Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(s, root=None):
     s.k, s.o, s.b, s.root = ecc.ecdsa(), ecc.ecdsa(), BASE, root
     s.p = s.k.compress(s.k.pt)
     s.i = s.p[:8]
     s.c = root.k.sign(s.i) if root else None
     s.tp, s.tn, s.com, s.un = {}, [], {s.i: s}, {}
Exemplo n.º 2
def transaction(e, d):
    k = ecc.ecdsa()
    src, dst, dat, lat, mnt, ref = e[:8], e[8:16], e[16:20], e[20:28], e[28:32], e[32:40]
    msg, sig, now = e[:-96], e[-96:], ecc.datint()
    if src not in d.keys() or dst not in d.keys() or src == dst:         return b'Error database'
    dls, dld = d[src][4:], d[dst][4:]
    zx, zd = ecc.b2h(src), ecc.b2h(dst)
    if zx not in d.keys():                                               return b'Error public key'
    k.pt = k.uncompress(ecc.h2b(zx + d[zx]))
    if not k.verify(sig, msg):                                           return b'Error signature'    
    val, bals, bald = ecc.b2i(mnt), balance(src, d), balance(dst, d)
    if val <= 0 or bals - val < -MAXBAL or bald + val > MAXBAL:          return b'Error value'
    os, od = ecc.b2i(d[src][:4]), ecc.b2i(d[dst][:4])
    ns, nd = os + 1, od + 1
    nhs = ecc.z10 if os == 0 else d[src + ecc.i2b(os, 4)][-10:]
    nhd = ecc.z10 if od == 0 else d[dst + ecc.i2b(od, 4)][-10:]
    lst_tot, lst_wlt = ecc.b2i(d[ecc.v1][:8]), ecc.b2i(d[ecc.v1][8:])
    if ecc.b2i(dls) <= now or ecc.b2i(dld) <= now or ecc.b2i(dat) > now: return b'Error deadline'    
    if os > 0:
        dx = src + ecc.i2b(os, 4)
        if len(d[dx]) == NS: dx = d[dx][:12]
        if ecc.b2i(d[dx][8:12]) >= ecc.b2i(dat):                         return b'Wait a minute !'
    nws, nwd = ecc.s2b(bals - val, 4), ecc.s2b(bald + val, 4)
    sm, dm = dst + ecc.i2b(nd, 4) + nws, src + dat + lat + mnt + ref + sig + nwd
    d[src] = ecc.i2b(ns, 4)  + dls
    d[src  + ecc.i2b(ns, 4)] = sm + hashlib.sha1(src + sm + nhs).digest()[:10]
    d[dst] = ecc.i2b(nd, 4)  + dld
    d[dst  + ecc.i2b(nd, 4)] = dm + hashlib.sha1(dst + dm + nhd).digest()[:10]
    d[ecc.v1] = ecc.i2b(lst_tot + 1, 8) + ecc.i2b(lst_wlt + val, 8)
    return b'TRANSACTION from ' + zx + b' to ' + zd    
Exemplo n.º 3
def object(db, ip):
    k, t = ecc.ecdsa(), socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    print ('Intelligent Object (socket open)')
    with dbm.open(db, 'c') as d:
        if len(d.keys()) == 0:
            sk, pk = ecc.i2b(k.privkey, 48), k.compress(k.pt)
            d[b'KEYS'] = pk + sk
    t.bind((ip, PORT2))
    while True:
        (data, addr) = t.recvfrom(1024)
        with open('server_pk') as f: pk = f.read()
        k.pt = k.uncompress(ecc.z85decode(pk.encode('UTF-8')))
        if len(data)>130:
            sig, msg = ecc.z85decode(data[:120]), data[120:]
            if k.verify(sig, msg):
                cod = random.randrange(10000)
                t.sendto(b'start counting (code:%04d)' % cod, addr)
                dat = time.time()
                t.sendto(b'error on signature', addr)
        elif len(data) == 4:
            with dbm.open(db, 'c') as d:
                print (' %d secondes' % int(time.time()-dat))
                pk, sk = d[b'KEYS'][:48], d[b'KEYS'][48:]
                k.pt, k.privkey = k.uncompress(pk), ecc.b2i(sk)
                msg = b'invoice for %d secondes' % int(time.time()-dat)
                cmd =  ecc.z85encode(k.sign(msg)) + msg
                t.sendto(cmd, addr)
            t.sendto(b'error', addr)
Exemplo n.º 4
def server(db, ip):
    k = ecc.ecdsa()
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    s.bind((ip, PORT1))
    print ('IO-server on %s' % ip)
    with dbm.open(db, 'c') as d:
        if len(d.keys()) == 0:
            sk, pk = ecc.i2b(k.privkey, 48), k.compress(k.pt)
            d[b'SERVER'] = pk + sk
            d[ecc.v1] = ecc.z8 + ecc.z8
            with open('server_pk', 'w') as f: f.write(ecc.z85encode(pk).decode('UTF-8'))
        print ('Server Public ID: ' + server_id(d).decode('UTF-8'))
        if ecc.v1 in d.keys():
            print ('Wealth: %d [%d operations]' % (ecc.b2i(d[ecc.v1][8:]),ecc.b2i(d[ecc.v1][:8]) ))   
    while True:
        (data, addr), o = s.recvfrom(1024), b''
        with dbm.open(db, 'c') as d:
            if len(data) == 1:
                if   data == b'v': o = b'Error %02X' % verif(d)
                elif data == b'l': o = list_humans(d)
                elif data == b's': o = server_id(d)
            elif len(data) ==    8: o = proof      (data, d)
            elif len(data) ==   16: o = history    (data, d)
            elif len(data) ==   93: o = candidate  (data, d)
            elif len(data) ==  136: o = transaction(data, d)
            elif len(data) ==  142: o = certificate(data, d)
            elif len(data) >=  144 and len(data) <= 256: o = invoice(data, d)
            else: o = b'command not found!'
            s.sendto(o, addr)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, name, age=18):
     " Name is not required for the real app "
     self.name, self.age, self.hist, self.bal, self.eco = name, age, [], 0, 0
     self.root = PREFIX + secrets.token_bytes(12) + b'\0' * 3
     self.ids, self.cts, self.risk, self.note, self.refe = [], {}, 0, {}, {}
     self.coef, self.k = (14, 1, 60, 1.2, 100), ecc.ecdsa()
     self.pk = self.k.compress(self.k.pt)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def readsync(s): 
     with dbm.open(s.n) as b:
         g0, g1, k = ecc.z2, ecc.i2b(1, 2), ecc.ecdsa()
         msg = b[g0] + ecc.z4
         if g1 in b: msg += b[g1] + b[b'_'+g1]
         k.privkey = s.getsk()
         sgn = k.sign(msg)
         return msg + sgn
Exemplo n.º 7
 def manage_post(s, d):
     k = ecc.ecdsa()
     if len(d) != RLEN:                                          return False
     if s.nod.me not in s.nod.tid:                               return False 
     if not s.nod.check(s.nod.tid[s.nod.me], ecc.b2i(d[10:13])): return False
     k.pt = k.uncompress(s.nod.tid[s.nod.me] + s.nod.tpk[s.nod.tid[s.nod.me]])
     if not k.verify(d[16:], d[:16]):                            return False
     return s.nod.manage(d)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def sync(s, m):
     with dbm.open(s.n, 'c') as b:
         g0, g1, k = ecc.z2, ecc.i2b(1, 2), ecc.ecdsa()
         k.pt = k.uncompress(s.tid['PUB'] + s.tpk[s.tid['PUB']])       
         if k.verify(m[-96:], m[:-96]):
             if ecc.b2i(b[g0]) < ecc.b2i(m[:6]): b[g0] = m[:6]
             if len(m) == 116 and g1 in b:
                 if ecc.b2i(b[g1]) < ecc.b2i(m[10:16]):    b[g1]      = m[10:16]
                 if ecc.b2i(b[b'_'+g1]) < ecc.b2i(m[16:]): b[b'_'+g1] = m[16:20]
Exemplo n.º 9
def genkey(mel, unik, d):
    if len(d.keys()) > 0 and unik:
        print ('key already defined')
        return b''
    k = ecc.ecdsa()
    sk, pk = ecc.i2b(k.privkey, 48), k.compress(k.pt)
    d[pk[:8]] = pk[8:] + sk
    return pk + b'%45s' % mel
Exemplo n.º 10
def proof(x, d):
    if b'SERVER' in d.keys():
        k = ecc.ecdsa()
        pk, sk = d[b'SERVER'][:48], d[b'SERVER'][48:]
        k.pt, k.privkey = k.uncompress(pk), ecc.b2i(sk)
        dat = ecc.datdecode(ecc.datencode()).encode('UTF-8')
        msg = b'%s %d %s' % (ecc.b2h(x), balance(x, d), dat)
        return ecc.z85encode(k.sign(msg)) + msg if not verif(d) else b'error'
    return b''
Exemplo n.º 11
def gene(bmy, dst, pld, d):
    if bmy in d.keys():
        k = ecc.ecdsa()
        pk, sk = bmy + d[bmy][:40], d[bmy][40:]
        k.pt, k.privkey = k.uncompress(pk), ecc.b2i(sk)
        msg = pk[:8] + dst + ecc.datencode() + ecc.z8 + pld + ecc.z8
        return msg + k.sign(msg)
        print ('you do not own that key')
        return b''
Exemplo n.º 12
 def reset(s):
     with dbm.open(s.n, 'c') as b:
         for x in b.keys(): del b[x]
         k = ecc.ecdsa()
         s.pk = k.compress(k.pt)          # My Public  key
         b[b'&'] = ecc.i2b(k.privkey, 48) # My Private key
         #if s.n == 'PUB':
         b[ecc.z2], b[b'_'+ecc.z2] = ecc.z6, ecc.z4
         b[s.pk[:5]] = ecc.z6
         # Types
         b[ecc.i2b(0)] = ecc.i2b(15, 3)                        # Type0=G0:15%
         b[ecc.i2b(1)] = ecc.i2b(13, 3) + ecc.i2b(0x100+80, 3) # Type1=G0:13%G1:80%
Exemplo n.º 13
 def commit(s, r):
     t, k = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM), ecc.ecdsa()
     isn, val, rcp = (r.v.group(1) != 'PUB'), int(r.v.group(2)), r.v.group(3).upper()
     assert s.check(s.tid[s.n], val)
     assert rcp in s.tid and s.n != rcp and s.n != 'PUB'
     assert s.bal(s.tid['PUB']) == 0 and s.time(s.tid['PUB']) == 0
     msg = s.tid[s.n] + s.tid[rcp] + ecc.i2b(val, 3) + ecc.z1 + s.pos(s.tid[s.n] + s.tid[rcp]) 
     k.privkey = s.getsk()
     sgn = k.sign(msg)
     s.add(msg + sgn) # add src                  
     if rcp in s.tbl:
         if isn: t.sendto(msg + sgn, (HOST, s.tbl[rcp]))
         t.sendto(msg + sgn, (HOST, s.tbl['PUB']))
         print ('iphone') # iphone case
         t.sendto(msg + sgn, (HOST, s.tbl['PUB']))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def manage(s, m, a=None):
     t, k = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM), ecc.ecdsa()
     k.pt, dst = k.uncompress(m[:5] + s.tpk[m[:5]]), s.rvs[m[5:10]]         
     if s.n != 'PUB' and m[5:10] != s.tid[s.n]                    : return False
     if not k.verify(m[MLEN:RLEN], m[:MLEN])                          : return False
     if len(m) > RLEN: s.sync(m[RLEN:])
     if s.pos(m[:10]) == m[14:16]:
         if s.n == 'PUB' and not s.check(m[:5], ecc.b2i(m[10:13])): return False
         s.add(m) # add dst or PUB
         if s.n == 'PUB' and a:
             t.sendto(s.readsync(), a)
             if dst in s.tbl:
                 t.sendto(m + s.readsync(), (HOST, s.tbl[dst]))
                 print ('record for iphone')
             print (s.bals())
         return True
         return ecc.b2i(s.pos(m[:10])) == ecc.b2i(m[14:16]) + 1
Exemplo n.º 15
def certificate(e, d):
    A(green) if first
    B->A if A(green)B(red)    then B(orange)
    A->B if A(green)B(orange) then B(green)
    k = ecc.ecdsa()
    src, dst, dat, lat, pld, ref = e[:8], e[8:16], e[16:20], e[20:28], e[28:38], e[38:46]
    msg, sig, now = e[:-96], e[-96:], ecc.datint()
    if ecc.b2i(dat) > now:                                             return b'future date'
    if src not in d.keys() or dst not in d.keys() or src == dst:       return b'Error database'
    zx = ecc.b2h(src)
    if zx not in d.keys():                                             return b'Error public key'
    k.pt = k.uncompress(ecc.h2b(zx + d[zx]))
    if not k.verify(sig, msg):                                         return b'Error signature'
    green, orang, red = ecc.add1year(ecc.datencode()), ecc.datencode(), ecc.z4
    os, od = ecc.b2i(d[src][:4]), ecc.b2i(d[dst][:4])
    ns, nd = os + 1, od + 1
    nhs = ecc.z10 if os == 0 else d[src + ecc.i2b(os, 4)][-10:]
    if os > 0:
        dx = src + ecc.i2b(os, 4)
        if len(d[dx]) == NS: dx = d[dx][:12]
        if ecc.b2i(d[dx][8:12]) >= ecc.b2i(dat):                       return b'Wait a minute !'
    nws = ecc.s2b(balance(src, d), 4)
    sm = dst + dat + lat + pld + ref + sig + nws
    if ecc.b2i(d[dst][4:]) > ecc.datint() and d[src][4:] == red:
        d[src] = ecc.i2b(ns, 4) + orang
        d[src  + ecc.i2b(ns, 4)] = sm + hashlib.sha1(src + sm + nhs).digest()[:10]
        d[ecc.v1] = ecc.i2b(ecc.b2i(d[ecc.v1][:8]) + 1, 8) + d[ecc.v1][8:]
        return b'REQUEST by ' + zx
    if ecc.b2i(d[src][4:]) > ecc.datint() and d[dst][4:] != red:
        d[dst] = d[dst][:4] + green
        d[src] = ecc.i2b(ns, 4) + d[src][4:]       
        d[src  + ecc.i2b(ns, 4)] = sm + hashlib.sha1(src + sm + nhs).digest()[:10]
        d[ecc.v1] = ecc.i2b(ecc.b2i(d[ecc.v1][:8]) + 1, 8) + d[ecc.v1][8:16]
        return b'CERTIFICATION by ' + zx
    else:                                                               return b'Error request'
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test(self, u):
     for x in u:
     self.tax, k, tab = sum([ecc.b2i(x[-1:]) // 5
                             for x in self.hse[0]]), ecc.ecdsa(), {}
     for x in u:
     assert operator.eq(self.hse[0].keys(),
                        self.hse[1].keys())  # VERIF 1: no leaks
     assert sum([x.bal
                 for x in u]) + self.tax == 0  # VERIF 2: sum balances null
     for x in self.hse[0]:
         for z in [y for y in self.pks if y[:8] == self.hse[0][x][0]]:
             k.pt = k.uncompress(z)
         assert k.verify(self.hse[0][x][1],
                         x)  # VERIF 3: Transaction signature ok
     for x in self.hse[0]:
         y, pr = self.hse[0][x][0], ecc.b2i(x[-1:])
         tab[y] = tab[y] + pr if y in tab else pr
     for z in [x for x in self.hse[1] if self.hse[1][x] in tab]:
         tab[self.hse[1][z]] -= ecc.b2i(z[-1:])
     for t in tab:
         assert tab[t] < MAXDEBT  # VERIF 4: all debt under limit
Exemplo n.º 17
def verif(d):
    check certification !
    print ('run check!')
    k = ecc.ecdsa()
    if len(d.keys()) > 0 and ecc.v1 not in d:           return 0x01 # head does not exists 
    wc, wr, tc, tr, al = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

    lo = []
    for i in [x for x in d.keys() if len(x) == 16]:
        x = ecc.h2b(i)
        if ecc.b2i(d[x][4:]) > ecc.datint(): lo.append(x)
    #print (lo)
    #find the root
    for x in d.keys():
        # Length
        lk, lv = len(x), len(d[x])
        if lk == 1: wr, tr = ecc.b2i(d[x][8:16]), ecc.b2i(d[x][:8])
        if lk == 1  and lv != 16:                       return 0x02 # bad length head
        if lk == 5  and lv != 96:                       return 0x03 # bad length server id
        if lk == 8  and lv !=  8:                       return 0x04 # bad length id head 
        if lk == 12 and lv not in (NS, ND, NC):         return 0x05 # bad length operation
        if lk == 16 and lv != 80:                       return 0x06 # bad length pub key
        # Public keys
        if lk == 12:
            if ecc.b2h(x[:8])    not in d:              return 0x07 # src id unknown
            if ecc.b2h(d[x][:8]) not in d:              return 0x08 # dst id unknown 
        if lk == 8:
            # Money supply
            al += balance(x, d)
            # Dates
            dat = ecc.z8
            for i in range(ecc.b2i(d[x][:4])):
                dx = x + ecc.i2b(i+1, 4)
                if len(d[dx]) in (ND, NC):
                    if    d[dx][8:12] <= dat:           return 0x09 # bad date increase
                    dat = d[dx][8:12]
                if len(d[dx]) == ND:
                    if dat > d[x][4:]:                  return 0x0A # invalid date/dead line
            # Signatures
            for i in range(ecc.b2i(d[x][:4])):
                dx = x + ecc.i2b(i+1, 4)
                if len(d[dx]) == NC: src, dst = x,         d[dx][:8]
                if len(d[dx]) == ND: src, dst = d[dx][:8], dx[:8]
                if len(d[dx]) in (NC, ND):
                    zx = ecc.b2h(src)
                    if zx not in d.keys():              return 0x0B # Error public key                    
                    msg, sig = src + dst + d[dx][8:-110], d[dx][-110:-14]
                    k = ecc.ecdsa()
                    k.pt = k.uncompress(ecc.h2b(zx + d[zx]))
                    if not k.verify(sig, msg):          return 0x0C # bad signature
            # Hash
            h = ecc.z10
            for i in range(ecc.b2i(d[x][:4])):
                dx = x + ecc.i2b(i+1, 4)
                h = hashlib.sha1(x + d[dx][:-10] + h).digest()[:10]
                if h != d[dx][-10:]:                    return 0x0D # bad hash
            # Wealth
            for i in range(ecc.b2i(d[x][:4])):
                dx = x + ecc.i2b(i+1, 4)
                if len(d[dx]) == ND: wc += ecc.b2i(d[dx][20:24])       
            # Operations counter
            for i in range(ecc.b2i(d[x][:4])):
                dx = x + ecc.i2b(i+1, 4)
                if len(d[dx]) in (ND, NC): tc += 1
            # Balances
            b = 0
            for i in range(ecc.b2i(d[x][:4])):
                dx = x + ecc.i2b(i+1, 4)
                if dx not in d:                         return 0x0E # missing transaction
                if len(d[dx])   == ND: b += ecc.b2i(d[x + ecc.i2b(i+1, 4)][20:24])
                elif len(d[dx]) == NS: b -= ecc.b2i(d[d[dx][:12]][20:24])
                if b != ecc.b2s(d[dx][-14:-10], 4):     return 0x0F # bad balance
                if b < -MAXBAL or b > MAXBAL:           return 0x10 # Out of bounds
    if wc != wr:                                        return 0x11 # bad wealth
    if tc != tr:                                        return 0x12 # bad counter
    if al != 0:                                         return 0x13 # bad money supply
    return 0 # Everythink ok !
Exemplo n.º 18
class beacon:
    ear, say, cts, go, current, k, price, balance = {}, {}, {}, False, None, ecc.ecdsa(), 0, 0
    def __init__(s, arg):
        s.p = int(arg)
        if not ecc.os.path.exists('db%d'%s.p): ecc.os.makedirs('db%d'%s.p)        
        while (True):
            c = input()
            if   c == "u": s.update()                          # -> download from backend
            elif c == "g": s.stopgo()                          # -> stop/go
            elif c == "s" and s.go == False: print(s.status()) # -> display status if stop
            elif reg(re.match('^(\d\d)$', c)): s.pay(c)
            elif len(c) > 24 and len(c) < 90: s.update(c)      # -> try upload to backend
            else: print('command not valid')

    def pay(s, c):
        s.price = int(c)
        print ('PAY:%d' % s.price)
    def status(s):
        exposed = {}
        print ('Balance %d' % s.balance)
        if ecc.os.path.isfile('db%d/exposed'%s.p):
            with dbm.open('db%d/exposed'%s.p) as b:
                for x in b.keys(): exposed[x] = (datdecode(b[x][:4]), ecc.b2i(b[x][-1:]))
            with dbm.open('db%d/hear'%s.p) as b:
                for x in [y for y in b.keys() if y in exposed]:
                    return 'risk level %s %d' % (exposed[x][0], exposed[x][1])
        return 'ok'

    def stopgo(s):
        print ("go/stop")
        s.go = not s.go

    def getid(s, phone, dest):
        if s.price>0:
            print ('PAYED %d to %s' % (s.price, dest))
            s.balance -= s.price
        return ecc.i2b(phone%256) + secrets.token_bytes(10) + dest + ecc.i2b(s.price)
    def client(s):
        m, n, i = s.getid(s.p, ecc.i2b(0, 4)), now(), 0
        t = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        with dbm.open('db%d/say'%s.p, 'c') as b: # said ids
            while (True):
                if s.go and (now() - n >= TICK):
                    n, i = now(), i + 1
                    if s.price > 0: i = 0
                    if not i % EPOC:
                        dest = ecc.i2b(0, 4)
                        if s.current in s.cts: dest = s.cts[s.current][1:5]
                        m = s.getid(s.p, dest)
                        s.price = 0
                    z = s.say[m]+1 if m in s.say else 0
                    # lattitude/longitude if captured (data stay on the phone!)
                    lt, lo = ecc.i2b(random.randint(0, 100), 2), ecc.i2b(random.randint(0, 100), 2)
                    s.say[m], b[m] = z, ecc.i2b(n, 4) + ecc.i2b(z, 4) + lt + lo
                    s.current = m
                    for x in [y for y in range(MAXC) if s.p!=BASP+y]: t.sendto(m, (HOST, BASP+x))
    def dump(s, b):
        f = open('db%d/dump'%s.p, 'bw') 
        for i in b.keys(): f.write(i) # contacts
        for c in s.cts: f.write(c[:-1] + ecc.i2b(ecc.b2i(c[-1:]) + 0x10)) # contacts-contacts

    def short(s, m):
        if m and len(m)>6: return m[:2] + m[-4:]
        return m
    def server(s):
        t, n, buf, sdest = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM), now(), {}, ecc.i2b(0, 4)
        t.bind((HOST, s.p))
        while (True):
            m = t.recvfrom(1024)[0]
            if now() - n <= 4: buf[m] = True
            else: n, buf = now(), {}
            z, dest, price = s.ear[m]+1 if m in s.ear else 0, m[-5:-1], ecc.b2i(m[-1:])
            if s.current: s.cts[s.current] = m
            print (len(s.cts), s.short(m), z, len(buf), s.short(s.current))
            if price > 0 and sdest != dest:
                print ('RECEIVE %d' % price)
                s.balance += price
                sdest = dest                
            with dbm.open('db%d/hear'%s.p, 'c') as b: # heard ids
                s.ear[m], b[m] = z, ecc.i2b(now(), 4) + ecc.i2b(z, 4) 

    def update(s, c=''):
        if c == '':
            print ('Update from backend')
            r = requests.post(URLB)
            print ('Try to upload to backend with code\n%s' %c)
            r = requests.post(URLB, files = {'file': open("db%d/dump"%s.p, "rb")}, data = {'c': c})
        with open('db%d/exposed'%s.p, 'wb') as f:
            for chk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): 
                if chk: f.write(chk)