LIMIT:
            redis.cache_put(key, cache_val, cache_expire)
        return obj
    except exceptions.NotFound:
    except Exception:
            "Uncaught exception while performing storage select_transaction")
        raise exceptions.StorageError(
            "Uncaught exception while performing storage select_transaction")
Exemplo n.º 3
def put(key: str,
        value: bytes,
        cache_expire: Optional[int] = None,
        should_cache: bool = True) -> None:
    """Puts an object into storage with optional cache write-thru
        key: The key of the object being written in S3
        value: The value of the bytes object being written in S3
        cache_expire: The amount of time (in seconds) until the key expires in the cache
        exceptions.StorageError on any unexpected error interacting with storage
        storage.put(STORAGE_LOCATION, key, value)
        if should_cache:
            redis.cache_put(key, value, cache_expire)
    except Exception:
        raise exceptions.StorageError(
            "Uncaught exception while performing storage put")
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_cache_put_no_cache_expire(self):
     redis.cache_put("banana", "banana")
     redis.redis_client_lru.set.assert_called_once_with("storage:banana", "banana", ex=None)