Exemplo n.º 1
from dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA import dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA;
from dsKillBinaryPath_sISA import dsKillBinaryPath_sISA;
# Load base config file
  from dxConfig import dxConfig;
  dxConfig = {};
# Add BugId group if it doesn't exist.
dxBugIdConfig = dxConfig.setdefault("BugId", {});
# Add default values where no values have been supplied:
for (sName, xValue) in {
  "bSaveDump": False,           # Save a dump file.
  "bOverwriteDump": False,      # Overwrite any existing dump file.
  "bOutputStdIn": False,        # Output cdb input (commands) send to cdb while debugging application
  "bOutputStdOut": False,       # Output cdb output while debugging application
  "bOutputStdErr": True,        # Output cdb error output, which probably comes from the debugged application.
  "bOutputFirstChanceExceptions": False, # Are first chance exceptions detected and output?
  "bOutputCommandLine": False,  # Is the cbd.exe command line printed before execution?
  "bOutputProcesses": True,     # Output process details whenever one is created/attached to/terminated.
  "uMaxAddressOffset": 0x1000,  # How far from an address can a pointer be offset and still be considered to point to it?
  "uMaxFunctionOffset": 0xFFF,  # How far from a function symbol can a pointer be offset and still be cosidered to point to it?
  "uMaxStackFramesCount": 100,  # How many stack frames are retreived for analysis?
  "uStackHashFramesCount": 2,   # How many stack frames are hashed for the crash id?
  "asSymbolCachePaths": [],     # Where are symbols cached?
  "bEnhancedSymbolLoading": False, # Enabled additional checks when getting a stack that can detect and fix errors in
                                # symbol loading caused by corrupted pdb files. This turns on "noisy symbol loading"
                                # which may provide useful information to fix symbol loading errors. It has a large
                                # impact on performance, which is why it is disabled by default.
  "sCdbBinaryPath_x86": dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA.get("x86"),
  "sCdbBinaryPath_x64": dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA.get("x64"),
  "sKillBinaryPath_x86": dsKillBinaryPath_sISA.get("x86"),
Exemplo n.º 2
import os
sBaseDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    from dxConfig import dxConfig
    dxConfig = {}

# Add EdgeDbg group if it doesn't exist.
dxEdgeDbgConfig = dxConfig.setdefault("EdgeDbg", {})
# Add default values where no values have been supplied:
for (sName, xValue) in {
        "sEdgeDbgBinaryPath_x86": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin",
        "sEdgeDbgBinaryPath_x64": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin",
    if sName not in dxEdgeDbgConfig:
        dxEdgeDbgConfig[sName] = xValue
Exemplo n.º 3
import os
sBaseDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    from dxConfig import dxConfig
    dxConfig = {}

# Add Kill group if it doesn't exist.
dxKillConfig = dxConfig.setdefault("Kill", {})
# Add default values where no values have been supplied:
for (sName, xValue) in {
        "sKillBinaryPath_x86": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin", "Kill_x86.exe"),
        "sKillBinaryPath_x64": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin", "Kill_x64.exe"),
    if sName not in dxKillConfig:
        dxKillConfig[sName] = xValue
Exemplo n.º 4
import os

sBaseDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    from dxConfig import dxConfig
    dxConfig = {}

# Add EdgeDbg group if it doesn't exist.
dxEdgeDbgConfig = dxConfig.setdefault("EdgeDbg", {})
# Add default values where no values have been supplied:
for (sName, xValue) in {
    "sEdgeDbgBinaryPath_x86": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin", "EdgeDbg_x86.exe"),
    "sEdgeDbgBinaryPath_x64": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin", "EdgeDbg_x64.exe"),
    if sName not in dxEdgeDbgConfig:
        dxEdgeDbgConfig[sName] = xValue
Exemplo n.º 5
from dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA import dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA;
# Load base config file
  from dxConfig import dxConfig;
  dxConfig = {};
# Add BugId group if it doesn't exist.
dxBugIdConfig = dxConfig.setdefault("BugId", {});
# Add default values where no values have been supplied:
for (sName, xValue) in {
  ### cdb/kill binary settings
  "sCdbBinaryPath_x86": dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA.get("x86"),
  "sCdbBinaryPath_x64": dsCdbBinaryPath_sISA.get("x64"),
  ### Console output
  "bOutputStdIn": False,                # Output cdb input (commands) send to cdb while debugging application
  "bOutputStdOut": False,               # Output cdb output while debugging application
  "bOutputStdErr": True,                # Output cdb error output, which probably comes from the debugged application.
  "bOutputFirstChanceExceptions": False, # Are first chance exceptions detected and output?
  "bOutputCommandLine": False,          # Is the cbd.exe command line printed before execution?
  "bOutputProcesses": False,            # Output process details whenever one is created/attached to/terminated.
  ### Pointer settings
  "uMaxAddressOffset": 0x1000,          # How big an offset from a special address (such as NULL) do you expect in your
                                        # application? Anything within this range from a special address is considered
                                        # to be a pointer to that address + an offset.
  "uArchitectureIndependentBugIdBits": 0, # 0 to disable or 8, 6, 32, ... to enable architecture agnostic sizes
                                        # and offsets in BugIds. For X > 0, and Y = X/8, the bug id will show numbers
                                        # that are larger than Y as "Y*N+R", where R is the remainder of the number
                                        # modulo Y.
                                        # For example: when testing both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of an application,
                                        # you may get different bug ids for the same access violation bug, because the
                                        # sizes and offsets depends on the architecture. However, if you set this value
Exemplo n.º 6
import os

sBaseDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    from dxConfig import dxConfig
    dxConfig = {}

# Add Kill group if it doesn't exist.
dxKillConfig = dxConfig.setdefault("Kill", {})
# Add default values where no values have been supplied:
for (sName, xValue) in {
    "sKillBinaryPath_x86": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin", "Kill_x86.exe"),
    "sKillBinaryPath_x64": os.path.join(sBaseDir, "bin", "Kill_x64.exe"),
    if sName not in dxKillConfig:
        dxKillConfig[sName] = xValue