def saveStats(args):
    i, theta, startDate, endDate, recordStep = args 
    resultsFileName = outputDir + "SimStats" + str(i) + ".pkl"
        with open(resultsFileName) as f: pass
    except IOError as e:
        featureInds= numpy.ones(targetGraph.vlist.getNumFeatures(), numpy.bool)
        featureInds[HIVVertices.dobIndex] = False 
        featureInds[HIVVertices.infectionTimeIndex] = False 
        featureInds[HIVVertices.hiddenDegreeIndex] = False 
        featureInds[HIVVertices.stateIndex] = False 
        featureInds = numpy.arange(featureInds.shape[0])[featureInds]        
        matcher = GraphMatch("PATH", alpha=0.5, featureInds=featureInds, useWeightM=False)
        graphMetrics = HIVGraphMetrics2(targetGraph, 1.0, matcher, float(endDate))        
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = HIVModelUtils.simulate(thetaArray[i], startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, graphMetrics)
        times, vertexArray, removedGraphStats = HIVModelUtils.generateStatistics(graph, startDate, endDate, recordStep)
        stats = times, vertexArray, removedGraphStats, graphMetrics.dists, graphMetrics.graphDists, graphMetrics.labelDists
        Util.savePickle(stats, resultsFileName)
    def profileSimulate(self):
        startDate, endDate, recordStep, printStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
        meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta()
        meanTheta = numpy.array([337,        1.4319,    0.211,     0.0048,    0.0032,    0.5229,    0.042,     0.0281,    0.0076,    0.0293])

        undirected = True
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)"Created graph: " + str(graph))
        alpha = 2
        zeroVal = 0.9
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates)
        logging.debug("MeanTheta=" + str(meanTheta))

        ProfileUtils.profile('model.simulate()', globals(), locals())
Exemplo n.º 3
def findDerivative(args):
    pertScale, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph, seed = args
    meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()  
    epsilon = 5.0
    undirected = True
    alpha = 2
    zeroVal = 0.9
    p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
    graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
    featureInds= numpy.ones(graph.vlist.getNumFeatures(), numpy.bool)
    featureInds[HIVVertices.dobIndex] = False 
    featureInds[HIVVertices.infectionTimeIndex] = False 
    featureInds[HIVVertices.hiddenDegreeIndex] = False 
    featureInds[HIVVertices.stateIndex] = False
    featureInds = numpy.arange(featureInds.shape[0])[featureInds]
    matcher = GraphMatch("PATH", alpha=0.5, featureInds=featureInds, useWeightM=False)    
    abcParams = HIVABCParameters(meanTheta, sigmaTheta, pertScale)
    newTheta = abcParams.perturbationKernel(meanTheta)
    undirected = True
    graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
    graphMetrics = HIVGraphMetrics2(targetGraph, epsilon, matcher, float(endDate))
    graphMetrics.breakDist = 1.0     
    hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
    rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
    model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates, T=float(endDate), T0=float(startDate), metrics=graphMetrics)
    times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(True)
    return abs(0.7 - graphMetrics.distance())/numpy.linalg.norm(newTheta-meanTheta)
from apgl.predictors.ABCSMC import ABCSMC

import logging
import sys
import numpy
import multiprocessing

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:root:%(process)d:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/toy/" 
startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams()
epsilonArray = numpy.ones(10)*0.4
logging.debug("Total time of simulation is " + str(endDate-startDate))

posteriorSampleSize = 30
breakDist = 0.5
logging.debug("Posterior sample size " + str(posteriorSampleSize))

def createModel(t):
    The parameter t is the particle index. 
    undirected = True
    graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
    alpha = 2
Exemplo n.º 5
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVModelUtils import HIVModelUtils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

This is the epidemic model for the HIV spread in cuba. We try to get more bisexual 

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=100)

startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
endDate = startDate + 10000
meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta()
meanTheta = numpy.array([ 50,        0.5131,    0.3242,    0.1,    0.0001,    0.0,  325,        0.34,      0.001,     0.1,     0.1,    0.1])
outputDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/"

undirected = True
graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)"Created graph: " + str(graph))

alpha = 2
zeroVal = 0.9
p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())

rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
Exemplo n.º 6
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVEpidemicModel import HIVEpidemicModel
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVRates import HIVRates
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVModelUtils import HIVModelUtils

This is the epidemic model for the HIV spread in cuba. We repeat the simulation a number
of times and average the results. The purpose is to test the ABC model selection 
by using a known value of theta. 

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=100)

startDate, endDate, recordStep, M = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams(False)
endDate += HIVModelUtils.toyTestPeriod

numRepetitions = 1
undirected = True
outputDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/toy/"
theta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta() 

graphList = []

for j in range(numRepetitions):
    graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
    logging.debug("Created graph: " + str(graph))

    alpha = 2
from apgl.predictors.ABCSMC import ABCSMC

import logging
import sys
import numpy
import multiprocessing

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:root:%(process)d:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/real/" 
startDate, endDates, numRecordSteps, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    numProcesses = int(sys.argv[1])
    numProcesses = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

posteriorSampleSize = 20
breakDist = 0.4
logging.debug("Posterior sample size " + str(posteriorSampleSize))

for i, endDate in enumerate(endDates): 
    logging.debug("="*10 + "Starting new simulation batch" + "="*10) 
    logging.debug("Total time of simulation is " + str(endDate-startDate))    
    epsilonArray = numpy.ones(15)*0.4
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testSimulate2(self):    
        startDate = 0.0 
        endDate = 100.0 
        M = 1000 
        meanTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.estimatedRealTheta()
        undirected = True
        graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
        alpha = 2
        zeroVal = 0.9
        p = Util.powerLawProbs(alpha, zeroVal)
        hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
        meanTheta[4] = 0.1        
        recordStep = 10 
        printStep = 10
        rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
        model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates, endDate, startDate)
        initialInfected = graph.getInfectedSet()
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(True)
        #Now test the final graph 
        edges = graph.getAllEdges()
        for i, j in edges:
            if graph.vlist.V[i, HIVVertices.genderIndex] == graph.vlist.V[j, HIVVertices.genderIndex] and (graph.vlist.V[i, HIVVertices.orientationIndex] != or graph.vlist.V[j, HIVVertices.orientationIndex] != 
        finalInfected = graph.getInfectedSet()
        finalRemoved = graph.getRemovedSet()
        self.assertEquals(numpy.intersect1d(initialInfected, finalRemoved).shape[0], len(initialInfected))
        #Test case where there is no contact  
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)

        self.assertEquals(len(graph.getInfectedSet()), 100)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph.getRemovedSet()), 0)
        self.assertEquals(graph.getNumEdges(), 0)
        heteroContactRate = 0.1
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, 0, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph.getInfectedSet()), 100)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph.getRemovedSet()), 0)
        edges = graph.getAllEdges()
        for i, j in edges:
            self.assertNotEqual(graph.vlist.V[i, HIVVertices.genderIndex], graph.vlist.V[j, HIVVertices.genderIndex]) 
        #Number of conacts = rate*people*time
        infectedSet = graph.getInfectedSet()
        numHetero = (graph.vlist.V[list(infectedSet), HIVVertices.orientationIndex] == HIVVertices.hetero).sum()
        self.assertTrue(abs(numHetero*endDate*heteroContactRate- model.getNumContacts()) < 100)
        heteroContactRate = 0.01
        meanTheta = numpy.array([100, 0.95, 1, 1, 0, 0, heteroContactRate, 0, 0, 0, 0], numpy.float)
        times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph, model = runModel(meanTheta)
        infectedSet = graph.getInfectedSet()
        numHetero = (graph.vlist.V[list(infectedSet), HIVVertices.orientationIndex] == HIVVertices.hetero).sum()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numHetero*endDate*heteroContactRate/100, model.getNumContacts()/100.0, 0)      
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from apgl.graph.GraphStatistics import GraphStatistics 
from apgl.util.PathDefaults import PathDefaults
from apgl.util.Util import Util 
from apgl.util.Latex import Latex 
from apgl.predictors.ABCSMC import loadThetaArray 
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVModelUtils import HIVModelUtils
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVVertices import HIVVertices
from exp.sandbox.GraphMatch import GraphMatch
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVGraphMetrics2 import HIVGraphMetrics2

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)
startDate, endDates, numRecordSteps, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.realSimulationParams()
plotStyles = ['k-', 'kx-', 'k+-', 'k.-', 'k*-']
saveResults = False 
graphStats = GraphStatistics()

N = 8
t = 0
maxT = 20

#We plot some stats for the ideal simulated epidemic 
#and those epidemics found using ABC. 
def saveStats(args):
    i, theta, startDate, endDate, recordStep = args 
    resultsFileName = outputDir + "SimStats" + str(i) + ".pkl"
from apgl.predictors.ABCSMC import loadThetaArray 
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVModelUtils import HIVModelUtils
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVVertices import HIVVertices
from exp.sandbox.GraphMatch import GraphMatch
from exp.viroscopy.model.HIVGraphMetrics2 import HIVGraphMetrics2

assert False, "Must run with -O flag"

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4, linewidth=150)

plotStyles = ['k-', 'kx-', 'k+-', 'k.-', 'k*-']

resultsDir = PathDefaults.getOutputDir() + "viroscopy/toy/theta/"
outputDir = resultsDir + "stats/"
startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams()
endDate += HIVModelUtils.toyTestPeriod

saveResults = False 
graphStats = GraphStatistics()

N = 16 
t = 0
maxT = 10

realTheta, sigmaTheta = HIVModelUtils.toyTheta()

minVal = 10 

for i in range(maxT): 
    thetaArray, distArray = loadThetaArray(N, resultsDir, i)
Exemplo n.º 11
    graph = HIVGraph(M, undirected)
    graphMetrics = HIVGraphMetrics2(targetGraph, epsilon, matcher, float(endDate))
    graphMetrics.breakDist = 1.0     
    hiddenDegSeq = Util.randomChoice(p, graph.getNumVertices())
    rates = HIVRates(graph, hiddenDegSeq)
    model = HIVEpidemicModel(graph, rates, T=float(endDate), T0=float(startDate), metrics=graphMetrics)
    times, infectedIndices, removedIndices, graph = model.simulate(True)
    return abs(0.7 - graphMetrics.distance())/numpy.linalg.norm(newTheta-meanTheta)

startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph = HIVModelUtils.toySimulationParams()

numReps = 8
pertScales = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2]
derivatives = numpy.zeros((numReps, len(pertScales)))

for j, pertScale in enumerate(pertScales): 
    paramList = []
    for i in range(numReps): 
        paramList.append((pertScale, startDate, endDate, recordStep, M, targetGraph, i))
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())               
    resultIterator =, paramList)  
    #resultIterator = map(findDerivative, paramList)  