Exemplo n.º 1
def demonstration(conf='default.conf'):      
    Need to develop a new demo
    from eoldas_Lib import eoldas_setup
    from os import getcwd
    from eoldas_ParamStorage import ParamStorage

    options = ParamStorage()
    options.here = getcwd()
    options.logdir = 'logs'
    options.logfile = "logfile.log"
    options.datadir = ['.','~/.eoldas']
    #self = eoldas_setup('default.conf',options)            
    #return self        
    return True
Exemplo n.º 2
def demonstration():
    from eoldas_State import State
    from eoldas_ParamStorage import ParamStorage
    import numpy as np
    # a basic set up for State, setting names & bounds etc
    options = ParamStorage()
    options.logfile = 'test/data_type/logs/log.dat'
    options.names = \
       'gamma xlai xhc rpl xkab scen xkw xkm xleafn xs1 xs2 xs3 xs4 lad'.split()
    options.bounds = [[0.01,None],\
                      [0.0, 4.],\
                      [0.0, 5.],\
                      [None, None],\
                      [None, None],\
                      [None, None]]
    options.default = -1.0*np.ones(len(options.names))
    options.location = 'time'.split()
    options.control = 'mask vza vaa sza saa'.split()
    options.datadir = ['.','test/data_type']

    name = "eoldas_data_type test 0"
    options.limits = [[170,365,1]]

    self = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    # Now we set some state data        
    this = ParamStorage()
    # how many state vector elements should there be?
    n_states = len(self.Name.state)       
    self.state  = np.ones([100,n_states])
    self.Data.sd = np.ones([1,n_states])
    self.Name.sd = self.Name.state
    print '******************'
    print (self.Data.sd,self.Name.sd)

    this.data = ParamStorage() 
    this.name = ParamStorage() 
    this.data.state = self.state *2
    controls = self.Name.control
    n_controls = len(controls)
    this.data.control = np.ones([100,n_controls])
    this.data.location = np.ones([100,n_controls])

    # we can load x_state from a ParamStorage
    self.state = this
    # now we should see the control data etc.

    # change a dataset name to see if that works:
    # should load everything as numpy arrays
    self.Name.control = np.array(['vza','sza'])

    # change a dataset to see if that works .. deliberately load a bad one
    self.Data.control = 0

    # now try a direct state data load
    self.state = np.zeros([100,100])+5.
    # which will load into self.Data.state

    self['state'] = np.zeros([100,100])+6.
    #now try accessing it:
    print self.state

    # change the control info
    self.Name.control = np.array(['vza'])
    print self.Name.control

    # reset it 
    self.state = self.state * 2
    print self.state
    # now try reading a file into state
    self.state = 'test/data_type/input/test.brf'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a BRDF file'
    print '========'
    # written as a pickle
    name = "eoldas_data_type test 1"
    del self
    self1 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    # read from pickle
    self1.state = 'test/data_type/output/test.pickle'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a pickle file'
    print '========'
    # try to load an npx file
    del self1
    options.location = 'time row col'.split()
    options.limits = [[170,365,1],[0,500,1],[200,200,1]]

    self2 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    self2.state = 'test/data_type/input/interpolated_data.npz'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a npz file'
    print '========'
    # write as BRDF-UCL
    del self2
    self3 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    # then test the reader
    self3.state = 0.
    self3.state = 'test/data_type/output/test.brf'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a BRDF-UCL file'
    print '========'
    print '========'
    # then write as a PARAMETERS file
    del self3
    options.location = 'time row col'.split()
    options.limits = [[170,365,1],[0,500,1],[200,200,1]]
    options.control = np.array(['mask','vza','vaa','sza','saa']) 
    self4 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    # then test the reader
    self4.state = 0.
    self4.state = 'test/data_type/output/test.param'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a PARAMETERS file'
    print '========'
    print '========'
Exemplo n.º 3
def demonstration():
    from eoldas_State import State
    from eoldas_ParamStorage import ParamStorage
    import numpy as np

    # a basic set up for State, setting names & bounds etc
    options = ParamStorage()
    options.logfile = 'test/data_type/logs/log.dat'
    options.names = \
       'gamma xlai xhc rpl xkab scen xkw xkm xleafn xs1 xs2 xs3 xs4 lad'.split()
    options.bounds = [[0.01,None],\
                      [0.0, 4.],\
                      [0.0, 5.],\
                      [None, None],\
                      [None, None],\
                      [None, None]]
    options.default = -1.0 * np.ones(len(options.names))
    options.location = 'time'.split()
    options.control = 'mask vza vaa sza saa'.split()
    options.datadir = ['.', 'test/data_type']

    name = "eoldas_data_type test 0"
    options.limits = [[170, 365, 1]]

    self = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\

    # Now we set some state data
    this = ParamStorage()
    # how many state vector elements should there be?
    n_states = len(self.Name.state)
    self.state = np.ones([100, n_states])
    self.Data.sd = np.ones([1, n_states])
    self.Name.sd = self.Name.state

    print '******************'
    print(self.Data.sd, self.Name.sd)

    this.data = ParamStorage()
    this.name = ParamStorage()
    this.data.state = self.state * 2
    controls = self.Name.control
    n_controls = len(controls)
    this.data.control = np.ones([100, n_controls])
    this.data.location = np.ones([100, n_controls])

    # we can load x_state from a ParamStorage
    self.state = this
    # now we should see the control data etc.

    # change a dataset name to see if that works:
    # should load everything as numpy arrays

    self.Name.control = np.array(['vza', 'sza'])

    # change a dataset to see if that works .. deliberately load a bad one
    self.Data.control = 0

    # now try a direct state data load
    self.state = np.zeros([100, 100]) + 5.
    # which will load into self.Data.state

    self['state'] = np.zeros([100, 100]) + 6.
    #now try accessing it:
    print self.state

    # change the control info
    self.Name.control = np.array(['vza'])
    print self.Name.control

    # reset it
    self.state = self.state * 2
    print self.state
    # now try reading a file into state
    self.state = 'test/data_type/input/test.brf'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a BRDF file'
    print '========'
    # written as a pickle
    self.write('test/data_type/output/test.pickle', None, fmt='pickle')
    name = "eoldas_data_type test 1"
    del self
    self1 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    # read from pickle
    self1.state = 'test/data_type/output/test.pickle'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a pickle file'
    print '========'
    # try to load an npx file
    del self1
    options.location = 'time row col'.split()
    options.limits = [[170, 365, 1], [0, 500, 1], [200, 200, 1]]

    self2 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    self2.state = 'test/data_type/input/interpolated_data.npz'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a npz file'
    print '========'
    # write as BRDF-UCL
    self2.write('test/data_type/output/test.brf', None, fmt='BRDF-UCL')
    del self2
    self3 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    # then test the reader
    self3.state = 0.
    self3.state = 'test/data_type/output/test.brf'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a BRDF-UCL file'
    print '========'
    print '========'
    # then write as a PARAMETERS file
    self3.write('test/data_type/output/test.param', None, fmt='PARAMETERS')
    del self3
    options.location = 'time row col'.split()
    options.limits = [[170, 365, 1], [0, 500, 1], [200, 200, 1]]
    options.control = np.array(['mask', 'vza', 'vaa', 'sza', 'saa'])
    self4 = State(options,datatype='y',name=name,datadir=\
    # then test the reader
    self4.state = 0.
    self4.state = 'test/data_type/output/test.param'
    print '========'
    print 'data from a PARAMETERS file'
    print '========'
    print '========'