Exemplo n.º 1
    def computeRankMetrics(self, X, Y, indexList, bestLearners, standardiserY, labelIndex):
        #Some code to do ranking using the learner predictors
        i = 0
        rankMetrics = numpy.zeros((len(indexList), self.boundsList[labelIndex].shape[0]-1))
        for idxtr, idxts in indexList:
            logging.info("Iteration " + str(i))

            trainX, testX = X[idxtr, :], X[idxts, :]
            trainY, testY = Y[idxtr], Y[idxts]

            bestLearners[i].learnModel(trainX, trainY)
            predY = bestLearners[i].predict(testX)

            #Now output 3 sets of ranked scores
            predY = standardiserY.unstandardiseArray(predY)
            testY = standardiserY.unstandardiseArray(testY)

            YScores = MetabolomicsUtils.scoreLabels(predY, self.boundsList[labelIndex])
            YIndList = MetabolomicsUtils.createIndicatorLabel(testY, self.boundsList[labelIndex])

            for j in range(self.boundsList[labelIndex].shape[0]-1):
                rankMetrics[i, j] = Evaluator.auc(YScores[:, j], YIndList[j])
            i += 1


        return rankMetrics
Exemplo n.º 2
    def meanAUC(self, predY, testY, labelIndex, standardiserY):
        predY = standardiserY.unstandardiseArray(predY)
        testY = standardiserY.unstandardiseArray(testY)

        YScores = MetabolomicsUtils.scoreLabels(predY, self.boundsList[labelIndex])
        YIndList = MetabolomicsUtils.createIndicatorLabel(testY, self.boundsList[labelIndex])

        rankMetrics = numpy.zeros(self.boundsList[labelIndex].shape[0]-1)

        for j in range(rankMetrics.shape[0]):
            rankMetrics[j] = Evaluator.auc(YScores[:, j], YIndList[j])

        return numpy.mean(rankMetrics)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testScoreLabel(self):#
        numExamples = 10 
        Y = numpy.random.rand(numExamples)

        bounds = numpy.array([0, 0.2, 0.8, 1.0])

        YScores = MetabolomicsUtils.scoreLabels(Y, bounds)

        inds1 = numpy.argsort(Y)
        inds2 = numpy.argsort(YScores[:, 0])
        inds3 = numpy.argsort(YScores[:, -1])

        inds4 = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(Y - 0.5))
        inds5 = numpy.argsort(YScores[:, 1])

        self.assertTrue((inds1 == inds3).all())
        self.assertTrue((inds1 == numpy.flipud(inds2)).all())
        self.assertTrue((inds4 == numpy.flipud(inds5)).all())

        #Test we don't get problems when Y has the same values
        Y = numpy.ones(numExamples)
        YScores = MetabolomicsUtils.scoreLabels(Y, bounds)

        self.assertTrue((YScores == numpy.ones((Y.shape[0], 3))).all())