Exemplo n.º 1
        def run(self):
            # wait for first subscriber
            # then create socket
            # get camera image
            # broadcast image

            keep_running = True
            while keep_running:
                if not self.queue.empty():
                    cmd = self.queue.get()
                    if cmd == "kill":
                        keep_running = False
                        break  # redundant I guess
                        if self.publisher_socket is None:
                            self.publisher_socket = make_pub_socket(

                # the pub / send_array method only works once the first subscriber is connected
                if self.publisher_socket is not None:
                    img = self.cam.observe()
                    # on the real robot we are sending 0 reward, in simulation the reward is a float
                    # we also send done=False because the real robot doesn't know when to stop ^^
                    send_gym(self.publisher_socket, img, 0, False)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    """ Main launcher that starts the gym thread when the command 'duckietown-start-gym' is invoked

    # get parameters from environment (set during docker launch) otherwise take default
    map = os.getenv('DUCKIETOWN_MAP', DEFAULTS["map"])
    domain_rand = bool(
        os.getenv('DUCKIETOWN_DOMAIN_RAND', DEFAULTS["domain_rand"]))

    env = SimpleSimEnv(
        # draw_curve = args.draw_curve,
        # draw_bbox = args.draw_bbox,
    obs = env.reset()
    # env.render("rgb_array") # TODO: do we need this? does this initialize anything?

    publisher_socket = None
    command_socket, command_poll = make_pull_socket()

    print("Simulator listening to incoming connections...")

    while True:
        if has_pull_message(command_socket, command_poll):
            success, data = receive_data(command_socket)
            if not success:
                print(data)  # in error case, this will contain the err msg

            if data["topic"] == 0:
                obs, reward, done, misc = env.step(data["msg"])
                print('step_count = %s, reward=%.3f' %
                      (env.step_count, reward))
                if done:

            if data["topic"] == 1:
                print("received ping:", data)

            # can only initialize socket after first listener is connected - weird ZMQ bug
            if publisher_socket is None:
                publisher_socket = make_pub_socket(for_images=True)

            if data["topic"] in [0, 1]:
                send_array(publisher_socket, obs)
Exemplo n.º 3
        def run(self):
            # wait for first subscriber
            # then create socket
            # get camera image
            # broadcast image

            keep_running = True
            while keep_running:
                if not self.queue.empty():
                    cmd = self.queue.get()
                    if cmd == "kill":
                        keep_running = False
                        break  # redundant I guess
                        if self.publisher_socket is None:
                            self.publisher_socket = make_pub_socket(
                                for_images=True, context_=self.context)

                # the pub / send_array method only works once the first subscriber is connected
                if self.publisher_socket is not None:
                    img = self.cam.observe()
                    send_array(self.publisher_socket, img)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    print("Launching Duckie Slimremote Robot Server...")
    # require MAX_WAIT in seconds
    # (MAX_WAIT is the period,
    #  i.e. the inverse of the comm frequency)

    robot = FailsafeController()
    cam = Camera()

    subscriber_queue = start_thread_w_queue(ThreadedActionSubscriber)
    sockets_pub = []

    # controller queue to give priority
    controllers = []

    # action queue bc multiple actions could be received
    actions = []
    start = time.time()

    # logbook for keeping track when a controller goes dark
    # logs format: (time.time(), controller_id, topic, action)
    logs = []

    counter = 0

    timer2 = time.time()
    timer2_tests = 100
    timer2_counter = 0

    timer_msg_total = []
    timer_pub_total = []
    timer_srt_total = []
    timer_obs_total = []
    timer_cln_total = []
    timer_total_counter = 0

    while True:

        # print ("waiting for action")

        timer_msg = time.time()
        data = get_last_queue_element(subscriber_queue)
        timer_msg_total.append(time.time() - timer_msg)

        topic, controller_id, controller_ip, msg = data
        logs.append((time.time(), controller_id, topic, msg))

        if controller_id not in controllers:

            # create new publisher socket for this controller
            # which is where we send the observations later
            sock_pub = make_pub_socket(controller_ip, for_images=True)

            # be polite
            # say_hi(sock_pub)

            # add this controller to the list of sockets
            # which are interested in this robot
            sockets_pub.append((controller_id, sock_pub))

        if topic == 0:
            actions.append((controller_id, msg))

        time_passed = time.time() - start

        # TODO: add dealing with signal 99

        if time_passed >= MAX_WAIT:
            timer_srt = time.time()
            if len(actions) > 0:
                # go over the list of actions and pick out the one
                # that came from the latest-joined controller
                action = select_action(actions, controllers)

            timer_srt_total.append(time.time() - timer_srt)

            timer_obs = time.time()
            observation = cam.observe()
            timer_obs_total.append(time.time() - timer_obs)

            timer_pub = time.time()
            for sock_pub in sockets_pub:
                # non-blocking, i.e. doesn't rely on hosts being alive
                # print ("sending out pic to",sock_pub[0])
                send_array(sock_pub[1], observation)
            timer_pub_total.append(time.time() - timer_pub)

            actions = []
            start = time.time()

            timer2_counter += time.time() - timer2

            if (counter + 1) % timer2_tests == 0:
                diff = timer2_counter / timer2_tests
                print("msg speed: {}s/{}Hz".format(
                    round(diff, 4),
                    round(1 / diff, 4),
                timer2_counter = 0
            timer2 = time.time()

            timer_cln = time.time()
            counter += 1
            if counter == INACTIVE_CLEANUP_TIMER:
                # this function removes controllers from the list
                # which haven't sent something in N cycles, so that
                # after hours of running the controller list
                # doesn't overflow
                remove_inactive(logs, controllers, sockets_pub)
                counter = 0
            timer_cln_total.append(time.time() - timer_cln)
            timer_total_counter += 1

            if timer_total_counter == 50:
                print("msg {}\npub {}\nsrt {}\nobs {}\ncln {}\n".format(
                timer_total_counter = 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    """ Main launcher that starts the gym thread when the command 'duckietown-start-gym' is invoked

    # get parameters from environment (set during docker launch) otherwise take default
    map = os.getenv('DUCKIETOWN_MAP', DEFAULTS["map"])
    domain_rand = bool(
        os.getenv('DUCKIETOWN_DOMAIN_RAND', DEFAULTS["domain_rand"]))
    max_steps = os.getenv('DUCKIETOWN_MAX_STEPS', DEFAULTS["max_steps"])

    # if a challenge is set, it overrides the map selection

    misc = {}  # init of info field for additional gym data

    challenge = os.getenv('DUCKIETOWN_CHALLENGE', "")
    if challenge in ["LF", "LFV"]:
        print("Launching challenge:", challenge)
        map = DEFAULTS["challenges"][challenge]
        misc["challenge"] = challenge

    print("Using map:", map)

    env = DuckietownEnv(
        # draw_curve = args.draw_curve,
        # draw_bbox = args.draw_bbox,
    obs = env.reset()

    publisher_socket = None
    command_socket, command_poll = make_pull_socket()

    print("Simulator listening to incoming connections...")

    while True:
        if has_pull_message(command_socket, command_poll):
            success, data = receive_data(command_socket)
            if not success:
                print(data)  # in error case, this will contain the err msg

            reward = 0  # in case it's just a ping, not a motor command, we are sending a 0 reward
            done = False  # same thing... just for gym-compatibility
            misc_ = {}  # same same

            if data["topic"] == 0:
                obs, reward, done, misc_ = env.step(data["msg"])
                if DEBUG:
                    print("challenge={}, step_count={}, reward={}, done={}".
                          format(challenge, env.unwrapped.step_count,
                                 np.around(reward, 3), done))
                if done:

            if data["topic"] == 1:
                print("received ping:", data)

            if data["topic"] == 2:
                obs = env.reset()

            # can only initialize socket after first listener is connected - weird ZMQ bug
            if publisher_socket is None:
                publisher_socket = make_pub_socket(for_images=True)

            if data["topic"] in [0, 1]:
                send_gym(publisher_socket, obs, reward, done, misc)
import time

import zmq

from duckietown_slimremote.helpers import random_id, get_py_version
from duckietown_slimremote.networking import make_sub_socket, make_pub_socket, construct_action, recv_array, \


context = zmq.Context()

image_sub = make_sub_socket(for_images=True)
action_pub = make_pub_socket("quacksparrow.local")

poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(image_sub, zmq.POLLIN)

own_id = random_id()
own_ip = get_ip()
msg = construct_action(own_id, own_ip)

time.sleep(1)  # wait for sock init

print("sending init", msg)
# init

# during testing the following block took out the JSON header from the first image.
# In other words the hello message arrived too quickly.
Exemplo n.º 7
def run_episode(env, data_logger, max_steps_per_episode, command_socket, command_poll, misc):
    ''' returns number of steps '''
    observations = env.reset()
    steps = 0
    while steps < max_steps_per_episode:
        # logger.debug('received: %s' % data)

        reward = 0  # in case it's just a ping, not a motor command, we are sending a 0 reward
        done = False  # same thing... just for gym-compatibility
        misc_ = {}  # same same

        data = get_next_data(command_socket, command_poll)

        if data["topic"] == 0:
            action = data['msg']
            observations, reward, done, misc_ = env.step(action)
            if not np.isfinite(reward):
                msg = 'Invalid reward received: %s' % reward
                raise Exception(msg)

            # XXX cannot be serialized later if misc['vels'] is an array
            if 'vels' in misc_:
                misc_['vels'] = list(misc_['vels'])

            delta_time = 1.0 / env.unwrapped.frame_rate
            t = env.unwrapped.step_count * delta_time
            data_logger.log_action(t=t, action=action)
            data_logger.log_observations(t=t, observations=observations)
            data_logger.log_reward(t=t, reward=reward)

            steps += 1
            # logger.debug('action: {}'.format(action))
            # logger.debug('steps: {}'.format(steps))
            # we log the current environment step
            if DEBUG:
                logger.info("step_count={}, reward={}, done={}".format(
                        np.around(reward, 3),
            if done:

        if data["topic"] == 1:
            logger.debug("received ping:", data)

        if data["topic"] == 2:
            observations = env.reset()

        # can only initialize socket after first listener is connected - weird ZMQ bug
        if Global.publisher_socket is None:
            Global.publisher_socket = make_pub_socket(for_images=True)

        if data["topic"] in [0, 1]:
            # print('sending misc = %s' % misc)
            send_gym(Global.publisher_socket, observations, reward, done, misc)
        logger.info('breaking because steps = %s' % max_steps_per_episode)

    return steps