Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.hog = cv2.HOGDescriptor()
        self.conf = json.load(open("conf.json"))
        self.lastUploaded = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.ts = self.timestamp.strftime("%A %d %B %Y %I:%M:%S%p")
        self.pts = deque(maxlen=32)
        (self.dX, self.dY) = (0, 0)
        self.direction = ""
        self.counter = 0
        self.client = None
        self.avg = None
        self.for_show = None
        self.track_windows = None

        # initialize the camera and grab a reference to the raw camera capture
        self.camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

        # check to see if the Dropbox should be used
        if self.conf["use_dropbox"]:
            # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
            flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(self.conf["dropbox_key"],
            print "[INFO] Authorize this application: {}".format(flow.start())
            authCode = raw_input("Enter auth code here: ").strip()

            # finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
            (accessToken, userID) = flow.finish(authCode)
            self.client = DropboxClient(accessToken)
            print "[SUCCESS] dropbox account linked"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, key, secret):

        #See if I already have a stored access_token
            with open('.dbtoken.json', 'r') as json_data_file:
                data = json.load(json_data_file)
            accessToken = data['accessToken']
            accessToken = None
        if accessToken is None:
            # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
            flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(key, secret)
            logging.info("Authorize this application: {}".format(flow.start()))
            authCode = input("Enter auth code here: ").strip()

            # finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
            (accessToken, userID) = flow.finish(authCode)
            data = {'accessToken': accessToken}
            with open('.dbtoken.json', 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(data, outfile)

        self.client = DropboxClient(accessToken)
        logging.info("dropbox account linked")

        self.Q = Queue()
        self.thread = Thread(target=self.pull_from_queue, args=())
        self.thread.daemon = True
Exemplo n.º 3
 def link(self, auth_code):
     auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(self.app_key, self.app_secret)
     url = auth_flow.start()
     access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
     with open(self.TOKEN_FILE, 'w') as f:
         f.write('oauth2:' + access_token)
     self.api_client = DropboxClient(access_token)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __check_configuration(self):
        self.token = utils.get_config_section(DropboxService.DESCRIPTION.fget(), constants.AUTH_TOKEN)
        if self.token != None:
            ## TODO check if it is sstill valid... user may have unistalled the app


        access_token = None
        app_key = utils.get_config_section(DropboxService.DESCRIPTION.fget(), constants.APP_KEY)
        app_secret = utils.get_config_section(DropboxService.DESCRIPTION.fget(), constants.APP_SECRET)
        req_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(app_key, app_secret)
        authorize_url = req_flow.start()
        print ("1. Go to: " + authorize_url)
        print ("2. Click \"Allow\" (you might have to log in first).")
        print ("3. Copy the authorization code.")
        auth_code = input("Enter the authorization code here: ").strip()

        ## TODO function that uses this, should be the one to caugh the exception
            access_token, user_id = req_flow.finish(auth_code)
        except dbrest.ErrorResponse as e:
            print('Error: %s' % (e,))

        utils.write_config_section(DropboxService.DESCRIPTION.fget(), constants.AUTH_TOKEN, access_token)
        self.token = access_token

        if not self.__has_backup_data():
            print ("You do not seem to have the backup file/folders configured. Pybackdata won't backup anything " + \
                   "without that setting.")
        if not self.__has_backup_folder():
            print ("You do not seem to have a target location  for the backups. Pybackdata won't backup anything " + \
                   "without that setting.")
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    consumer_key = getattr(config, 'CONSUMER_KEY', '')
    consumer_secret = getattr(config, 'CONSUMER_SECRET', '')
    if not (consumer_key and consumer_secret):
        print('Error! Please provide CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET in '
    flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(config.CONSUMER_KEY,
    url = flow.start()
    print('Follow this link and grant access to ViaWebDAV:')
    print(url, '\n')
    code = raw_input('Enter the code: ').strip()
    accessToken, userId = flow.finish(code)
    print('Your access token: ', accessToken)
Put this token into section ACCESS_TOKENS of config.json, e.g.:

        "CONSUMER_KEY": "...",
        "CONSUMER_SECRET": "...",
        "ACCESS_TOKENS": {
            "": "<access-token>",  // map the account to "/"
            "alex": "<another-access-token>"  // map the account to "/alex"
Exemplo n.º 6
def home():
    global flow
    dropbox_flow_url = None
    if "dropbox_token" not in config:
        flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(config["dropbox_key"], config["dropbox_secret"])
        dropbox_flow_url = str(flow.start())
    return render_template("index.html", config=config, dropbox_flow_url=dropbox_flow_url)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def link(self):
     auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(self.app_key, self.app_secret)
     url = auth_flow.start()
     print '1. Go to:', url
     print '2. Authorize this app.'
     print '3. Enter the code below and press ENTER.'
     auth_code = raw_input().strip()
     access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
     with open(self.TOKEN_FILE, 'w') as f:
         f.write('oauth2:' + access_token)
     self.api_client = DropboxClient(access_token)
Exemplo n.º 8
def login(app_key, app_secret):
    auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(app_key, app_secret)
    url = auth_flow.start()
    print '1. Go to:', url
    print '2. Authorize this app.'
    print '3. Enter the code below and press ENTER.'
    auth_code = raw_input().strip()
    access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
    print 'Your access token is:', access_token
    client = DropboxClient(access_token)
    return client
def connect_to_dropbox(config):
   # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
   app_key = config['dropbox_app_key']
   app_secret = config['dropbox_app_secret']
   auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(app_key, app_secret)
   print ('[INFO] Authorize this application: %s' % (auth_flow.start()))
   authCode = input('Enter auth code here: ').strip()
   # finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
   (accessToken, userID) = auth_flow.finish(authCode)
   dropbox_client = DropboxClient(accessToken)
   print ('[SUCCESS] dropbox account linked')
   return drop_client
Exemplo n.º 10
def authentification():
    global client, auth, ok, submit
    global ph, te, flow, form_label, cloud_window
    conf = json.load(open('conf.json'))
    client = None

    if conf["use_dropbox"]:
        # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
        flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(conf["dropbox_key"],
        ph.insert(10, format(flow.start()))

def authentification():
    global client
    conf = json.load(open('conf.json'))
    client = None

    if conf["use_dropbox"]:
        # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
        flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(conf["dropbox_key"], conf["dropbox_secret"])
        print "[INFO] Authorize this application: {}".format(flow.start())
        authCode = raw_input("Enter auth code here: ").strip()

        # finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
        (accessToken, userID) = flow.finish(authCode)
        client = DropboxClient(accessToken)
        print "[SUCCESS] dropbox account linked"
Exemplo n.º 12
    def dropbox_auth_start(self):
        APP_KEY = request.registry.get('ir.config_parameter').get_param(
            request.cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, 'epps.dropbox_app_key')
        APP_SECRET = request.registry.get('ir.config_parameter').get_param(
            request.cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, 'epps.dropbox_app_secret')
        print "APP_KEY"
        print APP_KEY
        print APP_SECRET
        auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET)

        authorize_url = auth_flow.start()
        return werkzeug.utils.redirect(authorize_url)

        # flow with callback uri
        authorize_url = self.get_dropbox_auth_flow().start()
        return werkzeug.utils.redirect(authorize_url)
    def connect_to_dropbox(self):
        Connect to Dropbox, allowing us to use their API.
        auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect("cmru2e8mi7ikbbf",

        authorize_url = auth_flow.start()
        print("1. Go to: " + authorize_url)
        print("2. Click \"Allow\" (you might have to log in first).")
        print("3. Copy the authorization code.")
        auth_code = input("Enter the authorization code here: ").strip()

            access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
        except dbrest.ErrorResponse as e:
            print(('Error: %s' % (e, )))
            return None

        self.c = DropboxClient(access_token)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def sync(self, cr, uid, ids):
        """Called from client side (via javascript) to start syncing of particular folder (ids).
        If Dropbox token is not given for current user, first we obtain one ny allowing Odoo/Dropbox application to access
        users Dropbox account. Given token is then copy/pasted in user preferences.

        After obtaining Dropbox token, we create new cron job that will continue to sync that folder every minute.

        After that user is added to 'followers' of given folder and 'sync_loop' is invoked to perform actual sync.

        # get current user
        u = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, context={})

        TOKEN = u.dropbox_token
        if TOKEN:
            print "TOKEN len"
            print len(TOKEN)
        if not TOKEN:
            auth_code = u.dropbox_auth_code
            if auth_code:
                auth_code = auth_code.strip()
                APP_KEY = self.pool['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(
                    cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'epps.dropbox_app_key')
                APP_SECRET = self.pool['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(
                    cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'epps.dropbox_app_secret')
                auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET)

                authorize_url = auth_flow.start()
                    access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
                except dbrest.ErrorResponse, e:
                    print('Error: %s' % (e, ))

                                             {'dropbox_token': access_token},
                TOKEN = access_token
def connect_dropbox(conf):

    # If dropbox_key is not set, stop program and give informative print to
    # user
    if conf["dropbox_key"] != "APP_KEY" or conf["dropbox_secret"] != "SECRET":
        # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
        print "[INFO] Start authorizing application from Dropbox..."
        flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(conf["dropbox_key"],
        print "[INFO] Authorizing application using link below:\n{}\n".format(
        authCode = raw_input("Enter auth code here: ").strip()
        # # finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
        (accessToken, userID) = flow.finish(authCode)
        client = DropboxClient(accessToken)
        print "[SUCCESS] dropbox account linked"
        print '[INFO] Linked account: ', client.account_info()["display_name"]
        return client
        print "[ERROR] Add your dropbox information to conf.json!"
        return None
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _authorize(self):
        dbg.info('Request access token from Dropbox')
        flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET)
        authorize_url = flow.start()
        # print 'Open auth url:', authorize_url
        #browser = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_log_path=os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'ghostdriver.log'))
        #browser = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_log_path=os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'ghostdriver.log'), service_args=['--ignore-ssl-errors=true', '--ssl-protocol=tlsv1'])
        # Change to rely on browser
            "We need to authorize access to Dropbox. Please visit the following URL and authorize the access:"
        code = raw_input("Input the code you got: ").strip()
        #code = #raw_input("Enter the authorization code here: ").strip()
        access_token, user_id = flow.finish(code)
        with open(self.auth_file, 'w') as file:
            file.write(access_token + "\n")
            file.write(user_id + "\n")

        dbg.info('Authentication successful')

        return (access_token, user_id)
Exemplo n.º 17
def start_auth_flow(config):
    Create the OAuth2 flow. This allows the user to get auth_token
    __log__.info("Auth code not provided or in config!")

    auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(config.get("app_key"),

    auth_url = auth_flow.start()
    auth_code = ask_for_auth_code(auth_url)

        auth_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)

    except dbrest.ErrorResponse as err:
        if (err.status == 400):
            __log__.warn("Got a 400!")

            # Get auth code and try again.
            auth_code = ask_for_auth_code(auth_url)
            return start_auth_flow(config)

            __log__.exception("Falied to finish auth! {}".format(err.body))
            return (None, config)

    # Put the information on a copy of config object
    configClone = config.copy()
        "auth_code": auth_code,
        "auth_flow": auth_flow,
        "user_id": user_id,

    return (auth_token, configClone)
Exemplo n.º 18
def start_auth_flow(config):
    Create the OAuth2 flow. This allows the user to get auth_token
    __log__.info("Auth code not provided or in config! {}".format(config))

    auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(

    # Get the auth stuff.
    auth_url = auth_flow.start()
    auth_code = ask_for_auth_code_or_exit(auth_url, config)
    auth_token, config = try_finish_auth_flow(auth_code, auth_url, config)

    # Put the information on a copy of config object
    configClone = config.copy()
        "auth_flow": auth_flow,
        "auth_url": auth_url,

    return (auth_token, configClone)
Exemplo n.º 19
                help="path to the JSON configuration file")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

# filter warnings, load the configuration and initialize the Dropbox
# client
conf = json.load(open(args["conf"]))
client = None

# check to see if the Dropbox should be used
if conf["use_dropbox"]:
    # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
    flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(conf["dropbox_key"],
    print("[INFO] Authorize this application: {}".format(flow.start()))
    authCode = input("Enter auth code here: ").strip()

    # finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
    (accessToken, userID) = flow.finish(authCode)
    client = DropboxClient(accessToken)
    print("[SUCCESS] dropbox account linked")

# initialize the camera and grab a reference to the raw camera capture
#camera = PiCamera()
#camera.rotation = conf["rotation"]
#camera.resolution = tuple(conf["resolution"])
#camera.framerate = conf["fps"]
#rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=tuple(conf["resolution"]))
vs = PiVideoStream((320, 240), 30, conf["rotation"]).start()
                help="path to the JSON configuration file")
ARGS = vars(AP.parse_args())

# filter warnings, load the configuration and initialize the Dropbox
# client
CONF = json.load(open(ARGS["conf"]))

# check to see if the Dropbox should be used
if CONF["use_dropbox"]:
    # connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
    FLOW = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(CONF["dropbox_key"],
    print "[INFO] Authorize this application: {}".format(FLOW.start())

    AUTH_CODE = raw_input("Enter auth code here: ").strip()

    # finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
    CLIENT = DropboxClient(ACCESS_TOKEN)
    print "[SUCCESS] dropbox account linked"

# initialize the camera and grab a reference to the raw camera capture
CAMERA = PiCamera()
CAMERA.resolution = tuple(CONF["resolution"])
CAMERA.framerate = CONF["fps"]
RAW_CAPTURE = PiRGBArray(CAMERA, size=tuple(CONF["resolution"]))
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _get_dropbox_flow(self):
     return DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(local.Dropbox_APPKEY,
Exemplo n.º 22
from dropbox.client import DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect, DropboxClient
from dropbox import rest as dbrest

auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect('pos53ybtbvmf2dc', 'akmlyilnzwmti9b')

authorize_url = auth_flow.start()
print "1. Go to: " + authorize_url
print "2. Click \"Allow\" (you might have to log in first)."
print "3. Copy the authorization code."
auth_code = raw_input("Enter the authorization code here: ").strip()

    access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
except dbrest.ErrorResponse, e:
    print('Error: %s' % (e, ))
    # return

client = DropboxClient(access_token)
print 'linked account: ', client.account_info()

f, metadata = client.get_file_and_metadata('/Work/Othodi/data/cities.txt')
# f, metadata = client.get_file_and_metadata('/magnum-opus.txt')
out_fname = 'cities_from_dropbox.txt'
out = open('cities_from_dropbox.txt', 'wb')
print metadata

with open(out_fname, 'r'):
    for line in f:
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get_authorize_url(self):
     auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(self.app_key, self.app_secret)
     url = auth_flow.start()
     return url
Exemplo n.º 24
# construct the argument parser and parse the arguments
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-c", "--conf", required=True,
	help="path to the JSON configuration file")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
# filter warnings, load the configuration and initialize the Dropbox
# client
conf = json.load(open(args["conf"]))
client = None

if conf["use_dropbox"]:
	# connect to dropbox and start the session authorization process
	flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(conf["dropbox_key"], os.environ[conf["dropbox_secret"]])
	print "[INFO] Authorize this application: {}".format(flow.start())
	authCode = os.environ["DROPBOX_ACCESSTOKEN"].strip()
	# finish the authorization and grab the Dropbox client
	(accessToken, userID) = flow.finish(authCode)
	client = DropboxClient(accessToken)
	print "[SUCCESS] dropbox account linked"

# initialize the camera and grab a reference to the raw camera capture
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = tuple(conf["resolution"])
camera.framerate = conf["fps"]
rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=tuple(conf["resolution"]))
# allow the camera to warmup, then initialize the average frame, last
Exemplo n.º 25
from dropbox.client import DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect
from dropbox import client
import dropbox
from docx import Document
from PIL import Image
from watson_developer_cloud import VisualRecognitionV3 as vr

#Authorize dropbox connection
app_key = raw_input("Enter app key: ")
app_secret = raw_input("Enter secret key: ")

flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(app_key, app_secret)

authorize_url = flow.start()
print '1. Go to: ' + authorize_url
print '2. Click "Allow" (you might have to log in first)'
print '3. Copy the authorization code.'
code = raw_input("Enter the authorization code here: ").strip()

client = dropbox.client.DropboxClient(code)
print 'linked account: ', client.account_info()

#view folders
folder_metadata = client.metadata('/')
print 'metadata: ', folder_metadata

#download first image file
print " "
filelocation = raw_input("Enter file location: (example: /Home/13-15-00.jpg) ") 
f, metadata = client.get_file_and_metadata(filelocation)
print metadata