Exemplo n.º 1
    def start_instance(self, key_name, public_key_path, private_key_path,
                       security_group, flavor, image_id, image_userdata,
                       username=None, node_name=None, **kwargs):
        """Starts a new instance on the cloud using the given properties.
        The following tasks are done to start an instance:

        * establish a connection to the cloud web service
        * check ssh keypair and upload it if it does not yet exist. This is
          a locked process, since this function might be called in multiple
          threads and we only want the key to be stored once.
        * check if the security group exists
        * run the instance with the given properties

        :param str key_name: name of the ssh key to connect
        :param str public_key_path: path to ssh public key
        :param str private_key_path: path to ssh private key
        :param str security_group: firewall rule definition to apply on the
        :param str flavor: machine type to use for the instance
        :param str image_id: image type (os) to use for the instance
        :param str image_userdata: command to execute after startup
        :param str username: username for the given ssh key, default None

        :return: str - instance id of the started instance

        log.debug("Checking keypair `%s`.", key_name)
        with OpenStackCloudProvider.__node_start_lock:
            self._check_keypair(key_name, public_key_path, private_key_path)

        log.debug("Checking security group `%s`.", security_group)

        # Check if the image id is present.
        images = self._get_images()
        if image_id not in [img.id for img in images]:
            raise ImageError("No image found with id '%s' on cloud "
                             "%s" % (image_id, self._os_auth_url))

        # Check if the flavor exists
        flavors = [fl for fl in self._get_flavors() if fl.name == flavor]
        if not flavors:
            raise FlavorError("No flavor found with name %s on cloud "
                              "%s" % (flavor, self._os_auth_url))
        flavor = flavors[0]

        nics = None
        if 'network_ids' in kwargs:
            nics=[{'net-id': netid.strip(), 'v4-fixed-ip': ''} for netid in kwargs['network_ids'].split(',') ]
            log.debug("Specifying networks for vm %s: %s",
                      node_name, str.join(', ', [nic['net-id'] for nic in nics]))

        vm = self.client.servers.create(
            node_name, image_id, flavor, key_name=key_name,
            security_groups=[security_group], userdata=image_userdata,

        self._instances[vm.id] = vm

        return vm.id
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _find_image_id(self, image_id):
        Finds an image id to a given id or name.
        if not self._images:
            connection = self._connect()
            self._images = connection.get_all_images()

        image_id_cloud = None
        for i in self._images:
            if i.id == image_id or i.name == image_id:
                image_id_cloud = i.id

        if image_id_cloud:
            return image_id_cloud
            raise ImageError(
                "Could not find given image id `%s`" % image_id)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _get_image_url(self, image_id):
        """Gets the url for the specified image. Unfortunatly this only works
        for images uploaded by the user. The images provided by google will
        not be found.

        :param str image_id: image identifier
        :return: str - api url of the image
        gce = self._connect()
        filter = "name eq %s" % image_id
        request = gce.images().list(project=self._project_id, filter=filter)
        response = self._execute_request(request)
        response = self._wait_until_done(response)

        image_url = None
        if "items" in response:
            image_url = response["items"][0]["selfLink"]

        if image_url:
            return image_url
            raise ImageError("Could not find given image id `%s`" % image_id)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def start_instance(self,
        """Starts a new instance on the cloud using the given properties.
        The following tasks are done to start an instance:

        * establish a connection to the cloud web service
        * check ssh keypair and upload it if it does not yet exist. This is
          a locked process, since this function might be called in multiple
          threads and we only want the key to be stored once.
        * check if the security group exists
        * run the instance with the given properties

        :param str key_name: name of the ssh key to connect
        :param str public_key_path: path to ssh public key
        :param str private_key_path: path to ssh private key
        :param str security_group: firewall rule definition to apply on the
        :param str flavor: machine type to use for the instance
        :param str image_id: image type (os) to use for the instance
        :param str image_userdata: command to execute after startup
        :param str username: username for the given ssh key, default None

        :return: str - instance id of the started instance

        vm_start_args = {}

        log.debug("Checking keypair `%s` ...", key_name)
        with OpenStackCloudProvider.__node_start_lock:
            self._check_keypair(key_name, public_key_path, private_key_path)
        vm_start_args['key_name'] = key_name

        security_groups = [sg.strip() for sg in security_group.split(',')]
        vm_start_args['security_groups'] = security_groups

        # Check if the image id is present.
        if image_id not in [img.id for img in self._get_images()]:
            raise ImageError(
                "No image found with ID `{0}` in project `{1}` of cloud {2}".
                format(image_id, self._os_tenant_name, self._os_auth_url))
        vm_start_args['userdata'] = image_userdata

        # Check if the flavor exists
        flavors = [fl for fl in self._get_flavors() if fl.name == flavor]
        if not flavors:
            raise FlavorError(
                "No flavor found with name `{0}` in project `{1}` of cloud {2}"
                .format(flavor, self._os_tenant_name, self._os_auth_url))
        flavor = flavors[0]

        network_ids = [
            for net_id in kwargs.pop('network_ids', '').split(',')
        if network_ids:
            nics = [{
                'net-id': net_id,
                'v4-fixed-ip': ''
            } for net_id in network_ids]
            log.debug("Specifying networks for node %s: %s", node_name,
                      ', '.join([nic['net-id'] for nic in nics]))
            nics = None
        vm_start_args['nics'] = nics

        if 'boot_disk_size' in kwargs:
            # check if the backing volume is already there
            volume_name = '{name}-{id}'.format(name=node_name, id=image_id)
            if volume_name in [v.name for v in self._get_volumes()]:
                raise ImageError(
                    "Volume `{0}` already exists in project `{1}` of cloud {2}"
                    .format(volume_name, self._os_tenant_name,

            log.info('Creating volume `%s` to use as VM disk ...', volume_name)
                bds = int(kwargs['boot_disk_size'])
                if bds < 1:
                    raise ValueError('non-positive int')
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "Invalid `boot_disk_size` specified:"
                    " should be a positive integer, got {0} instead".format(
            volume = self.cinder_client.volumes.create(

            # wait for volume to come up
            volume_available = False
            while not volume_available:
                for v in self._get_volumes():
                    if v.name == volume_name and v.status == 'available':
                        volume_available = True
                sleep(1)  # FIXME: hard-coded waiting time

            # ok, use volume as VM disk
            vm_start_args['block_device_mapping'] = {
                # FIXME: is it possible that `vda` is not the boot disk? e.g. if
                # a non-paravirtualized kernel is being used?  should we allow
                # to set the boot device as an image parameter?

        # due to some `nova_client.servers.create()` implementation weirdness,
        # the first three args need to be spelt out explicitly and cannot be
        # conflated into `**vm_start_args`
        vm = self.nova_client.servers.create(node_name, image_id, flavor,

        # allocate and attach a floating IP, if requested
        if self.request_floating_ip:
            # We need to list the floating IPs for this instance
                # python-novaclient <8.0.0
                floating_ips = [
                    ip for ip in self.nova_client.floating_ips.list()
                    if ip.instance_id == vm.id
            except AttributeError:
                floating_ips = self.neutron_client.list_floatingips(id=vm.id)
            # allocate new floating IP if none given
            if not floating_ips:
                self._allocate_address(vm, network_ids)

        self._instances[vm.id] = vm

        return vm.id